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486 lines (356 loc) · 19.3 KB

File metadata and controls

486 lines (356 loc) · 19.3 KB

Core Data migrations

This file documents changes in the data model. Please explain any changes to the data model as well as any custom migrations.

WordPress 97

@aerych 2020-06-17

  • All stats entities were reviewed for consistency of Optional settings for strings and dates and default values for scalar numerical fields.
  • Categories entity updated to make numeric fields scalar and non-optional.

WordPress 96

@Gio2018 2020-06-12

  • Add fileds supportPriority, supportName and nonLocalizedShortname to the Plan entity for Zendesk integration.

WordPress 94

@guarani 2019-11-28

  • AbstractPost added autosaveIdentifier (nullable NSNumber) property.

WordPress 93

@guarani 2019-10-27

  • AbstractPost added autosaveTitle (nullable String), autosaveExcerpt (nullable String), autosaveContent (nullable String), and autosaveModifiedDate (nullable Date) properties.

WordPress 92

@jklausa 2019-08-19

  • AbstractPost: Addded a confirmedChangesHash (nullable String) and confirmedChangesTimestamp (nullable Date) properties.

@leandroalonso 2019-09-27

  • AbstractPost: Added autoUploadAttemptsCount (Int 16, default 0) property.

@shiki 2019-10-04

-AbstractPost: Added statusAfterSync property (nullable, String).

  • Adds a custom migration for both Post and Page entities. The migration copies the values of status to statusAfterSync. This is done via the WordPress-91-92.xcmappingmodel.

WordPress 91

@aerych 2019-10-15

  • WPAccount added primaryBlogID property.

WordPress 90

@diegoreymendez 2019-08-28

  • Media added autoUploadFailureCount property.

WordPress 89

@scoutharris 2019-08-xx

  • Added FileDownloadsStatsRecordValue entity.

WordPress 88

@danielebogo 2019-07-24

  • AccountSettings added usernameCanBeChanged property to store a bool value.

@etoledo 2019-07-19

  • Blog: Added mobileEditor and webEditor properties

WordPress 87

@klausa 2019-02-15

  • Added following entities:
  • StatsRecordValue

  • StatsRecord

  • AllTimeStatsRecordValue

  • AnnualAndMostPopularTimeStatsRecordValue

  • ClicksStatsRecordValue

  • CountryStatsRecordValue

  • FollowersStatsRecordValue

  • LastPostStatsRecordValue

  • PublicizeConnectionStatsRecordValue

  • ReferrerStatsRecordValue

  • SearchResultsStatsRecordValue

  • StreakInsightStatsRecordValue

  • StreakStatsRecordValue

  • TagsCategoriesStatsRecordValue

  • TopCommentedPostStatsRecordValue

  • TopCommentsAuthorStatsRecordValue

  • TopViewedAuthorStatsRecordValue

  • TopViewedPostStatsRecordValue

  • TopViewedVideoStatsRecordValue

  • VisitsSummaryStatsRecordValue

WordPress 86

@aerych 2018-12-08

  • Added Plan, PlanGroup, and PlanFeature entities and properties.

WordPress 85

@danielebogo 2018-11-12

  • Added BlogAuthor to store the data of a blog author.
  • Blog added authors property to store a set of BlogAuthor.

WordPress 84

@jklausa / @pinarol 2018-11-01

  • Blog added a hasDomainCredit property to see whether user can redeem their credit for a free domain.

WordPress 83

@danielebogo 2018-10-30

  • Renamed RevisionDiffAbstractValue, RevisionDiffContentValue, RevisionDiffTitleValue to DiffAbstractValue, DiffContentValue, DiffTitleValue.
  • Set DiffAbstractValue as abstract entity which was omitted from model 82.
  • Replaced relationship property name on DiffContentValue and DiffTitleValue from relationship to revisionDiff.
  • Set DiffAbstractValue as parent entity of DiffContentValue which was omitted from model 82.
  • Replaced properties name on DiffAbstractValue from operation to diffOperation and type to diffType.
  • Added property index on DiffAbstractValue to store the right index position within the set.

WordPress 82

@danielebogo 2018-10-26

  • AbstractPost added revisions property to store the revisions IDs.
  • Added Revision, to store the data of a post revision, like title, content, date.
  • Added RevisionDiff to store the data for a revision diff, like the amount of additions or deletions and the revision id it refers to.
  • Added RevisionDiffAbstractValue, RevisionDiffContentValue, RevisionDiffTitleValue: these will store the type of change and the operation type.

WordPress 81

@nheagy 2018-09-26

  • Replaced QuickStartCompletedTour with QuickStartTourState with completed and skipped attributes

WordPress 80

  • @danielebogo 2018-08-31
  • Post added isStickyPost property to mark posts as sticky.

WordPress 79

  • @frosty 2018-08-15
  • Re-added PublicizeService.externalUsersOnly property from model 77, which was omitted from model 78.

WordPress 78

  • @nheagy 2018-07-25
  • Added QuickStartCompletedTour for tracking completed Quick Start tours

WordPress 77

  • @aerych 2018-07-27
  • PublicizeService added externalUsersOnly (bool) property. A new field returned by the API.

WordPress 76

  • @frosty 2018-05-16
  • ReaderPost added isSavedForLater property to mark posts as saved to read later.

WordPress 75

  • @astralbodies 2018-05-15

  • Media corrected featuredOnPosts relationship to reference AbstractPost instead of Post.

  • @frosty 2018-04-25

  • AccountSettings added tracksOptOut property, used to store the user's current preference for opting out of analytics tracking.

  • @danielebogo 2018-04-23

  • ReaderSiteInfoSubscriptionPost and ReaderSiteInfoSubscriptionEmail added to store site notifications subscription data.

  • ReaderSiteTopic added postSubscription and emailSubscription properties as relationships to ReaderSiteInfoSubscriptionPost and ReaderSiteInfoSubscriptionEmail.

WordPress 74

  • @sergioestevao 2018-04-18
  • AbstractPost added featuredImage a relationship to Media for the media featured in a post and removed 'post_thumbnail' that used to store a Int with the mediaID information.

WordPress 73

  • @sergioestevao 2018-03-05
  • ``BlogaddedquotaSpaceAllowed` and 'quotaSpaceUsed' that stores a Int64, long number with quota information for the site.

WordPress 72

  • @sergioestevao 2018-02-07
  • ``Mediaaddederror` Transformable property that stores a NSError object that resulted from a failed import or upload.

WordPress 71

  • @elibud 2018-02-02
  • BlogSettings added jetpackLazyLoadImages and jetpackServeImagesFromOurServers Bool properties.

WordPress 70

  • @koke 2018-01-16
  • BlogSettings added gmtOffset Decimal property, and timeZoneString String property. Store the timezone settings.

WordPress 69

  • @ctarda 2017-11-27
  • PostTag added tagDescription string property and postCount integer property. Store an optional description and the number of posts a tag has been used in.

WordPress 68

  • @elibud 2017-12-12
  • BlogSettings added the following string properties: dateFormat, timeFormat, startOfWeek, the following boolean properties ampSupported, ampEnabled and an int_32 postsPerPage property.

WordPress 67

  • @3vangelos 2017-09-26
  • Media added alt string property. Stores the information for an html alt tag for images.

WordPress 66

  • @elibud 2017-08-17
  • BlogSettings added the following Jetpack security settings properties: jetpackMonitorEnabled, jetpackMonitorEmailNotifications, jetpackMonitorPushNotifications, jetpackBlockMaliciousLoginAttempts, jetpackSSOEnabled, jetpackSSOMatchAccountsByEmail, jetpackSSORequireTwoStepAuthentication boolean, default NO and jetpackLoginWhiteListedIPAddresses string set property.

WordPress 65

  • @elibud 2017-08-02
  • Theme added themeUrl string property.

WordPress 64

  • @elibud 2017-08-02
  • Theme added custom boolean property. Default NO.

WordPress 63

  • @koke 2017-07-31
  • Role added with slug, name, blog.
  • Blog added roles relationship.

WordPress 62

  • @koke 2017-07-21
  • Blog removed jetpackAccount
  • WPAccount removed jetpackBlogs
  • @koke 2017-07-19
  • Blog added userID Int64 property. Stores the current user ID.

WordPress 61

  • @kurzee 2017-06-16
  • Media added localThumbnailIdentifier string property. Stores the locally generated thumbnail identifier.

WordPress 60

  • @elibud 2017-05-31
  • BlogSettings added iconMediaID int_32 property. Stores the mediaID of the site's icon.

WordPress 59

  • @kurzee 2017-05-04
  • MenuItem added classes property.
  • @elibud 2017-04-26
  • BasePost added suggested_slug property.

WordPress 58

  • @elibud 2017-04-06
  • Blog added hasPaidPlan boolean property. Default NO. Not optional.

WordPress 57

  • @kurzee 2017-03-16
  • Media removed orientation property.
  • Media removed progress property.

WordPress 56

  • @jleandroperez 2017-02-22
  • BasePost removed mt_text_more property
  • @koke 2017-02-10
  • Account added emailVerified property.
  • @elibud 2017-02-02
  • Post added optional disabledPublicizeConnections transformable property.
  • Post added optional publicizeMessage and publicizeMessageID string properties.

WordPress 55

  • @aerych 2016-12-21
  • ReaderPost renamed preserveForRestoration to "inUse"
  • ReaderAbstractTopic renamed preserveForRestoration to "inUse"

WordPress 54

  • @aerych 2016-12-08
  • ReaderPost added preserveForRestoration boolean. Indexed. Default NO. Not optional.

WordPress 53

  • @jleandroperez 2016-10-27
  • Notification added notificationHash property.
  • @jleandroperez 2016-10-19
  • Notification removed simperiumKey property.
  • Notification removed ghostData property.
  • Notification added notificationId property.
  • Removed Meta entity.

WordPress 52

  • @koke 2016-09-28
  • Added ReaderTeamTopic entity.

WordPress 51

  • @aerych 2016-08-12
  • Added algorithm optional string field to ReaderAbstractTopic.
  • Added railcar optional NSData field to ReaderPost.
  • @aerych 2016-08-05
  • Removed ReaderSite entity.
  • @aerych 2016-07-19
  • ReaderAbstractTopic added preserveForRestoration boolean. Indexed. Default NO. Not optional.

WordPress 50

  • @aerych 2016-06-24
  • ReaderSiteTopic added feedURL string property
  • @jleandroperez 2016-06-20
  • Person added creationDate attribute.
  • @jleandroperez 2016-06-21
  • Person removed isFollower property.
  • Person added kind Int16 attribute.
  • @aerych 2016-06-09
  • Moved dateModified property from BasePost to AbstractPost
  • @aerych 2016-05-26
  • Added ReaderSearchSuggestion entity. Represents a search in the reader.
  • @aerych 2016-05-31
  • Added dateModified property to BasePost model.
  • @aerych 2016-05-23
  • ReaderPost added score.
  • ReaderPost added sortRank. It is not optional so the default of 0 is enforced.

WordPress 49

  • @frosty 2016-05-17
  • Added Domain entity. Represents a domain belonging to a site.
  • Blog added new relationship domains. An unordered set of Domains for the blog.
  • @jleandroperez 2016-05-13
  • Person updated siteID to Int64.
  • Person updated userID to Int64.
  • Person added Boolean isFollower.
  • @frosty 2016-05-12
  • Blog added String planTitle.
  • @aerych 2016-05-12
  • Added ReaderSearchTopic entity. Represents a search in the reader.
  • @jleandroperez 2016-05-04
  • Person added Int64 linkedUserID.
  • @jleandroperez 2016-04-22
  • Blog added transformable capabilities.

WordPress 48

  • @sergioestevao 2016-04-05
  • Media added new integer attribute postID to store the post to where the media is attached to.
  • @kurzee 2016-04-08
  • Menu changing menuId attribute to menuID as a int_32 number instead of string.
  • MenuItem changing itemId attribute to itemID as an int_32 number instead of string.
  • MenuItem changing contentId attribute to contentID as an int_64 number instead of string.
  • @jleandroperez 2016-04-11
  • AccountSettings added new string emailPendingAddress. Whenever it's not nil, contains the new User's Email Address.
  • AccountSettings added new bool emailPendingChange. Indicates whether there's a pending Email change, or not.

WordPress 47 (@kurzee 2016-03-07)

  • Post added new string attribute postType to store the associated string type of a Post entity.
  • Added PostType entity. Represents a post type and its info.
  • Blog added new relationship postTypes to store PostType entities for a site.

WordPress 46 (@aerych 2016-01-29)

  • BlogSettings added string sharingButtonStyle. Stores style to use for sharing buttons.
  • BlogSettings added string sharingLabel. Stores the text to show in the sharing label.
  • BlogSettings added string sharingTwitterName. Stores the username used when sharing to Twitter.
  • BlogSettings added bool sharingCommentLikesEnabled. Whether comments display a like button.
  • BlogSettings added bool sharingDisabledLikes. Whether posts display a like button.
  • BlogSettings added bool sharingDisabledReblogs. Whether posts display a reblog button.
  • BlogSettings added integer languageID. Stores the Blog's Language ID.
  • Added SharingButton entity. Represents a buton for sharing content to a third-party service.
  • Blog added new relationship sharingButtons. An unordered set of ShareButtons for the blog.

WordPress 45 (@kurzee 2016-01-15)

  • Added Menu entity. Encapsulates the data and relationships for customizing a site menu.
  • Added MenuItem entity. Encapsulates the navigation item data belonging to a Menu.
  • Added MenuLocation entity. Encapsulates a site/theme location that a Menu can occupy.
  • Added PostTag entity. Encapsulates a site's tag taxonomy.
  • Blog added new relationship called menus. Persisting associated Menus for a site.
  • Blog added new relationship called menuLocations. Persists associated MenuLocations available for a site.
  • Blog added new relationship called tags. Persisting associated PostTags for a site.
  • Blog added new integer64 attribute planID to store a blog's current plan's product ID.

WordPress 44 (@aerych 2016-01-11)

  • Added PublicizeService entity. Represents third-party services available to Publicize
  • Added PublicizeConnection entity. Represents a connection between a blog and a third-party Publicize service.
  • Blog added a new relationship called connections. These are the PublicizeConnections for the blog.

WordPress 43 (@aerych 2015-12-07)

  • ReaderPost added new integer64 called feedID to store a post's feed ID if it exists.
  • ReaderPost added new integer64 called feedItemID to store a post's feed item ID if it exists.

(@koke 2015-11-23)

  • Added new entity AccountSettings
  • Account has now a new one-to-one relationship mapping to AccountSettings

(@alexcurylo 2015-11-26)

  • Theme added new string attributes author and authorUrl to store a theme's author information
  • Theme added new boolean attribute purchased to store a premium theme's purchased status

WordPress 42 (@jleandroperez 2015-11-06)

Changes to the data model:

  • Added new entity: BlogSettings, to encapsulate all of the Blog Settings
  • Blog has now a new one-to-one relationship mapping to BlogSettings
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.blogName over to
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.blogTagline over to BlogSettings.tagline
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.defaultCategoryID over to BlogSettings.defaultCategoryID
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.defaultPostFormat over to BlogSettings.defaultPostFormat
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.geolocationEnabled over to BlogSettings.geolocationEnabled
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.privacy over to BlogSettings.privacy
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.relatedPostsAllowed over to BlogSettings.relatedPostsAllowed
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.relatedPostsEnabled over to BlogSettings.relatedPostsEnabled
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.relatedPostsShowHeadline over to BlogSettings.relatedPostsShowHeadline
  • Migrated the attribute Blog.relatedPostsShowThumbnails over to BlogSettings.relatedPostsShowThumbnails

WordPress 41 (@jleandroperez 2015-11-23)

  • field has been updated to Integer 64

WordPress 40 (@alexcurylo 2015-10-14)

Changes to the data model:

  • Theme added a new string attribute called demoUrl to store a theme's demo site address
  • Theme added a new string attribute called price to store a premium theme's price display string
  • Theme added a new string attribute called stylesheet to store identifier used to construct helper links
  • Theme added a new number attribute called order to store the display order retrieved by
  • Added new entity Person

(@aerych 2015-11-09)

  • Added new entity ReaderCrossPostMeta
  • ReaderPost added new relationship called crossPostMeta to store the source post ID of a cross-post.

WordPress 39 (@sergioestevao 2015-09-09)

  • Blog added a new boolean attribute called relatedPostsAllowed to store the related setting on the site;
  • Blog added a new boolean attribute called relatedPostsEnabled to store the related setting on the site;
  • Blog added a new boolean attribute called relatedPostsShowHeadline to store the related setting on the site;
  • Blog added a new boolean attribute called relatedPostsShowThumbnails to store the related setting on the site;

WordPress 38 (@sergioestevao 2015-08-21)

Changes to the data model:

  • Blog added a new number attribute called privacy to store the privacy setting on the site
  • ReaderPost added new string fields for blavatar, primaryTag, and primaryTagSlug
  • ReaderPost added new integer fields for wordCount, and readingTime
  • ReaderPost added new boolean fields for isExternal, and isJetpack
  • ReaderPost removed fields dateCommentsSynced, and storedComment
  • Added new entities: ReaderAbstractTopic, ReaderTagTopic, ReaderListTopic, ReaderDefaultTopic, ReaderSiteTopic, ReaderGapMarker.
  • Edited obsolete mapping model: SafeReaderTopicToReaderTopic
  • Removes obsolete ReaderTopic model

WordPress 37 (@sergioestevao 2015-08-01)

Changes to the data model:

  • Blog added a new number attribute called defaultCategoryID to store the default category id for new posts on the site
  • Blog added a new string attribute called defaultPostFormat to store the default post format for new posts on the site

WordPress 36 (@sergioestevao 2015-07-08)

Changes to the data model:

  • Blog added a new attribute called blogTagline to store the tagline of a site
  • Abstract Post se the default value for metaPublishImmediately attribute to yes
  • BasePost set the default value for the status attribute to "publish"
  • Account added a displayName attribute (@koke)

WordPress 35 (@sergioestevao 2015-07-08)

Changes to the data model:

  • Media added a new attribute called localThumbnailURL to store the url of a thumbnail on the server, specially relevant for videos

WordPress 34 (@sergioestevao 2015-06-20)

  • Media added a new attribute called remoteThumbnailURL to store the url of a thumbnail on the server, specially relevant for videos

WordPress 33 (@koke 2015-06-12)

Changes to the data model:

  • Account loses the isWpcom attribute. Only accounts are stored in Core Data now
  • Blog.account is now optional
  • Account loses the xmlrpc attribute, as they will all be the same XML-RPC endpoint.
  • Self hosted username is stored in Blog.username now, and it's no longer transient.
  • Removed isJetpack attribute
  • Added isHostedAtWPcom attribute

Migration details:

  • Only Account objects where isWpcom == YES will be migrated, added a predicate filter to the mapping model
  • Blog has a custom migration policy to calculate isHostedAtWPcom and username