This folder contains the Bicep template mlz.bicep
for deploying Mission Landing Zone. See the Deployment Guide for Bicep for detailed instructions on how to use the template.
Parameter name | Required | Description |
resourcePrefix |
Yes | A prefix, 3-10 alphanumeric characters without whitespace, used to prefix resources and generate uniqueness for resources with globally unique naming requirements like Storage Accounts and Log Analytics Workspaces |
resourceSuffix |
No | A suffix, 3 to 6 characters in length, to append to resource names (e.g. "dev", "test", "prod", "mlz"). It defaults to "mlz". |
hubSubscriptionId |
No | The subscription ID for the Hub Network and resources. It defaults to the deployment subscription. |
identitySubscriptionId |
No | The subscription ID for the Identity Network and resources. It defaults to the deployment subscription. |
operationsSubscriptionId |
No | The subscription ID for the Operations Network and resources. It defaults to the deployment subscription. |
sharedServicesSubscriptionId |
No | The subscription ID for the Shared Services Network and resources. It defaults to the deployment subscription. |
location |
No | The region to deploy resources into. It defaults to the deployment location. |
deploymentNameSuffix |
No | A suffix to use for naming deployments uniquely. It defaults to the Bicep resolution of the "utcNow()" function. |
tags |
No | A string dictionary of tags to add to deployed resources. See for valid settings. |
hubVirtualNetworkAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Virtual Network Address Prefix for the Hub Virtual Network. |
hubSubnetAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Subnet Address Prefix for the default Hub subnet. It must be in the Hub Virtual Network space. |
firewallClientSubnetAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Subnet Address Prefix for the Azure Firewall Subnet. It must be in the Hub Virtual Network space. It must be /26. |
firewallManagementSubnetAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Subnet Address Prefix for the Azure Firewall Management Subnet. It must be in the Hub Virtual Network space. It must be /26. |
identityVirtualNetworkAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Virtual Network Address Prefix for the Identity Virtual Network. |
identitySubnetAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Subnet Address Prefix for the default Identity subnet. It must be in the Identity Virtual Network space. |
operationsVirtualNetworkAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Virtual Network Address Prefix for the Operations Virtual Network. |
operationsSubnetAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Subnet Address Prefix for the default Operations subnet. It must be in the Operations Virtual Network space. |
sharedServicesVirtualNetworkAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Virtual Network Address Prefix for the Shared Services Virtual Network. |
sharedServicesSubnetAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Subnet Address Prefix for the default Shared Services subnet. It must be in the Shared Services Virtual Network space. |
firewallSkuTier |
No | [Standard/Premium/Basic] The SKU for Azure Firewall. It defaults to "Premium". |
firewallThreatIntelMode |
No | [Alert/Deny/Off] The Azure Firewall Threat Intelligence Rule triggered logging behavior. Valid values are "Alert", "Deny", or "Off". The default value is "Alert". |
firewallIntrusionDetectionMode |
No | [Alert/Deny/Off] The Azure Firewall Intrusion Detection mode. Valid values are "Alert", "Deny", or "Off". The default value is "Alert". |
firewallDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Firewall Diagnostic Logs categories to collect. See "" for valid values. |
firewallDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Firewall Diagnostic Metrics categories to collect. See "" for valid values. |
firewallClientSubnetServiceEndpoints |
No | An array of Service Endpoints to enable for the Azure Firewall Client Subnet. See for valid settings. |
firewallClientPublicIPAddressAvailabilityZones |
No | An array of Azure Firewall Public IP Address Availability Zones. It defaults to empty, or "No-Zone", because Availability Zones are not available in every cloud. See for valid settings. |
firewallManagementSubnetServiceEndpoints |
No | An array of Service Endpoints to enable for the Azure Firewall Management Subnet. See for valid settings. |
firewallManagementPublicIPAddressAvailabilityZones |
No | An array of Azure Firewall Public IP Address Availability Zones. It defaults to empty, or "No-Zone", because Availability Zones are not available in every cloud. See for valid settings. |
firewallSupernetIPAddress |
No | Supernet CIDR address for the entire network of vnets, this address allows for communication between spokes. Recommended to use a Supernet calculator if modifying vnet addresses |
publicIPAddressDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Public IP Address Diagnostic Logs for the Azure Firewall. See for valid settings. |
publicIPAddressDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Public IP Address Diagnostic Metrics for the Azure Firewall. See for valid settings. |
hubVirtualNetworkDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Network Diagnostic Logs to enable for the Hub Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
hubVirtualNetworkDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Network Diagnostic Metrics to enable for the Hub Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
hubNetworkSecurityGroupRules |
No | An array of Network Security Group Rules to apply to the Hub Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
hubNetworkSecurityGroupDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Network Security Group diagnostic logs to apply to the Hub Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
hubNetworkSecurityGroupDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Network Security Group Metrics to apply to enable for the Hub Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
hubSubnetServiceEndpoints |
No | An array of Service Endpoints to enable for the Hub subnet. See for valid settings. |
identityVirtualNetworkDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Network Diagnostic Logs to enable for the Identity Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
identityVirtualNetworkDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Network Diagnostic Metrics to enable for the Identity Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
identityNetworkSecurityGroupRules |
No | An array of Network Security Group Rules to apply to the Identity Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
identityNetworkSecurityGroupDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Network Security Group diagnostic logs to apply to the Identity Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
identityNetworkSecurityGroupDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Network Security Group Metrics to apply to enable for the Identity Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
identitySubnetServiceEndpoints |
No | An array of Service Endpoints to enable for the Identity subnet. See for valid settings. |
operationsVirtualNetworkDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Network Diagnostic Logs to enable for the Operations Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
operationsVirtualNetworkDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Network Diagnostic Metrics to enable for the Operations Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
operationsNetworkSecurityGroupRules |
No | An array of Network Security Group rules to apply to the Operations Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
operationsNetworkSecurityGroupDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Network Security Group diagnostic logs to apply to the Operations Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
operationsNetworkSecurityGroupDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Network Security Group Diagnostic Metrics to enable for the Operations Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
operationsSubnetServiceEndpoints |
No | An array of Service Endpoints to enable for the Operations subnet. See for valid settings. |
sharedServicesVirtualNetworkDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Network Diagnostic Logs to enable for the SharedServices Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
sharedServicesVirtualNetworkDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Network Diagnostic Metrics to enable for the SharedServices Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
sharedServicesNetworkSecurityGroupRules |
No | An array of Network Security Group rules to apply to the SharedServices Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
sharedServicesNetworkSecurityGroupDiagnosticsLogs |
No | An array of Network Security Group diagnostic logs to apply to the SharedServices Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
sharedServicesNetworkSecurityGroupDiagnosticsMetrics |
No | An array of Network Security Group Diagnostic Metrics to enable for the SharedServices Virtual Network. See for valid settings. |
sharedServicesSubnetServiceEndpoints |
No | An array of Service Endpoints to enable for the SharedServices subnet. See for valid settings. |
deploySentinel |
No | When set to "true", enables Microsoft Sentinel within the Log Analytics Workspace created in this deployment. It defaults to "false". |
logAnalyticsWorkspaceCappingDailyQuotaGb |
No | The daily quota for Log Analytics Workspace logs in Gigabytes. It defaults to "-1" for no quota. |
logAnalyticsWorkspaceRetentionInDays |
No | The number of days to retain Log Analytics Workspace logs. It defaults to "30". |
logAnalyticsWorkspaceSkuName |
No | [Free/Standard/Premium/PerNode/PerGB2018/Standalone] The SKU for the Log Analytics Workspace. It defaults to "PerGB2018". See for valid settings. |
logStorageSkuName |
No | The Storage Account SKU to use for log storage. It defaults to "Standard_GRS". See for valid settings. |
deployRemoteAccess |
No | When set to "true", provisions Azure Bastion Host and virtual machine jumpboxes. It defaults to "false". |
bastionHostSubnetAddressPrefix |
No | The CIDR Subnet Address Prefix for the Azure Bastion Subnet. It must be in the Hub Virtual Network space "hubVirtualNetworkAddressPrefix" parameter value. It must be /27 or larger. |
bastionHostPublicIPAddressAvailabilityZones |
No | The Azure Bastion Public IP Address Availability Zones. It defaults to "No-Zone" because Availability Zones are not available in every cloud. See for valid settings. |
linuxVmAdminUsername |
No | The administrator username for the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "azureuser". |
linuxVmAuthenticationType |
No | [sshPublicKey/password] The authentication type for the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "password". |
linuxVmAdminPasswordOrKey |
No | The administrator password or public SSH key for the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. See for password requirements. |
linuxVmSize |
No | The size of the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "Standard_B2s". |
linuxVmOsDiskCreateOption |
No | The disk creation option of the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "FromImage". |
linuxVmOsDiskType |
No | The disk type of the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "Standard_LRS". |
linuxVmImagePublisher |
No | The image publisher of the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "Canonical". |
linuxVmImageOffer |
No | The image offer of the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "UbuntuServer". |
linuxVmImageSku |
No | The image SKU of the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "18.04-LTS". |
linuxVmImageVersion |
No | The image version of the Linux Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "latest". |
linuxNetworkInterfacePrivateIPAddressAllocationMethod |
No | [Static/Dynamic] The public IP Address allocation method for the Linux virtual machine. It defaults to "Dynamic". |
windowsVmAdminUsername |
No | The administrator username for the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "azureuser". |
windowsVmAdminPassword |
No | The administrator password the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It must be > 12 characters in length. See for password requirements. |
windowsVmSize |
No | The size of the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "Standard_DS1_v2". |
windowsVmPublisher |
No | The publisher of the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "MicrosoftWindowsServer". |
windowsVmOffer |
No | The offer of the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "WindowsServer". |
windowsVmSku |
No | The SKU of the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "2019-datacenter". |
windowsVmVersion |
No | The version of the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "latest". |
windowsVmCreateOption |
No | The disk creation option of the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "FromImage". |
windowsVmStorageAccountType |
No | The storage account type of the Windows Virtual Machine to Azure Bastion remote into. It defaults to "StandardSSD_LRS". |
windowsNetworkInterfacePrivateIPAddressAllocationMethod |
No | [Static/Dynamic] The public IP Address allocation method for the Windows virtual machine. It defaults to "Dynamic". |
deployPolicy |
No | When set to "true", deploys the Azure Policy set defined at by the parameter "policy" to the resource groups generated in the deployment. It defaults to "false". |
policy |
No | [NIST/IL5/CMMC] Built-in policy assignments to assign, it defaults to "NIST". IL5 is only available for AzureUsGovernment and will switch to NIST if tried in AzureCloud. |
deployDefender |
No | When set to "true", enables Microsoft Defender for Cloud for the subscriptions used in the deployment. It defaults to "false". |
emailSecurityContact |
No | Email address of the contact, in the form of |
You can use the AZ CLI or PowerShell to retrieve the output values from a deployment, or you can use the Azure Portal to view the output values. See the Referencing Deployment Output section in the Deployment Guide for Bicep.
When the output is saved as a json document from the Azure CLI, these are the paths in the document to all the values. (The [0..2]
notation indicates an array with three elements.)