SciPy has a function called optimize.newton
that is an implementation of the Newton-Raphson root finding algorithm. If we pass
both fprime
and fprime2
arguments (first and second derivatives) it uses
Halley's method. Here we implement a more efficient but less general version of this
code using Numba and compare its performance with SciPy.
We find the root of
import functools
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from numba import njit
ngjit = functools.partial(njit, cache=True, nogil=True)
@ngjit("b1(f8, f8, f8, f8)")
def within_tol(x: float, y: float, atol: float, rtol: float) -> bool:
"""Check if two float numbers are within a tolerance."""
return bool(np.abs(x - y) <= atol + rtol * np.abs(y))
@ngjit("f8(f8, UniTuple(f8, 2))")
def func_main(theta: float, args: Tuple[float, float]) -> float:
"""The main function to find the root of."""
area, rad = args
return theta - np.sin(theta) - 2 * area / rad**2
def func_der1(theta: float) -> float:
"""The first derivative of the main function."""
return 1.0 - np.cos(theta)
def func_der2(theta: float) -> float:
"""The second derivative of the main function."""
return np.sin(theta)
@ngjit("f8(f8, UniTuple(f8, 2))")
def halley_solver(x0: float, args: Tuple[float, float]) -> float:
"""Find root of ``func_main`` using Halley's method."""
p0 = np.float64(x0)
tol = 1.48e-8
for _ in range(50):
fval = func_main(p0, args)
if within_tol(fval, 0.0, tol, 0.0):
return p0
fder = func_der1(p0)
if within_tol(fder, 0.0, tol, 0.0):
return float(np.inf)
newton_step = fval / fder
# Since second derivative is available we can modify
# the Newton-Raphson step based on Halley's method.
fder2 = func_der2(p0)
adj = 0.5 * newton_step * fder2 / fder
if np.abs(adj) < 1:
newton_step /= 1.0 - adj
p0 -= newton_step
return np.inf
The root of this function for
%timeit halley_solver(10000, (0.91, 2))
1.44 µs ± 1.45 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000,000 loops each)
Now, let's use optimize.newton
from scipy import optimize
def der1(theta: float, _) -> float:
"""The first derivative of the main function."""
return 1.0 - np.cos(theta)
def der2(theta: float, _) -> float:
"""The second derivative of the main function."""
return np.sin(theta)
%timeit optimize.newton(func_main, 10000, fprime=der1, fprime2=der2, args=((0.91, 2),))
1.12 ms ± 43.4 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)
The Numba version has almost x1000 performance improvement. I should note that the reason
that I didn't pass the functions as an argument to halley_solver
function is that you
cannot specify the Numba signatures explicitly. Technically you can choose to not pass
the signatures to ngjit
, but for getting the maximum performance I decided to pass them.