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209 lines (153 loc) · 6.09 KB

File metadata and controls

209 lines (153 loc) · 6.09 KB

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Insanely easy way to work with Android databases.

Official documentation can be found here - Check some examples below. The example application is provided in the example folder in the source.

Looking for contributors

We need contributors to help maintain this project, ask @satyan for repo permission

Otherwise you can use another ORM, like or


Sugar ORM was built in contrast to other ORM's to have:

  • A simple, concise, and clean integration process with minimal configuration.
  • Automatic table and column naming through reflection.
  • Support for migrations between different schema versions.


There are four ways to install Sugar:

As a Gradle dependency

This is the preferred way. Simply add:

compile 'com.github.satyan:sugar:1.5'

to your project dependencies and run gradle build or gradle assemble.

As a Maven dependency

Declare the dependency in Maven:


As a library project

Download the source code and import it as a library project in Eclipse. The project is available in the folder library. For more information on how to do this, read here.

As a jar

Visit the releases page to download jars directly. You can drop them into your libs folder and configure the Java build path to include the library. See this tutorial for an excellent guide on how to do this.

How to use master version

First, download sugar repository

git clone

include this in your settings.gradle

include ':app' // your module app
include ':sugar'

def getLocalProperty(prop) {
	Properties properties = new Properties()
	properties.load(new File(rootDir.absolutePath + '/').newDataInputStream())
	return properties.getProperty(prop, '')

project(':sugar').projectDir = new File(getLocalProperty('sugar.dir'))

include this in your


add sugar project to the dependencies of your main project (build.gradle)

dependencies {
    compile project(':sugar')

You should also comment this line just comment this line (library/build.gradle):

// apply from: '../maven_push.gradle'


After installing, check out how to set up your first database and models here Outdated. Check examples of 1.4 and master below:



public class Book extends SugarRecord {
  String isbn;
  String title;
  String edition;

  // Default constructor is necessary for SugarRecord
  public Book() {


  public Book(String isbn, String title, String edition) {
    this.isbn = isbn;
    this.title = title;
    this.edition = edition;


public class Book { ... }

Save Entity

Book book = new Book("isbn123", "Title here", "2nd edition");

or; // if using the @Table annotation 

Load Entity

Book book = Book.findById(Book.class, 1);

Update Entity

Book book = Book.findById(Book.class, 1);
book.title = "updated title here"; // modify the values
book.edition = "3rd edition";; // updates the previous entry with new values.

Delete Entity

Book book = Book.findById(Book.class, 1);


SugarRecord.delete(book); // if using the @Table annotation 

Update Entity based on Unique values

Book book = new Book("isbn123", "Title here", "2nd edition");

// Update book with isbn123
Book sameBook = new Book("isbn123", "New Title", "5th edition")

book.getId() == sameBook.getId(); // true


SugarRecord.update(sameBook); // if using the @Table annotation 

Bulk Insert

List<Book> books = new ArrayList<>();
books.add(new Book("isbn123", "Title here", "2nd edition"))
books.add(new Book("isbn456", "Title here 2", "3nd edition"))
books.add(new Book("isbn789", "Title here 3", "4nd edition"))

When using ProGuard

# Ensures entities remain un-obfuscated so table and columns are named correctly
-keep class com.yourpackage.yourapp.domainclasspackage.** { *; }

Known Issues.

1. Instant Run.

Instant-Run seems to prevent Sugar ORM from finding the "table" classes, therefore it cannot create the DB tables if you run the app for the first time

When running your app for the first time Turn off Instant run once to allow for the DB tables to be created You can enable it after the tables have been created.

To disable Instant-Run in Android Studio:

(Preferences (Mac) or Settings (PC) -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Instant Run -> Untick "Enable Instant Run..." )


Please fork this repository and contribute back using pull requests. Features can be requested using issues. All code, comments, and critiques are greatly appreciated.