A command line client for parsing and making folders and files for test cases using the competitive companion extension and testing the solution. Building this with an 🎯 aim of making Competitive Programming More Productive
Usage [As of development stage]:
Here is our discord server link - https://discord.gg/wzjyjyACuR
- I don't have much knowledge about wether the file operations should be synchronous or asynchronous.
- I'm trying to keep most of the (infact all of the) functions as synchronous.
- Parse the post request data from the extension
- Create files for the problems recieved
- Change the file creation into folder creation
- Make a template directory and copy the template
- Template Checklist:
- add the problem metadata on the top of the problem file
- add only the metadata if template not found
- Template Checklist:
- Create make file for each folder
- Makefile Checklist:
- run the program agains the test cases
- show the difference in a user readable format (chalk for node js coloring/ bash based coloring)
- Can we have a Makefile in a directory and then use that makefile for all the sub folders [ may be have smaller make files in each sub dir ] - Aim: memory efficient
- Makefile Checklist:
- Config files storing user preferences
- Ship a binary instead of running the commands using node js. Refer cftool for example (or atleast a npm package that can be installed globally)
Things to figure out (way above my head as of now):
- Running the js script from inside the problem directory
- May be use a hash bang
#/usr/bin/env node
and link the file tobin
- May be use a hash bang
- Making a npm package that can be installed globally ??
- Make an extension like
competitive companion
for codechef and codeforces - Submit the problem to cf from the cli.
- Network checklist:
- Check and understand the csrf token stuff
- Deep dive into the network tab
- Network checklist:
- If it is that the extension is developed incorporate usage of advanced DOM manipulations and web scraping and parsing and extend the extension to many other sites
- Aim to use the least dependencies and Especially not use a web framework and build the application using vanilla node js
- mkdirp - Will rewrite after studying more about path library and seperators and POSIX and NON POSIX URL Like paths
- Prefer having less dependencies to having less SLOC
- Donot involve complexities like using env variables at the start
- Think of cross platformeness later
- Make a working version and then focus on refactoring and abstraction
- PORT for listening to post requests from the extension: 10045
:#!/usr/bin/env node
- Watch Project Introduction Video
- Please first go through our Code Of Conduct and Contribution Guidelines
- single quotes
- tab width: 4
#Issue id For example - Embed a Makefile into each problem folder #10
- Please use following commit message template during working on assigned issue:
[Issue#Issueid]Summarize the change in less than 50 characters
- Explain the reasons you made this change
- Make a new bullet for each reason
- Each line should be under 72 characters
For example:
[Issue#10] Added Make File With Two Test Cases
- To start implementation of extra feature.
- In case of any concern and queries feel free to ping us in assigned discord channels.