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Maya API CPP Command Arguments


  1. Use MSyntax object to add and define all flag and arguments you need.
  2. Register a new syntax object.
  3. Use MArgDatabase or MArgParser to analisys user arguments.

Flag Limited and Rules

  1. Use MSyntax::addFlag to add new flag with 3 arguments
    short name(brief name), long name and argument type.
  2. The flag short name less than 4 character.
  3. The flag long name gather than 3 character.
  4. A flag can be multi-usage, if you call MSyntax::makeFlagMultiUse.
  5. A flag can be receive 6 parameter at most, They can be difference type.
  6. The special flag -e (-edit) and -q (-query) enable them use enableEdit and enableQuery.


Define argument have TWO ways : command argument and objects.

Command Arguments

  1. Use MSyntax::addArg to add a new command argument.

Objects Arguments

  1. Use MSyntax::setObjectType to add a new command argument.
  2. It can be define minimum and maximum on number of objects.
  3. Pass MSyntax::kStringObjects enum it no check object exists in the scene
    and get it as MStringArray.
  4. Pass MSyntax::kSelectionList enum it can check object exists in the scene
    and get it as MSelectionList.
  5. Pass MSyntax::kNone enum it have no any parameter.

Maya Command Structure

command (-edit|-query) -flag1 arg1 arg2 arg3 -flag2 arg1 arg2 arg3 argument;

Segments Description
command The command name identify.
-edit A special flag, could be represents edit mode.
-query A special flag, could be represents query mode.
-flag There are represent all flags and arguments.
argument That is a command argument at the end of command.
  • The flag can be multi-use if you set it to multi-usage.

Register Custom MSyntax to Define Custom Flags

Using MSyntax::addFlag and MSyntax::addArg

The MSyntax::addFlag can be add a new flag in command.
We need specific its type in 3rd argument by MSyntax's enum.
For example, We want to add a flag called "-f" and "-flag".
And it is a "string" type argument.

// In new syntax method.
stat = syntax.addFlag("-f", "-flag", MSyntax::kString);

The MSyntax::addArg can be add a new argument in command.
We need specific its type by MSyntax's enum.

// In new syntax method.
stat = syntax.addArg(MSyntax::kString);

If You Want Make User Selected Objects to Command Argument

// In new syntax method.

And you have to retrieve them from MArgDatabase::getObjects

// In parse method.
MSelectionList selectionList;
stat = parser.getObjects(selections);


MSyntax CustomCmd::newSyntax()
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
    MSyntax syntax;
    stat = syntax.addFlag("-a", "-argument", MSyntax::kString);
    if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
        return syntax;
    // Use MSyntax::makeFlagMultiUse(flag)
    stat = syntax.makeFlagMultiUse("-a");
    if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
        return syntax;
    return syntax

Parse your MArgList object

In CustomCmd::parseSyntax(const MArgList & argList)

Use MArgDatabase::numOfFlagUsed to Got How Many Specific Flag is Used

For example -
In below case, we wil get a integer "4", because we have 4 difference flags.

// In parse method
unsigned int num_of_flag_used = parser.numOfFlagUsed();
// In MEL
command -flagA 1 -flagB 2 -flagC 3 -flagD 4;

Use MArgDatabase::numOfFlagUses to Get How Many Flag Arguments Has Been Set

Attention : If you want use numOfFlagUses method to parse, You must set it to multi-usage

For example -
In below case, we will get a integer "3". because this flag is 3 times appears in command.

// In parse method
unsigned int num_of_flag_uses = parser.numOfFlagUses("-flagA");
// In MEL
command -flagA arg1 -flagA arg2 -flagA arg3;

Get flag's arguments

Use MArgParser::isFlagSet to check out the flag is set or not

if (parser.isFlagSet("-myflag"))
    // Do next...

Use isEdit and isQuery to check out -e and -q is set or not

Attention : If you want to use isEdit, you must use enableEdit in MSyntax
Attention : If you want to use isQuery, you must use enableQuery in MSyntax

if (parser.isEdit())
    // Do edit...
if (parser.isQuery())
    // Do query...

Use series of getFlagArgument to get flag arguments

Attention : getFlagArgument just available in C++

In this case, we get "abcdef".

// In c++
MStatus stat;
MString temp;
stat = parser.getFlagArgument("-flag", 0, temp);
// In mel
command -flag abcdef;

Use series of getCommandArgument to get command arguments

Attention : getCommandArgument just available in C++

In this case, we get "aaa".

// In c++
MStatus stat;
MString temp;
stat = parser.getCommandArgument(0, temp);
// In mel
command -flag abcdef "aaa";

Other MArgParser and MArgDatabase methods

The getFlagArgumentPosition can be get the position of specific flag.

// In cpp
unsigned int pos;
parser.getFlagArgumentPosition("-flagA", 0, pos);
// pos is get 0
parser.getFlagArgumentPosition("-flagA", 1, pos);
// pos is get 2
parser.getFlagArgumentPosition("-flagC", 0, pos);
// pos is get 6
// In mel
command -flagA abc -flagA efg -flagB 123 -flagC 456;
Position 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Segments -flagA abc -flagA efg -flagB 123 -flagC 456

Example in parseSyntax

MStatus CustomCmd::parseSyntax(const MArgList & argList)
    MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
    MArgDatabase parser(syntax(), argList, &stat);
    if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
        return stat;
    if (parser.isFlagSet("-a", &stat) && stat == MS::kSuccess) {
        unsigned int num_flag_used = parser.numOfFlagUses("-a");
        for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < num_flag_used ; i++) {
            MArgList flag_arg_list;
            stat = parser.getFlagArgumentList("-a", i, flag_arg_list);
            if (stat != MS::kSuccess) {
                MGlobal::displayError("Failed to get flag argument list : -a");
            } else {
                MString arg_str = flag_arg_list.asString(0, &stat);
                if (stat == MS::kSuccess) {
                    // Do something...