#include <maya/MPxFileTranslator.h>
class CustomTranslator : public MPxFileTranslator
// Declarations...
- bool haveNamespaceSupport() const;
- bool haveReferenceMethod() const;
- bool canBeOpened() const;
- MString filter() const;
- MString defaultExtension() const;
- bool haveReadMethod() const;
- bool haveWriteMethod() const;
You need to implement haveReadMethod
and reader
bool CustomFileTranslator::haveReadMethod() const
return true;
MStatus CustomFileTranslator::reader(
const MFileObject & fileObject,
const MString & options,
FileAccessMode mode)
// Reader implement...
You need to implement haveWriteMethod
and writer
bool CustomFileTranslator::haveWriteMethod() const
return true;
MStatus CustomFileTranslator::writer(
const MFileObject & fileObject,
const MString & options,
FileAccessMode mode)
// Writer implement...
There have three arguments in writer
and reader
const MFileObject & fileObject
-> the name of the file to write / read
const MString fileName = fileObject.fullName();
// Use std::ofstream in <fstream>
// In writer use std::ios::out flag.
// In reader use std::ios::in flag.
std::ofstream newFile(fileName.asChar(), std::ios::out);
// Check file is opened correctly.
if (!newFile)
MGlobal::displayError(filename + " could not be open.");
return MS::kFailure;
stat = newFile.setf(std::ios::unitbuf);
//... Implements
const MString & options
-> a string representation of any file options.
The options is a string, for example
All options separated by";"
, you have to split it by yourself.
struct TranslatorOptions
MString optionA;
MString optionB;
MString optionC;
void parseOptions(const MString options, TranslatorOptions & to)
MStringArray temp_option;
MStringArray option_list;
options.split(';', option_list);
for (int i = 0 ; i < option_list.length(); i++)
option_list[i].split('=', temp_option);
if (temp_option.length() < 2)
case "optionA":
to.optionA = temp_option[1];
case "optionB":
to.optionB = temp_option[1];
case "optionC":
to.optionC = temp_option[1];
FileAccessMode mode
-> the method used to write the file - save, export, or export active.
Enum | Description |
kUnknownAccessMode | This mode is set when no file operation is currently in progress. |
kOpenAccessMode | This mode is set when data is begin read into a new scene. |
kReferenceAccessMode | This mode is set when a referenced file is begin read. |
kImportAccessMode | This mode is set when data is begin read into the current scene. |
kSaveAccessMode | This mode is set when the user saves the file. |
kExportAccessMode | ...export all or a referenced file is being out. |
kExportActiveAccessMode | ...selected items are to be exported. |
Implement MPxTranslator::defaultExtension
For example, If you want the translator file's extension is *.raw
MString CustomFileTranslator::defaultExtension() const
return "raw";
Implement MPxFileTranslator::identifyFile
It have to return a enumerate - MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind
- Translator understands how to read / write this file.kCouldBeMyFileType
- Translator is not best available to read / write this file.kNotMyFileType
- Translator does not understand how to read / write this file.
MPxFileTranslator::MFileKind CustomTranslator::identifyFile(
const MFileObject & fileName,
const char * buffer,
short size) const
const MString kMagic("MAGIC");
MFileKind kind = kNotMyFileType;
// Use strncmp to compare magic and file buffer
int compare_result = strncmp(buffer, kMagic.asChar(), kMagic.length());
if(size >= (short)magic.length() && (0 == compare_result))
kind = kIsMyFileType;
return kind;
You can register a MEL procedure with a specific proc name.
For example :
Create a mel file called "customTranslatorOpts.mel"
In this mel file, we have a proc :
global proc int customTranslatorOpts(
string $parent,
string $action,
string $initialSettings,
string $resultCallback
// Description
// Parameters :
// $parent : The elf parent layout for this options layout, It is always a scrollLayout.
// $action : The action that is to be performed with this situation of this proc.
// "query" - construct the options.
// "post" - post all the elf controls.
// $initialSettings : The current options string.
// $resultCallback : This is the proc to be called with the result string.
// Return :
// 1 if successful.
// 0 otherwise.
int $result;
int $index;
string $currentOptions;
string $optionList[];
string optionSplitTemp[];
if ($action == "post")
// Set options layout here.
$result = 1;
else if ($action == "query")
// Set query here.
$result = 1;
return $result;
For other example, You can see objExport
options script in
By script, We could see options when Export Selected
or Export All
The MFnPlugin::registerFileTranslator
method have 7 parameters.
The first 3 parameters are required, others are could be ignored.
status = fnPlugin.registerFileTranslator(
Simple for this, just call MFnPlugin::deregisterFileTranslator
with name.
status = fnPlugin.deregisterFileTranslator(FileTranslatorName);
- polyRawExporter : ${Maya-Installation-Path}/devkit/plug-ins/polyRawExport/
- lepTranslator: ${Maya-Installation-Path}/devkit/plug-ins/lepTranslator/