#ifndef __CUSTOM_NODE_H
#define __CUSTOM_NODE_H
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
class CustomNode : public MPxNode
virtual ~MPxNode();
static void * creator();
static const char * kNodeName;
static MStatus initialize();
static MTypeId id;
MStatus compute(const MPlug &, MDataBlock &) override;
// Attributes
static MObject moInput;
static MObject moOutput;
// Attribute name
static const char * kInputSN;
static const char * kInputLN;
static const char * kOutputSN;
static const char * kOutputLN;
#endif /* __CUSTOM_NODE_H */
#include "customNode.h"
#include <maya/MPxNode.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MDataBlock.h>
#include <maya/MDataHandle.h>
#include <maya/MTypeId.h>
#include <maya/MFnNumericAttribute.h>
- Node name definition.
- Attribute name definitions.
const char * CustomNode::kNodeName= "customNode";
const char * CustomNode::kInputSN = "in";
const char * CustomNode::kInputLN = "input";
const char * CustomNode::kOutputSN= "out";
const char * CustomNode::kOutputLN= "output";
- Node Type Id definition.
- Id range is between 0x00000000 - 0x0007ffff.
MTypeId CustomNode::id(0x80012);
- Initialize attributes to NULL values.
MObject CustomNode::moInput;
MObject CustomNode::moOutput;
- Write a simple function to set input and output attributes.
MStatus make_input(MFnAttribute & attr)
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
stat = attr.setKeyable(true);
stat = attr.setStorable(true);
stat = attr.setReadable(true);
stat = attr.setWritable(true);
return stat;
MStatus make_output(MFnAttribute & attr)
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
stat = attr.setKeyable(false);
stat = attr.setStorable(false);
stat = attr.setReadable(true);
stat = attr.setWritable(false);
return stat;
- Constructor and Destructor.
- Creator - return this new instance.
void * CustomNode::creator()
return new CustomNode();
- Initialize your attributes - create, add and affects.
- The
is derived fromMFnAttribute
have many child class can be create attributes.
In general, we need to provide full and brief name. MPxNode::addAttribute
can be add attribute to this nodeMPxNode::attributeAffects()
can be specifies that a particular input
attribute affects a specific output attribute.
The output attribute cannot be keyable, if they are keyable, this method will fail.
MStatus Custom::initialize()
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
MFnNumericAttribute fnAttr;
// Create attributes by MFnNumericAttribute::create().
moInput = fnAttr.create(kInputLN, kInputSN, 0.0, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
MGlobal::displayError("Failed to create attribute : " + kInputLN);
return stat;
moOutput = fnAttr.create(kOutputLN, kOutputSN, 0.0, &stat);
if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
MGlobal::displayError("Failed to create attribute : " + kOutputLN);
return stat;
// Use MPxNode::addAttribute to add attributes.
// Use MPxNode::attributeAffects to make affects.
CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN_IT(attributeAffects(omInput, omOutput));
return stat;
is core of MPxNode, we have to implement it.- We must use
to get or set values.
MStatus CustomNode::compute(const MPlug & plug, MDataBlock &)
if (plug != omOutput)
return MS::kUnknownParameter;
MStatus stat;
// Create a data handle from input data block.
MDataHandle input_handle = data.inputValue(omInput, &stat);
// Create a data handle from output data block.
MDataHandle output_handle = data.outputValue(omOutput, &stat);
// Calculate your data.
float input_value = input_handle.asFloat();
// Make input value double.
float double_value = input_value * 2.0;
// Set output data value, and set clean.
return stat;
The Maya attribute is MObject
By default, attributes are :
- Readable.
- Writable.
- Connectable.
- Storable.
- Cached.
- Not keyable.
- Not hidden.
- Not used as colors.
- Not indeterminant.
- Not arrays.
- Have indices that matter.
- Do not use an array builder.
- Set to disconnect behavior kNothing.
If attribute is keyable and writable, it will be displayed in the channel box.
Class | Description |
MFnCompoundAttribute | set compound dependency node attributes. |
MFnEnumAttribute | enumerated attributes. |
MFnGenericAttribute | accept several types of data. |
MFnLightDataAttribute | set light data attribute. |
MFnMatrixAttribute | set matrix attributes. |
MFnMessageAttribute | set message attributes. |
MFnNumericAttribute | set numeric attributes. |
MFnTypedAttribute | set typed attributes. |
MFnUnitAttribute | fundamental types of Maya data. |
attributeQuery -node "pCubeShape1" -at "uvSet";
// Result: compound //
attributeQuery -node "file1" -at "filterType";
// Result : enum //
attributeQuery -node "file1" -at "coverage";
// Result: float2 //
Use MFnAttribute::setDisconnectBehavior
to set disconnection behavior
enum | Behavior |
kDelete | Delete array element(array attribute only) |
kReset | Reset the attribute to its default. |
kNothing | Do nothing to the attribute's value. |