- Maya .NET SDK is available in 64-bit only
- The version must upper than Maya 2013 Extension 2
- .NET 4.5 Framework or .NET 4.0 Framework
- Visual Studio 2012 with .NET 4.5 Framework
- Maya .NET API extension is .nll.dll
- $(MayaInstallationPath) : Your Maya installation directory
- $(MayaPluginPath) : Your Maya plug-ins directory
Start from C# Class Library
Other Languages -> Visual C# ->Class Library
Solution Properties
(Alt + Enter)
-> Reference Paths -> add$(MayaInstallationPath)/bin
Solution Explorer -> References -> Add Reference
Extensions -> Checkopenmayacs
Solution Properties
(Alt + Enter)
-> Build Events -> Post-build event command line
-> copy /Y "$(TargetPath)" "$(MayaPluginPath)$(TargetName).nll.dll"
using Autodesk.Maya.OpenMaya;