ZkStudyClub: Polynomial Commitments with Justin Drake pt. 2
- Introducing Sonic: A Practical zk-SNARK with a Nearly Trustless Setup
- Sonic: Zero-Knowledge SNARKs from Linear-Size Universal and Updatable Structured Reference Strings
- Sonic MPC implementation by Matter Labs
- Polynomial Commitments and Evaluation Proofs from Groups of Unknown Order
Given a polynomial commitment schemes from groups of unknown order,instantitate this with class groups, then will get transparent setup and a few other nice properties . Apply it with Sonic, then will result in something called SuperSonic. It's a trustless setup SNARK with log(n) proof size and log(n) verification, quasi-linear prover time + preprocessing, as well as 24 kb proof size for 1 million gate circuits.
- Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with Universal and Updatable SRS
- Marlin: One of the fastest snarks in the ocean
- Ignition: Trusted Setup MPC Ceremony for PLONK (planned October 2019)
- PLONK: Permutations over Lagrange-bases for Oecumenical Noninteractive arguments of Knowledge
- Understanding PLONK
Three flavours of general-purpose snarks:
- Powers of tau
generating and safely disposing of toxic waste used by Sonic and PLONK - FRI-based STARKs by STARKWARE
- RSA or class group Supersonic
Trade-offs between different options:
With updatable universal setups:
Sonic -
With non-updatable universal setups:
AuroraLight Hyrax Libra -
With transparent setups:
Fractal, Halo, Supersonic, Spartan,
Adcantages : Relies on common reference string, public ,no toxic waste.
Disadvantages : big proof size . -
prover time and verifier time
Universality for a polynomial commitment scheme :
- language-specific: a polynomial commitment only proves one language
Discussion of universal succintness:
- universal arguments,page 27
- needs future improments.
Definition of soundness:
- standard definition of special soundness:Interact arbitrarily with an update oracle to set the SRS
- interactive definition by Sonic,page 5
- given an initial one and update in one-shot fashion.
Discussion of security models and hardness assumptions : - updatable knowledge soundness,page 22
- KEA assumptions,page 18
Discussion of security and efficiency:
- Proof of security,page 23
- construct circuits of extraction,then prove it with satisfied properties.
enhance efficiency by applying "universal succintness".
Diving into setup phase
Transparent Setup(no trapdoor , no toxic waste ,entirely based on public randomness,create CRS)
universal Setup(toxic waste, create SRS , run once and generated keys can be re-used for all future circuits)