- More custom errors to handle S3 issues
Json field added to User schema, for user's preferencesmodifyPrefs
function added to Users Service, to modify a user's preferences- Added
to the redisService - New User service (
) that checks for a User by ID in cache, then falls back to database, otherwise returns aNotFoundError
- Notifications Module & schema
to handle all web socket connectivity (under Notifications Module)onStart()
lifecycle hook, loads all websocket connection ID's from database to cache
file now has Access Key and Secret Key provision for MinIO- BUCKET names modified to allow for a more "multi-tenancy" setup on MinIO
- Files module heavily modified to allow CRUD actions on S3 storage
- Files schema now accomodates metadata JSON type, and userProfileId changed to uploaderUserId
- Modified the way
is loaded in the mainindex.ts
, now using Elysia as a plugin, with "v1" prefix. _subscriptions
folder changed again, to_queues_
so as to not confuse it for User Subscriptions or WebSocketSubscriptions.- Implemented singleton pattern for ConnectionsManager, NotificationService, UsersService, AuthService
- Bun 1.2.0
- BullMQ fast and robust queue system, replacing Redis Pub/Sub
- Global header check to ensure the correct "X-Client-Type" is applied
folder is now_subscriptions
, and houses the BullMQ Queue system and Redis Event system- Event system (Redis Pub/Sub) kept for educational purposes but no longer implemented.
now in UsersService - returns a full User object WITHOUT password
from AuthService replaced by function of same name in UsersService.
- Bun 1.1.43
- Elysia, 1.2.10
- Prisma 6.2.1
- Rate limiter and message duplicate check to message sending service
- Subscription changing service function
- MessageService is now a singleton service, so is Wallets and Coupons services
- Elysia, 1.2.8 (big deal "minor update", reduces system memory usage by over half)
- Swagger, 1.2.0 Still seems to have a bug preventing the UI from loading (1.0.5 remains the goto version)
- Added Wallet, Coupons & Messaging modules (not yet production ready)
- Wallet module can be expanded to communicate with third-party wallet systems, currently this is only a "ledger"
- Coupons module allows discounts to be issued
- Messaging module sends messages/notifications to a User from the System or another User
- Refined Error handling with custom handlers in
folder - Event listeners via Redis Message Queuing
- auth middleware returns
object instead of a custom object, this allows the router responses to not throw errors anymore - Elysia 1.1.27 fixes the
hook to now properly handle global errors
header changed toX-Client-Type
- Elysia, 1.1.27
- Added MinIO for file storage (service must be running to use, just like database service)
- included
package andfiles
module for file related endpoints - included
image processing library for image manipulation, including overlaying of watermarks - added
to theconfig/consts.ts
file to manage image resolution and quality, fallbacks are hardcoded incase of missing values (also available in .env file) - Included Redis cache for quicker retrieval of commonly used data
- deviceIdentity now part of login process and sessions
- Session now tracks deviceIdentity (hashed) and IP address of User
route added to showcase data retrieval in Mobile App
- "JWTNAME" from
file removed, JWT token name now hardcoded into system - cookie name and jwt name now hardcoded into system for consistency
- Login auth is based on
header, 'JWT' for mobile app, 'Cookie' for Browser maintenanceMode
store now depends on environment variable for system availability, defaults to false
- Registering a new User now returns sanitized User object in "data" field of response
- JWT Users are now properly authCheckt
- Problematic else clause in
that caused the availability of an Authentication header to overthrow the authMethod
- OAuth2 provider
for testing purposes. endpoint/v1/auth/login/github
respectively, (requires OAuth2 secrets in .env file) - Arctic and Oslo packages added to assist with OAuth login by Lucia Auth v3
- New database table
for multiple OAuth login - User database object now takes
string input which is always the user's email (for now) - Registration screen for web browser (placeholder)
- Added
to the prisma config file to handle pagination on user requests - Added
to the newroot.models.ts
file to assist with pagination and search queries - Added Github Actions file to automatically build and push a linux/arm64 image to docker when a
git push
is performed on build branch
- mapResponse life-cycle now handles images, html, css & js files correctly
- Changes to
to accomodate the OAuth2 providers - Welcome screen and Login screen for browsers beautified
- testing Buffer functions over btoa() for base64 encoding/decoding
- DTO's no longer derive from
, as we need to "spread" them with the paginationOptions
- AuthService instantiation no longer throwing errors inside of parent Controllers. (changed controller functions to arrow functions)
- Elysia, 1.1.4
utility function to make it easier to create "summary" and "description" entries for swagger
- Dependency Injection method changed to allow for a more acceptable standard
- Dockerfile now uses
tag for latest slim version of Bun (lighter image) - Optimized customResponse middleware to also check for undefined responses
- Bun, v1.1.20
- Elysia, 1.1.2 (1.1.3 problematic)
- Swagger, 1.0.5 (1.1.0 problematic)
- Prisma 5.15.1 (5.17.0 problematic)
- OAuth2 implementation from AuthHandler, caused Docker build to crash (will be re-implemented in future)
- "directives' fix from
package was returned as Helmet v.2.0.0 seems to be incompatible with Swagger again - More recent SQL migration file
extension from@elysiajs/cron
to easily set time intervals in CRON- PrismaORM now allows for multi schema files (after v5.15.0). Name schema files accordingly and place them inside
folder e.g:./prisma/schema/users.prisma
, also update your VScode Prisma extension. Docs
- Default Docker internal network renamed to "api_net" and now uses 172.10.0.*/16 IPv4 addresses
- System default timezone changed to "Europe/London" if TZ value not present in .env file. Note: for Lusaka you can use "Africa/Harare"
- Moved JWT name to env file as JWTNAME
- DockerFile better optimized for smaller Docker builds
- "directives' fix from
package was fixed, no need for this anymore
- Bun, v1.1.18
- Elysia, 1.0.27
file for Docker/Docker Swarm
- DockerFile to now be able to build to Docker
plugins to serve assets + dynamic html filesLogestic v1.1.1
for loggingelysia-ip v1.0.5
to retrieve client IP
- Changed logger from internal to third-party,
- Root endpoint now returns a basic HTML file
- customResponse function now accomodates returning a file as a response, used to return HTML
- Bun, v1.1.8
- JWT authentication for frontend client.
- Authentication checking middleware "checkAuth" added to replace previous cookie middleware "checkCookieAuth".
- Prisma seeding function for required initial data such as global settings, roles, subscription plans e.tc..
- Separate "check" middleware (checkEmailVerified) for unverified User Account
- User Authentication now returns JWT token or Cookie - depending on request header "Authentication-Method".
- Naming convention for files changed to camelCase
- Response schema changed to t.Union() to accomodate middleware checks that prevent the return of a code 200 response
updated to v3.2.2
- fixed return type for User Profiles from "profiles" to global standard "data", and changed query name from "user" to "account"
- Added fixes to Dockerfile to work around the Prisma+Docker issues.
- docker-compose.yaml now has DATABASE_URL key, essential to database access
- Added Arctic package for OAuth
service to clean User object and strip password- Added .dockerignore file now that we have a docker file
- Added docker-compose.yaml file which includes PostgresDB and PGAdmin4 images
- Renamed and edited Dockerfile to standard Bun recommendation
- added "native" binaryTarget to Prisma Schema file to automatically detect host
- N/A
- Removed File service from Users service to slim down package
- Removed @grotto/logysia logging package to use @bogeychan/elysia-logger instead
- Added a small fix to helmet middleware, allowing swagger to work without issues as before.
- Swagger OpenAPI v1.0.4
- Lucia Auth v3.2.0 for user authentication using cookies (JWT also possible)
- Prisma ORM (v5.6.0) using PostgreSQL as database store
- Emailing authentication codes/links using Resend
- Session derive to better manipulate currently logged in User's account
- Response Transform, for a customised response object
- Open-sourced repo for Zambian Programmers + the world
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A