This project is not production ready and just shows how a template system for xaml could work
- Better reuse of components
- Inspired by the razor engine in core.
- Write less code!
- Mix C# and xaml to generate your view (think razor)
- Compatible with current xaml projects.
- Use as much or as little templates as needed
Additionally, I really hate writing
<Label Text="First Name"/>
<Entry Text="{Binding FirstName}"/>
<Label Text="Last Name"/>
<Entry Text="{Binding LastName}"/>
<Label Text="Age"/>
<Entry Text="{Binding Age}"/>
over and over again
I'd rather write this:
<local:Entry Caption="First Name" Text="{Binding FirstName}"/>
<local:Entry Caption="Last Name" Text="{Binding LastName}"/>
<local:Entry Caption="Age" Text="{Binding Age}"/>
We can do this by writing this in our Templates.taml file:
@Entry(string Caption, string Text)
<Label Text="@Caption"/>
<Entry Text="@Text"/>
This will generate the desired control as seen above
- Install the XamlTemplates.MSBuild nuget to your Xamarin.Forms .net standard project
- Create a file called
- Add the following code
@HelloLabel() { <Label Text="Hello World!"/> }
- Build the project
- This should generate
- You can now use this template in you xaml like so:
Xaml templates is a templating engine for xamarin forms that allows you to build templates with ease without having to make custom controls.
Turn 40+ lines of code to just 8
Below is an example of a template in a file called template.taml
Easily use templates in your xaml app
Easy to add and update templates, which update the project on build
@LabelEntry(string label,string Text)
<Label Text="@label"/>
<Entry Text="@Text"/>
This will be generated to the following c# and xaml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentView xmlns=""
<Label x:Name="_Label"/>
<Entry x:Name="_Entry"/>
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
namespace Evans.XamlTemplates
public partial class LabelEntry : ContentView
public static BindableProperty labelProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(label), typeof(string), typeof(LabelEntry), default, BindingMode.TwoWay);
public static BindableProperty TextProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Text), typeof(string), typeof(LabelEntry), default, BindingMode.TwoWay);
public LabelEntry()
_Label.BindingContext = this;
_Entry.BindingContext = this;
_Entry.SetBinding(Entry.TextProperty, nameof(Text));
public string label
get => (string)GetValue(LabelProperty);
set => SetValue(LabelProperty, value);
public string Text
get => (string)GetValue(TextProperty);
set => SetValue(TextProperty, value);
Third party work out of the box
@DataGridSection(string Header, IEnumerable<object> Data)
You can also place templates in other templates
@DataGridSection(string HeaderText, IEnumerable<object> Data)
<StackLayout xmlns:local="clr-namespace:Evans.XamlTemplates" xmlns:syncfusion="clr-namespace:Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.XForms;assembly=Syncfusion.SfDataGrid.XForms">
<local:Header Text="@HeaderText" />
<syncfusion:SfDataGrid ItemsSource="@Data" AutoGenerateColumns="True"/>
@EntryAndPicker(string Label,string Text, IEnumerable<string> data, string selectedItem)
<Label Text="@Label"/>
<Entry Text="@Text"/>
<Label Text="Result:"/>
<Label Text="@Text"/>
<Picker ItemsSource="@data" SelectedItem="@selectedItem"/>
<Label Text="@selectedItem"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ContentView xmlns=""
<Label x:Name="_Label" />
<Entry x:Name="_Entry" />
<Label Text="Result:"/>
<Label x:Name="_Label1" />
<Picker x:Name="_Picker" />
<Label x:Name="_Label2" />
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;
namespace Evans.XamlTemplates
public partial class EntryAndPicker : ContentView
public static BindableProperty LabelProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Label), typeof(string), typeof(EntryAndPicker), default, BindingMode.TwoWay);
public static BindableProperty TextProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Text), typeof(string), typeof(EntryAndPicker), default, BindingMode.TwoWay);
public static BindableProperty dataProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(data), typeof(IEnumerable<string>), typeof(EntryAndPicker), default, BindingMode.TwoWay);
public static BindableProperty selectedItemProperty =
BindableProperty.Create(nameof(selectedItem), typeof(string), typeof(EntryAndPicker), default, BindingMode.TwoWay);
public EntryAndPicker()
_Label.BindingContext = this;
_Entry.BindingContext = this;
_Label1.BindingContext = this;
_Picker.BindingContext = this;
_Label2.BindingContext = this;
_Label.SetBinding(Xamarin.Forms.Label.TextProperty, nameof(Label));
_Label1.SetBinding(Xamarin.Forms.Label.TextProperty, nameof(Text));
_Picker.SetBinding(Xamarin.Forms.Picker.ItemsSourceProperty, nameof(data));
_Picker.SetBinding(Xamarin.Forms.Picker.SelectedItemProperty, nameof(selectedItem));
_Label2.SetBinding(Xamarin.Forms.Label.TextProperty, nameof(selectedItem));
public string Label
get => (string)GetValue(LabelProperty);
set => SetValue(LabelProperty, value);
public string Text
get => (string)GetValue(TextProperty);
set => SetValue(TextProperty, value);
public IEnumerable<string> data
get => (IEnumerable<string>)GetValue(dataProperty);
set => SetValue(dataProperty, value);
public string selectedItem
get => (string)GetValue(selectedItemProperty);
set => SetValue(selectedItemProperty, value);
Notice how much code it takes to just make a template? There needs to be a simpler solution
There are several limitations to Xaml Templates
- Xaml templates relies on xml linq and doesn't support nested attributes, such as
- The generated templates may not be optimized. For example, repeating label and entries may be more effecient than placing them in stack layouts.
- The razor style csharp code is not type checked, meaning if you put
supertype test = blah
as a parameter, it will generate. Although, your project won't build, so it may still be obvious that the syntax is invalid
- dotnet core 3.1
- Xamarin.Forms
Run the build.ps1
- Run the
powershell script. This will update the msbuild task and add it to the Evans.XamlTemplates Project - Right click solution -> Build Solution
- Allow to nest templates, such as one template calling another
- Support third party controls, such as syncfusion
- Default value support for parameters ex.
string test = "test"
- Allow the use of
statements - Support
statements - Add example project
- Create example website
- Support WPF
- Support UWP
- Support Xamarin.Forms
- Add parameters to MSBuild that can be customized
- Add generated code warning
- Add line to the error message
- Add syntax highlighting for taml files
- Add ability to generate c# methods and event handling
- Support Comments
- Support Xml Dot Attributes
- Support different base types other than ContentView, such as StackLayout, Grid, etc.
- ClassName
- Parameters (Comma Seperated)
- Name of Parameter
- Type of Parameter
- Controls With Bindings
- Control Type
- Control name (Label1, label2, etc...)
- Bindings on control
- Control Type
- Control Property
- Bindable Property
foreach parameter
- create a bindable property
- create a property
foreach control
- Set binding context to this
foreach binding on control
- set binding for control
In the msbuild task
.\nuget.exe pack .\XamlTemplates.MSBuild.nuspec
You can then add the package using the following command:
dotnet add package XamlTemplates.MSBuild
Note: this works because Nuget.config defines a custom location for the nuget packages
- Based off my compilers project
- creating an msbuild task: