Simple command line tool to encrypt/decrypt plain text. Exactly the same algorithm as the TXTcrypt app by Vlad Alexa:
You are prompted for a pass-phrase. Internally this is converted to a 256-byte key. The rc4 encryption algorithm is used.
rc4crypt [-h] [-s <suffix>] [<file> [<file> ..]]
-s <suffix>
: generate output filename(s) by appending this suffix to input filename(s). Ignored when reading from stdin.-h
: print the help message.
- Read from stdin if no files are specified.
- Output is printed to stdout when reading from stdin.
- Output is printed to stdout if no suffix is specified for input file(s).
- Pass-phrase is read from terminal.
- Decrypt by entering blank pass-phrase at second prompt.
- Uses rc4 (a.k.a. arcfour) algorithm and base64 encoding.
- Encrypts/decrypts plain text into plain text.
git clone ./rc4crypt
cd rc4crypt
go build rc4crypt.go
Copy the binary into a directory in your PATH. E.g:
echo 'export PATH=${PATH}:~/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
cp rc4crypt ~/bin/
Open a new terminal and try:
rc4crypt -h
- linux system
- git toolchain
- golang toolchain
- golang-golang-x-crypto-dev package (make sure it is in your GOPATH)
Christian Schmitz