JSON-RPC client for Kanboard written in Golang
Implement all functions of Kanboard API. See https://docs.kanboard.org/en/latest/api/ for more details
WIP: intense debugging ongoing, don't use this for serious purpose at the moment ! :)
import (
func main() {
client := ganboard.Client{
Endpoint: "http://localhost/kanboard/jsonrpc.php",
Username: "admin",
Password: "admin",
Project, _ := client.GetProjectById(1)
(ganboard.Project) {
ID: (int) 1,
Name: (string) (len=18) "My beloved Project",
IsActive: (int) 1,
Token: (string) (len=60) "d0541d81b3331b08c324e569cd57dd15d01f9e43dfd850018b9e29ecaa34",
LastModified: (int) 1524755851,
IsPublic: (int) 1,
IsPrivate: (int) 0,
DefaultSwimlane: (string) (len=16) "Default swimlane",
ShowDefaultSwimlane: (int) 1,
Description: (string) "",
Identifier: (string) "",
URL: (struct { Board string "json:\"board\""; Calendar string "json:\"calendar\""; List string "json:\"list\"" }) {
Board: (string) (len=88) "http://localhost/kanboard/?controller=BoardViewController&action=show&project_id=1",
Calendar: (string) "",
List: (string) (len=87) "http://localhost/kanboard/?controller=TaskListController&action=show&project_id=1"