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294 lines (204 loc) · 12.3 KB

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294 lines (204 loc) · 12.3 KB

What is it about?

A place to record the progress of building Solomon DB. This can be tracked as a commit changelog with detailed explanation.

Note: Commits section won't include commit related to updating DEVLOG or CHANGELOG.

Commit history

Commits on Oct 26, 2022


A soft beginning. I just spend some time to read graph database book and learning concepts, requirements needed to construct Solomon DB.

Detail explanation

There are a few interesting learning outcomes acquired here:

These concepts are not too complicated actually. Not talking about native graph database, non-native graph database is more like a database wrapper which has internals built on top of other databases.

-   Underlying storage
-   Processing engine
-   Graph compute engine

Learnt and noted down these concepts in

As this is the first commit, it only includes code to initialize a codebase and its basic layout for Rust project using cargo new.

// A simple hello world program (db/src/
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");

Commits on Oct 28, 2022


Add StorageDriver, new type RocksDBDriver, macro impl_driver_core and misc implementation for StorageErr and Status.

Detail explanation

Things getting more exciting when we touch advanced syntaxes in Rust: New Type design pattern and Macro. Before jumping right into the main point of today changes, one of a missing features in Rust compared to other OOP languages must be mentioned first is the ability to do inheritance.

With what Rust provides so far, it is quite tricky to construct an inheritable struct object. At first, you may think doing OOP in Rust is quite bad as inheritance is a core component of any OOP design. However, if you learn more about OOP, you will know Inheritance < Composition. This is quite off topic, but there is a few discussions and articles related to the way Rust do OOP that you should read:

Briefly, even though Rust does not have an obvious OOP feature like inheritance, it still provides several approaches: Trait, New type, Macro or Enum to do thing in a inheritance way but cleaner as things are separated elegantly.

New Type design pattern for RocksDB Driver

"The newtype idiom gives compile time guarantees that the right type of value is supplied to a program" - Rust book.

I apply the design to implement RocksDB Driver. The idea is to have a parent struct called StorageDriver and we will build a new type RocksDBDriver from that.

pub struct StorageDriver<T> {
 pub db_instance: Option<T>,
 pub path: String,

pub struct RocksDBDriver(StorageDriver<DB>);

However, NewType design does not exactly like inheritance. For example, if you want to get field db_instance from RocksDBDriver, you can't do self.db_instance but self.0.db.instance. Can imagine db_instance is inside StorageDriver while StorageDriver is wrapped inside new type RocksDBDriver. This would make the syntax looks a bit dirty. The solution I used to handle this case is Macro.

Macro provides an ability to maximize the power of Rust syntax. I wrote a macro to implement all below methods used inside any impl calling to impl_driver_core. Then to get the inner of new type, we just have to use get_core.

macro_rules! impl_driver_core {
 ($DbType: ty) => {
  fn get_core(self: &mut Self) -> &mut StorageDriver<$DbType> {
   &mut self.0

pub(crate) use impl_driver_core;

Struct RocksDBDriver now becomes:

impl RocksDBDriver {

 /// # Initializing RocksDB driver
 pub fn initialize(self: &mut Self, cf_name: &String, options: rocksdb::Options) {
  let core = self.get_core();

Commits on Nov 1, 2022


The prior implementation of RocksDBDriver was using the database instance initialized using DB object. And all methods are called from the object DB instance too. However, this approach has some limitations in terms of concurrency operations. Briefly, I migrate it from using DB to handling operations using transactions - a better control flow approach. Instead of using TransactionDB, I choose OptimisticTransactionDB which is more efficient for read contention database, correct me if I am wrong.

You can read more about this in RocksDB Wiki

Detail explanation

Even though there is only one commit and only today, this commit has a lot of code refractors. An obvious refractor is migrating from Driver to Adapter which follows adapter pattern.

  • StorageDriver to StorageAdapter
  • RocksDBDriver to RocksDBAdapter

Walk through the implementation of StorageAdapter, we have

pub struct StorageAdapter<T> {
    pub name: StorageAdapterName,
    pub db_instance: Pin<Arc<T>>,
    pub variant: StorageVariant,

You may notice the use of generic type Pin<Arc<T>>. Explain more about why I wrote this. Pin trait will pin the object in a memory, which means it can't be move to a different location in a memory, for example, using std::mem::swap. Inside the Pin type, we have Arc or Atomically Reference Counted.Arc type shares ownership between threads, which is different from single threaded type Rc. Hence, this is usually used for handling multi-threaded operations and it is suitable for our distributed database design.

New method added to RocksDBAdapter to create a transaction

pub fn transaction(
        self: &'static Self,
        w: bool,
        r: bool,
    ) -> Result<Transaction<TxType>, Error> {
        let inner = self.get_inner();
        let db_instance = &inner.db_instance;
        let tx = db_instance.transaction();

        // The database reference must always outlive
        // the transaction. If it doesn't then this
        // is undefined behaviour. This unsafe block
        // ensures that the transaction reference is
        // static, but will cause a crash if the
        // datastore is dropped prematurely.
        let tx = unsafe {
                rocksdb::Transaction<'_, OptimisticTransactionDB>,
                rocksdb::Transaction<'static, OptimisticTransactionDB>,

        Ok(Transaction::<TxType>::new(tx, w, r))

There is a head-aching concept in this method, we have an unsafe method use std::mem::transmute. This is not recommended to use as it transform the lifetime of an object. The reason why we use this method here is because, we need to cast the original lifetime of OptimisticTransactionDB to static as we want the transaction remains as long as it can until the program stops. This is referenced from the source code of SurrealDB.

On the other hand, we have an implementation for internal transaction

impl Transaction<TxType>

Any storage adapter can be understand as a bridge to create transaction, it does not store any transaction value. This separation provides the ability to control a single transaction each operation instead of a whole db_instance.

Commits on Nov 2, 2022


  • Enhancing the development experience by configuring the CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions.
  • Implement basic methods of RocksDB OptimisticDB transaction

Detail explanation

There are two workflows added:

  • Formatter (check + apply) workflow: Use cargo clippy and cargo fmt to format and lint the repo.
  • Test: Run cargo test on the workspace whenever there's an update to master branch

Every datastore transaction will be marked generically as DBTransaction or Distributed Database Transaction. This is implied by Solomon DB technical directory. Transaction will implement a trait that requires these below method

// Check if closed
fn closed(&self) -> bool;
// Cancel a transaction
fn cancel(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error>;
// Commit a transaction
fn commit(&mut self) -> Result<(), Error>;
// Check if a key exists
fn exi<K>(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<bool, Error>
K: Into<Key>;
// Fetch a key from the database
fn get<K>(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<Option<Val>, Error>;
// Insert or update a key in the database
fn set<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, val: V) -> Result<(), Error>;
// Insert a key if it doesn't exist in the database
fn put<K, V>(&mut self, key: K, val: V) -> Result<(), Error>;
// Delete a key
fn del<K>(&mut self, key: K) -> Result<(), Error>;

Commits on Nov 4, 2022


Write a new macro to auto generate test code for datastore adapter. Whenever there's a new datastore implemented, we can add it to the test suite easily by


This code implementation is referenced from IndraDB. On the other hand, these commits add a new feature tag called test-suite which must be declared to allow all test runs.

default = ["kv-rocksdb"]
kv-rocksdb = ["dep:rocksdb"]
+ test-suite = []

To run cargo test or cargo nextest enabling the test-suite feature, can follow these commands to run

cargo test --features test-suite
cargo nextest run --features test-suite

Detail explanations

The logic behind the new macro is not too complicated, the macro define_test! receive any datastore_adapter as an input along with the name for the test. This name is also a name of methods exported from crate tests. This approach is required to overpass the type strictness of DatastoreAdapter as we will support multiple types of datastore adapter.

/// Defines a unit test function.
macro_rules! define_test {
	($name:ident, $datastore_adapter:expr) => {
		async fn $name() {
			let datastore_adapter = $datastore_adapter;

/// Use this macro to enable the entire standard test suite.
macro_rules! full_test_impl {
	($code:expr) => {
		define_test!(should_delete_key, $code);

Commits on Nov 5, 2022


Introducing a new struct DatastoreManager which is generated using macro impl_datastore_manager. The idea behinds this implementation is to manage all datastore adapter in the cleanest way.

Adding models for graph related struct: Node - Label - Property - Relationship

Detail explanation

Not sure but I remember this has been mentioned in a very first commit log, our graph database will follow the structure of Property Graph. There's a very concise explanation for this model in this repo for openCypher:

  • Vertex: Common object in every graph model. In Property Graph, vertex is more versatile. It has multiple properties, it can be considered as a document in NoSQL database. Vertex can also have multiple labels to identify itself.

  • Relationship: Or edge in single relational database. Indicates the link between two vertex. However, relationship can have properties too. It also has a type, for example, if two LOVER nodes connect, the relationship type should be LOVE. Defined as source_vertex -> relationship -> target_vertex.

  • Property: Define attribute type and name of object field. For example, vertex (or node) can have name, age, birthday and relationship can also have name. Structure of property is uuid | name | type. Property of each core objects (node and relationship) will be stored in a HashMap<Uuid, Vec<u8>> where Uuid = Property ID and Vec<u8> = Byte value for that property

  • Label: Vertex can have multiple labels. For example, one vertex can be a Person, Programmer and Employee at the same time. This can be misunderstood with Property. However, they are not the same. Labels are used for marking node instead of defining attributes.

Commits on Nov 6, 2022


Detail explanation