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Frontend for the Reelcontent Showcase family of products.

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Getting Started

  1. Install node.js

  2. Clone this repo

    $> git clone
  3. Connect to the Reelcontent VPN

  4. Install Dependencies

    npm install

Common Tasks

Run Unit Tests

npm test

Run Unit Tests with Auto-Rerun

npm run tdd

It is also possible to only watch and run a subset of unit tests with the --only param. Unlike just using fdescribe in a test file, --only will cause browserify/babel to only transpile the relevant files, making the initial and subsequent builds much faster:

# Only build/run component tests
npm run tdd -- --only "*.component.ut.js"

Start a Development Server

npm start

Best Practices

  1. Always use redux-actions to create actions


    const DO_STUFF = 'DO_STUFF';
    export function doStuff(payload) {
        return {
            type: DO_STUFF,
            payload: payload


    import { createAction } from 'redux-actions';
    const DO_STUFF = 'DO_STUFF';
    export const doStuff = createAction(DO_STUFF);

Included Redux Middleware

Redux middleware changes the way the store's dispatch() method functions, so it's important to understand all the middleware being used so that you are able to follow the flow of the application.

showcase uses the following redux middleware:

This middleware allows you to pass a Function (or thunk) to dispatch() that it will call execute. Your Function will be invoked with two arguments: dispatch (Function, so that you can dispatch other actions) and getState (Function so that you can use the store's state in your logic.)

To create a thunk, you must wrap your action creator Function in createThunk(). Your action creator Function should return a Function (the thunk.)

Most importantly, the return value of your thunk Function will become the return value of dispatch(). This is very important as it allows the chaining of Promisees.


import { createThunk } from 'src/middleware/fsa_thunk';

export const doStuff = createThunk(function() { // The action creator
    return function thunk(dispatch, getState) { // The thunk
        return dispatch(doAsyncStuff())

store.dispatch(doStuff()).then(() => console.log('Stuff is done!'));

This middleware will dispatch() actions that track the state of a Promise when the Promise is provided as the payload of a Flux Standard Action (FSA).

Important: When you dispatch an FSA whose payload is a Promise, an action with the type you provided will never actually be dispatch()ed. Instead, three new actions will be dispatched for you:

  1. YOUR_TYPE_PENDING: dispatch()ed immediately
  2. YOUR_TYPE_FULFILLED: dispatch()ed when the Promise is fulfilled, with the Promise's fulfillment value as its payload
  3. YOUR_TYPE_REJECTED: dispatch()ed when the Promise is rejected, with the Promise's rejection reason as its payload

For example:

function doSomethingAsync() {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => resolve('Done after 1 sec.'), 1000);

function doSomething() {
    return {
        type: DO_SOMETHING,
        payload: doSomethingAsync() // this returns a Promise

store.dispatch(doSomething()); // A DO_SOMETHING_PENDING action is immediately dispatch()ed

// After one second, DO_SOMETHING_FULFILLED is dispatched

Where this can get interesting is when you remember that dispatch() can return a Promise:

import { getStuff } from '../actions/get_stuff'; // action creator that will cause dispatch() to return a Promise

function doSomething() {
    // Return a Function thanks to redux-thunk.
    return function thunk(dispatch) {
        // dispatch the DO_SOMETHING action
            type: DO_SOMETHING,
            payload: dispatch(getStuff()) // Dispatch getStuff() action: this returns a Promise

store.dispatch(doSomething()); // A DO_SOMETHING_PENDING action is immediately dispatch()ed

// DO_SOMETHING_FULFILLED is dispatch()ed as soon as the Promise returned by
// dispatch(getStuff()) is fulfilled.

This middleware ensures that dispatch() always returns a Promise so you can dispatch().then() with confidence.

Additionally, it will make sure the Promise it returns is rejected if it recieves a Flux Standard Action (FSA) representing an error.


function doSomething() {
    return {
        type: DO_SOMETHING,
        payload: { foo: 'bar' }

// This action would not normally cause dispatch() to return a `Promise`, but now it does!
store.dispatch(doSomething()).then(() => console.log('YAY!'));

Utility Documentation


createDbActions({ type: String, endpoint: String, [key]: String });

These action creators, along with the db reducer will automatically keep the app's cache of entities in-sync and maintain a single source of truth. The location of the cache is state.db.

This function accepts three named parameters:

  1. type: The type of entity (e.g. campaign, card, experience, etc.)
  2. endpoint: The plural endpoint for the collection (e.g. /api/content/cards)
  3. key (optional): The name of the unique identifying property for each object. Defaults to id.

The function will return an Object with 5 action creator Functions:

  1. list(): Gets all entities
  2. get({ id }): Gets a single entity by id
  3. create({ data }): Creates an entity with the provided data
  4. update({ data }): Updates an existing entity with the provided data
  5. remove({ id }): Deletes the entity with the provided id

Each action creator Function (list, get, create, update, remove) also includes three properties:

  1. START: The name of the action dispatched when the operation starts
  2. SUCCESS: The name of the action dispatched when the operation succeeds
  3. FAILURE: The name of the action dispatched when the operation fails

Each SUCCESS action's payload will be an Array containing the ids of the items operated on. This is true even for operations that operate on a single item; the single item's id will be the sole member of the Array.


const experience = createDbActions({
    type: 'experience',
    endpoint: '/api/content/experiences'

store.dispatch(experience.get({ id: 'e-jfruwe9ryf478' })); // Get a single item


Creates the reducer for state.db. This app already has a db reducer.

The keys of the reducerMap Object should match up with an entity type. The value should be a reducer Function that can be used to add custom behavior to the entity cache.


export default createDbReducer({
    experience: (state, action) => {
        switch (action.type) {
        case 'MY_CUSTOM_ACTION':
            return { /* the new state of the cache */ };
            return state;



Creates the reducer that will manage the transient state of page components. Each key of the reducerMap should be the path (unique identifier) of a page component. Each value should be a reducer function for that page. This app already has a page reducer.

When a page component is rendered, its corresponding reducer will be called with a state of undefined to get the initial page state. Subsequently, the reducer will be called with every dispatched action until the page component is destroyed. A page's reducer is not called if the page is not on the screen.

pagify({ path: String })

Injects the page state from redux as a prop into the component it wraps. The path named property should correspond to the name of a configured page reducer.


Page reducer:

    myPage: (state = { name: 'RC' }, action) => { // <--- Same name as path in pageify()
        switch (state.action) {
        // Handle other actions
            return state;


class MyPage extends Component {
    render() {
        const { page } = this.props;
        return <div>My name is {}!</div>;

export default pagify({
    path: 'myPage' // <----- Same name as key in pageReducer


Frontend for the Reelcontent Showcase family of products.






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