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Releases: circleguard/circlecore


26 May 01:28
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  • fix ReplayDir and ReplayCache double counting replays sometimes


25 May 06:22
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  • add several new Loadable convenience classes. ReplayCache for accessing random elements from a circlecore database, ReplayDir for folders of .osr files, and ReplayID for when you only know the replay id.


20 May 21:36
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  • correctly account for skips in replays


20 May 18:51
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  • don't reorder frames with the same time


20 May 05:40
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  • add a new replay stealing detect, Detect.STEAL_CORR, using signal processing cross-correlation methods
  • rename Detect.STEAL to Detect.STEAL_SIM, with Detect.STEAL remaining as deprecated
  • split StealResult into StealResultSim and StealResultCorr
  • correctly order replay frames and remove invalid frames. This changes similarity values slightly
  • add default cutoffs to Detect as SIM_LIMIT and UR_LIMIT. These are values we feel are enough to call a replay cheated. They are not used in our code but are provided as a convenience.
  • don't remove frames with identical time values when processing replay data. This removal still occurrs, but only when the replays are investigated.


07 May 17:45
Choose a tag to compare
  • loading replays from cache is now roughly twice as fast


27 Apr 20:52
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  • fix ReplayMaps inside a Map not having some attributes set after the Map is info loaded


27 Apr 20:29
Choose a tag to compare
  • add cg.steal_check, cg.relax_check, and cg.correction_check as convenience methods. These methods call internally
  • don't require Check when using now accepts an iterable of Loadables and a Detect
  • provide cvUR as result.ur and ucvUR as result.ucv_ur
  • add new Span class, which can be used to represent a range of numbers with a string
  • remove num argument to loadables. Use the Span class, or an appropriate string, instead
  • remove ischeat from Results and remove thresholds for determining a cheated replay. Users should determine their own threholds and check against Result attributes
  • make Detect an IntFlag instead of a full class
  • add default load and load_info implementations to LoadableContainer
  • don't use Replay.__init__ to process replay data. Use Replay#_process_replay_data instead
  • require cache in Loadable instantiation
  • add Loader.MAX_MAP_SPAN and Loader.MAX_USER_SPAN, representing the most replays you can get from a map and user respectively


13 Apr 21:34
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  • fix error while investigating replays with no replay data


02 Apr 22:13
Choose a tag to compare
  • fix error when loading a replay that has replay info but is not downloadable
  • InfoLoadable renamed to LoadableContainer
  • cache passed as part of super call
  • __eq__ required for Loadable
  • num_replays method removed (should use len(loadable_container.all_replays() instead)
  • all_replays required by LoadableContainer, not Loadable
  • default implementation of __iter__ and __getitem__ in LoadableContainer
  • check.all_replays() now returns the expected value (loadables1 + loadables2), new method #all_replays1 which returns only the replays in loadables1.

Now using ossapi v1.2.3

  • use 15 second timeout for requests