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A Win-Tie-Loss chart is a visual tool for comparing the performance of different algorithms or methods across multiple tasks or datasets. This type of chart summarizes how often a method "wins," "ties," or "loses" compared to other methods based on a specific performance metric.


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Win-Tie-Loss Performance Analysis

Welcome to the Win-Tie-Loss Performance Analysis, an easy-to-use R package for comparing multiple methods across different datasets. This tool calculates and visualizes the win-tie-loss outcomes between methods using a single command. Whether you're working on machine learning, bioinformatics, or any other domain where method comparison is crucial, this tool has you covered.

Key Features

  • Automatic Win-Tie-Loss Calculation: Quickly compute win-tie-loss comparisons across multiple methods.
  • Flexible Measure Types: This type supports both maximization (e.g., precision) and minimization (e.g., hamming loss) objectives.
  • Customizable Visualizations: Generate professional bar plots to visualize your results with complete control over layout and design.
  • Easy-to-Use: Provide your data in CSV format, call the functions, and get your results.

How to cite

  author = {Elaine Cecília Gatto},
  title = {WinTieLoss: An R Package for Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Methods},  
  year = {2024},
  doi = {10.13140/RG.2.2.17131.35366/1},
  note = {R package version 0.1.0. Licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0},
  url = {}

What is a Win-Tie-Loss Chart?

A Win-Tie-Loss chart is a visual tool for comparing the performance of different algorithms or methods across multiple tasks or datasets. This type of chart summarizes how often a method "wins," "ties," or "loses" compared to other methods based on a specific performance metric.

Concept and Context

In the context of Machine Learning, models are frequently compared to determine which offers the best performance in accuracy, recall, F1-score, or any other metric of interest. The Win-Tie-Loss chart is handy when dealing with multiple methods and datasets, as it provides a clear and aggregated view of how each method performs relative to others.

Mathematical Formalization

To understand the mathematical concept behind a Win-Tie-Loss chart, consider a scenario where you have $M$ methods (or models) and $N$ datasets. Each method $m_{i}$ produces a performance metric $P_{i,j}$ on a dataset $D_{j}$.

  1. Method Combinations: For each pair of methods $(m_{i},m_{k})$ where $i \neq k $, you compare the results $P_{i,j}$ and $P_{k,j}$ on each dataset $D_{j}$.

  2. Counting Wins, Ties, and Losses:

    • Win: Method $m_{i}$ wins against method $m_{k}$ on dataset $D_{j}$ if $P_{i,j} > P_{k,j}$.
    • Tie: $m_{i}$ ties with $m_{k}$ on dataset $D_{j}$ if $P_{i,j} = P_{k,j}$.
    • Loss: $m_{i}$ loses to $m_{k}$ on dataset $D_{j}$ if $P_{i,j} < P_{k,j}$.
  3. Aggregating Results: After comparing all method pairs and datasets, you count the total number of wins, ties, and losses for each method relative to the others.

Mathematically, we can define the counts $W_{i}$, $T_{i}$, and $L_{i}$ for method $m_{i}$ as follows:

  • $W_{i} = \sum_{k \neq i} \sum_{j=1}^{N} \text{I}(P_{i,j} > P_{k,j})$
  • $T_{i} = \sum_{k \neq i} \sum_{j=1}^{N} \text{I}(P_{i,j} = P_{k,j})$
  • $L_{i} = \sum_{k \neq i} \sum_{j=1}^{N} \text{I}(P_{i,j} < P_{k,j})$

where $\text{I}(\cdot)$ is an indicator function that returns 1 if the condition inside is true and 0 otherwise.

Interpretation in the Context of Machine Learning

In the context of Machine Learning, the Win-Tie-Loss chart helps answer important questions like:

  • Which method is consistently better?: A method with more "wins" across different datasets can be considered more robust.
  • Are there comparable methods?: Many "ties" might indicate that some methods perform similarly.
  • Which methods are consistently worse?: A method with more "losses" might be inferior or unsuitable for the task at hand.

The chart provides a quick visualization of these aspects, making it easier to decide which model or algorithm to use in future tasks or experiments.

Example of Application

Suppose you have three classification models $A$, $B$, and $C$, and you apply them to 10 different datasets. After calculating the performance metric for each model on each dataset, you compare the results. If model $A$ wins on $7$ datasets, ties on $2$, and loses on $1$, your Win-Tie-Loss chart may show that $A$ is the best model overall, while $B$ and $C$ have more losses or ties. In summary, a Win-Tie-Loss chart is an effective way to summarize and interpret comparisons between multiple methods in machine learning problems, highlighting the relative performance of the methods clearly and concisely.


# install.packages("devtools")

Getting Started

Step 1: Prepare Your Data

Prepare your dataset in a CSV format. The CSV should have the following structure:

datasets method 1 method 2 method ... method M
dataset 1 0.85 0.80 ... 0.90
dataset 2 0.88 0.82 ... 0.89
... ... ... ... ...
dataset D 0.90 0.85 ... 0.92

Save your CSV file in the Data folder or specify a custom path when calling the functions.

Step 2: Compute Win-Tie-Loss

To compute the win-tie-loss, load your data and call the function.

name.file = "~/WinTieLoss/Data/clp.csv"
data = data.frame(read.csv(name.file))
data = data[,-1]
methods.names = colnames(data)

df_res.mes <- wtl.measures()
filtered_res.mes <- filter(df_res.mes, names == "clp")
measure.type = as.numeric(filtered_res.mes$type)

res = win.tie.loss.compute(data = data, measure.type)
  • data: Your dataset in CSV format, read into a DataFrame.
  • measure.type:
    • 1 if a higher value indicates better performance (e.g., precision).
    • 0 if a lower value indicates better performance (e.g., hamming loss).

Step 3: Visualize Your Results

Generate a bar plot to visualize your win-tie-loss comparison:

res$method <- factor(res$method, levels = methods.names)
res <- res[order(res$method), ]

save = paste(FolderResults, "/clp.csv", sep="")
write.csv(res, save, row.names = FALSE)

wtl = c("win", "tie", "loss")
colnames(res) = wtl 

save = paste(FolderResults, "/clp.pdf", sep="")
win.tie.loss.plot(data = res, 
                  names.methods = methods.names, 
                  name.file = save, 
                  width = 18, 
                  height = 10, 
                  bottom = 2, 
                  left = 11, 
                  top = 0, 
                  right = 1, 
                  size.font = 2.0,
                  wtl = wtl)
  • data: The result from win.tie.loss.compute.
  • names.methods: A vector of method names to label your plot.
  • name.file: The path and file name to save the plot as a PDF.
  • width, height: Dimensions of the PDF.
  • bottom, left, top, right: Margins for the plot.
  • size.font: Font size for the plot labels.
  • wtl: A vector with labels for "Win", "Tie", and "Loss" (you can change to your language).


For more detailed documentation on each function, check out the ~/WinTieLoss/docs folder. A complete example is available in ~/WinTieLoss/example folder.

Folder Structure

Ensure the following folder structure is set up:

  • FolderRoot: Root directory of the project.
  • FolderData: Directory where CSV data files are stored.
  • FolderResults: Directory where results and plots are saved.

📚 Contributing

We welcome contributions from the community! If you have suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, please submit a pull request or open an issue in the GitHub repository.


  • This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
  • This study was financed in part by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - Brasil (CNPQ) - Process number 200371/2022-3.
  • The authors also thank the Brazilian research agencies FAPESP financial support.

📧 Contact

For any questions or support, please contact:


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Start making performance analysis with the Win-Tie-Loss Tool today! 🚀


A Win-Tie-Loss chart is a visual tool for comparing the performance of different algorithms or methods across multiple tasks or datasets. This type of chart summarizes how often a method "wins," "ties," or "loses" compared to other methods based on a specific performance metric.








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