- Process level instead of threads
- Large grain threads
- Messages passed between processes
- Synchronisation
- Data movement
- Important questions
- How to partition the parallel program
- How to map processes onto processors to minimise IPC
- Reduce time and frequency of thread switches
- Higher in MIMD machines than in multi-threaded architectures
- Frequency of computation
- Processor time spent on communication
- Design focus
- Organisation of communications subsystem — i.e. network
- Hardware support for message passing
- Often dependent on algorithms & software
- Communication over links or channels
- Communication graph mapped onto the underlying network
- Nodes consist of
- Computation processor + private memory
- Communication processor
- Router (or switch unit)
- How the interconnection network is organised
- Topology
- Switching technique
- Routing protocols
- Topology
- How the three components of the nodes are composed and integrated
- First generation — no communications processor
- Second generation — separate comms switching units
- Third generation — separate processors connected to one switching network
- The message passing computational model supported by the multicomputer
- Library calls (MPI, PVM, etc)
- CSP support
- Push, pull or active message
- The optimal grain of computation
- Coarse grain — traditional languages
- Medium grain — CSP
- Fine grain — Dataflow
- Critical to performance of MIMD machines
- Bandwidth and latency are both critical parameters
- Network size (N)
- Number of nodes in the network
- Node degree (d)
- Number of I/O links per node
- Network diameter (D)
- Maximum number of hops to get from any node to another
- Bisection width (B)
- Related to wiring density & overall bandwidth
- Minimum number of links broken to break network in 2 equal halves
- Arc connectivity
- Minimum number of arcs removed to break into two disconnected networks
- Measure of fault tolerance and contention
- Cost
- Number of communication links in the network
- 1D
- Linear Array
- 2D
- Ring
- Star
- Tree
- 2D Mesh
- Torus
- 3D
- Cube
- Connected cycles
- Completely connected
- Hypercubes
- 2D
- 3D
- ND
- Are hybrid of cross-bar and buses
- They can provide contention-free access (excluding multiple requests on the same module) although contention does occur at certain traffic levels
- Unlike buses they are scalable
- There are many different interconnection networks and topologies of the same network
- The simplest is the shuffle exchange network
- In non-redundant networks, the depth of the network is O(log(n))
Topology | Node Degree | Diameter | Bisection Width | Arc Connectivity | Cost |
Linear Array | 1 or 2 | N - 1 | 1 | 1 | N - 1 |
Ring | 2 | N/2 | 2 | 2 | N |
Star | 1 or N-1 | 2 | 1 | 1 | N - 1 |
Binary Tree | 1, 2 or 3 | 2log((N+1)/2) | 1 | 1 | N - 1 |
2D Mesh | 2, 3 or 4 | 2(N^0.5-1) | N^0.5 | 4 | 2(N-N^0.5) |
Torus | 4 | N^0.5 | 2N^0.5 | 4 | 2N |
3D cube | 3, 4, 5 or 6 | 3(N^0.33-1) | N^0.66 | 3 | 2(N-N^0.66) |
Hypercube | logN | logN | N/2 | logN | (NlogN)/2 |
Completely connected | N - 1 | 1 | N^2/4 | N - 1 | N(N-1)/2 |
- Network structure defines pathways for the data
- Switching techniques defines how to move data through the network
- Remove message from input buffer
- Place in the output buffer
- Data divided into packets
- Header, body, tail
- Whole packet stored at each node before being set on
- Latency = (Packet length * distance)/Channel bandwidth
- Path between source and destination built up
- Circuit establishment phase
- Send probe through network — opens the path
- Transmission Phase
- Assumes routing path already set up
- Termination Phase
- Circuit is ripped up
- Circuit establishment phase
- Latency = (Probe Length * Distance)/Channel Bandwidth + (Message Length / Channel Bandwidth)
- Advantages
- Don’t need to build packets
- No buffering required
- Routing done once per message
- Combination of packet switching and circuit switching
- Packet broken into Flow Control Digits (FLITS)
- If channels are free, FLITS are forwarded in circuit switched mode
- If channels are not free, message broken and buffered
- Latency = (Length of header FLIT * distance) / Channel Bandwidth + (Message Length/Channel bandwidth)
- As long as required channels are free message forwarded between nodes FLIT by FLIT
- If channel is busy, FLITS are buffered at intermediate nodes
- If buffers are large enough, entire message is buffered and behaves like packet switching
- If buffers are not large enough, message will be buffered across several nodes holding the links
- Special case of virtual cut-through
- Buffer size is size of a FLIT
- Packet replication
- Used to implement broadcasts
- Sending packets out on multiple output channels concurrently
- Cannot be done with circuit switching
- Wormhole routing better than circuit switching when switch contention is high
- Circuit switch blocks path for whole message
- Wormhole routing breaks into FLITS but if path is blocked then intermediate channels are also blocked
- Note: contention may be for intermediate nodes
- Virtual Channel allows multiple independent messages to share the same physical channel
- More than one FLIT buffer per channel
- Number of buffers > number of channels
- Channel is multiplexed (shared)
- Increase network throughput by reducing physical channel idle time
- Can be used to avoid deadlocks
- Allow mapping of logical topology onto physical network
- Can reserver some logical channels for critical functions
- e.g. debugging, monitoring
- Pre-emption of messages by rerouting
- Solve problem by using alternate path for one message
- Pre-emption of messages by discarding
- Retransmit on alternate path
- Application of virtual channels
- Split physical channels into multiple virtual ones
- Breaking cycles in the dependency graph
- Sufficient resources to route all messages
- Split physical channels into multiple virtual ones
- Channel dependency graph
- Constructed from the interconnection network and routing algorithm
- If cycles are present then message deadlock may occur
- Cycles can be removed by having more than one logical channel in graph
- Build a new channel dependency graph with no cycles
- Messages endlessly propagate in the network without reaching their destinations
- Can occur in flow control policies when collision on channels and buffers are avoided by misrouting messages to find an alternative path
- Pack switching and virtual cut through — very sensitive to livelock
- Circuit switching and wormhole routing — usually livelock free
- Deterministic — route depends only source/destination pair
- Source Routing — source path selects route
- Minimal
- Distributed Routing — route computed by intermediate nodes
- Minimal — shortest path
- Source Routing — source path selects route
- Adaptive — route determined at runtime
- Distributed Routing
- Minimal
- Non-Minimal — not shortest path
- Distributed Routing
- Street Sign Routing
- Source routing class
- Message header contain complete path information
- Routing information in form of direction changes
- Dimension-ordered routing
- Message travels along certain dimension until they reach that dimension
- Then proceed on next dimension
- Table lookup routing
- Each node contains a routing table
- Contains identifier of neighbouring node that message should be routed
- One entry per destination address
- Tables are precomputed and can be large
- Each node contains a routing table
- Minimal
- Profitable — move closer to goal
- Progressive — can only move forwards
- Complete (Idle) — can explore all channels
- Partial — only use selected channels
- Backtracking — can backtrack through path
- Complete (EPB)
- Partial
- Progressive — can only move forwards
- Profitable — move closer to goal
- Non-minimal
- Misrouting — use profitable and non profitable channels
- Progressive
- Complete
- Partial (Turn model)
- Backtracking
- Complete (EMB)
- Partial
- Progressive
- Misrouting — use profitable and non profitable channels
- Profitable
- Can only move closer to goal
- Represents a conservative view
- Minimum length path
- Free from livelock
- Easier to prove deadlock free
- Misrouting
- Can take other choices
- Optimistic view
- Selecting a non-profitable channel in belief that it will lead to profitable ones
- More fault-tolerant (don’t have to use particular channel)
- Progressive
- Cannot backtrack
- May deadlock
- Backtracking
- Can systematically explore all paths
- Deadlock free
- More complex (need to know where have been before)
- If no profitable channel available
- Wait for channel
- Tries non-profitable free channel
- Steps back and starts again
- Partial choice of channels allows deadlock free route to be computed
- Add nodes used the same ordering of channels and explore them in this order
- Build MIMD systems from processors that support
- Fine-grain message passing (e.g. J-Machine)
- Medium grain message passing (e.g. Transputer — built around Communicating Sequential Processes — CSP)
- Coarse grain message passing (e.g. COTS — networks have higher latency, processors don’t understand message passing)
- Fine Grain concurrent processing
- Reduce overhead and latency of receiving a message
- Special hardware
- Reduce context switch time (i.e. fast context switch)
- Multiple registers
- Hardware support for sync
- Tag associated with word — initially empty
- If empty word read, then thread is blocked
- When word is written, blocked thread restored
- Hardware support for object-oriented programming
- Supports
to object
- Supports
- Reduce overhead and latency of receiving a message
- Message passing is synchronous
- Neither sender nor receiver can continue without each other
- First process reaching a channel operation must be suspended until partner arrives
- Register uses
- A = length of message
- B = channel identity
- C = pointer to message buffer in memory
- Mapping processes to processors
- Processes need to be statically mapped to hardware
- Links
- Processors
- Processes need to be statically mapped to hardware
- If there aren’t enough physical links, virtual links are used