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+ + View on GitHub + + +



Repository pattern with POCO object support for storing to Azure / Cosmos DB Table Storage

+ + +
+ + +


+ +

v5.1.2 (2024-01-25)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v5.1.1 (2023-10-04)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:bug: Fixed bugs:

+ + + +

v5.1.0 (2023-08-11)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v5.0.2 (2023-08-08)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v5.0.1 (2023-07-25)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v5.0.0 (2023-07-25)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v4.3.0 (2023-06-27)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v4.2.1 (2023-04-17)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v4.2.0 (2023-03-28)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v4.1.3 (2023-01-20)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:bug: Fixed bugs:

+ + + +

v4.1.2 (2023-01-16)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v4.0.0 (2022-08-26)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v4.0.0-rc.1 (2022-08-15)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v4.0.0-rc (2022-08-15)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v4.0.0-beta (2022-05-17)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:bug: Fixed bugs:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v4.0.0-alpha (2022-05-04)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:hammer: Other:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v3.2.0 (2021-12-13)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v3.1.1 (2021-08-29)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v3.1.0 (2021-08-13)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v3.0.3 (2021-07-28)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:bug: Fixed bugs:

+ + + +

v3.0.2 (2021-07-01)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:bug: Fixed bugs:

+ + + +

v3.0.1 (2021-07-01)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:bug: Fixed bugs:

+ + + +

v3.0.0 (2021-07-01)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:hammer: Other:

+ + + +

v2.0.2 (2021-06-23)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v2.0.1 (2021-06-17)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v2.0.1-rc (2021-06-17)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v2.0.1-beta (2021-06-17)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v2.0.0 (2021-06-16)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v1.3.0 (2021-05-31)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

:bug: Fixed bugs:

+ + + +

v1.2.1 (2021-05-29)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v1.2.0 (2021-05-26)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v1.1.1 (2021-05-26)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:bug: Fixed bugs:

+ + + +

v1.1.0 (2021-05-26)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v1.0.4 (2021-05-16)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:sparkles: Implemented enhancements:

+ + + +

v1.0.3 (2021-05-15)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v1.0.2 (2021-05-10)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v1.0.1 (2021-05-07)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v1.0.0 (2021-05-07)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v1.0.0-rc (2021-05-07)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged:

+ + + +

v1.0.0-beta (2021-05-05)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

v1.0.0-alpha (2021-05-05)

+ +

Full Changelog

+ +

* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator

+ +
+ + + + + diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e780123 --- /dev/null +++ b/changelog.md @@ -0,0 +1,383 @@ +# Changelog + +## [v5.1.2](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v5.1.2) (2024-01-25) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v5.1.1...v5.1.2) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Update to latest protobuf with built-in support for DateOnly and TimeOnly [\#273](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/273) (@kzu) + +## [v5.1.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v5.1.1) (2023-10-04) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v5.1.0...v5.1.1) + +:bug: Fixed bugs: + +- KeyProperties are not being persisted properly [\#252](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/252) +- Properly persist computed colums for same type [\#253](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/253) (@kzu) + +## [v5.1.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v5.1.0) (2023-08-11) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v5.0.2...v5.1.0) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Remove current implementation of SponsorLink for now [\#244](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/244) (@kzu) + +## [v5.0.2](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v5.0.2) (2023-08-08) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v5.0.1...v5.0.2) + +## [v5.0.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v5.0.1) (2023-07-25) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v5.0.0...v5.0.1) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Use OData type annotations to disambiguate property types when persisting [\#235](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/235) +- Empty query results does not throw [\#237](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/237) (@kzu) + +## [v5.0.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v5.0.0) (2023-07-25) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.3.0...v5.0.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- When hydrating queries for TableEntity, use native .NET types for properties [\#233](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/233) +- Add support for querying over TableEntityRepository [\#231](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/231) +- Improve persistence by annotating supported types with OData Edm [\#236](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/236) (@kzu) +- When hydrating queries for TableEntity, use native .NET types for properties [\#234](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/234) (@kzu) +- Add support for querying over TableEntityRepository [\#232](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/232) (@kzu) + +## [v4.3.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.3.0) (2023-06-27) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.2.1...v4.3.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Allow entity lookup from entity value [\#215](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/215) +- Allow entity lookup from entity value [\#216](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/216) (@kzu) + +## [v4.2.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.2.1) (2023-04-17) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.2.0...v4.2.1) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Allow persisting key properties as columns [\#198](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/198) (@kzu) + +## [v4.2.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.2.0) (2023-03-28) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.1.3...v4.2.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Add SponsorLink to ensure ongoing development and support [\#193](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/193) (@kzu) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Switch to Polysharp for the NS2 polyfills [\#194](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/194) (@kzu) + +## [v4.1.3](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.1.3) (2023-01-20) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.1.2...v4.1.3) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Add support for TableConnection overload for DocumentRepository [\#173](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/173) (@kzu) +- As documented \[PartitionKey\], honor it at class level [\#172](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/172) (@kzu) +- Allow persistence of entity properties as columns in document [\#171](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/171) (@kzu) +- Allow retrieving the table client from the connection [\#165](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/165) (@kzu) + +:bug: Fixed bugs: + +- Update mode on table partition should set table repository mode [\#174](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/174) (@kzu) + +## [v4.1.2](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.1.2) (2023-01-16) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.0.0...v4.1.2) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Add TableConnection overloads for TableRepository factory methods [\#161](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/161) +- Allow reusing/caching the combination of CloudStorageAccount and TableClient [\#155](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/155) +- Provide comprehensive readmes for all packages [\#164](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/164) (@kzu) +- Add TableConnection overloads for TableRepository factory methods [\#162](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/162) (@kzu) +- Allow creating partitions from the same table connection [\#156](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/156) (@kzu) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- ⛙ ⬆️ Bump dependencies [\#158](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/158) (@github-actions[bot]) + +## [v4.0.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.0.0) (2022-08-26) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.0.0-rc.1...v4.0.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Improve dynamic entity support by exposing TableEntity directly [\#127](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/127) + +## [v4.0.0-rc.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.0.0-rc.1) (2022-08-15) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.0.0-rc...v4.0.0-rc.1) + +## [v4.0.0-rc](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.0.0-rc) (2022-08-15) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.0.0-beta...v4.0.0-rc) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Improve dynamic entity support by exposing TableEntity directly [\#128](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/128) (@kzu) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- +M▼ includes [\#123](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/123) (@github-actions[bot]) +- +M▼ includes [\#117](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/117) (@github-actions[bot]) + +## [v4.0.0-beta](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.0.0-beta) (2022-05-17) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v4.0.0-alpha...v4.0.0-beta) + +:bug: Fixed bugs: + +- If partition or row key expressions have complex lambda, property name should be null [\#100](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/100) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Reduce scope of key property lookup to direct property lambda [\#101](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/101) (@kzu) + +## [v4.0.0-alpha](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v4.0.0-alpha) (2022-05-04) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v3.2.0...v4.0.0-alpha) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Upgrade to latest Azure v12 SDK [\#89](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/89) (@kzu) + +:hammer: Other: + +- Upgrade to latest Azure v12 SDK [\#88](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/88) +- Add support for DateOnly [\#78](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/78) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Fix test filter for theory tests [\#91](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/91) (@kzu) +- Address warnings [\#90](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/90) (@kzu) + +## [v3.2.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v3.2.0) (2021-12-13) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v3.1.1...v3.2.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Add support for DateOnly [\#79](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/79) (@kzu) + +## [v3.1.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v3.1.1) (2021-08-29) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v3.1.0...v3.1.1) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Add API docs for all packages [\#64](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/64) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Add missing API docs and fix all docs warnings [\#65](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/65) (@kzu) + +## [v3.1.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v3.1.0) (2021-08-13) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v3.0.3...v3.1.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Support Timestamp property in POCO entities [\#60](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/60) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Support Timestamp property in POCO entities [\#61](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/61) (@kzu) + +## [v3.0.3](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v3.0.3) (2021-07-28) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v3.0.2...v3.0.3) + +:bug: Fixed bugs: + +- Azure Functions fails with SocketException sometimes when accessing table [\#58](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/58) + +## [v3.0.2](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v3.0.2) (2021-07-01) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v3.0.1...v3.0.2) + +:bug: Fixed bugs: + +- ContinuationToken not properly used for enumerating all entities [\#53](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/53) + +## [v3.0.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v3.0.1) (2021-07-01) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v3.0.0...v3.0.1) + +:bug: Fixed bugs: + +- Remove Create factory methods that cause ambiguous matches [\#52](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/52) + +## [v3.0.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v3.0.0) (2021-07-01) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v2.0.2...v3.0.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Don't fail if deleting non-existent entity, return false instead [\#50](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/50) +- Switch from TableEntity to ITableEntity in the non-generic repository for flexibility [\#48](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/48) +- For PutAsync, allow selecting Replace vs Merge behavior [\#46](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/46) +- When deleting entities, return boolean status for success/failure [\#51](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/51) (@kzu) +- Allow additional properties in table entity repository [\#49](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/49) (@kzu) +- Support merge strategy when updating entities [\#47](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/47) (@kzu) + +:hammer: Other: + +- Document usage of \[Browsable\(false\)\] to skip persistence [\#45](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/45) + +## [v2.0.2](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v2.0.2) (2021-06-23) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v2.0.1...v2.0.2) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Allow annotating record constructor parameters with PartitionKey/RowKey [\#43](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/43) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Add support for record constructor parameter annotations [\#44](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/44) (@kzu) + +## [v2.0.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v2.0.1) (2021-06-17) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v2.0.1-rc...v2.0.1) + +## [v2.0.1-rc](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v2.0.1-rc) (2021-06-17) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v2.0.1-beta...v2.0.1-rc) + +## [v2.0.1-beta](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v2.0.1-beta) (2021-06-17) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v2.0.0...v2.0.1-beta) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Include readme in package [\#39](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/39) + +## [v2.0.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v2.0.0) (2021-06-16) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.3.0...v2.0.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Add support for enhanced filtering for document-based repositories [\#37](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/37) +- Add support for filtering by enum property types [\#35](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/35) +- Add support for querying [\#33](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/33) +- Allow passing serialization options for MessagePack serializer [\#32](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/32) +- Switch default built-in serializer to System.Text.Json [\#30](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/30) +- Make Document/Entity default table names plural [\#28](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/28) +- Don't duplicate PartitionKey/RowKey properties in storage [\#26](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/26) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Add support for enhanced filtering for document-based repo [\#38](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/38) (@kzu) +- Add support for filtering by enum property types [\#36](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/36) (@kzu) +- Add support for querying with LINQ and expressions [\#34](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/34) (@kzu) +- Switch default built-in serializer to System.Text.Json [\#31](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/31) (@kzu) +- Make Document/Entity default table names plural [\#29](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/29) (@kzu) +- Don't duplicate PartitionKey/RowKey properties in storage [\#27](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/27) (@kzu) + +## [v1.3.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.3.0) (2021-05-31) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.2.1...v1.3.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Allow persisting entities as documents instead of individual columns [\#24](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/24) +- Avoid creating a separate Task for lazily initialization of CloudTable [\#23](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/23) +- No need to use DynamicTableEntity when deleting [\#21](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/21) +- When doing a PutAsync, use InsertOrMerge instead of InsertOrReplace [\#20](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/20) +- Allow persisting entities as documents [\#25](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/25) (@kzu) + +:bug: Fixed bugs: + +- Inconsistent default partition name in TablePartition.Create [\#22](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/22) + +## [v1.2.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.2.1) (2021-05-29) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.2.0...v1.2.1) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Add support for TableEntity via ITableRepository and ITablePartition APIs [\#18](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/18) + +## [v1.2.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.2.0) (2021-05-26) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.1.1...v1.2.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Add an AttributedTableRepository\ for easy consumption in DI scenarios [\#16](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/16) + +## [v1.1.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.1.1) (2021-05-26) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.1.0...v1.1.1) + +:bug: Fixed bugs: + +- Fix usage in package description [\#15](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/15) + +## [v1.1.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.1.0) (2021-05-26) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.0.4...v1.1.0) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Force factory method usage for default implementations [\#14](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/14) +- Apply factory method defaults to TableRepository/TablePartition constructors [\#13](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/13) + +## [v1.0.4](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.0.4) (2021-05-16) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.0.3...v1.0.4) + +:sparkles: Implemented enhancements: + +- Make TableRepository\/TablePartition\ public [\#10](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/issues/10) + +## [v1.0.3](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.0.3) (2021-05-15) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.0.2...v1.0.3) + +## [v1.0.2](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.0.2) (2021-05-10) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.0.1...v1.0.2) + +## [v1.0.1](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.0.1) (2021-05-07) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.0.0...v1.0.1) + +## [v1.0.0](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.0.0) (2021-05-07) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.0.0-rc...v1.0.0) + +## [v1.0.0-rc](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.0.0-rc) (2021-05-07) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.0.0-beta...v1.0.0-rc) + +:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Merged: + +- Add SourceLink to get repo/pdb linking [\#3](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/pull/3) (@kzu) + +## [v1.0.0-beta](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.0.0-beta) (2021-05-05) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/v1.0.0-alpha...v1.0.0-beta) + +## [v1.0.0-alpha](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/tree/v1.0.0-alpha) (2021-05-05) + +[Full Changelog](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/compare/cf1b7f069ac6d68482b498555c8dbdda8e1ae5b4...v1.0.0-alpha) + + + +\* *This Changelog was automatically generated by [github_changelog_generator](https://github.com/github-changelog-generator/github-changelog-generator)* diff --git a/index.html b/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..07f3c71 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,444 @@ + + + + + + + + + + +TableStorage | Repository pattern with POCO object support for storing to Azure / Cosmos DB Table Storage + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ + View on GitHub + + +



Repository pattern with POCO object support for storing to Azure / Cosmos DB Table Storage

+ + +
+ + +

Icon TableStorage

+ +

Version +Downloads +License +Build

+ + +

Repository pattern with POCO object support for storing to Azure/CosmosDB Table Storage

+ +

Screenshot of basic usage

+ +

NOTE: This library is a thin wrapper around the latest Azure SDK v12+ for Table Storage, +and uses CloudStorageAccount which +is a 100% backwards compatible implementation of the Azure SDK v11 CloudStorageAccount class.

+ +


+ +

Given an entity like:

+ +
public record Product(string Category, string Id) 
+  public required string? Title { get; init; }
+  public double Price { get; init; }
+  public DateOnly CreatedAt { get; init; }
+ +

NOTE: entity can have custom constructor, key properties can be read-only +(Category and Id in this case for example), and it doesn’t need to inherit +from anything, implement any interfaces or use +any custom attributes (unless you want to). As shown above, it can even be +a simple record type.

+ +

The entity can be stored and retrieved with:

+ +
var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; // or production one
+// We lay out the parameter names for clarity only.
+var repo = TableRepository.Create<Product>(storageAccount, 
+    tableName: "Products",
+    partitionKey: p => p.Category, 
+    rowKey: p => p.Id);
+var product = new Product("book", "1234") 
+  Title = "Table Storage is Cool",
+  Price = 25.5,
+// Insert or Update behavior (aka "upsert")
+await repo.PutAsync(product);
+// Enumerate all products in category "book"
+await foreach (var p in repo.EnumerateAsync("book"))
+   Console.WriteLine(p.Price);
+// Query books priced in the 20-50 range, 
+// project just title + price
+await foreach (var info in from prod in repo.CreateQuery()
+                           where prod.Price >= 20 and prod.Price <= 50
+                           select new { prod.Title, prod.Price })
+  Console.WriteLine($"{info.Title}: {info.Price}");
+// Get previously saved product.
+Product saved = await repo.GetAsync("book", "1234");
+// Delete product
+await repo.DeleteAsync("book", "1234");
+// Can also delete passing entity
+await repo.DeleteAsync(saved);
+ +

Attributes can also be used to eliminate the need for lambdas altogether when +the entity storage layout is known at compile time:

+ +
+public record Product([PartitionKey] string Category, [RowKey] string Id) ... 
+var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount;
+// Everything discovered from attributes.
+var repo = TableRepository.Create<Product>(storageAccount);
+ +

See the Attributes section below for more details on how to use them.

+ +

If the product were books for example, it might make sense to partition by author. +In that case, you could use a TableRepository<Book> when saving:

+ +
public record Book([RowKey] string ISBN, string Title, string Author, BookFormat Format, int Pages);
+var repo = TableRepository.Create<Product>(storageAccount, "Books",
+  partitionKey: x => x.Author);
+await repo.PutAsync(book);
+ +

Note how you can mix and match attributes and explicit lambdas as needed. +The latter takes precedence over the former.

+ +

And later on when listing/filtering books by a particular author, you can use +a TablePartition<Product> so all querying is automatically scoped to that author:

+ +
var partition = TablePartition.Create<Book>(storageAccount, "Books", 
+  partitionKey: "Rick Riordan");
+// Get Rick Riordan books, only from Disney/Hyperion, with over 1000 pages
+var query = from book in repo.CreateQuery()
+            where 
+                book.ISBN.CompareTo("97814231") >= 0 &&
+                book.ISBN.CompareTo("97814232") < 0 && 
+                book.Pages >= 1000
+            select new { book.ISBN, book.Title };
+ +

Using table partitions is quite convenient for handling reference data too, for example. +Enumerating all entries in the partition wouldn’t be something you’d typically do for +your “real” data, but for reference data, it could come in handy.

+ +

NOTE: if access to the Timestamp managed by Azure Table Storage for the entity is needed, +just declare a property with that name with either DateTimeOffset, DateTime or string type +to read it.

+ +

Stored entities using TableRepository and TablePartition use individual columns for +properties, which makes it easy to browse the data (and query, as shown above!).

+ +

NOTE: partition and row keys can also be typed as Guid

+ +

Document-based storage is also available via DocumentRepository and DocumentPartition if +you don’t need the individual columns.

+ + +

Document Storage

+ +

The DocumentRepository.Create and DocumentPartition.Create factory methods provide access +to document-based storage, exposing the a similar API as column-based storage.

+ +

Document repositories cause entities to be persisted as a single document column, alongside type and version +information to handle versioning a the app level as needed.

+ +

The API is mostly the same as for column-based repositories (document repositories implement +the same underlying ITableStorage interface):

+ +
public record Product(string Category, string Id) 
+  public string? Title { get; init; }
+  public double Price { get; init; }
+  public DateOnly CreatedAt { get; init; }
+var book = new Product("book", "9781473217386")
+    Title = "Neuromancer",
+    Price = 7.32
+// Column-based storage
+var repo = TableRepository.Create<Product>(
+    CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount,
+    tableName: "Products",
+    partitionKey: p => p.Category,
+    rowKey: p => p.Id);
+await repo.PutAsync(book);
+// Document-based storage
+var docs = DocumentRepository.Create<Product>(
+    CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount,
+    tableName: "Documents",
+    partitionKey: p => p.Category,
+    rowKey: p => p.Id
+    serializer: [SERIALIZER]);
+await docs.PutAsync(book);
+ +

If not provided, the serializer defaults to the System.Text.Json-based DocumentSerializer.Default.

+ +

The resulting differences in storage can be seen in the following screenshots of the +Azure Storage Explorer:

+ +

Screenshot of entity persisted with separate columns for properties

+ +

Screenshot of entity persisted as a document

+ +

The Type column persisted in the documents table is the Type.FullName of the persisted entity, and the +Version is the [Major].[Minor] of its assembly, which could be used for advanced data migration scenarios. +The major and minor version components are also provided as individual columns for easier querying +by various version ranges, using IDocumentRepository.EnumerateAsync(predicate).

+ + + +

In addition to the default built-in JSON plain-text based serializer (which uses the +System.Text.Json package), there are other +alternative serializers for the document-based repository, including various binary serializers +which will instead persist the document as a byte array:

+ +

Json.NET Bson MessagePack Protobuf

+ +

You can pass the serializer to use to the factory method as follows:

+ +
var repo = TableRepository.Create<Product>(...,
+    serializer: [JsonDocumentSerializer|BsonDocumentSerializer|MessagePackDocumentSerializer|ProtobufDocumentSerializer].Default);
+ +

NOTE: when using alternative serializers, entities might need to be annotated with whatever +attributes are required by the underlying libraries.

+ +


+ +

If you want to avoid using strings with the factory methods, you can also annotate the +entity type to modify the default values used:

+ +
  • [Table("tableName")]: class-level attribute to change the default when no value is provided
  • +
  • [PartitionKey]: annotates the property that should be used as the partition key
  • +
  • [RowKey]: annotates the property that should be used as the row key.
  • +
+ +

Values passed to the factory methods override declarative attributes.

+ +

For the products example above, your record entity could be:

+ +
+public record Product([PartitionKey] string Category, [RowKey] string Id) 
+  public string? Title { get; init; }
+  public double Price { get; init; }
+ +

And creating the repository wouldn’t require any arguments besides the storage account:

+ +
var repo = TableRepository.Create<Product>(CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount);
+ +

In addition, if you want to omit a particular property from persistence, you can annotate +it with [Browsable(false)] and it will be skipped when persisting and reading the entity.

+ +

TableEntity Support

+ +

Since these repository APIs are quite a bit more intuitive than working directly against a
+TableClient, you might want to retrieve/enumerate entities just by their built-in TableEntity +properties, like PartitionKey, RowKey, Timestamp and ETag. For this scenario, we +also support creating ITableRepository<TableEntity> and ITablePartition<TableEntity> +by using the factory methods TableRepository.Create(...) and TablePartition.Create(...) +without a (generic) entity type argument.

+ +

For example, given you know all Region entities saved in the example above, use the region Code +as the RowKey, you could simply enumerate all regions without using the Region type at all:

+ +
var account = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; // or production one
+var repo = TablePartition.Create(storageAccount, 
+  tableName: "Reference",
+  partitionKey: "Region");
+// Enumerate all regions within the partition as plain TableEntities
+await foreach (TableEntity region in repo.EnumerateAsync())
+   Console.WriteLine(region.RowKey);
+ +

You can access and add additional properties by just using the entity indexer, which you can +later persist by calling PutAsync:

+ +
await repo.PutAsync(
+    new TableEntity("Book", "9781473217386") 
+    {
+        ["Title"] = "Neuromancer",
+        ["Price"] = 7.32
+    });
+var entity = await repo.GetAsync("Book", "9781473217386");
+Assert.Equal("Neuromancer", entity["Title"]);
+Assert.Equal(7.32, (double)entity["Price"]);
+ + + +


+ +
> Install-Package Devlooped.TableStorage
+ +

All packages also come in source-only versions, if you want to avoid an additional assembly dependency:

+ +
> Install-Package Devlooped.TableStorage.Source
+ +

The source-only packages includes all types with the default visibility (internal), so you can decide +what types to make public by declaring a partial class with the desired visibility. To make them all +public, for example, you can include the same Visibility.cs +that the compiled version uses.

+ +


+ +

CI Version +Build

+ +

We also produce CI packages from branches and pull requests so you can dogfood builds as quickly as they are produced.

+ +

The CI feed is https://pkg.kzu.io/index.json.

+ +

The versioning scheme for packages is:

+ +
  • PR builds: 42.42.42-pr[NUMBER]
  • +
  • Branch builds: 42.42.42-[BRANCH].[COMMITS]
  • +
+ + + +


+ + +

Clarius Org +Kirill Osenkov +MFB Technologies, Inc. +Stephen Shaw +Torutek +DRIVE.NET, Inc. +Ashley Medway +Keith Pickford +Thomas Bolon +Kori Francis +Toni Wenzel +Giorgi Dalakishvili +Uno Platform +Dan Siegel +Reuben Swartz +Jacob Foshee + +Ix Technologies B.V. +David JENNI +Jonathan +Oleg Kyrylchuk +Charley Wu +Jakob Tikjøb Andersen +Seann Alexander +Tino Hager +Mark Seemann +Ken Bonny +Simon Cropp +agileworks-eu +sorahex +Zheyu Shen +Vezel +ChilliCream +4OTC

+ + + +

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+ +

Learn more about GitHub Sponsors

+ + + +
+ + + + + diff --git a/license.txt b/license.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..83969dc --- /dev/null +++ b/license.txt @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ +The MIT License (MIT) + +Copyright (c) Daniel Cazzulino and Contributors + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all +copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE +SOFTWARE. + diff --git a/readme.md b/readme.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a6d695 --- /dev/null +++ b/readme.md @@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ +![Icon](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devlooped/TableStorage/main/assets/img/icon-32.png) TableStorage +============ + +[![Version](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Devlooped.TableStorage.svg?color=royalblue)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Devlooped.TableStorage) +[![Downloads](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/Devlooped.TableStorage.svg?color=green)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Devlooped.TableStorage) +[![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/devlooped/TableStorage.svg?color=blue)](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/blob/main/license.txt) +[![Build](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/actions) + + +Repository pattern with POCO object support for storing to Azure/CosmosDB Table Storage + +![Screenshot of basic usage](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devlooped/TableStorage/main/assets/img/tablestorage.png) + +> NOTE: This library is a thin wrapper around the latest Azure SDK v12+ for Table Storage, +> and uses [CloudStorageAccount](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Devlooped.CloudStorageAccount) which +> is a 100% backwards compatible implementation of the Azure SDK v11 `CloudStorageAccount` class. + +## Usage + +Given an entity like: + +```csharp +public record Product(string Category, string Id) +{ + public required string? Title { get; init; } + public double Price { get; init; } + public DateOnly CreatedAt { get; init; } +} +``` + +> NOTE: entity can have custom constructor, key properties can be read-only +> (Category and Id in this case for example), and it doesn't need to inherit +> from anything, implement any interfaces or use +> any custom attributes (unless you want to). As shown above, it can even be +> a simple record type. + +The entity can be stored and retrieved with: + +```csharp +var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; // or production one +// We lay out the parameter names for clarity only. +var repo = TableRepository.Create(storageAccount, + tableName: "Products", + partitionKey: p => p.Category, + rowKey: p => p.Id); + +var product = new Product("book", "1234") +{ + Title = "Table Storage is Cool", + Price = 25.5, +}; + +// Insert or Update behavior (aka "upsert") +await repo.PutAsync(product); + +// Enumerate all products in category "book" +await foreach (var p in repo.EnumerateAsync("book")) + Console.WriteLine(p.Price); + +// Query books priced in the 20-50 range, +// project just title + price +await foreach (var info in from prod in repo.CreateQuery() + where prod.Price >= 20 and prod.Price <= 50 + select new { prod.Title, prod.Price }) + Console.WriteLine($"{info.Title}: {info.Price}"); + +// Get previously saved product. +Product saved = await repo.GetAsync("book", "1234"); + +// Delete product +await repo.DeleteAsync("book", "1234"); + +// Can also delete passing entity +await repo.DeleteAsync(saved); +``` + +Attributes can also be used to eliminate the need for lambdas altogether when +the entity storage layout is known at compile time: + +```csharp +[Table("Products")] +public record Product([PartitionKey] string Category, [RowKey] string Id) ... + +var storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; +// Everything discovered from attributes. +var repo = TableRepository.Create(storageAccount); +``` + +See the [Attributes](#attributes) section below for more details on how to use them. + +If the product were books for example, it might make sense to partition by author. +In that case, you could use a `TableRepository` when saving: + +```csharp +public record Book([RowKey] string ISBN, string Title, string Author, BookFormat Format, int Pages); + +var repo = TableRepository.Create(storageAccount, "Books", + partitionKey: x => x.Author); + +await repo.PutAsync(book); +``` + +> Note how you can mix and match attributes and explicit lambdas as needed. +> The latter takes precedence over the former. + +And later on when listing/filtering books by a particular author, you can use +a `TablePartition` so all querying is automatically scoped to that author: + +```csharp +var partition = TablePartition.Create(storageAccount, "Books", + partitionKey: "Rick Riordan"); + +// Get Rick Riordan books, only from Disney/Hyperion, with over 1000 pages +var query = from book in repo.CreateQuery() + where + book.ISBN.CompareTo("97814231") >= 0 && + book.ISBN.CompareTo("97814232") < 0 && + book.Pages >= 1000 + select new { book.ISBN, book.Title }; +``` + +Using table partitions is quite convenient for handling reference data too, for example. +Enumerating all entries in the partition wouldn't be something you'd typically do for +your "real" data, but for reference data, it could come in handy. + +> NOTE: if access to the `Timestamp` managed by Azure Table Storage for the entity is needed, +> just declare a property with that name with either `DateTimeOffset`, `DateTime` or `string` type +> to read it. + +Stored entities using `TableRepository` and `TablePartition` use individual columns for +properties, which makes it easy to browse the data (and query, as shown above!). + +> NOTE: partition and row keys can also be typed as `Guid` + +Document-based storage is also available via `DocumentRepository` and `DocumentPartition` if +you don't need the individual columns. + + +## Document Storage + +The `DocumentRepository.Create` and `DocumentPartition.Create` factory methods provide access +to document-based storage, exposing the a similar API as column-based storage. + +Document repositories cause entities to be persisted as a single document column, alongside type and version +information to handle versioning a the app level as needed. + +The API is mostly the same as for column-based repositories (document repositories implement +the same underlying `ITableStorage` interface): + +```csharp +public record Product(string Category, string Id) +{ + public string? Title { get; init; } + public double Price { get; init; } + public DateOnly CreatedAt { get; init; } +} + +var book = new Product("book", "9781473217386") +{ + Title = "Neuromancer", + Price = 7.32 +}; + +// Column-based storage +var repo = TableRepository.Create( + CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount, + tableName: "Products", + partitionKey: p => p.Category, + rowKey: p => p.Id); + +await repo.PutAsync(book); + +// Document-based storage +var docs = DocumentRepository.Create( + CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount, + tableName: "Documents", + partitionKey: p => p.Category, + rowKey: p => p.Id + serializer: [SERIALIZER]); + +await docs.PutAsync(book); +``` + +> If not provided, the serializer defaults to the `System.Text.Json`-based `DocumentSerializer.Default`. + +The resulting differences in storage can be seen in the following screenshots of the +[Azure Storage Explorer](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/features/storage-explorer/): + +![Screenshot of entity persisted with separate columns for properties](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devlooped/TableStorage/main/assets/img/entity.png) + +![Screenshot of entity persisted as a document](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devlooped/TableStorage/main/assets/img/document.png) + + +The `Type` column persisted in the documents table is the `Type.FullName` of the persisted entity, and the +`Version` is the `[Major].[Minor]` of its assembly, which could be used for advanced data migration scenarios. +The major and minor version components are also provided as individual columns for easier querying +by various version ranges, using `IDocumentRepository.EnumerateAsync(predicate)`. + + + +In addition to the default built-in JSON plain-text based serializer (which uses the +[System.Text.Json](https://www.nuget.org/packages/system.text.json) package), there are other +alternative serializers for the document-based repository, including various binary serializers +which will instead persist the document as a byte array: + +[![Json.NET](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Devlooped.TableStorage.Newtonsoft.svg?color=royalblue&label=Newtonsoft)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Devlooped.TableStorage.Newtonsoft) [![Bson](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Devlooped.TableStorage.Bson.svg?color=royalblue&label=Bson)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Devlooped.TableStorage.Bson) [![MessagePack](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Devlooped.TableStorage.MessagePack.svg?color=royalblue&label=MessagePack)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Devlooped.TableStorage.MessagePack) [![Protobuf](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Devlooped.TableStorage.Protobuf.svg?color=royalblue&label=Protobuf)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Devlooped.TableStorage.Protobuf) + +You can pass the serializer to use to the factory method as follows: + +```csharp +var repo = TableRepository.Create(..., + serializer: [JsonDocumentSerializer|BsonDocumentSerializer|MessagePackDocumentSerializer|ProtobufDocumentSerializer].Default); +``` + +> NOTE: when using alternative serializers, entities might need to be annotated with whatever +> attributes are required by the underlying libraries. + + +## Attributes + +If you want to avoid using strings with the factory methods, you can also annotate the +entity type to modify the default values used: + +* `[Table("tableName")]`: class-level attribute to change the default when no value is provided +* `[PartitionKey]`: annotates the property that should be used as the partition key +* `[RowKey]`: annotates the property that should be used as the row key. + +Values passed to the factory methods override declarative attributes. + +For the products example above, your record entity could be: + +```csharp +[Table("Products")] +public record Product([PartitionKey] string Category, [RowKey] string Id) +{ + public string? Title { get; init; } + public double Price { get; init; } +} +``` + +And creating the repository wouldn't require any arguments besides the storage account: + +```csharp +var repo = TableRepository.Create(CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount); +``` + +In addition, if you want to omit a particular property from persistence, you can annotate +it with `[Browsable(false)]` and it will be skipped when persisting and reading the entity. + + +## TableEntity Support + +Since these repository APIs are quite a bit more intuitive than working directly against a +`TableClient`, you might want to retrieve/enumerate entities just by their built-in `TableEntity` +properties, like `PartitionKey`, `RowKey`, `Timestamp` and `ETag`. For this scenario, we +also support creating `ITableRepository` and `ITablePartition` +by using the factory methods `TableRepository.Create(...)` and `TablePartition.Create(...)` +without a (generic) entity type argument. + +For example, given you know all `Region` entities saved in the example above, use the region `Code` +as the `RowKey`, you could simply enumerate all regions without using the `Region` type at all: + +```csharp +var account = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount; // or production one +var repo = TablePartition.Create(storageAccount, + tableName: "Reference", + partitionKey: "Region"); + +// Enumerate all regions within the partition as plain TableEntities +await foreach (TableEntity region in repo.EnumerateAsync()) + Console.WriteLine(region.RowKey); +``` + +You can access and add additional properties by just using the entity indexer, which you can +later persist by calling `PutAsync`: + +```csharp +await repo.PutAsync( + new TableEntity("Book", "9781473217386") + { + ["Title"] = "Neuromancer", + ["Price"] = 7.32 + }); + +var entity = await repo.GetAsync("Book", "9781473217386"); + +Assert.Equal("Neuromancer", entity["Title"]); +Assert.Equal(7.32, (double)entity["Price"]); +``` + + + +## Installation + +``` +> Install-Package Devlooped.TableStorage +``` + +All packages also come in source-only versions, if you want to avoid an additional assembly dependency: + +``` +> Install-Package Devlooped.TableStorage.Source +``` + +The source-only packages includes all types with the default visibility (internal), so you can decide +what types to make public by declaring a partial class with the desired visibility. To make them all +public, for example, you can include the same [Visibility.cs](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/blob/main/src/TableStorage/Visibility.cs) +that the compiled version uses. + + +## Dogfooding + +[![CI Version](https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://shields.kzu.io/vpre/Devlooped.TableStorage/main&label=nuget.ci&color=brightgreen)](https://pkg.kzu.io/index.json) +[![Build](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/workflows/build/badge.svg?branch=main)](https://github.com/devlooped/TableStorage/actions) + +We also produce CI packages from branches and pull requests so you can dogfood builds as quickly as they are produced. + +The CI feed is `https://pkg.kzu.io/index.json`. + +The versioning scheme for packages is: + +- PR builds: *42.42.42-pr*`[NUMBER]` +- Branch builds: *42.42.42-*`[BRANCH]`.`[COMMITS]` + + + +# Sponsors + + +[![Clarius Org](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/devlooped/sponsors/main/.github/avatars/clarius.png "Clarius 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