Allows fast data modeling using a custom EAV model built upon Doctrine. The model description is versioned in Yaml files instead of stored in the database along the actual data, this provides less flexibility than a traditional EAV model for the end-user - as it's not directly editable using the user interface-, but it does provide a significant gain in features, robustness and performances as well as being more customisable by the developers.
- Doctrine: The EAV data uses Doctrine for storage and filtering
The missing link between the controllers, the router component, the forms and the entities. Not an fully featured admin generator like Sonata!
- Sidus/DataGridBundle: Should'nt actually depend on it, work in progress
Adds datagrid capabilities upon the Sidus/FilterBundle. Provides a basic Twitter/Bootstrap datagrid template but it's easily extendable.
- Sidus/FilterBundle: For filtering results
EAV compatibility is achieved with the help of the Sidus/EAVDataGridBundle bundle
Provides a Twitter/Bootstrap integration through Mopa/BootstrapBundle and several new attribute types (autocomplete, html, date pickers) and additional editing capabilities for "multiple" attributes.
- Sidus/EAVModelBundle: Extends it's capabilities
- Pinano/Select2Bundle: Select2 integration, used by autocomplete feature
- Stfalcon/TinymceBundle: TinyMCE integration for HTML attributes
- Mopa/BootstrapBundle: Twitter/Bootstrap integration (using SASS) with additional features
- jQuery, jQueryUI: For JS widgets
Define filters on data source in configuration and helps build filter forms and pagination.
- Doctrine
- WhiteOctober/PagerFantaBundle
EAV compatibility is achieved with the help of the Sidus/EAVFilterBundle bundle