Tasks are symfony services that implements CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Model\TaskInterface
Most of them takes an input to produce an output, but others might download a file, write a CSV, load database data... Step by step, tasks are chained together according to the process workflow definition.
A task can be executed one or multiple times.
In most of process, when loading a file or querying database, you want to manipulate a collection of data. If you're managing huge amount of data you might face memory issues.
Iterable tasks are a way to resolve this issue. They implement CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Model\IterableTaskInterface
Every time it's needed they will dispatch a new chunk of data to the next task (cascading to other tasks), until all data have been processed.
The main condition to use them is to have no interaction between each chunk of data. If it's not the case, you might have to look for another way to organize your data, in order to find bigger chunks.
A few examples where iterable are useful:
- You load a collection of database entities: for each of them you want to edit a field and save it back in database.
- In a model with 2 types A and B, where A contains a collection of B: you want to export every B entity that match a condition on itself and on its parent. You can iterate on A entities, then if it match the first condition, iterate on B entities, check the second condition and finally export them.
Once you produced an iterated flow of data, there can be some point where you need to get the whole result to do a onetime operation.
Blocking tasks aims to provide a way to block the flow, waiting for all preceding task to complete. They implement
The main category of blocking task is aggregator tasks: they accumulate data until execution. Yet one huge caveat is they can provoke memory issues (due from their very nature). A strong advice when using them is to control the uphill amount of data (either with a hard limit or by storing the minimum amount of data). Some examples:
- After loading a collection of entity from database, you can iterate on them to extract and transform some values, before finally doing a onetime upload of the result as a JSON.
- Once you retrieved some collection of data, you want to check for a global condition such as "there is exactly
data that fulfillYY
condition on one field". In this case, instead of storing the full data, you could only store the field values.
Other blocking tasks might be accumulators: with each input they change some internal data (value, file, ...) without storing a huge collection. Once there is no input, only the final data is outputted. The simplest example is a counter, but it can also be a CSV writer.
For now, due to model limitations, a task cannot be blocking and iterable.
Some tasks may have mandatory initial actions. It may be opening a connexion to a remote server, testing if file permissions are ok, ... But in most of those case you want to check those setup before actually starting the process.
Initializable tasks, which implements CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Model\InitializableTaskInterface
, can setup, check
and prepare anything needed for the main execution of the task.
This is especially useful (for example) when the process starts with heavy tasks before actually uploading a file. If the remote server cannot be reached the process can fail at the initialization step, and not at the end of the process.
Most tasks aims to have a generic behavior. This can provide reusablility but every times it needs a slightly different behavior. Options are a way to configure a task.
Configurable tasks extends CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Model\AbstractConfigurableTask
. As you might notice it's an
initializable task that rely on
Symfony's OptionsResolver Component. This allows to
check the definition of the options before actually executing the process.
TODO more about definition in XXX section
Transformers are a special subset of this bundle. They're not tasks strictly speaking, but used by them. The main entry
point for Transformers is the CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Task\TransformerTask
, whose only purpose is to take some input,
pass it to a transformer and transfer the output to next task.
The idea is to allow a great flexibility (especially using the [MappingTransformer]), without using too much code.
They implement CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Transformer\TransformerInterface
On the opposite, some tasks may require cleanup work at the very end of the process (e.g. cleanup a temporary folder).
Finalizable tasks implements CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Model\FinalizableTaskInterface
and can trigger any work at the
very end of a process.
TODO check behavior during failed process