service: <service reference>
description: <string>
help: <multiline string>
options: <task options>
outputs: <list of following task codes>
errors: <list of following task codes>
error_strategy: <skip|stop>
log_errors: <true|false> # Deprecated
log_level: <emergency|alert|critical|error|warning|notice|info|debug>
service: reference service used for the task, must implement CleverAge\ProcessBundle\Model\TaskInterface
description: optional string to describe a task, displayed in process help (should not exceed one line)
help: optional string to describe in depth a task, displayed in verbose process help (can be multiline)
options: optional list of parameters to pass to a task
outputs: optional list of following tasks, it can be a simple string
errors: optional list of following tasks, in case of error, it can be a simple string
error_strategy: either skip (default) or stop, defines if a task can be continued or not
log_errors: DEPRECATED: use log_level instead. Optional boolean (defaults to true), to allow logging thrown errors
log_level: rfc5424 severity (emergency, alert, critical, error, warning, notice, info, debug) for error logged when an exception is thrown by a task. Default 'critical'. Case-independant.