Puppet module to manage PHP on debian (optionally with dotdeb) & ubuntu
Puppet forge URL: http://forge.puppetlabs.com/nodes/php
puppet module install nodes/php
or simply clone the repository in your module_path
(the folder must be named php)
There is little to no class dependency between all classes
To ensure that things happen in a predictable order please use the example below to ensure that extensions are installed before they are configured
# Install extensions; Configure extensions; Reload apache if changed
Php::Extension <| |> -> Php::Config <| |> ~> Service["apache2"]
If you rely on dotdeb
you also want to make sure that the php::apt
class is loaded and apt
has been updated (apt-get update
) before packages are installed
# Install sources; Update sources; Install packages
Apt::Source <| |> ~> Exec['apt_update'] -> Package <| |>
Using the Pecl package provider requires the php5-dev
and build-essential
package to be installed beforehand
It will install CLI, mod_php for apache, dev packages, pear and APC
$php_version = '5.4.11-1~dotdeb.0'
include php
include php::apt
class {
ensure => $php_version;
ensure => $php_version;
ensure => $php_version;
ensure => $php_version;
ensure => $php_version;
The module provides a pear
and pecl
package { 'pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit':
ensure => installed,
provider => pear;
package { 'igbinary':
ensure => installed,
provider => pecl;
package { "libgearman":
ensure => "latest",
provider => "dpkg",
source => "/path/to/libgearman8_1.1.7-1_amd64.deb",
It's quite simple to install packages not included in the package, simply use php::extension
php::extension { 'platform-independent-name':
ensure => $ensure, # Same as Package { ensure }
package => $package, # Package name as defined in the package provider
provider => $provider; # Provider used to install (pecl, pear, (default)undef)
# same as
package { $package: # Package name as defined in the package provider
ensure => $ensure, # Same as Package { ensure }
provider => $provider; # Provider used to install (pecl, pear, (default)undef)
The advantage of using php::extension
over package
is the anchor of dependency mentioned in Setup
Packages from a custom pear
channel is also supported nicely
package { 'pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit':
ensure => '3.7.12', # Same as Package { ensure }
provider => pear,
require => Exec['php::pear::auto_discover'];
If you want to auto-discover channels, make sure to require
Modifying php configuration is also baked right now
Simply use php::config
to modify your ini files
php::config { '$unique-name':
inifile => '$full_path_to_ini_file'
settings => {
set => {
'.anon/apc.enabled' => 1
# same as
augeas { "php-${uniqie-name}-config":
context => "/files${full_path_to_ini_file}",
changes => {
"set '.anon/apc.enabled' '1'"
# or to modify php.ini
# note that keys outside of the sections in php.ini file
# should be referenced by PHP and not .anon
php::config { '$unique-name':
inifile => '$full_path_to_php.ini_file',
settings => {
set => {
'Date/date.timezone' => "UTC",
'PHP/short_open_tag' => "Off",
# same as
augeas { "php-${uniqie-name}-config":
context => "/files${full_path_to_php.ini_file}",
changes => {
"set 'Date/date.timezone' 'UTC'",
"set 'PHP/short_open_tag' 'Off'"
is a key / value augeas
Currently settings
only support the type set
in augeas
To remove a config key you might use
augeas { "remove-disable_functions":
context => "/files/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini/PHP",
changes => [
"rm disable_functions"
The advantage of using php::config
over augeas
is the anchor of dependency mentioned in Setup
By default the module comes with support for mod_php (php::apache
), cli php::cli
and fpm php::fpm
The following modules are implemented by default:
- apc (php::extension::apc)
- curl (php::extension::curl)
- gd (php::extension::gd)
- gearman (php::extension::gearman)
- http (php::extension::http)
- igbinary (php::extension::igbinary)
- imagick (php::extension::imagick)
- mcrypt (php::extension::mcrypt)
- mysql (php::extension::mysql)
- redis (php::extension::redis)
- ssh2 (php::extension::ssh2)
- uploadprogress (php::extension::uploadprogress)
- xdebug (php::extension::xdebug)
each of them are located in the php::extension
The following PHP related packages come build in too
- Composer (php::composer)
- phpunit (php::phpunit)