diff --git a/atmos_cubed_sphere b/atmos_cubed_sphere
index 8b59ebc03..2ec76f886 160000
--- a/atmos_cubed_sphere
+++ b/atmos_cubed_sphere
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 8b59ebc039dafe1c20ed6dd21cb38ca564852b98
+Subproject commit 2ec76f886450b1c58d2f7eb18f0553a1e77fb831
diff --git a/atmos_model.F90 b/atmos_model.F90
index 0499c3c56..81589c386 100644
--- a/atmos_model.F90
+++ b/atmos_model.F90
@@ -99,13 +99,13 @@ module atmos_model_mod
IPD_interstitial => GFS_interstitial
use IPD_driver, only: IPD_initialize, IPD_initialize_rst
use CCPP_driver, only: CCPP_step, non_uniform_blocks
+use stochastic_physics_wrapper_mod, only: stochastic_physics_wrapper
use IPD_driver, only: IPD_initialize, IPD_initialize_rst, IPD_step
use physics_abstraction_layer, only: time_vary_step, radiation_step1, physics_step1, physics_step2
-use stochastic_physics_wrapper_mod, only: stochastic_physics_wrapper
use FV3GFS_io_mod, only: FV3GFS_restart_read, FV3GFS_restart_write, &
FV3GFS_IPD_checksum, &
FV3GFS_diag_register, FV3GFS_diag_output, &
@@ -291,16 +291,16 @@ subroutine update_atmos_radiation_physics (Atmos)
#ifdef CCPP
call CCPP_step (step="time_vary", nblks=Atm_block%nblks, ierr=ierr)
if (ierr/=0) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'Call to CCPP time_vary step failed')
+!--- call stochastic physics pattern generation / cellular automata
+ call stochastic_physics_wrapper(IPD_Control, IPD_Data, Atm_block, ierr)
+ if (ierr/=0) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'Call to stochastic_physics_wrapper failed')
Func1d => time_vary_step
call IPD_step (IPD_Control, IPD_Data(:), IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart, IPD_func1d=Func1d)
-!--- call stochastic physics pattern generation / cellular automata
- call stochastic_physics_wrapper(IPD_Control, IPD_Data, Atm_block, ierr)
- if (ierr/=0) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'Call to stochastic_physics_wrapper failed')
!--- if coupled, assign coupled fields
if( IPD_Control%cplflx .or. IPD_Control%cplwav ) then
@@ -625,14 +625,15 @@ subroutine atmos_model_init (Atmos, Time_init, Time, Time_step)
#ifdef CCPP
call IPD_initialize (IPD_Control, IPD_Data, IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart, &
IPD_Interstitial, commglobal, mpp_npes(), Init_parm)
- call IPD_initialize (IPD_Control, IPD_Data, IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart, Init_parm)
!--- Initialize stochastic physics pattern generation / cellular automata for first time step
call stochastic_physics_wrapper(IPD_Control, IPD_Data, Atm_block, ierr)
if (ierr/=0) call mpp_error(FATAL, 'Call to stochastic_physics_wrapper failed')
+ call IPD_initialize (IPD_Control, IPD_Data, IPD_Diag, IPD_Restart, Init_parm)
Atmos%Diag => IPD_Diag
Atm(mygrid)%flagstruct%do_skeb = IPD_Control%do_skeb
diff --git a/ccpp/CMakeLists.txt b/ccpp/CMakeLists.txt
index b1395b23b..750ae5c14 100644
--- a/ccpp/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/ccpp/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -120,11 +120,13 @@ elseif (${CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_ID} MATCHES "Intel")
elseif (${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE} MATCHES "Release")
# Specify aggressive optimization flags (to be overwritten for individual files in ccpp-physics' CMakeLists.txt)
- set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_OPT "-no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -axSSE4.2,AVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512")
- set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_OPT "-no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -xCORE-AVX2")
+ if (AVX2)
+ set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_OPT "-no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -axSSE4.2,AVX,CORE-AVX2,CORE-AVX512")
+ set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_OPT "-no-prec-div -no-prec-sqrt -xCORE-AVX2")
+ endif (AVX2)
set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS "${CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS} -debug minimal -fp-model source -qoverride-limits -qopt-prefetch=3")
set (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_DEFAULT_PREC "-i4 -real-size 64")
diff --git a/ccpp/driver/CCPP_driver.F90 b/ccpp/driver/CCPP_driver.F90
index 8e45d9382..89c41672f 100644
--- a/ccpp/driver/CCPP_driver.F90
+++ b/ccpp/driver/CCPP_driver.F90
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ subroutine CCPP_step (step, nblks, ierr)
end do
end do
- else if (trim(step)=="physics_init") then
+ else if (trim(step)=="physics_init") then
! Since the physics init steps are independent of the blocking structure,
! we can use cdata_domain here. Since we don't use threading on the outside,
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ subroutine CCPP_step (step, nblks, ierr)
end if
- else if (trim(step)=="time_vary") then
+ else if (trim(step)=="time_vary") then
! Since the time_vary steps only use data structures for all blocks (except the
! CCPP-internal variables ccpp_error_flag and ccpp_error_message, which are defined
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ subroutine CCPP_step (step, nblks, ierr)
end if
- ! Radiation and stochastic physics
- else if (trim(step)=="radiation" .or. trim(step)=="physics" .or. trim(step)=="stochastics") then
+ ! Radiation and stochastic physics
+ else if (trim(step)=="radiation" .or. trim(step)=="physics" .or. trim(step)=="stochastics") then
! Set number of threads available to physics schemes to one,
! because threads are used on the outside for blocking
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ subroutine CCPP_step (step, nblks, ierr)
!$OMP end parallel
if (ierr/=0) return
- ! Finalize
- else if (trim(step)=="finalize") then
+ ! Finalize
+ else if (trim(step)=="finalize") then
! Loop over blocks, don't use threading on the outside but allowing threading
! inside the finalization, similar to what is done for the initialization
diff --git a/ccpp/framework b/ccpp/framework
index 1dda22427..3fee72ab3 160000
--- a/ccpp/framework
+++ b/ccpp/framework
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 1dda22427d365529fee86f87f34275a70fac9108
+Subproject commit 3fee72ab3d3d10014654d03d749938cb97c5912a
diff --git a/ccpp/physics b/ccpp/physics
index 0808cc2e8..5540bd61a 160000
--- a/ccpp/physics
+++ b/ccpp/physics
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 0808cc2e8938ba66003b46746858143a9d75addb
+Subproject commit 5540bd61a8ba48b4f5a4c35b0a65d261615d57b2
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_2017_couplednsst.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_2017_couplednsst.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1aa7ca484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_2017_couplednsst.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ GFS_time_vary_pre
+ GFS_rrtmg_setup
+ GFS_rad_time_vary
+ GFS_phys_time_vary
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_rad_reset
+ GFS_rrtmg_pre
+ rrtmg_sw_pre
+ rrtmg_sw
+ rrtmg_sw_post
+ rrtmg_lw_pre
+ rrtmg_lw
+ rrtmg_lw_post
+ GFS_rrtmg_post
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_phys_reset
+ GFS_suite_stateout_reset
+ get_prs_fv3
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_1
+ GFS_surface_generic_pre
+ GFS_surface_composites_pre
+ dcyc2t3
+ GFS_surface_composites_inter
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_2
+ sfc_diff
+ GFS_surface_loop_control_part1
+ lsm_noah
+ sfc_nst_pre
+ sfc_nst
+ sfc_nst_post
+ sfc_cice
+ sfc_sice
+ GFS_surface_loop_control_part2
+ GFS_surface_composites_post
+ sfc_diag
+ sfc_diag_post
+ GFS_surface_generic_post
+ GFS_PBL_generic_pre
+ hedmf
+ GFS_PBL_generic_post
+ GFS_GWD_generic_pre
+ cires_ugwp
+ cires_ugwp_post
+ GFS_GWD_generic_post
+ rayleigh_damp
+ GFS_suite_stateout_update
+ ozphys
+ get_phi_fv3
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_3
+ GFS_DCNV_generic_pre
+ samfdeepcnv
+ GFS_DCNV_generic_post
+ GFS_SCNV_generic_pre
+ samfshalcnv
+ GFS_SCNV_generic_post
+ GFS_suite_interstitial_4
+ cnvc90
+ GFS_MP_generic_pre
+ zhaocarr_gscond
+ zhaocarr_precpd
+ GFS_MP_generic_post
+ maximum_hourly_diagnostics
+ GFS_stochastics
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsst.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsst.xml
index 5b3b63528..a08956dfa 100644
--- a/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsst.xml
+++ b/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_GFS_cpld_rasmgshocnsst.xml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_RRFS_v1beta.xml b/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_RRFS_v1beta.xml
index 3bff7b39d..c570483df 100644
--- a/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_RRFS_v1beta.xml
+++ b/ccpp/suites/suite_FV3_RRFS_v1beta.xml
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@
- drag_suite
+ cires_ugwp
+ cires_ugwp_post
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_diagnostics.F90 b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_diagnostics.F90
index 1b6fabe96..adb624cca 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_diagnostics.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_diagnostics.F90
@@ -2445,7 +2445,7 @@ subroutine GFS_externaldiag_populate (ExtDiag, Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop
ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'dt3dt_nophys'
ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'temperature tendency due to non-physics processes'
ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'K s-1'
- ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_dyn'
ExtDiag(idx)%time_avg = .TRUE.
allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
do nb = 1,nblks
@@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ subroutine GFS_externaldiag_populate (ExtDiag, Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop
ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'du3dt_nophys'
ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'u momentum tendency due to non-physics processes'
ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'm s-2'
- ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_dyn'
ExtDiag(idx)%time_avg = .TRUE.
allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
do nb = 1,nblks
@@ -2638,7 +2638,7 @@ subroutine GFS_externaldiag_populate (ExtDiag, Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop
ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'dv3dt_nophys'
ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'v momentum tendency due to non-physics processes'
ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'm s-2'
- ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_dyn'
ExtDiag(idx)%time_avg = .TRUE.
allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
do nb = 1,nblks
@@ -2785,7 +2785,7 @@ subroutine GFS_externaldiag_populate (ExtDiag, Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop
ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'dq3dt_nophys'
ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'water vapor specific humidity tendency due to non-physics processes'
ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'kg kg-1 s-1'
- ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_dyn'
ExtDiag(idx)%time_avg = .TRUE.
allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
do nb = 1,nblks
@@ -2797,7 +2797,7 @@ subroutine GFS_externaldiag_populate (ExtDiag, Model, Statein, Stateout, Sfcprop
ExtDiag(idx)%name = 'dq3dt_o3nophys'
ExtDiag(idx)%desc = 'ozone concentration tendency due to non-physics processes'
ExtDiag(idx)%unit = 'kg kg-1 s-1'
- ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_phys'
+ ExtDiag(idx)%mod_name = 'gfs_dyn'
ExtDiag(idx)%time_avg = .TRUE.
allocate (ExtDiag(idx)%data(nblks))
do nb = 1,nblks
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.F90 b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.F90
index 429170059..5fecfbfff 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.F90
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.F90
@@ -657,6 +657,7 @@ module GFS_typedefs
integer :: icliq_sw !< sw optical property for liquid clouds
integer :: iovr_sw !< sw: max-random overlap clouds
integer :: iovr_lw !< lw: max-random overlap clouds
+ integer :: iovr !< max-random overlap clouds for sw & lw (maximum of both)
integer :: ictm !< ictm=0 => use data at initial cond time, if not
!< available; use latest; no extrapolation.
!< ictm=1 => use data at the forecast time, if not
@@ -1550,9 +1551,9 @@ module GFS_typedefs
#ifdef CCPP
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: TRAIN (:,:) => null() !< accumulated stratiform T tendency (K s-1)
-#ifdef CCPP
+!#ifdef CCPP
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cldfra (:,:) => null() !< instantaneous 3D cloud fraction
!--- MP quantities for 3D diagnositics
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: refl_10cm(:,:) => null() !< instantaneous refl_10cm
@@ -1681,6 +1682,7 @@ module GFS_typedefs
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: adjvisdfd(:) => null() !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: aerodp(:,:) => null() !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: alb1d(:) => null() !<
+ real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: alpha(:,:) => null() !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: bexp1d(:) => null() !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cd(:) => null() !<
real (kind=kind_phys), pointer :: cd_ice(:) => null() !<
@@ -3683,6 +3685,7 @@ subroutine control_initialize (Model, nlunit, fn_nml, me, master, &
Model%icliq_sw = icliq_sw
Model%iovr_sw = iovr_sw
Model%iovr_lw = iovr_lw
+ Model%iovr = max(Model%iovr_sw,Model%iovr_lw)
Model%ictm = ictm
Model%isubc_sw = isubc_sw
Model%isubc_lw = isubc_lw
@@ -4838,6 +4841,7 @@ subroutine control_print(Model)
print *, ' icliq_sw : ', Model%icliq_sw
print *, ' iovr_sw : ', Model%iovr_sw
print *, ' iovr_lw : ', Model%iovr_lw
+ print *, ' iovr : ', Model%iovr
print *, ' ictm : ', Model%ictm
print *, ' isubc_sw : ', Model%isubc_sw
print *, ' isubc_lw : ', Model%isubc_lw
@@ -6179,6 +6183,10 @@ subroutine interstitial_create (Interstitial, IM, Model)
allocate (Interstitial%adjvisdfd (IM))
allocate (Interstitial%aerodp (IM,NSPC1))
allocate (Interstitial%alb1d (IM))
+ if (.not. Model%do_RRTMGP) then
+ ! RRTMGP uses its own cloud_overlap_param
+ allocate (Interstitial%alpha (IM,Model%levr+LTP))
+ end if
allocate (Interstitial%bexp1d (IM))
allocate (Interstitial%cd (IM))
allocate (Interstitial%cd_ice (IM))
@@ -6718,6 +6726,9 @@ subroutine interstitial_rad_reset (Interstitial, Model)
Interstitial%aerodp = clear_val
Interstitial%alb1d = clear_val
+ if (.not. Model%do_RRTMGP) then
+ Interstitial%alpha = clear_val
+ end if
Interstitial%cldsa = clear_val
Interstitial%cldtaulw = clear_val
Interstitial%cldtausw = clear_val
@@ -7154,6 +7165,9 @@ subroutine interstitial_print(Interstitial, Model, mpirank, omprank, blkno)
write (0,*) 'sum(Interstitial%adjvisdfd ) = ', sum(Interstitial%adjvisdfd )
write (0,*) 'sum(Interstitial%aerodp ) = ', sum(Interstitial%aerodp )
write (0,*) 'sum(Interstitial%alb1d ) = ', sum(Interstitial%alb1d )
+ if (.not. Model%do_RRTMGP) then
+ write (0,*) 'sum(Interstitial%alpha ) = ', sum(Interstitial%alpha )
+ end if
write (0,*) 'sum(Interstitial%bexp1d ) = ', sum(Interstitial%bexp1d )
write (0,*) 'sum(Interstitial%cd ) = ', sum(Interstitial%cd )
write (0,*) 'sum(Interstitial%cd_ice ) = ', sum(Interstitial%cd_ice )
diff --git a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.meta b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.meta
index 84ba83e86..7c7078190 100644
--- a/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.meta
+++ b/gfsphysics/GFS_layer/GFS_typedefs.meta
@@ -10,196 +10,196 @@
standard_name = geopotential_at_interface
long_name = geopotential at model layer interfaces
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_pressure_at_interface
long_name = air pressure at model layer interfaces
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_interfaces
long_name = dimensionless Exner function at model layer interfaces
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_interface
long_name = dimensionless Exner function at lowest model interface
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = geopotential
long_name = geopotential at model layer centers
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_pressure
long_name = mean layer pressure
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_pressure_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = mean pressure at lowest model layer
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dimensionless_exner_function_at_model_layers
long_name = dimensionless Exner function at model layer centers
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dimensionless_exner_function_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = dimensionless Exner function at lowest model layer
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_air_pressure
long_name = surface pressure
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = x_wind
long_name = zonal wind
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = zonal wind at lowest model layer
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = y_wind
long_name = meridional wind
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = meridional wind at lowest model layer
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = omega
long_name = layer mean vertical velocity
units = Pa s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature
long_name = model layer mean temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = mean temperature at lowest model layer
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tracer_concentration
long_name = model layer mean tracer concentration
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity
long_name = water vapor specific humidity
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = water vapor specific humidity at lowest model layer
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = ratio of mass of cloud water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates)
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = ratio of mass of cloud water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) at lowest model layer
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ice_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = ratio of mass of ice water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates)
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = rain_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = ratio of mass of rain water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates)
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = snow_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = ratio of mass of snow water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates)
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = graupel_mixing_ratio
long_name = ratio of mass of graupel to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates)
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ozone_mixing_ratio
long_name = ozone mixing ratio
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of water-friendly aerosols
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
active = (index_for_water_friendly_aerosols > 0)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
standard_name = ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
active = (index_for_ice_friendly_aerosols > 0)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
standard_name = cloud_droplet_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of cloud droplets (liquid)
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (index_for_liquid_cloud_number_concentration > 0)
@@ -223,42 +223,42 @@
standard_name = ice_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of ice
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = rain_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of rain
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = snow_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of snow
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = graupel_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of graupel
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = turbulent_kinetic_energy
long_name = turbulent kinetic energy
units = J
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dissipation_estimate_of_air_temperature_at_model_layers
long_name = dissipation estimate model layer mean temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -275,119 +275,119 @@
standard_name = x_wind_updated_by_physics
long_name = zonal wind updated by physics
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_updated_by_physics
long_name = zonal wind at lowest model layer updated by physics
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = y_wind_updated_by_physics
long_name = meridional wind updated by physics
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_updated_by_physics
long_name = meridional wind at lowest model layer updated by physics
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_updated_by_physics
long_name = temperature updated by physics
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer_updated_by_physics
long_name = temperature at lowest model layer updated by physics
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tracer_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = tracer concentration updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity_updated_by_physics
long_name = water vapor specific humidity updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer_updated_by_physics
long_name = water vapor specific humidity at lowest model layer updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ozone_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = ozone concentration updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
long_name = ratio of mass of cloud water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ice_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
long_name = ratio of mass of ice water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = rain_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
long_name = ratio of mass of rain water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = snow_water_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
long_name = ratio of mass of snow water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = graupel_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
long_name = ratio of mass of graupel to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mass_weighted_rime_factor_updated_by_physics
long_name = mass weighted rime factor updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = number concentration of water-friendly aerosols updated by physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (index_for_water_friendly_aerosols > 0)
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
standard_name = ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols updated by physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (index_for_ice_friendly_aerosols > 0)
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
standard_name = cloud_droplet_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = number concentration of cloud droplets updated by physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (index_for_liquid_cloud_number_concentration > 0)
@@ -411,35 +411,35 @@
standard_name = ice_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = number concentration of ice updated by physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = rain_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = number concentration of rain updated by physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = snow_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = number concentration of snow updated by physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = graupel_number_concentration_updated_by_physics
long_name = number concentration of graupel updated by physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_fraction_updated_by_physics
long_name = cloud fraction updated by physics
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -456,238 +456,238 @@
standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask_real
long_name = landmask: sea/land/ice=0/1/2
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = sea_area_fraction
long_name = fraction of horizontal grid area occupied by ocean
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = land_area_fraction
long_name = fraction of horizontal grid area occupied by land
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lake_area_fraction
long_name = fraction of horizontal grid area occupied by lake
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lake_depth
long_name = lake depth
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature
long_name = surface skin temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = sea_surface_temperature
long_name = sea surface temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_over_land
long_name = surface skin temperature over land
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = sea_ice_temperature
long_name = sea ice surface skin temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = internal_ice_temperature
long_name = sea ice internal temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,ice_vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,ice_vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent
long_name = water equivalent snow depth
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_roughness_length
long_name = surface roughness length
units = cm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_ocean
long_name = surface roughness length over ocean
units = cm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_land
long_name = surface roughness length over land
units = cm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_ice
long_name = surface roughness length over ice
units = cm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_roughness_length_from_wave_model
long_name = surface roughness length from wave model
units = cm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = sea_ice_concentration
long_name = ice fraction over open water
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = statistical_measures_of_subgrid_orography
long_name = orographic metrics
units = various
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,number_of_statistical_measures_of_subgrid_orography)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,number_of_statistical_measures_of_subgrid_orography)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = standard_deviation_of_subgrid_orography
long_name = standard deviation of subgrid orography
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_snow_area_fraction_over_land
long_name = surface snow area fraction
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = upper_bound_on_max_albedo_over_deep_snow
long_name = maximum snow albedo
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mean_vis_albedo_with_weak_cosz_dependency
long_name = mean vis albedo with weak cosz dependency
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mean_nir_albedo_with_weak_cosz_dependency
long_name = mean nir albedo with weak cosz dependency
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_slope_classification_real
long_name = sfc slope type for lsm
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = minimum_vegetation_area_fraction
long_name = min fractional coverage of green vegetation
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_vegetation_area_fraction
long_name = max fractional coverage of green vegetation
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = deep_soil_temperature
long_name = deep soil temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = vegetation_area_fraction
long_name = areal fractional cover of green vegetation
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = vegetation_type_classification_real
long_name = vegetation type for lsm
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = soil_type_classification_real
long_name = soil type for lsm
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_friction_velocity
long_name = boundary layer parameter
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = orography
long_name = orography
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = orography_unfiltered
long_name = unfiltered orography
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = gf_memory_counter
long_name = Memory counter for GF
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_gf_deep_convection_scheme)
@@ -695,105 +695,105 @@
standard_name = sea_ice_thickness
long_name = sea ice thickness
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth
long_name = water equiv of acc snow depth over land and sea ice
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = canopy_water_amount
long_name = canopy water amount
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ratio_of_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_and_wind_at_10m
long_name = ratio of sigma level 1 wind and 10m wind
units = ratio
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
long_name = total precipitation amount in each time step
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = flag_for_precipitation_type
long_name = snow/rain flag for precipitation
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_fraction_of_unfrozen_soil_moisture
long_name = liquid soil moisture
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_fraction_of_soil_moisture
long_name = total soil moisture
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = soil_temperature
long_name = soil temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = temperature_at_2m
long_name = 2 meter temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = potential_temperature_at_2m
long_name = 2 meter potential temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = specific_humidity_at_2m
long_name = 2 meter specific humidity
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = sea_surface_reference_temperature
long_name = sea surface reference temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -801,7 +801,7 @@
standard_name = sub_layer_cooling_thickness
long_name = sub-layer cooling thickness
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -809,7 +809,7 @@
standard_name = coefficient_c_0
long_name = coefficient 1 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts)
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@
standard_name = coefficient_c_d
long_name = coefficient 2 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts)
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@
standard_name = coefficient_w_0
long_name = coefficient 3 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts)
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@
standard_name = coefficient_w_d
long_name = coefficient 4 to calculate d(Tz)/d(Ts)
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -841,7 +841,7 @@
standard_name = diurnal_thermocline_layer_heat_content
long_name = heat content in diurnal thermocline layer
units = K m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@
standard_name = sea_water_salinity
long_name = salinity content in diurnal thermocline layer
units = ppt m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@
standard_name = diurnal_thermocline_layer_x_current
long_name = u-current content in diurnal thermocline layer
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@
standard_name = diurnal_thermocline_layer_y_current
long_name = v-current content in diurnal thermocline layer
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@
standard_name = diurnal_thermocline_layer_thickness
long_name = diurnal thermocline layer thickness
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -881,7 +881,7 @@
standard_name = ocean_mixed_layer_thickness
long_name = mixed layer thickness
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@
standard_name = sensitivity_of_dtl_heat_content_to_surface_temperature
long_name = d(xt)/d(ts)
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -897,7 +897,7 @@
standard_name = sensitivity_of_dtl_thickness_to_surface_temperature
long_name = d(xz)/d(ts)
units = m K-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@
standard_name = free_convection_layer_thickness
long_name = thickness of free convection layer (FCL)
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
standard_name = index_of_dtlm_start
long_name = index to start dtlm run or not
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@
standard_name = sub_layer_cooling_amount
long_name = sub-layer cooling amount
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -929,7 +929,7 @@
standard_name = sensible_heat_flux_due_to_rainfall
long_name = sensible heat flux due to rainfall
units = W
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_nsstm_run > 0)
@@ -937,7 +937,7 @@
standard_name = number_of_snow_layers
long_name = number of snow layers
units = count
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -945,7 +945,7 @@
standard_name = vegetation_temperature
long_name = vegetation temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@
standard_name = ground_temperature_for_noahmp
long_name = ground temperature for noahmp
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@
standard_name = canopy_intercepted_ice_mass
long_name = canopy intercepted ice mass
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@
standard_name = canopy_intercepted_liquid_water
long_name = canopy intercepted liquid water
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -977,7 +977,7 @@
standard_name = canopy_air_vapor_pressure
long_name = canopy air vapor pressure
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -985,7 +985,7 @@
standard_name = canopy_air_temperature
long_name = canopy air temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -993,7 +993,7 @@
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_for_noahmp
long_name = surface drag coefficient for momentum for noahmp
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1001,7 +1001,7 @@
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_for_noahmp
long_name = surface exchange coeff heat & moisture for noahmp
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@
standard_name = area_fraction_of_wet_canopy
long_name = area fraction of canopy that is wetted/snowed
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1017,7 +1017,7 @@
standard_name = snow_mass_at_previous_time_step
long_name = snow mass at previous time step
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@
standard_name = snow_albedo_at_previous_time_step
long_name = snow albedo at previous time step
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@
standard_name = snow_precipitation_rate_at_surface
long_name = snow precipitation rate at surface
units = mm s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1041,7 +1041,7 @@
standard_name = lake_water_storage
long_name = lake water storage
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@
standard_name = water_table_depth
long_name = water table depth
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1057,7 +1057,7 @@
standard_name = water_storage_in_aquifer
long_name = water storage in aquifer
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1065,7 +1065,7 @@
standard_name = water_storage_in_aquifer_and_saturated_soil
long_name = water storage in aquifer and saturated soil
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@
standard_name = snow_temperature
long_name = snow_temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension, lower_bound_of_snow_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model:0)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, lower_bound_of_snow_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model:0)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@
standard_name = layer_bottom_depth_from_snow_surface
long_name = depth from the top of the snow surface at the bottom of the layer
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension, lower_bound_of_snow_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model:soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, lower_bound_of_snow_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model:soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@
standard_name = snow_layer_ice
long_name = snow layer ice
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension, lower_bound_of_snow_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model:0)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, lower_bound_of_snow_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model:0)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1097,7 +1097,7 @@
standard_name = snow_layer_liquid_water
long_name = snow layer liquid water
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension, lower_bound_of_snow_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model:0)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent, lower_bound_of_snow_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model:0)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1105,7 +1105,7 @@
standard_name = leaf_mass
long_name = leaf mass
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1113,7 +1113,7 @@
standard_name = fine_root_mass
long_name = fine root mass
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1121,7 +1121,7 @@
standard_name = stem_mass
long_name = stem mass
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
standard_name = wood_mass
long_name = wood mass including woody roots
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1137,7 +1137,7 @@
standard_name = slow_soil_pool_mass_content_of_carbon
long_name = stable carbon in deep soil
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@
standard_name = fast_soil_pool_mass_content_of_carbon
long_name = short-lived carbon in shallow soil
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1153,7 +1153,7 @@
standard_name = leaf_area_index
long_name = leaf area index
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme .or. (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme .and. flag_for_reading_leaf_area_index_from_input))
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@
standard_name = stem_area_index
long_name = stem area index
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@
standard_name = nondimensional_snow_age
long_name = non-dimensional snow age
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1177,7 +1177,7 @@
standard_name = equilibrium_soil_water_content
long_name = equilibrium soil water content
units = m3 m-3
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@
standard_name = soil_water_content_between_soil_bottom_and_water_table
long_name = soil water content between the bottom of the soil and the water table
units = m3 m-3
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1193,7 +1193,7 @@
standard_name = water_table_recharge_when_deep
long_name = recharge to or from the water table when deep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1201,7 +1201,7 @@
standard_name = water_table_recharge_when_shallow
long_name = recharge to or from the water table when shallow
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1209,7 +1209,7 @@
standard_name = normalized_soil_wetness_for_land_surface_model
long_name = normalized soil wetness for lsm
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@
standard_name = volume_fraction_of_unfrozen_soil_moisture_for_land_surface_model
long_name = volume fraction of unfrozen soil moisture for lsm
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1225,7 +1225,7 @@
standard_name = volume_fraction_of_frozen_soil_moisture_for_land_surface_model
long_name = volume fraction of frozen soil moisture for lsm
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1233,7 +1233,7 @@
standard_name = volume_fraction_of_soil_moisture_for_land_surface_model
long_name = volumetric fraction of soil moisture for lsm
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@
standard_name = soil_temperature_for_land_surface_model
long_name = soil temperature for land surface model
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1257,7 +1257,7 @@
standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_at_surface
long_name = moist cloud water mixing ratio at surface
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1265,7 +1265,7 @@
standard_name = water_vapor_mixing_ratio_at_surface
long_name = water vapor mixing ratio at surface
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1273,7 +1273,7 @@
standard_name = surface_condensation_mass
long_name = surface condensation mass
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@
standard_name = flag_for_frozen_soil_physics
long_name = flag for frozen soil physics (RUC)
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,soil_vertical_dimension_for_land_surface_model)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1289,7 +1289,7 @@
standard_name = density_of_frozen_precipitation
long_name = density of frozen precipitation
units = kg m-3
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1297,7 +1297,7 @@
standard_name = snow_temperature_bottom_first_layer
long_name = snow temperature at the bottom of the first snow layer
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1305,7 +1305,7 @@
standard_name = total_accumulated_snowfall
long_name = run-total snow accumulation on the ground
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1313,7 +1313,7 @@
standard_name = accumulated_water_equivalent_of_frozen_precip
long_name = snow water equivalent of run-total frozen precip
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1321,7 +1321,7 @@
standard_name = surface_friction_velocity_drag
long_name = friction velocity isolated for momentum only
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1329,7 +1329,7 @@
standard_name = surface_stability_parameter
long_name = monin obukhov surface stability parameter
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1337,7 +1337,7 @@
standard_name = theta_star
long_name = temperature flux divided by ustar (temperature scale)
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@
standard_name = reciprocal_of_obukhov_length
long_name = one over obukhov length
units = m-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@
standard_name = surface_exchange_coefficient_for_heat
long_name = surface exchange coefficient for heat
units = W m-2 K-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@
standard_name = surface_exchange_coefficient_for_moisture
long_name = surface exchange coefficient for moisture
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1369,7 +1369,7 @@
standard_name = surface_exchange_coefficient_for_heat_at_2m
long_name = exchange coefficient for heat at 2 meters
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1377,7 +1377,7 @@
standard_name = surface_exchange_coefficient_for_moisture_at_2m
long_name = exchange coefficient for moisture at 2 meters
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1385,7 +1385,7 @@
standard_name = surface_latent_heat
long_name = latent heating at the surface (pos = up)
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnsfclay)
@@ -1393,28 +1393,28 @@
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux
units = kg kg-1 m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux
units = K m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_specific_humidity
long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_from_previous_timestep
long_name = convective_precipitation_amount from previous timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme .or. flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1422,7 +1422,7 @@
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_explicit_rainfall_amount_from_previous_timestep
long_name = explicit rainfall from previous timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme .or. flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount_from_previous_timestep
long_name = ice amount from previous timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme .or. flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1438,7 +1438,7 @@
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_from_previous_timestep
long_name = snow amount from previous timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme .or. flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1446,7 +1446,7 @@
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount_from_previous_timestep
long_name = graupel amount from previous timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme .or. flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@
standard_name = convective_precipitation_rate_from_previous_timestep
long_name = convective precipitation rate from previous timestep
units = mm s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1462,7 +1462,7 @@
standard_name = explicit_rainfall_rate_from_previous_timestep
long_name = explicit rainfall rate previous timestep
units = mm s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1470,7 +1470,7 @@
standard_name = ice_precipitation_rate_from_previous_timestep
long_name = ice precipitation rate from previous timestep
units = mm s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1478,7 +1478,7 @@
standard_name = snow_precipitation_rate_from_previous_timestep
long_name = snow precipitation rate from previous timestep
units = mm s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1486,7 +1486,7 @@
standard_name = graupel_precipitation_rate_from_previous_timestep
long_name = graupel precipitation rate from previous timestep
units = mm s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -1494,28 +1494,28 @@
standard_name = mean_vis_albedo_with_strong_cosz_dependency
long_name = mean vis albedo with strong cosz dependency
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mean_nir_albedo_with_strong_cosz_dependency
long_name = mean nir albedo with strong cosz dependency
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name =fractional_coverage_with_strong_cosz_dependency
long_name = fractional coverage with strong cosz dependency
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = fractional_coverage_with_weak_cosz_dependency
long_name = fractional coverage with weak cosz dependency
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -1532,84 +1532,84 @@
standard_name = surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = sfc nir beam sw downward flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = sfc nir diff sw downward flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = sfc uv+vis beam sw downward flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = sfc uv+vis diff sw downward flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = sfc nir beam sw upward flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = sfc nir diff sw upward flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = sfc uv+vis beam sw upward flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = sfc uv+vis diff sw upward flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = total sky sfc downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = total sky sfc netsw flx into ground
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = total sky sfc downward lw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
long_name = total rain precipitation
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling .or. flag_for_stochastic_physics_perturbations .or. flag_for_chemistry_coupling .or. flag_for_global_cellular_automata)
@@ -1617,14 +1617,14 @@
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
long_name = total convective precipitation
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_for_coupling
long_name = total snow precipitation
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling .or. flag_for_stochastic_physics_perturbations .or. flag_for_chemistry_coupling .or. flag_for_global_cellular_automata)
@@ -1632,7 +1632,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc x momentum flux multiplied by timestep
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1640,7 +1640,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc y momentum flux multiplied by timestep
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1648,7 +1648,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1656,7 +1656,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1664,7 +1664,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc downward lw flux mulitplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1672,7 +1672,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1680,7 +1680,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc nir beam downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1688,7 +1688,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc nir diff downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1696,7 +1696,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc uv+vis beam dnwd sw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc uv+vis diff dnwd sw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1712,7 +1712,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative net downward lw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1720,7 +1720,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative net downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1728,7 +1728,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_net_downward_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative net nir beam downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1736,7 +1736,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_net_downward_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative net nir diff downward sw flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_net_downward_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative net uv+vis beam downward sw rad flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_net_downward_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative net uv+vis diff downward sw rad flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1760,7 +1760,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc x momentum flux
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc y momentum flux
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1776,7 +1776,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1784,7 +1784,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc latent heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc downward lw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1800,7 +1800,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc nir beam downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1816,7 +1816,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc nir diff downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1824,7 +1824,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc uv+vis beam downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1832,7 +1832,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc uv+vis diff downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_net_downward_longwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous net sfc downward lw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1848,7 +1848,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_net_downward_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous net sfc downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_net_downward_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous net nir beam sfc downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1864,7 +1864,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_net_downward_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous net nir diff sfc downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1872,7 +1872,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_net_downward_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous net uv+vis beam downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1880,7 +1880,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_net_downward_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous net uv+vis diff downward sw flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1888,7 +1888,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_temperature_at_2m_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous T2m
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_specific_humidity_at_2m_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous Q2m
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1904,7 +1904,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_x_wind_at_10m_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous U10m
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling .or. flag_for_wave_coupling)
@@ -1912,7 +1912,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_y_wind_at_10m_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous V10m
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling .or. flag_for_wave_coupling)
@@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_skin_temperature_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1928,7 +1928,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_air_pressure_for_coupling
long_name = instantaneous sfc pressure
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1936,7 +1936,7 @@
standard_name = surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_for_coupling
long_name = surface upwelling LW flux for coupling
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@
standard_name = surface_x_momentum_flux_for_coupling
long_name = sfc x momentum flux for coupling
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1952,7 +1952,7 @@
standard_name = surface_y_momentum_flux_for_coupling
long_name = sfc y momentum flux for coupling
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1960,7 +1960,7 @@
standard_name = surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_coupling
long_name = sfc sensible heat flux input
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1968,7 +1968,7 @@
standard_name = surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_coupling
long_name = sfc latent heat flux input for coupling
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1976,14 +1976,14 @@
standard_name = surface_snow_thickness_for_coupling
long_name = sfc snow depth in meters over sea ice for coupling
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask_in
long_name = sea/land/ice mask input (=0/1/2)
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling)
@@ -1991,7 +1991,7 @@
standard_name = fraction_of_cellular_automata_for_deep_convection
long_name = fraction of cellular automata for deep convection
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_cellular_automata)
@@ -2006,7 +2006,7 @@
standard_name = cellular_automata_global_pattern
long_name = cellular automata global pattern
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_cellular_automata)
@@ -2014,14 +2014,14 @@
standard_name = physics_field_for_coupling
long_name = physics_field_for_coupling
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_shum_perturbation
long_name = weights for stochastic shum perturbation
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_stochastic_shum_option)
@@ -2029,7 +2029,7 @@
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_sppt_perturbation
long_name = weights for stochastic sppt perturbation
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_stochastic_physics_perturbations .or. flag_for_global_cellular_automata)
@@ -2037,7 +2037,7 @@
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_skeb_perturbation_of_x_wind
long_name = weights for stochastic skeb perturbation of x wind
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_stochastic_skeb_option)
@@ -2045,7 +2045,7 @@
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_skeb_perturbation_of_y_wind
long_name = weights for stochastic skeb perturbation of y wind
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_stochastic_skeb_option)
@@ -2053,7 +2053,7 @@
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_surface_physics_perturbation
long_name = weights for stochastic surface physics perturbation
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,number_of_land_surface_variables_perturbed)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,number_of_land_surface_variables_perturbed)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (index_for_stochastic_land_surface_perturbation_type .ne. 0)
@@ -2061,7 +2061,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_water_vapor_specific_humidity_tendency_due_to_convection
long_name = instantaneous moisture tendency due to convection
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_chemistry_coupling)
@@ -2069,7 +2069,7 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_water_friendly_aerosols_at_surface
long_name = instantaneous water-friendly sfc aerosol source
units = kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme .and. flag_for_aerosol_physics)
@@ -2077,7 +2077,7 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_ice_friendly_aerosols_at_surface
long_name = instantaneous ice-friendly sfc aerosol source
units = kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme .and. flag_for_aerosol_physics)
@@ -2085,7 +2085,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_chemistry_coupling
long_name = instantaneous upward sensible heat flux for chemistry coupling
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_chemistry_coupling)
@@ -2093,7 +2093,7 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_atmosphere_heat_diffusivity
long_name = instantaneous atmospheric heat diffusivity
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_chemistry_coupling)
@@ -2101,7 +2101,7 @@
standard_name = convective_cloud_condesate_after_rainout
long_name = convective cloud condesate after rainout
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_gf_deep_convection_scheme)
@@ -2468,14 +2468,20 @@
units = flag
dimensions = ()
type = integer
+ standard_name = flag_for_cloud_overlap_method_for_radiation
+ long_name = max-random overlap clouds
+ units = flag
+ dimensions = ()
+ type = integer
- standard_name = flag_for_max_random_overlap_clouds_for_shortwave_radiation
+ standard_name = flag_for_cloud_overlap_method_for_shortwave_radiation
long_name = sw: max-random overlap clouds
units = flag
dimensions = ()
type = integer
- standard_name = flag_for_max_random_overlap_clouds_for_longwave_radiation
+ standard_name = flag_for_cloud_overlap_method_for_longwave_radiation
long_name = lw: max-random overlap clouds
units = flag
dimensions = ()
@@ -4504,56 +4510,56 @@
standard_name = cell_area
long_name = area of the grid cell
units = m2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cell_size
long_name = relative dx for the grid cell
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = latitude
long_name = latitude
units = radian
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = longitude
long_name = longitude
units = radian
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cosine_of_latitude
long_name = cosine of latitude
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = sine_of_latitude
long_name = sine of latitude
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = latitude_in_degree
long_name = latitude in degree north
units = degree_north
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = longitude_in_degree
long_name = longitude in degree east
units = degree_east
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -4570,103 +4576,103 @@
standard_name = seed_random_numbers_sw
long_name = random seeds for sub-column cloud generators sw
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
active = (flag_for_lw_clouds_without_sub_grid_approximation == 2 .or. flag_for_sw_clouds_without_sub_grid_approximation == 2)
standard_name = seed_random_numbers_lw
long_name = random seeds for sub-column cloud generators lw
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
active = (flag_for_lw_clouds_without_sub_grid_approximation == 2 .or. flag_for_sw_clouds_without_sub_grid_approximation == 2)
standard_name = ozone_forcing
long_name = ozone forcing data
units = various
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_of_ozone_forcing_data,number_of_coefficients_in_ozone_forcing_data)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_of_ozone_forcing_data,number_of_coefficients_in_ozone_forcing_data)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = h2o_forcing
long_name = water forcing data
units = various
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_of_h2o_forcing_data,number_of_coefficients_in_h2o_forcing_data)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_of_h2o_forcing_data,number_of_coefficients_in_h2o_forcing_data)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = atmosphere_boundary_layer_thickness
long_name = pbl height
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = in_number_concentration
long_name = IN number concentration
units = kg-1?
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ccn_number_concentration
long_name = CCN number concentration
units = kg-1?
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_number_concentration_from_gocart_aerosol_climatology
long_name = GOCART aerosol climatology number concentration
units = kg-1?
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_aerosol_tracers_MG)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_aerosol_tracers_MG)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = map_of_block_column_number_to_global_i_index
long_name = map of local index ix to global index i for this block
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = map_of_block_column_number_to_global_j_index
long_name = map of local index ix to global index j for this block
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = random_number_array
long_name = random number array (0-1)
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,array_dimension_of_random_number)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,array_dimension_of_random_number)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_cnvc90
long_name = accumulated convective rainfall amount for cnvc90 only
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = smallest_cloud_base_vertical_index_encountered_thus_far
long_name = smallest cloud base vertical index encountered thus far
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = largest_cloud_top_vertical_index_encountered_thus_far
long_name = largest cloud top vertical index encountered thus far
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_radiative_heating_on_physics_time_step
long_name = temp. change due to radiative heating per time step
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_stochastic_physics_perturbations .or. flag_for_global_cellular_automata)
@@ -4674,7 +4680,7 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_for_coupling
long_name = change in rain_cpl (coupling_type)
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling .or. flag_for_chemistry_coupling)
@@ -4682,7 +4688,7 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_for_coupling
long_name = change in show_cpl (coupling_type)
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_flux_coupling .or. flag_for_chemistry_coupling)
@@ -4690,7 +4696,7 @@
standard_name = cloud_base_mass_flux
long_name = cloud base mass flux for CS convection
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,number_of_cloud_types_CS)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,number_of_cloud_types_CS)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (number_of_cloud_types_CS > 0 .and. flag_for_Chikira_Sugiyama_deep_convection)
@@ -4698,133 +4704,133 @@
standard_name = surface_air_pressure_two_time_steps_back
long_name = surface air pressure two time steps back
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_air_pressure_at_previous_time_step
long_name = surface air pressure at previous time step
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_wind_enhancement_due_to_convection
long_name = surface wind enhancement due to convection
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_two_time_steps_back
long_name = air temperature two time steps back
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity_two_time_steps_back
long_name = water vapor specific humidity two time steps back
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_at_previous_time_step
long_name = air temperature at previous time step
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_previous_time_step
long_name = water vapor specific humidity at previous time step
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_in_phy_f3d
long_name = convective cloud water mixing ratio in the phy_f3d array
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = convective_cloud_cover_in_phy_f3d
long_name = convective cloud cover in the phy_f3d array
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_buoyancy_flux_from_shoc
long_name = upward kinematic buoyancy flux from the SHOC scheme
units = K m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_from_shoc
long_name = diffusivity for heat from the SHOC scheme
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = subgrid_scale_cloud_fraction_from_shoc
long_name = subgrid-scale cloud fraction from the SHOC scheme
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_fraction_for_MG
long_name = cloud fraction used by Morrison-Gettelman MP
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_liquid_water_particle_in_um
long_name = eff. radius of cloud liquid water particle in micrometer
units = um
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_ice_particle_in_um
long_name = eff. radius of cloud ice water particle in micrometer
units = um
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_rain_particle_in_um
long_name = effective radius of cloud rain particle in micrometers
units = um
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_snow_particle_in_um
long_name = effective radius of cloud snow particle in micrometers
units = um
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = effective_radius_of_stratiform_cloud_graupel_particle_in_um
long_name = eff. radius of cloud graupel particle in micrometer
units = um
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = temperature_tendency_due_to_dynamics
long_name = temperature tendency due to dynamics only
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_gf_deep_convection_scheme .or. flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_ntiedtke_deep_convection_scheme)
@@ -4832,7 +4838,7 @@
standard_name = moisture_tendency_due_to_dynamics
long_name = moisture tendency due to dynamics only
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_gf_deep_convection_scheme .or. flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_ntiedtke_deep_convection_scheme)
@@ -4840,7 +4846,7 @@
standard_name = temperature_from_previous_timestep
long_name = temperature from previous time step
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_gf_deep_convection_scheme .or. flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_ntiedtke_deep_convection_scheme)
@@ -4848,7 +4854,7 @@
standard_name = moisture_from_previous_timestep
long_name = moisture from previous time step
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_gf_deep_convection_scheme .or. flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_ntiedtke_deep_convection_scheme)
@@ -4856,14 +4862,14 @@
standard_name = conv_activity_counter
long_name = convective activity memory
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
active = (flag_for_mass_flux_deep_convection_scheme == flag_for_gf_deep_convection_scheme)
standard_name = subgrid_cloud_fraction_pbl
long_name = subgrid cloud fraction from PBL scheme
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4871,7 +4877,7 @@
standard_name = subgrid_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_pbl
long_name = subgrid cloud water mixing ratio from PBL scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4879,7 +4885,7 @@
standard_name = subgrid_cloud_ice_mixing_ratio_pbl
long_name = subgrid cloud ice mixing ratio from PBL scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4887,7 +4893,7 @@
standard_name = mixing_length
long_name = mixing length in meters
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4895,7 +4901,7 @@
standard_name = stability_function_for_heat
long_name = stability function for heat
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4903,7 +4909,7 @@
standard_name = tke_at_mass_points
long_name = 2 x tke at mass points
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4911,7 +4917,7 @@
standard_name = t_prime_squared
long_name = temperature fluctuation squared
units = K2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4919,7 +4925,7 @@
standard_name = q_prime_squared
long_name = water vapor fluctuation squared
units = kg2 kg-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4927,7 +4933,7 @@
standard_name = t_prime_q_prime
long_name = covariance of temperature and moisture
units = K kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -4935,7 +4941,7 @@
standard_name = surface_specific_humidity_for_MYJ_schemes
long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity for MYJ schemes
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -4943,7 +4949,7 @@
standard_name = potential_temperature_at_viscous_sublayer_top
long_name = potential temperature at viscous sublayer top over water
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -4951,7 +4957,7 @@
standard_name = specific_humidity_at_viscous_sublayer_top
long_name = specific humidity at_viscous sublayer top over water
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -4959,7 +4965,7 @@
standard_name = u_wind_component_at_viscous_sublayer_top
long_name = u wind component at viscous sublayer top over water
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -4967,7 +4973,7 @@
standard_name = v_wind_component_at_viscous_sublayer_top
long_name = v wind component at viscous sublayer top over water
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -4975,7 +4981,7 @@
standard_name = baseline_surface_roughness_length
long_name = baseline surface roughness length for momentum in meter
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -4983,7 +4989,7 @@
standard_name = heat_exchange_coefficient_for_MYJ_schemes
long_name = surface heat exchange_coefficient for MYJ schemes
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -4991,7 +4997,7 @@
standard_name = momentum_exchange_coefficient_for_MYJ_schemes
long_name = surface momentum exchange_coefficient for MYJ schemes
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -4999,7 +5005,7 @@
standard_name = surface_layer_evaporation_switch
long_name = surface layer evaporation switch
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -5007,7 +5013,7 @@
standard_name = kinematic_surface_latent_heat_flux
long_name = kinematic surface latent heat flux
units = m s-1 kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -5015,7 +5021,7 @@
standard_name = weight_for_momentum_at_viscous_sublayer_top
long_name = weight for momentum at viscous layer top
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -5023,7 +5029,7 @@
standard_name = weight_for_potental_temperature_at_viscous_sublayer_top
long_name = weight for potental temperature at viscous layer top
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -5031,7 +5037,7 @@
standard_name = weight_for_specific_humidity_at_viscous_sublayer_top
long_name = weight for Specfic Humidity at viscous layer top
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_myjsfc .or. do_myjpbl)
@@ -5049,21 +5055,21 @@
standard_name = fraction_of_convective_cloud
long_name = fraction of convective cloud
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = pressure_at_top_of_convective_cloud
long_name = convective cloud top pressure
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = pressure_at_bottom_of_convective_cloud
long_name = convective cloud bottom pressure
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -5080,82 +5086,82 @@
standard_name = sw_fluxes_sfc
long_name = sw radiation fluxes at sfc
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = sfcfsw_type
standard_name = lw_fluxes_sfc
long_name = lw radiation fluxes at sfc
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = sfcflw_type
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = total sky sw heating rate
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = total sky lw heating rate
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_diffused_shortwave_albedo
long_name = mean surface diffused sw albedo
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cosine_of_zenith_angle
long_name = mean cos of zenith angle over rad call period
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = daytime_mean_cosz_over_rad_call_period
long_name = daytime mean cosz over rad call period
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_midlayer_air_temperature_in_longwave_radiation
long_name = surface air temp during lw calculation
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_longwave_emissivity
long_name = surface lw emissivity in fraction
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = clear sky sw heating rates
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step
long_name = clear sky lw heating rates
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_for_idea
long_name = idea sky lw heating rates
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,6)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,6)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -5172,117 +5178,117 @@
standard_name = sw_fluxes_top_atmosphere
long_name = sw radiation fluxes at toa
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = topfsw_type
standard_name = lw_fluxes_top_atmosphere
long_name = lw radiation fluxes at top
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = topflw_type
standard_name = surface_runoff
long_name = surface water runoff (from lsm)
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_soil_upward_latent_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative soil upward latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_canopy_upward_latent_heat_flu_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative canopy upward latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_snow_freezing_rain_upward_latent_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative latent heat flux due to snow and frz rain multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_transpiration_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative total plant transpiration rate multiplied by timestep
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_snow_deposition_sublimation_upward_latent_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative latent heat flux from snow depo/subl multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_snow_area_fraction_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative surface snow area fraction multiplied by timestep
units = s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = soil_moisture_content
long_name = soil moisture
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = minimum_temperature_at_2m
long_name = min temperature at 2m height
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_temperature_at_2m
long_name = max temperature at 2m height
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc x momentum flux multiplied by timestep
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc y momentum flux multiplied by timestep
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_diag_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = integrated_x_momentum_flux_from_large_scale_gwd
long_name = integrated x momentum flux from large scale gwd
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5290,7 +5296,7 @@
standard_name = integrated_y_momentum_flux_from_large_scale_gwd
long_name = integrated y momentum flux from large scale gwd
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5298,7 +5304,7 @@
standard_name = integrated_x_momentum_flux_from_blocking_drag
long_name = integrated x momentum flux from blocking drag
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5306,7 +5312,7 @@
standard_name = integrated_y_momentum_flux_from_blocking_drag
long_name = integrated y momentum flux from blocking drag
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5314,7 +5320,7 @@
standard_name = integrated_x_momentum_flux_from_small_scale_gwd
long_name = integrated x momentum flux from small scale gwd
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5322,7 +5328,7 @@
standard_name = integrated_y_momentum_flux_from_small_scale_gwd
long_name = integrated y momentum flux from small scale gwd
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5330,7 +5336,7 @@
standard_name = integrated_x_momentum_flux_from_form_drag
long_name = integrated x momentum flux from form drag
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5338,7 +5344,7 @@
standard_name = integrated_y_momentum_flux_from_form_drag
long_name = integrated y momentum flux from form drag
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5346,7 +5352,7 @@
standard_name = x_momentum_tendency_from_large_scale_gwd
long_name = x momentum tendency from large scale gwd
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5354,7 +5360,7 @@
standard_name = y_momentum_tendency_from_large_scale_gwd
long_name = y momentum tendency from large scale gwd
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5362,7 +5368,7 @@
standard_name = x_momentum_tendency_from_blocking_drag
long_name = x momentum tendency from blocking drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5370,7 +5376,7 @@
standard_name = y_momentum_tendency_from_blocking_drag
long_name = y momentum tendency from blocking drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5378,7 +5384,7 @@
standard_name = x_momentum_tendency_from_small_scale_gwd
long_name = x momentum tendency from small scale gwd
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5386,7 +5392,7 @@
standard_name = y_momentum_tendency_from_small_scale_gwd
long_name = y momentum tendency from small scale gwd
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
kind = kind_phys
@@ -5394,7 +5400,7 @@
standard_name = x_momentum_tendency_from_form_drag
long_name = x momentum tendency from form drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5402,7 +5408,7 @@
standard_name = y_momentum_tendency_from_form_drag
long_name = y momentum tendency from form drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -5410,63 +5416,63 @@
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount
long_name = accumulated total precipitation
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount
long_name = accumulated ice precipitation
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount
long_name = accumulated snow precipitation
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount
long_name = accumulated graupel precipitation
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_in_bucket
long_name = accumulated total precipitation in bucket
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount_in_bucket
long_name = accumulated ice precipitation in bucket
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_in_bucket
long_name = accumulated snow precipitation in bucket
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount_in_bucket
long_name = accumulated graupel precipitation in bucket
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = accumulated_change_of_air_temperature_due_to_FA_scheme
long_name = accumulated change of air temperature due to FA MP scheme
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -5474,364 +5480,364 @@
standard_name = cumulative_surface_ground_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative groud conductive heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative surface downwelling LW flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative surface upwelling LW flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = duration_of_sunshine
long_name = sunshine duration time
units = s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = total_runoff
long_name = total water runoff
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative surface upward potential latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2 s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_cloud_work_function
long_name = cumulative cloud work function (valid only with sas)
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_x_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = vertically integrated u change by OGWD
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_y_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = vertically integrated v change by OGWD
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_surface_pressure_multiplied_by_timestep
long_name = cumulative surface pressure multiplied by timestep
units = Pa s
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount
long_name = cumulative convective precipitation
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_in_bucket
long_name = cumulative convective precipitation in bucket
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = minimum_specific_humidity_at_2m
long_name = minimum specific humidity at 2m height
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_specific_humidity_at_2m
long_name = maximum specific humidity at 2m height
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_x_wind_at_10m
long_name = maximum x wind at 10 m
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_y_wind_at_10m
long_name = maximum y wind at 10 m
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_wind_at_10m
long_name = maximum wind speed at 10 m
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_u_wind_at_10m_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = maximum u wind at 10m over maximum hourly time interval
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_v_wind_at_10m_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = maximum v wind at 10m over maximum hourly time interval
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_wind_at_10m_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = maximum wind at 10m over maximum hourly time interval
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
long_name = total rain at this time step
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_convective_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
long_name = convective rain at this time step
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
long_name = ice fall at this time step
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
long_name = snow fall at this time step
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount_on_dynamics_timestep
long_name = graupel fall at this time step
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = x_wind_at_10m
long_name = 10 meter u wind speed
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = y_wind_at_10m
long_name = 10 meter v wind speed
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dewpoint_temperature_at_2m
long_name = 2 meter dewpoint temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = height_above_ground_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = layer 1 height above ground (not MSL)
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_air_pressure_diag
long_name = surface air pressure diagnostic
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = column_precipitable_water
long_name = precipitable water
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_at_lowest_model_layer_for_diag
long_name = layer 1 temperature for diag
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_lowest_model_layer_for_diag
long_name = layer 1 specific humidity for diag
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = x_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_for_diag
long_name = layer 1 x wind for diag
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = y_wind_at_lowest_model_layer_for_diag
long_name = layer 1 y wind for diag
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
long_name = thermal exchange coefficient
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air
long_name = momentum exchange coefficient
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_longwave_flux
long_name = surface downwelling longwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_longwave_flux
long_name = surface upwelling longwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface downwelling shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_net_downwelling_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface net downwelling shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface upwelling shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux_for_diag
long_name = instantaneous sfc x momentum flux multiplied by timestep
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux_for_diag
long_name = instantaneous sfc y momentum flux multiplied by timestep
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_for_diag
long_name = instantaneous sfc sensible heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_for_diag
long_name = instantaneous sfc latent heat flux multiplied by timestep
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_ground_heat_flux
long_name = instantaneous sfc ground heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_potential_evaporation
long_name = instantaneous sfc potential evaporation
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_fraction_of_condensed_water_in_soil_at_wilting_point
long_name = wilting point (volumetric)
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = threshold_volume_fraction_of_condensed_water_in_soil
long_name = soil moisture threshold (volumetric)
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ratio_of_snowfall_to_rainfall
long_name = snow ratio: ratio of snow to total precipitation (explicit only)
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = normalized_soil_wetness
long_name = normalized soil wetness
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (.not. flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_ruc_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -5839,119 +5845,119 @@
standard_name = dominant_rain_type
long_name = dominant rain type
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dominant_freezing_rain_type
long_name = dominant freezing rain type
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dominant_sleet_type
long_name = dominant sleet type
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = dominant_snow_type
long_name = dominant snow type
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_skeb_perturbation_of_x_wind_flipped
long_name = weights for stochastic skeb perturbation of x wind, flipped
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_skeb_perturbation_of_y_wind_flipped
long_name = weights for stochastic skeb perturbation of y wind, flipped
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_sppt_perturbation_flipped
long_name = weights for stochastic sppt perturbation, flipped
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = weights_for_stochastic_shum_perturbation_flipped
long_name = weights for stochastic shum perturbation, flipped
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = level_of_dividing_streamline
long_name = level of the dividing streamline
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_PBL
long_name = cumulative change in x wind due to PBL
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = cumulative change in x wind due to orographic gravity wave drag
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_deep_convection
long_name = cumulative change in x wind due to deep convection
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = cumulative change in x wind due to convective gravity wave drag
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_rayleigh_damping
long_name = cumulative change in x wind due to Rayleigh damping
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_shallow_convection
long_name = cumulative change in x wind due to shallow convection
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_physics
long_name = cumulative change in x wind due to physics
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_x_wind_due_to_non_physics_processes
long_name = cumulative change in x wind due to non-physics processes
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_diagnostics_3D)
@@ -5959,56 +5965,56 @@
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_PBL
long_name = cumulative change in y wind due to PBL
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = cumulative change in y wind due to orographic gravity wave drag
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_deep_convection
long_name = cumulative change in y wind due to deep convection
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = cumulative change in y wind due to convective gravity wave drag
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_rayleigh_damping
long_name = cumulative change in y wind due to Rayleigh damping
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_shallow_convection
long_name = cumulative change in y wind due to shallow convection
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_physics
long_name = cumulative change in y wind due to physics
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_y_wind_due_to_non_physics_processes
long_name = cumulative change in y wind due to non-physics processes
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_diagnostics_3D)
@@ -6016,77 +6022,77 @@
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_longwave_radiation
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to longwave radiation
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_shortwave_radiation
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to shortwave radiation
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_PBL
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to PBL
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_deep_convection
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to deep convection
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_shallow_convection
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to shallow convection
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_microphysics
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to microphysics
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to orographic gravity wave drag
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_rayleigh_damping
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to Rayleigh damping
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to convective gravity wave drag
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_physics
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to physics
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_temperature_due_to_non_physics_processes
long_name = cumulative change in temperature due to non-physics processed
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_diagnostics_3D)
@@ -6094,91 +6100,91 @@
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_PBL
long_name = cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to PBL
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_deep_convection
long_name = cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to deep convection
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_shallow_convection
long_name = cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to shallow convection
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_microphysics
long_name = cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to microphysics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_ozone_mixing_ratio_due_to_PBL
long_name = cumulative change in ozone mixing ratio due to PBL
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_production_and_loss_rate
long_name = cumulative change in ozone concentration due to production and loss rate
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_ozone_mixing_ratio
long_name = cumulative change in ozone concentration due to ozone mixing ratio
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_temperature
long_name = cumulative change in ozone concentration due to temperature
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_overhead_ozone_column
long_name = cumulative change in ozone concentration due to overhead ozone column
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_physics
long_name = cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_physics
long_name = cumulative change in ozone concentration due to physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_non_physics_processes
long_name = cumulative change in water vapor specific humidity due to non-physics processes
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_change_in_ozone_concentration_due_to_non_physics_processes
long_name = cumulative change in ozone_concentration due to non-physics processes
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_diagnostics_3D .and. flag_tracer_diagnostics_3D)
@@ -6186,77 +6192,77 @@
standard_name = maximum_reflectivity_at_1km_agl_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = maximum reflectivity at 1km agl over maximum hourly time interval
units = dBZ
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_reflectivity_at_minus10c_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = maximum reflectivity at minus10c over maximum hourly time interval
units = dBZ
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_temperature_at_2m_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = maximum temperature at 2m over maximum hourly time interval
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = minimum_temperature_at_2m_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = minumum temperature at 2m over maximum hourly time interval
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_relative_humidity_at_2m_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = maximum relative humidity at 2m over maximum hourly time interval
units = %
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = minimum_relative_humidity_at_2m_over_maximum_hourly_time_interval
long_name = minumum relative humidity at 2m over maximum hourly time interval
units = %
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux
long_name = cumulative updraft mass flux
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_atmosphere_downdraft_convective_mass_flux
long_name = cumulative downdraft mass flux
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cumulative_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux
long_name = cumulative detrainment mass flux
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = radar_reflectivity_10cm
long_name = instantaneous refl_10cm
units = dBZ
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_3d_cloud_fraction
long_name = instantaneous 3D cloud fraction for all MPs
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -6329,21 +6335,21 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_anthopogenic_and_biomass_burning_emissions
long_name = instantaneous anthopogenic and biomass burning emissions for black carbon, organic carbon, and sulfur dioxide
units = ug m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,6)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,6)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_aerosol_column_mass_densities
long_name = instantaneous aerosol column mass densities for pm2.5, black carbon, organic carbon, sulfate, dust, sea salt
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,6)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,6)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = emdf_updraft_area
long_name = updraft area from mass flux scheme
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6351,7 +6357,7 @@
standard_name = emdf_updraft_vertical_velocity
long_name = updraft vertical velocity from mass flux scheme
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6359,7 +6365,7 @@
standard_name = emdf_updraft_total_water
long_name = updraft total water from mass flux scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6367,7 +6373,7 @@
standard_name = emdf_updraft_theta_l
long_name = updraft theta-l from mass flux scheme
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6375,7 +6381,7 @@
standard_name = emdf_updraft_entrainment_rate
long_name = updraft entranment rate from mass flux scheme
units = s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6383,7 +6389,7 @@
standard_name = emdf_updraft_cloud_water
long_name = updraft cloud water from mass flux scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6391,7 +6397,7 @@
standard_name = theta_subsidence_tendency
long_name = updraft theta subsidence tendency
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6399,7 +6405,7 @@
standard_name = water_vapor_subsidence_tendency
long_name = updraft water vapor subsidence tendency
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6407,7 +6413,7 @@
standard_name = theta_detrainment_tendency
long_name = updraft theta detrainment tendency
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6415,7 +6421,7 @@
standard_name = water_vapor_detrainment_tendency
long_name = updraft water vapor detrainment tendency
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf .and. (mynn_output_flag .ne. 0))
@@ -6423,14 +6429,14 @@
standard_name = number_of_plumes
long_name = number of plumes per grid column
units = count
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
active = (do_mynnedmf)
standard_name = maximum_mass_flux
long_name = maximum mass flux within a column
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -6438,20 +6444,20 @@
standard_name = k_level_of_highest_reaching_plume
long_name = k-level of highest reaching plume
units = count
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = k_level_of_highest_plume
long_name = k-level of highest plume
units = count
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
active = (do_mynnedmf)
standard_name = atmosphere_heat_diffusivity_for_mynnpbl
long_name = diffusivity for heat for MYNN PBL (defined for all mass levels)
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -6459,7 +6465,7 @@
standard_name = atmosphere_momentum_diffusivity_for_mynnpbl
long_name = diffusivity for momentum for MYNN PBL (defined for all mass levels)
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (do_mynnedmf)
@@ -6467,56 +6473,56 @@
standard_name = time_integral_of_height_of_mountain_blocking
long_name = time integral of height of mountain blocking drag
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_height_of_low_level_wave_breaking
long_name = time integral of height of drag due to low level wave breaking
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_height_of_launch_level_of_orographic_gravity_wave
long_name = time integral of height of launch level of orographic gravity wave
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_momentum_flux_due_to_turbulent_orographic_form_drag
long_name = time integral of momentum flux due to TOFD
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_momentum_flux_due_to_mountain_blocking_drag
long_name = time integral of momentum flux due to mountain blocking drag
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_momentum_flux_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = time integral of momentum flux due to orographic gravity wave drag
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_momentum_flux_due_to_nonstationary_gravity_wave
long_name = time integral of momentum flux due to nonstationary gravity waves
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = time_integral_of_change_in_x_wind_due_to_mountain_blocking_drag
long_name = time integral of change in x wind due to mountain blocking drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (diag_ugwp_flag)
@@ -6524,7 +6530,7 @@
standard_name = time_integral_of_change_in_x_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = time integral of change in x wind due to orographic gw drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (diag_ugwp_flag)
@@ -6532,7 +6538,7 @@
standard_name = time_integral_of_change_in_x_wind_due_to_turbulent_orographic_form_drag
long_name = time integral of change in x wind due to TOFD
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (diag_ugwp_flag)
@@ -6540,7 +6546,7 @@
standard_name = time_integral_of_change_in_x_wind_due_to_nonstationary_gravity_wave
long_name = time integral of change in x wind due to NGW
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (diag_ugwp_flag)
@@ -6548,7 +6554,7 @@
standard_name = time_integral_of_change_in_y_wind_due_to_nonstationary_gravity_wave
long_name = time integral of change in y wind due to NGW
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (diag_ugwp_flag)
@@ -6556,7 +6562,7 @@
standard_name = auxiliary_2d_arrays
long_name = auxiliary 2d arrays to output (for debugging)
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,number_of_3d_auxiliary_arrays)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,number_of_3d_auxiliary_arrays)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (number_of_2d_auxiliary_arrays > 0)
@@ -6564,7 +6570,7 @@
standard_name = auxiliary_3d_arrays
long_name = auxiliary 3d arrays to output (for debugging)
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_3d_auxiliary_arrays)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_3d_auxiliary_arrays)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (number_of_2d_auxiliary_arrays > 0)
@@ -6583,7 +6589,7 @@
standard_name = humidity_mixing_ratio
long_name = the ratio of the mass of water vapor to the mass of dry air
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6591,7 +6597,7 @@
standard_name = cloud_liquid_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = the ratio of the mass of liquid water to the mass of dry air
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6599,7 +6605,7 @@
standard_name = cloud_rain_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = the ratio of the mass rain water to the mass of dry air
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6607,7 +6613,7 @@
standard_name = cloud_ice_mixing_ratio
long_name = the ratio of the mass of ice to the mass of dry air
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6615,7 +6621,7 @@
standard_name = cloud_snow_mixing_ratio
long_name = the ratio of the mass of snow to mass of dry air
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6623,7 +6629,7 @@
standard_name = mass_weighted_rime_factor_mixing_ratio
long_name = the ratio of the mass of rime factor to mass of dry air
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6631,7 +6637,7 @@
standard_name = fraction_of_ice_water_cloud
long_name = fraction of ice water cloud
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6639,7 +6645,7 @@
standard_name = fraction_of_rain_water_cloud
long_name = fraction of rain water cloud
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6647,7 +6653,7 @@
standard_name = rime_factor
long_name = rime factor
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6655,7 +6661,7 @@
standard_name = total_cloud_condensate_mixing_ratio_updated_by_physics
long_name = total cloud condensate mixing ratio (except water vapor) updated by physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_fer_hires_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6663,182 +6669,189 @@
standard_name = surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_over_ocean_interstitial
long_name = surface upwelling longwave flux at current time over ocean (temporary use as interstitial)
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_over_land_interstitial
long_name = surface upwelling longwave flux at current time over land (temporary use as interstitial)
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_longwave_flux_over_ice_interstitial
long_name = surface upwelling longwave flux at current time over ice (temporary use as interstitial)
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface downwelling beam near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_direct_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface upwelling beam near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface downwelling diffuse near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_diffuse_near_infrared_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface upwelling diffuse near-infrared shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface downwelling beam ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_direct_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface upwelling beam ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface upwelling diffuse ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_diffuse_ultraviolet_and_visible_shortwave_flux
long_name = surface downwelling diffuse ultraviolet plus visible shortwave flux at current time
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = atmosphere_optical_thickness_due_to_ambient_aerosol_particles
long_name = vertical integrated optical depth for various aerosol species
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,number_of_species_for_aerosol_optical_depth)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,number_of_species_for_aerosol_optical_depth)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_albedo_perturbation
long_name = surface albedo perturbation
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
+ type = real
+ kind = kind_phys
+ standard_name = cloud_overlap_decorrelation_parameter
+ long_name = cloud overlap decorrelation parameter for RRTMG (but not for RRTMGP)
+ units = frac
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = perturbation_of_soil_type_b_parameter
long_name = perturbation of soil type "b" parameter
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air
long_name = surface exchange coeff for momentum
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_ocean
long_name = surface exchange coeff for momentum over ocean
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_land
long_name = surface exchange coeff for momentum over land
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_momentum_in_air_over_ice
long_name = surface exchange coeff for momentum over ice
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air
long_name = surface exchange coeff heat & moisture
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ocean
long_name = surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ocean
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_land
long_name = surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over land
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_coefficient_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ice
long_name = surface exchange coeff heat & moisture over ice
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ocean
long_name = thermal exchange coefficient over ocean
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_land
long_name = thermal exchange coefficient over land
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_mass_flux_for_heat_and_moisture_in_air_over_ice
long_name = thermal exchange coefficient over ice
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = convective_cloud_fraction_for_microphysics
long_name = convective cloud fraction for microphysics
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6846,7 +6859,7 @@
standard_name = convective_cloud_volume_fraction
long_name = convective cloud volume fraction
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -6854,140 +6867,140 @@
standard_name = cloud_area_fraction
long_name = fraction of grid box area in which updrafts occur
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_area_fraction_for_radiation
long_name = fraction of clouds for low, middle, high, total and BL
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,5)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,5)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_10mu_band
long_name = approx 10mu band layer cloud optical depth
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_0p55mu_band
long_name = approx .55mu band layer cloud optical depth
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_work_function
long_name = cloud work function
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = total_cloud_fraction
long_name = layer total cloud fraction
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_liquid_water_path
long_name = layer cloud liquid water path
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mean_effective_radius_for_liquid_cloud
long_name = mean effective radius for liquid cloud
units = micron
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_ice_water_path
long_name = layer cloud ice water path
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mean_effective_radius_for_ice_cloud
long_name = mean effective radius for ice cloud
units = micron
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_rain_water_path
long_name = cloud rain water path
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mean_effective_radius_for_rain_drop
long_name = mean effective radius for rain drop
units = micron
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_snow_water_path
long_name = cloud snow water path
units = g m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mean_effective_radius_for_snow_flake
long_name = mean effective radius for snow flake
units = micron
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = convective_transportable_tracers
long_name = array to contain cloud water and other convective trans. tracers
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers_for_convective_transport)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers_for_convective_transport)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ice_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
long_name = ratio of mass of ice water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) in the convectively transported tracer array
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_convective_transport_tracer
long_name = ratio of mass of cloud water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) in the convectively transported tracer array
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = turbulent_kinetic_energy_convective_transport_tracer
long_name = turbulent kinetic energy in the convectively transported tracer array
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = fraction_of_grid_box_with_subgrid_orography_higher_than_critical_height
long_name = frac. of grid box with by subgrid orography higher than critical height
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,4)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,4)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = fraction_of_grid_box_with_subgrid_orography_higher_than_critical_height_small_scale
long_name = frac. of grid box with by subgrid orography higher than critical height small scale
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,4)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,4)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 3 .or. gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -6995,28 +7008,28 @@
standard_name = surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air_over_ocean
long_name = momentum exchange coefficient over ocean
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air_over_land
long_name = momentum exchange coefficient over land
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_drag_wind_speed_for_momentum_in_air_over_ice
long_name = momentum exchange coefficient over ice
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_cloud_water_due_to_convective_microphysics
long_name = tendency of cloud water due to convective microphysics
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -7024,7 +7037,7 @@
standard_name = ice_fraction_in_convective_tower
long_name = ice fraction in convective tower
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -7032,7 +7045,7 @@
standard_name = detrained_mass_flux
long_name = detrained mass flux
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -7040,7 +7053,7 @@
standard_name = number_concentration_of_cloud_liquid_water_particles_for_detrainment
long_name = droplet number concentration in convective detrainment
units = m-3
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -7048,7 +7061,7 @@
standard_name = number_concentration_of_ice_crystals_for_detrainment
long_name = crystal number concentration in convective detrainment
units = m-3
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -7056,126 +7069,126 @@
standard_name = convective_cloud_cover
long_name = convective cloud cover
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = convective_cloud_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = moist convective cloud water mixing ratio
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_top_entrainment_instability_value
long_name = cloud top entrainment instability value
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = grid_sensitive_critical_cloud_top_entrainment_instability_criteria
long_name = grid sensitive critical cloud top entrainment instability criteria
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_column_heating_rate
long_name = maximum heating rate in column
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_atmosphere_downdraft_convective_mass_flux
long_name = (downdraft mass flux) * delt
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_decorrelation_length
long_name = cloud decorrelation length
units = km
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_pressure_difference_between_midlayers
long_name = air pressure difference between midlayers
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = geopotential_difference_between_midlayers_divided_by_midlayer_virtual_temperature
long_name = difference between mid-layer geopotentials divided by mid-layer virtual temperature
units = m2 s-2 K-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = layer_pressure_thickness_for_radiation
long_name = layer pressure thickness on radiation levels
units = hPa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = atmosphere_heat_diffusivity
long_name = diffusivity for heat
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_minus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_minus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = characteristic_grid_length_scale
long_name = representative horizontal length scale of grid box
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_tracers_due_to_model_physics
long_name = updated tendency of the tracers due to model physics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_water_vapor_specific_humidity_due_to_model_physics
long_name = water vapor specific humidity tendency due to model physics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_liquid_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
long_name = cloud condensed water mixing ratio tendency due to model physics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_ice_cloud_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
long_name = cloud condensed water mixing ratio tendency due to model physics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_ozone_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
long_name = ozone mixing ratio tendency due to model physics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_cloud_droplet_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics
long_name = number concentration of cloud droplets (liquid) tendency due to model physics
units = kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (index_for_liquid_cloud_number_concentration > 0)
@@ -7183,14 +7196,14 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_ice_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics
long_name = number concentration of ice tendency due to model physics
units = kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_water_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics
long_name = number concentration of water-friendly aerosols tendency due to model physics
units = kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (index_for_water_friendly_aerosols > 0)
@@ -7198,7 +7211,7 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_ice_friendly_aerosol_number_concentration_due_to_model_physics
long_name = number concentration of ice-friendly aerosols tendency due to model physics
units = kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (index_for_ice_friendly_aerosols > 0)
@@ -7206,403 +7219,403 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_rain_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
long_name = ratio of mass of rain water tendency to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) due to model physics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_snow_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
long_name = ratio of mass of snow water tendency to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) due to model physics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_graupel_mixing_ratio_due_to_model_physics
long_name = ratio of mass of graupel tendency to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) due to model physics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_turbulent_kinetic_energy_due_to_model_physics
long_name = turbulent kinetic energy tendency due to model physics
units = J s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux
long_name = surface upward latent heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = subsurface_runoff_flux
long_name = subsurface runoff flux
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_model_physics
long_name = air temperature tendency due to model physics
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_radiative_heating_assuming_clear_sky
long_name = clear sky radiative (shortwave + longwave) heating rate at current time
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux
long_name = surface upward sensible heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = mean_change_over_depth_in_sea_water_temperature
long_name = mean of dT(z) (zsea1 to zsea2)
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_atmosphere_detrainment_convective_mass_flux
long_name = (detrainment mass flux) * delt
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_model_physics
long_name = zonal wind tendency due to model physics
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_x_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = zonal surface stress due to orographic gravity wave drag
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_x_momentum_flux
long_name = x momentum flux
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
long_name = updated tendency of the tracers due to vertical diffusion in PBL scheme
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_model_physics
long_name = meridional wind tendency due to model physics
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_y_stress_due_to_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = meridional surface stress due to orographic gravity wave drag
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_surface_y_momentum_flux
long_name = y momentum flux
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = layer_thickness_for_radiation
long_name = layer thickness on radiation levels
units = km
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = maximum_subgrid_orography
long_name = maximum of subgrid orography
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_longwave_emissivity_over_ocean_interstitial
long_name = surface lw emissivity in fraction over ocean (temporary use as interstitial)
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_longwave_emissivity_over_land_interstitial
long_name = surface lw emissivity in fraction over land (temporary use as interstitial)
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_longwave_emissivity_over_ice_interstitial
long_name = surface lw emissivity in fraction over ice (temporary use as interstitial)
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux
long_name = surface upward potential latent heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_over_ocean
long_name = surface upward potential latent heat flux over ocean
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_over_land
long_name = surface upward potential latent heat flux over land
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upward_potential_latent_heat_flux_over_ice
long_name = surface upward potential latent heat flux over ice
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_reduced_by_surface_roughness
long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux reduced by surface roughness
units = kg kg-1 m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_ocean
long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over ocean
units = kg kg-1 m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_land
long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over land
units = kg kg-1 m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_over_ice
long_name = kinematic surface upward latent heat flux over ice
units = kg kg-1 m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = soil_upward_latent_heat_flux
long_name = soil upward latent heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = canopy_upward_latent_heat_flux
long_name = canopy upward latent heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_optical_properties_for_longwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol optical properties for longwave bands 01-16
units = various
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation,number_of_aerosol_output_fields_for_longwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation,number_of_aerosol_output_fields_for_longwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_longwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol asymmetry parameter for longwave bands 01-16
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_optical_properties_for_shortwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol optical properties for shortwave bands 01-16
units = various
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation,number_of_aerosol_output_fields_for_shortwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation,number_of_aerosol_output_fields_for_shortwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_optical_depth_for_shortwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol optical depth for shortwave bands 01-16
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_shortwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol single scattering albedo for shortwave bands 01-16
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_shortwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol asymmetry parameter for shortwave bands 01-16
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation,number_of_aerosol_bands_for_shortwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_ocean
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over ocean
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_land
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over land
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_over_ice
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for heat over ice
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_ocean
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over ocean
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_land
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over land
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_heat_at_2m_over_ice
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for heat at 2m over ice
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = flag_for_cice
long_name = flag for cice
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = logical
standard_name = flag_for_guess_run
long_name = flag for guess run
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = logical
standard_name = flag_for_iteration
long_name = flag for iteration
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = logical
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_ocean
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over ocean
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_land
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over land
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_over_ice
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity function for momentum over ice
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_ocean
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over ocean
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_land
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over land
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = Monin_Obukhov_similarity_function_for_momentum_at_10m_over_ice
long_name = Monin-Obukhov similarity parameter for momentum at 10m over ice
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -7616,7 +7629,7 @@
standard_name = land_area_fraction_for_microphysics
long_name = land area fraction used in microphysics schemes
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -7637,154 +7650,154 @@
standard_name = surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground
long_name = total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground_over_ocean
long_name = total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground over ocean
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground_over_land
long_name = total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground over land
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_absorbed_by_ground_over_ice
long_name = total sky surface downward longwave flux absorbed by the ground over ice
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = anisotropy_of_subgrid_orography
long_name = anisotropy of subgrid orography
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = countergradient_mixing_term_for_water_vapor
long_name = countergradient mixing term for water vapor
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = countergradient_mixing_term_for_temperature
long_name = countergradient mixing term for temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_co2
long_name = volume mixing ratio co2
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_n2o
long_name = volume mixing ratio no2
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_ch4
long_name = volume mixing ratio ch4
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_o2
long_name = volume mixing ratio o2
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_co
long_name = volume mixing ratio co
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_cfc11
long_name = volume mixing ratio cfc11
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_cfc12
long_name = volume mixing ratio cfc12
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_cfc22
long_name = volume mixing ratio cfc22
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_ccl4
long_name = volume mixing ratio ccl4
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = volume_mixing_ratio_cfc113
long_name = volume mixing ratio cfc113
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = upward_heat_flux_in_soil
long_name = soil heat flux
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = upward_heat_flux_in_soil_over_ocean
long_name = soil heat flux over ocean
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = upward_heat_flux_in_soil_over_land
long_name = soil heat flux over land
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = upward_heat_flux_in_soil_over_ice
long_name = soil heat flux over ice
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_graupel_amount
long_name = explicit graupel fall on physics timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme .or. flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -7792,14 +7805,14 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = zonal wind tendency due to convective gravity wave drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_convective_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = meridional wind tendency due to convective gravity wave drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -7819,77 +7832,77 @@
standard_name = surface_upward_latent_heat_flux_reduction_factor
long_name = surface upward latent heat flux reduction factor from canopy heat storage
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_reduction_factor
long_name = surface upward sensible heat flux reduction factor from canopy heat storage
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_reduced_by_surface_roughness
long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux reduced by surface roughness
units = K m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_ocean
long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over ocean
units = K m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_land
long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over land
units = K m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = kinematic_surface_upward_sensible_heat_flux_over_ice
long_name = kinematic surface upward sensible heat flux over ice
units = K m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step_and_radiation_levels
long_name = total sky heating rate due to longwave radiation
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_longwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step_and_radiation_levels
long_name = clear sky heating rate due to longwave radiation
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_on_radiation_time_step_and_radiation_levels
long_name = total sky heating rate due to shortwave radiation
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_shortwave_heating_assuming_clear_sky_on_radiation_time_step_and_radiation_levels
long_name = clear sky heating rates due to shortwave radiation
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_ice_amount
long_name = explicit ice fall on physics timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme .or. flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -7897,31 +7910,31 @@
standard_name = flag_nonzero_land_surface_fraction
long_name = flag indicating presence of some land surface area fraction
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = logical
standard_name = daytime_points
long_name = daytime points
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = flag_nonzero_sea_ice_surface_fraction
long_name = flag indicating presence of some sea ice surface area fraction
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = logical
standard_name = flag_nonzero_lake_surface_fraction
long_name = flag indicating presence of some lake surface area fraction
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = logical
standard_name = flag_nonzero_ocean_surface_fraction
long_name = flag indicating presence of some ocean surface area fraction
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = logical
standard_name = horizontal_index_of_printed_column
@@ -7933,13 +7946,13 @@
standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask
long_name = sea/land/ice mask (=0/1/2)
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = sea_land_ice_mask_cice
long_name = sea/land/ice mask cice (=0/1/2)
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = number_of_aerosol_tracers_for_convection
@@ -7951,7 +7964,7 @@
standard_name = flag_nonzero_wet_surface_fraction
long_name = flag indicating presence of some ocean or lake surface area fraction
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = logical
standard_name = vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_lower_bound
@@ -7963,13 +7976,13 @@
standard_name = vertical_index_at_cloud_base
long_name = vertical index at cloud base
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = flag_deep_convection
long_name = flag indicating whether convection occurs in column (0 or 1)
units = flag
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = vertical_index_difference_between_inout_and_local
@@ -7981,13 +7994,13 @@
standard_name = index_of_highest_temperature_inversion
long_name = index of highest temperature inversion
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = vertical_index_at_top_of_atmosphere_boundary_layer
long_name = vertical index at top atmospheric boundary layer
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = vertical_index_difference_between_layer_and_upper_bound
@@ -7999,7 +8012,7 @@
standard_name = vertical_index_at_cloud_top
long_name = vertical index at cloud top
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = latitude_index_in_debug_printouts
@@ -8041,7 +8054,7 @@
standard_name = model_layer_number_at_cloud_base
long_name = vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud bases
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,3)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,3)
type = integer
standard_name = flag_mg3_as_mg2
@@ -8053,7 +8066,7 @@
standard_name = model_layer_number_at_cloud_top
long_name = vertical indices for low, middle and high cloud tops
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,3)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,3)
type = integer
standard_name = number_of_aerosol_bands_for_longwave_radiation
@@ -8071,7 +8084,7 @@
standard_name = local_graupel_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of graupel local to physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -8079,7 +8092,7 @@
standard_name = local_ice_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of ice local to physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_shoc)
@@ -8087,7 +8100,7 @@
standard_name = local_condesed_water_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of condensed water local to physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_shoc)
@@ -8095,7 +8108,7 @@
standard_name = local_rain_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of rain local to physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -8103,7 +8116,7 @@
standard_name = local_snow_number_concentration
long_name = number concentration of snow local to physics
units = kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -8189,14 +8202,14 @@
standard_name = asymmetry_of_subgrid_orography
long_name = asymmetry of subgrid orography
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,4)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,4)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = standard_deviation_of_subgrid_orography_small_scale
long_name = standard deviation of subgrid orography small scale
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 3 .or. gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -8204,7 +8217,7 @@
standard_name = asymmetry_of_subgrid_orography_small_scale
long_name = asymmetry of subgrid orography small scale
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,4)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,4)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 3 .or. gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -8212,14 +8225,14 @@
standard_name = convexity_of_subgrid_orography
long_name = convexity of subgrid orography
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = convexity_of_subgrid_orography_small_scale
long_name = convexity of subgrid orography small scale
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (gwd_opt == 3 .or. gwd_opt == 33)
@@ -8227,7 +8240,7 @@
standard_name = ozone_concentration_at_layer_for_radiation
long_name = ozone concentration layer
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -8265,28 +8278,28 @@
standard_name = air_pressure_at_interface_for_radiation_in_hPa
long_name = air pressure at vertical interface for radiation calculation
units = hPa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_pressure_at_layer_for_radiation_in_hPa
long_name = air pressure at vertical layer for radiation calculation
units = hPa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = prandtl_number
long_name = turbulent Prandtl number
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = specific_humidity_at_2m_from_noahmp
long_name = 2 meter specific humidity from noahmp
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -8294,7 +8307,7 @@
standard_name = local_graupel_mixing_ratio
long_name = ratio of mass of graupel to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) local to physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme .or. flag_for_shoc)
@@ -8302,7 +8315,7 @@
standard_name = mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_ice
long_name = mass fraction of convective cloud ice water
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -8310,7 +8323,7 @@
standard_name = mass_fraction_of_convective_cloud_liquid_water
long_name = mass fraction of convective cloud liquid water
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -8318,14 +8331,14 @@
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity_at_layer_for_radiation
long_name = specific humidity layer
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = local_rain_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = ratio of mass of rain water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) local to physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme .or. flag_for_shoc)
@@ -8333,7 +8346,7 @@
standard_name = local_snow_water_mixing_ratio
long_name = ratio of mass of snow water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) local to physics
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme .or. flag_for_shoc)
@@ -8341,28 +8354,28 @@
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_explicit_precipitation_amount
long_name = explicit precipitation (rain, ice, snow, graupel, ...) on physics timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_specific_humidity_over_ocean
long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity over ocean
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_specific_humidity_over_land
long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity over land
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_specific_humidity_over_ice
long_name = surface air saturation specific humidity over ice
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -8382,28 +8395,28 @@
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_deep_convective_precipitation_amount
long_name = deep convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_shallow_convective_precipitation_amount
long_name = shallow convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_moist_convective_adj_precipitation_amount
long_name = adjusted moist convective rainfall amount on physics timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_explicit_rain_amount
long_name = explicit rain on physics timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme .or. flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -8411,35 +8424,35 @@
standard_name = tendency_of_rain_water_mixing_ratio_due_to_microphysics
long_name = tendency of rain water mixing ratio due to microphysics
units = kg kg-1 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level
long_name = bulk Richardson number at the surface
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_ocean
long_name = bulk Richardson number at the surface over ocean
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_land
long_name = bulk Richardson number at the surface over land
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = bulk_richardson_number_at_lowest_model_level_over_ice
long_name = bulk Richardson number at the surface over ice
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -8452,146 +8465,146 @@
standard_name = critical_relative_humidity
long_name = critical relative humidity
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_runoff_flux
long_name = surface runoff flux
units = kg m-2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ozone_mixing_ratio_save
long_name = ozone mixing ratio before entering a physics scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = cloud_condensed_water_mixing_ratio_save
long_name = ratio of mass of cloud water to mass of dry air plus vapor (without condensates) before entering a physics scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ice_water_mixing_ratio_save
long_name = cloud ice water mixing ratio before entering a physics scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_vapor_specific_humidity_save
long_name = water vapor specific humidity before entering a physics scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tracer_concentration_save
long_name = tracer concentration before entering a physics scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_save
long_name = air temperature before entering a physics scheme
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_save_from_convective_parameterization
long_name = air temperature after cumulus parameterization
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = x_wind_save
long_name = x-wind before entering a physics scheme
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = y_wind_save
long_name = y-wind before entering a physics scheme
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = snow_deposition_sublimation_upward_latent_heat_flux
long_name = latent heat flux from snow depo/subl
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = components_of_surface_downward_shortwave_fluxes
long_name = derived type for special components of surface downward shortwave fluxes
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = cmpfsw_type
standard_name = surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_direct
long_name = surface albedo due to near IR direct beam
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_albedo_due_to_near_IR_diffused
long_name = surface albedo due to near IR diffused beam
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_direct
long_name = surface albedo due to UV+VIS direct beam
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_albedo_due_to_UV_and_VIS_diffused
long_name = surface albedo due to UV+VIS diffused beam
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = slope_of_subgrid_orography
long_name = slope of subgrid orography
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = bounded_vegetation_area_fraction
long_name = areal fractional cover of green vegetation bounded on the bottom
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = convective_updraft_area_fraction
long_name = convective updraft area fraction
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = convective_updraft_area_fraction_at_model_interfaces
long_name = convective updraft area fraction at model interfaces
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -8604,48 +8617,48 @@
standard_name = surface_slope_classification
long_name = surface slope type at each grid cell
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = surface_snow_area_fraction
long_name = surface snow area fraction
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent_over_ocean
long_name = water equivalent snow depth over ocean
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent_over_land
long_name = water equivalent snow depth over land
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_snow_thickness_water_equivalent_over_ice
long_name = water equivalent snow depth over ice
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = snow_freezing_rain_upward_latent_heat_flux
long_name = latent heat flux due to snow and frz rain
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = lwe_thickness_of_snow_amount
long_name = explicit snow fall on physics timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_gfdl_microphysics_scheme .or. flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_thompson_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -8653,48 +8666,48 @@
standard_name = surface_snow_melt
long_name = snow melt during timestep
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = soil_type_classification
long_name = soil type at each grid cell
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = surface_wind_stress
long_name = surface wind stress
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_wind_stress_over_ocean
long_name = surface wind stress over ocean
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_wind_stress_over_land
long_name = surface wind stress over land
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_wind_stress_over_ice
long_name = surface wind stress over ice
units = m2 s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = temperature_at_2m_from_noahmp
long_name = 2 meter temperature from noahmp
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_land_surface_scheme == flag_for_noahmp_land_surface_scheme)
@@ -8702,49 +8715,49 @@
standard_name = angle_from_east_of_maximum_subgrid_orographic_variations
long_name = angle with_respect to east of maximum subgrid orographic variations
units = degree
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = sea_ice_temperature_interstitial
long_name = sea ice surface skin temperature use as interstitial
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_at_interface_for_radiation
long_name = air temperature at vertical interface for radiation calculation
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_level_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_temperature_at_layer_for_radiation
long_name = air temperature at vertical layer for radiation calculation
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,adjusted_vertical_layer_dimension_for_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep_over_ocean
long_name = total precipitation amount in each time step over ocean
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep_over_land
long_name = total precipitation amount in each time step over land
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = nonnegative_lwe_thickness_of_precipitation_amount_on_dynamics_timestep_over_ice
long_name = total precipitation amount in each time step over ice
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -8769,77 +8782,77 @@
standard_name = transpiration_flux
long_name = total plant transpiration rate
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_for_nsst
long_name = ocean surface skin temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_air_temperature_for_radiation
long_name = lowest model layer air temperature for radiation
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_over_ocean_interstitial
long_name = surface skin temperature over ocean (temporary use as interstitial)
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_over_land_interstitial
long_name = surface skin temperature over land (temporary use as interstitial)
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_over_ice_interstitial
long_name = surface skin temperature over ice (temporary use as interstitial)
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_ground_temperature_for_radiation
long_name = surface ground temperature for radiation
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration
long_name = surface skin temperature after iteration
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_ocean
long_name = surface skin temperature after iteration over ocean
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_land
long_name = surface skin temperature after iteration over land
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_after_iteration_over_ice
long_name = surface skin temperature after iteration over ice
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -8852,35 +8865,35 @@
standard_name = instantaneous_atmosphere_updraft_convective_mass_flux
long_name = (updraft mass flux) * delt
units = kg m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_friction_velocity_over_ocean
long_name = surface friction velocity over ocean
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_friction_velocity_over_land
long_name = surface friction velocity over land
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_friction_velocity_over_ice
long_name = surface friction velocity over ice
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = vertically_diffused_tracer_concentration
long_name = tracer concentration diffused by PBL scheme
units = kg kg-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_vertical_diffusion_tracers)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
@@ -8894,20 +8907,20 @@
standard_name = perturbation_of_vegetation_fraction
long_name = perturbation of vegetation fraction
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = vegetation_type_classification
long_name = vegetation type at each grid cell
units = index
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
standard_name = vertical_velocity_for_updraft
long_name = vertical velocity for updraft
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_microphysics_scheme == flag_for_morrison_gettelman_microphysics_scheme)
@@ -8915,262 +8928,257 @@
standard_name = maximum_updraft_velocity_at_cloud_base
long_name = maximum updraft velocity at cloud base
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth_over_ocean
long_name = water equiv of acc snow depth over ocean
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth_over_land
long_name = water equiv of acc snow depth over land
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = water_equivalent_accumulated_snow_depth_over_ice
long_name = water equiv of acc snow depth over ice
units = mm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = wind_speed_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = wind speed at lowest model level
units = m s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale_sensitive_schemes
long_name = grid size related coefficient used in scale-sensitive schemes
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = grid_size_related_coefficient_used_in_scale_sensitive_schemes_complement
long_name = complement to work1
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = ratio_of_exner_function_between_midlayer_and_interface_at_lowest_model_layer
long_name = Exner function ratio bt midlayer and interface at 1st layer
units = ratio
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_cosine_of_zenith_angle
long_name = cosine of zenith angle at current time
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = perturbation_of_leaf_area_index
long_name = perturbation of leaf area index
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = zenith_angle_temporal_adjustment_factor_for_shortwave_fluxes
long_name = zenith angle temporal adjustment factor for shortwave
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = perturbation_of_momentum_roughness_length
long_name = perturbation of momentum roughness length
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_ocean_interstitial
long_name = surface roughness length over ocean (temporary use as interstitial)
units = cm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_land_interstitial
long_name = surface roughness length over land (temporary use as interstitial)
units = cm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = surface_roughness_length_over_ice_interstitial
long_name = surface roughness length over ice (temporary use as interstitial)
units = cm
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = perturbation_of_heat_to_momentum_roughness_length_ratio
long_name = perturbation of heat to momentum roughness length ratio
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_x_wind_due_to_ugwp
long_name = zonal wind tendency due to UGWP
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_y_wind_due_to_ugwp
long_name = meridional wind tendency due to UGWP
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = tendency_of_air_temperature_due_to_ugwp
long_name = air temperature tendency due to UGWP
units = K s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = eddy_mixing_due_to_ugwp
long_name = eddy mixing due to UGWP
units = m2 s-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = height_of_mountain_blocking
long_name = height of mountain blocking drag
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = height_of_low_level_wave_breaking
long_name = height of drag due to low level wave breaking
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = height_of_launch_level_of_orographic_gravity_wave
long_name = height of launch level of orographic gravity wave
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_momentum_flux_due_to_turbulent_orographic_form_drag
long_name = instantaneous momentum flux due to TOFD
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_momentum_flux_due_to_mountain_blocking_drag
long_name = instantaneous momentum flux due to mountain blocking drag
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_momentum_flux_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = instantaneous momentum flux due to orographic gravity wave drag
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_momentum_flux_due_to_nonstationary_gravity_wave
long_name = instantaneous momentum flux due to nonstationary gravity waves
units = Pa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_change_in_x_wind_due_to_mountain_blocking_drag
long_name = instantaneous change in x wind due to mountain blocking drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_change_in_x_wind_due_to_orographic_gravity_wave_drag
long_name = instantaneous change in x wind due to orographic gw drag
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = instantaneous_change_in_x_wind_due_to_turbulent_orographic_form_drag
long_name = instantaneous change in x wind due to TOFD
units = m s-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = air_pressure_at_layer_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa
long_name = air pressure layer
units = hPa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = air_pressure_at_interface_for_RRTMGP_in_hPa
long_name = air pressure level
units = hPa
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = air_temperature_at_layer_for_RRTMGP
long_name = air temperature layer
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = air_temperature_at_interface_for_RRTMGP
long_name = air temperature layer
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = virtual_temperature
long_name = layer virtual temperature
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = relative_humidity
long_name = layer relative humidity
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9178,7 +9186,7 @@
standard_name = layer_thickness
long_name = layer_thickness
units = m
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9186,15 +9194,15 @@
standard_name = chemical_tracers
long_name = chemical tracers
units = g g-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension,number_of_tracers)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = cloud_overlap_param
- long_name = cloud overlap parameter
+ long_name = cloud overlap parameter for RRTMGP (but not for RRTMG)
units = km
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9202,7 +9210,7 @@
standard_name = precip_overlap_param
long_name = precipitation overlap parameter
units = km
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9222,49 +9230,45 @@
standard_name = RRTMGP_cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_0_55mu_band
long_name = approx .55mu band layer cloud optical depth
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
standard_name = RRTMGP_cloud_optical_depth_layers_at_10mu_band
long_name = approx 10mu band layer cloud optical depth
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_lw_flux_profile_upward_allsky
long_name = RRTMGP upward longwave all-sky flux profile
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_lw_flux_profile_downward_allsky
long_name = RRTMGP downward longwave all-sky flux profile
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_lw_flux_profile_upward_clrsky
long_name = RRTMGP upward longwave clr-sky flux profile
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_lw_flux_profile_downward_clrsky
long_name = RRTMGP downward longwave clr-sky flux profile
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9272,110 +9276,103 @@
standard_name = surface_skin_temperature_at_previous_time_step
long_name = surface skin temperature at previous time step
units = K
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_jacobian_of_lw_flux_profile_upward
long_name = RRTMGP Jacobian upward longwave flux profile
units = W m-2 K-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_jacobian_of_lw_flux_profile_downward
long_name = RRTMGP Jacobian downward of longwave flux profile
units = W m-2 K-1
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_sw_flux_profile_upward_allsky
long_name = RRTMGP upward shortwave all-sky flux profile
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_sw_flux_profile_downward_allsky
long_name = RRTMGP downward shortwave all-sky flux profile
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_sw_flux_profile_upward_clrsky
long_name = RRTMGP upward shortwave clr-sky flux profile
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_sw_flux_profile_downward_clrsky
long_name = RRTMGP downward shortwave clr-sky flux profile
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_lw_fluxes
long_name = lw fluxes total sky / csk and up / down at levels
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = proflw_type
- optional = T
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_sw_fluxes
long_name = sw fluxes total sky / csk and up / down at levels
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension_plus_one)
type = profsw_type
- optional = T
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_aerosol_optical_properties_for_longwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol optical properties for longwave bands 01-16
units = various
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension, number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp,number_of_aerosol_output_fields_for_longwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension, number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp,number_of_aerosol_output_fields_for_longwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- optional = F
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = RRTMGP_aerosol_optical_depth_for_longwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol optical depth for longwave bands 01-16
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension, number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension, number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_longwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol single scattering albedo for longwave bands 01-16
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension, number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension, number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_longwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol asymmetry parameter for longwave bands 01-16
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension, number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension, number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_aerosol_optical_properties_for_shortwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol optical properties for shortwave bands 01-16
units = various
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension, number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp, number_of_aerosol_output_fields_for_shortwave_radiation)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension, number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp, number_of_aerosol_output_fields_for_shortwave_radiation)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9383,42 +9380,42 @@
standard_name = RRTMGP_aerosol_optical_depth_for_shortwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol optical depth for shortwave bands 01-16
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension, number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension, number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_aerosol_single_scattering_albedo_for_shortwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol single scattering albedo for shortwave bands 01-16
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension, number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension, number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = RRTMGP_aerosol_asymmetry_parameter_for_shortwave_bands_01_16
long_name = aerosol asymmetry parameter for shortwave bands 01-16
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension, number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension, number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
standard_name = seed_random_numbers_lw_for_RRTMGP
long_name = seed for random number generation for longwave radiation
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = seed_random_numbers_sw_for_RRTMGP
long_name = seed for random number generation for shortwave radiation
units = none
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent)
type = integer
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
standard_name = precipitation_fraction_by_layer
long_name = precipitation fraction in each layer
units = frac
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,vertical_dimension)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,vertical_dimension)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9534,7 +9531,7 @@
standard_name = surface_emissivity_in_each_RRTMGP_LW_band
long_name = surface emissivity in each RRTMGP LW band
units = none
- dimensions = (number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9542,7 +9539,7 @@
standard_name = secant_of_diffusivity_angle_each_RRTMGP_LW_band
long_name = secant of diffusivity angle in each RRTMGP LW band
units = none
- dimensions = (number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (number_of_lw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9550,7 +9547,7 @@
standard_name = surface_albedo_nearIR_direct
long_name = near-IR (direct) surface albedo (sfc_alb_nir_dir)
units = none
- dimensions = (number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9558,7 +9555,7 @@
standard_name = surface_albedo_nearIR_diffuse
long_name = near-IR (diffuse) surface albedo (sfc_alb_nir_dif)
units = none
- dimensions = (number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9566,7 +9563,7 @@
standard_name = surface_albedo_uvvis_dir
long_name = UVVIS (direct) surface albedo (sfc_alb_uvvis_dir)
units = none
- dimensions = (number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9574,7 +9571,7 @@
standard_name = surface_albedo_uvvis_dif
long_name = UVVIS (diffuse) surface albedo (sfc_alb_uvvis_dif)
units = none
- dimensions = (number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_dimension)
+ dimensions = (number_of_sw_bands_rrtmgp,horizontal_loop_extent)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9582,7 +9579,7 @@
standard_name = toa_incident_lw_flux_by_spectral_point
long_name = TOA longwave incident flux at each spectral points
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,number_of_lw_spectral_points_rrtmgp)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,number_of_lw_spectral_points_rrtmgp)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9590,7 +9587,7 @@
standard_name = toa_incident_sw_flux_by_spectral_point
long_name = TOA shortwave incident flux at each spectral points
units = W m-2
- dimensions = (horizontal_dimension,number_of_sw_spectral_points_rrtmgp)
+ dimensions = (horizontal_loop_extent,number_of_sw_spectral_points_rrtmgp)
type = real
kind = kind_phys
active = (flag_for_rrtmgp_radiation_scheme)
@@ -9939,5 +9936,3 @@
dimensions = ()
type = real
kind = kind_phys
- intent = in
- optional = F
diff --git a/io/FV3GFS_io.F90 b/io/FV3GFS_io.F90
index e0898c3f6..458605c96 100644
--- a/io/FV3GFS_io.F90
+++ b/io/FV3GFS_io.F90
@@ -1077,16 +1077,16 @@ subroutine sfc_prop_restart_read (Sfcprop, Atm_block, Model, fv_domain)
if (Sfcprop(nb)%lakefrac(ix) > zero) then
Sfcprop(nb)%oceanfrac(ix) = zero ! lake & ocean don't coexist in a cell
- if (Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) < Model%min_lakeice) then
- Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) = zero
- if (Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) == 2) Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) = 0
- endif
+! if (Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) < Model%min_lakeice) then
+! Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) = zero
+! if (Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) == 2) Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) = 0
+! endif
Sfcprop(nb)%oceanfrac(ix) = one - Sfcprop(nb)%landfrac(ix)
- if (Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) < Model%min_seaice) then
- Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) = zero
- if (Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) == 2) Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) = 0
- endif
+! if (Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) < Model%min_seaice) then
+! Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) = zero
+! if (Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) == 2) Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) = 0
+! endif
!--- NSSTM variables
@@ -1357,28 +1357,47 @@ subroutine sfc_prop_restart_read (Sfcprop, Atm_block, Model, fv_domain)
+ if( Model%phour < 1.e-7) then
!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(nb, ix, tem)
- do nb = 1, Atm_block%nblks
- do ix = 1, Atm_block%blksz(nb)
+ do nb = 1, Atm_block%nblks
+ do ix = 1, Atm_block%blksz(nb)
!--- specify tsfcl/zorll/zorli from existing variable tsfco/zorlo
-! Sfcprop(nb)%tsfcl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tsfco(ix)
-! Sfcprop(nb)%zorll(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix)
-! Sfcprop(nb)%zorli(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix)
-! Sfcprop(nb)%zorl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix)
-! Sfcprop(nb)%tsfc(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tsfco(ix)
- if (Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) == 1) then
- Sfcprop(nb)%zorl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorll(ix)
- Sfcprop(nb)%tsfc(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tsfcl(ix)
- else
- tem = one - Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix)
- Sfcprop(nb)%zorl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorli(ix) * Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) &
- + Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix) * tem
- Sfcprop(nb)%tsfc(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tisfc(ix) * Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) &
- + Sfcprop(nb)%tsfco(ix) * tem
- endif
+! Sfcprop(nb)%tsfcl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tsfco(ix)
+! Sfcprop(nb)%zorll(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix)
+! Sfcprop(nb)%zorli(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix)
+! Sfcprop(nb)%zorl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix)
+ if (Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) == 1) then
+ Sfcprop(nb)%zorl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorll(ix)
+ Sfcprop(nb)%tsfc(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tsfcl(ix)
+ else
+ tem = one - Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix)
+ Sfcprop(nb)%zorl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorli(ix) * Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) &
+ + Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix) * tem
+ Sfcprop(nb)%tsfc(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tisfc(ix) * Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) &
+ + Sfcprop(nb)%tsfco(ix) * tem
+ endif
+ enddo
- enddo
+ else
+!$omp parallel do default(shared) private(nb, ix, tem)
+ do nb = 1, Atm_block%nblks
+ do ix = 1, Atm_block%blksz(nb)
+ !--- specify tsfcl/zorll/zorli from existing variable tsfco/zorlo
+ Sfcprop(nb)%tsfc(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tsfco(ix)
+ if (Sfcprop(nb)%slmsk(ix) == 1) then
+ Sfcprop(nb)%zorl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorll(ix)
+ Sfcprop(nb)%tsfc(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tsfcl(ix)
+ else
+ tem = one - Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix)
+ Sfcprop(nb)%zorl(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%zorli(ix) * Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) &
+ + Sfcprop(nb)%zorlo(ix) * tem
+ if (Sfcprop(nb)%fice(ix) > min(Model%min_seaice,Model%min_lakeice)) then
+ Sfcprop(nb)%tsfc(ix) = Sfcprop(nb)%tsfcl(ix)
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ enddo
+ endif
endif ! if (Model%frac_grid)
!#ifdef CCPP