- #61: Remove version extraction logic.
- Decouple the injected
plugin version from the version of the Emacs client (seesayid-injected-plugin-version
). sayid-trace-ns-by-pattern
accepts interactive argument.
- #57: Fix version extraction logic.
- Fix nREPL middleware and Lein plugin version numbers.
- Removed support for nREPL 0.2.x.
- Removed hard dep on Clojure.
- Added support for nREPL 0.4.
- Auto inject depencencies at cider-jack-in time. Thanks, Benedek Fazekas!
- upgrade to org.clojure/tools.reader "1.3.0-alpha3"
- emacs: disable undo to avoid buffer limit error
- emacs: fix background colors in pretty-print buffer
- support inner-tracing of
form with multi-form body
- emacs: several misc things for MELPA
- emacs: messed up some function names
- emacs: improve render speed
- emacs: prepare package for submission to melpa
- emacs: useful message when sayid not responding
- support sets in pretty-print buffer
- Improved inner tracing
- ex.
no longer triggers explosion
- ex.
- Improved multimethod tracing
- traced multimethod is still a MultiFn
- dispatcher return value captured
- Emacs : keybinding
to quit window