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Memory leak when saving and indexing (dreyfus/clouseau) a big document (10MiB) #54

rmartinez-dasnano opened this issue Aug 1, 2021 · 0 comments


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Originally posted to coucdb project, but it seems to be something related to dreyfus

We are storing a big document into couchdb using ibm docker (couchdb+lucene index) based on couchdb 3.1.1 (ibmcom/couchdb3:3.1.1).
One of the fields in the document contains an array of arrays created from a 10MiB csv. When this document is created container memory usage starts growing until it reaches memory limit for the container (8Gib), or host limit (running in a 16GiB machine), or a pocess limit

  • If machine limit is reached, oom-killer kills beam.smp
  • If container limit is reached, container is restarted.
  • When none of these limits is reached, then the issue seems to be in dreyfus index updater. It's seems there is an OOM in OS process
out of memory
[info] 2021-08-01T10:09:57.661891Z couchdb@ <0.236.0> -------- couch_proc_manager <0.18737.1> died normal
[error] 2021-08-01T10:09:57.661891Z couchdb@ <0.22307.1> -------- OS Process Error <0.18737.1> :: {os_process_error,{exit_status,1}}
[error] 2021-08-01T10:09:57.662507Z couchdb@ emulator -------- Error in process <0.22307.1> on node 'couchdb@' with exit value:

Javascript fragment in the desgin document indexing this field: joins position 1 of arrays in a variable and then we index it in a single call to index function (built string size is ~ 11MiB). It's the same if we call index function as many times as rows in the array, same error.

if (doc.content && typeof(doc.content) !== 'undefined') {
           var stringToIndex="";
           for (i = 0; i < doc.content.length; i++) {
                 stringToIndex= stringToIndex+ doc.content[i][1]+" ";
            index("doc_number", stringToIndex, {"boost": 1, "facet":false, "index": true, "store": false});

To avoid os_process_error issue, we tried to increase max memory of couchjs processes with COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_JAVASCRIPT

  - COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_JAVASCRIPT="/opt/couchdb/bin/couchjs -S 536870912 /opt/couchdb/share/server/main.js"

But it seems it has no effect

docker container top 5bb095ba7a85
UID                 PID                 PPID                C                   STIME               TTY                 TIME                CMD
1001                333932              333911              0                   09:21               ?                   00:00:00            runsvdir -P -H /etc/service log: ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
1001                334124              333932              0                   09:21               ?                   00:00:00            runsv couchdb
1001                334125              333932              0                   09:21               ?                   00:00:00            runsv couchdb-search
1001                334127              334125              0                   09:21               ?                   00:00:56            java -server -Xmx2G -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/opt/couchdb-search/etc/ -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError=kill -9 %p -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSParallelRemarkEnabled -classpath /opt/couchdb-search/lib/* com.cloudant.clouseau.Main /opt/couchdb-search/etc/clouseau.ini
1001                334141              333932              0                   09:21               ?                   00:00:00            /opt/couchdb/bin/../erts- -daemon
1001                366563              334124              13                  11:41               ?                   00:09:12            /opt/couchdb/bin/../erts- -K true -A 16 -Bd -- -root /opt/couchdb/bin/.. -progname couchdb -- -home /opt/couchdb -- -boot /opt/couchdb/bin/../releases/3.1.1/couchdb -kernel inet_dist_listen_min 9100 -kernel inet_dist_listen_max 9100 -crypto fips_mode true -kernel error_logger silent -sasl sasl_error_logger false -noshell -noinput -name couchdb@ -config /opt/couchdb/bin/../releases/3.1.1/sys.config -setcookie monster
1001                366594              366563              0                   11:41               ?                   00:00:00            erl_child_setup 1048576
1001                366647              366594              0                   11:41               ?                   00:00:00            inet_gethost 4
1001                366648              366647              0                   11:41               ?                   00:00:00            inet_gethost 4
1001                367618              366594              0                   11:45               ?                   00:00:30            ./bin/couchjs ./share/server/main.js
1001                367619              366594              0                   11:45               ?                   00:00:30            ./bin/couchjs ./share/server/main.js
1001                367659              366594              0                   11:45               ?                   00:00:29            ./bin/couchjs ./share/server/main.js
1001                369407              366594              0                   11:55               ?                   00:00:16            ./bin/couchjs ./share/server/main.js
1001                369417              366594              0                   11:55               ?                   00:00:17            ./bin/couchjs ./share/server/main.js
1001                369427              366594              0                   11:55               ?                   00:00:17            ./bin/couchjs ./share/server/main.js
1001                370634              366594              0                   12:07               ?                   00:00:12            ./bin/couchjs ./share/server/main.js
1001                370808              366594              0                   12:09               ?                   00:00:06            ./bin/couchjs ./share/server/main.js

Steps to Reproduce
Start docker image ibmcom/couchdb3:3.1.1
Create the document
Wait 5 seconds and memory will grow from 350Mib aprox to 6GiB

Expected Behaviour

  • Memory consumption does not grow so much. 10MyB document -> 6Gib of memory consumotion looks like a memory leak.
  • COUCHDB_QUERY_SERVER_JAVASCRIPT env variable should work as expected


  • CouchDB version used: 3.1.1
  • Docker version: Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350
  • Container limits:
        cpus: "4"
        memory: 8192M
        cpus: "4"
        memory: 4096M
  • Couchdb configuration:
[attachments] compressible_types="text/*, application/javascript, application/json, application/xml"
[attachments] compression_level="8"
[chttpd] backlog="512"
[chttpd] bind_address="any"
[chttpd] max_db_number_for_dbs_info_req="100"
[chttpd] port="5984"
[chttpd] prefer_minimal="Cache-Control, Content-Length, Content-Range, Content-Type, ETag, Server, Transfer-Encoding, Vary"
[chttpd] require_valid_user="false"
[chttpd] server_options="[{backlog, 512}, {acceptor_pool_size, 64}, {max, 4096}]"
[chttpd] socket_options="[{sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]"
[cluster] n="3"
[cluster] q="2"
[cors] credentials="false"
[couch_httpd_auth] allow_persistent_cookies="true"
[couch_httpd_auth] auth_cache_size="50"
[couch_httpd_auth] authentication_db="_users"
[couch_httpd_auth] authentication_redirect="/_utils/session.html"
[couch_httpd_auth] iterations="10"
[couch_httpd_auth] require_valid_user="false"
[couch_httpd_auth] secret="aaaaaa"
[couch_httpd_auth] timeout="600"
[couch_peruser] database_prefix="userdb-"
[couch_peruser] delete_dbs="false"
[couch_peruser] enable="false"
[couchdb] attachment_stream_buffer_size="4096"
[couchdb] changes_doc_ids_optimization_threshold="100"
[couchdb] database_dir="./data"
[couchdb] default_engine="couch"
[couchdb] default_security="admin_only"
[couchdb] file_compression="snappy"
[couchdb] max_dbs_open="10000"
[couchdb] max_document_size="4294967296"
[couchdb] os_process_timeout="120000"
[couchdb] single_node="true"
[couchdb] users_db_security_editable="false"
[couchdb] uuid="aaaa"
[couchdb] view_index_dir="./data"
[couchdb_engines] couch="couch_bt_engine"
[csp] enable="true"
[dreyfus] name="clouseau@"
[fabric] request_timeout="infinity"
[feature_flags] partitioned||*="true"
[httpd] allow_jsonp="false"
[httpd] authentication_handlers="{couch_httpd_auth, cookie_authentication_handler}, {couch_httpd_auth, default_authentication_handler}"
[httpd] bind_address="any"
[httpd] enable_cors="false"
[httpd] enable_xframe_options="false"
[httpd] max_http_request_size="4294967296"
[httpd] port="5986"
[httpd] secure_rewrites="true"
[httpd] socket_options="[{sndbuf, 262144}]"
[indexers] couch_mrview="true"
[ioq] concurrency="10"
[ioq] ratio="0.01"
[ioq.bypass] compaction="false"
[ioq.bypass] os_process="true"
[ioq.bypass] read="true"
[ioq.bypass] shard_sync="false"
[ioq.bypass] view_update="true"
[ioq.bypass] write="true"
[log] level="debug"
[log] writer="stderr"
[query_server_config] os_process_limit="2000"
[query_server_config] os_process_soft_limit="1000"
[query_server_config] reduce_limit="true"
[replicator] connection_timeout="30000"
[replicator] http_connections="20"
[replicator] interval="60000"
[replicator] max_churn="20"
[replicator] max_jobs="500"
[replicator] retries_per_request="5"
[replicator] socket_options="[{keepalive, true}, {nodelay, false}]"
[replicator] ssl_certificate_max_depth="3"
[replicator] startup_jitter="5000"
[replicator] verify_ssl_certificates="false"
[replicator] worker_batch_size="500"
[replicator] worker_processes="4"
[ssl] port="6984"
[uuids] algorithm="sequential"
[uuids] max_count="1000"
[vendor] name="The Apache Software Foundation"
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