- State: discussing
- Start date: ?
- End date: ?
- Docs: ?
BOSH should be able ask CPIs if their configuration (IaaS creds, connectivity, etc.) is valid.
- better and earlier error messaging for CPI configuration problem
- monitor if status of validation fails
Use cases:
- find out if credentials have expired
- find out if CPI has proper outbound connectivity to IaaS API endpoints
- find out if CPI has proper access to certain resources (ie can find region?)
- find out if IaaS API is available
- add new CPI method
- have Director call CPI method during
bosh cck
- this would assume that operator has empty deployment
Possible properties to check during validate configuration CPI call:
- connect to ??? endpoint (checks creds and internet connectivity)
- properties to validate
- default_iam_instance_profile: (presence?)
- default_key_name: (presence?)
- default_security_groups: (presence?)
- region:
- ec2_endpoint:
- elb_endpoint:
- kms_key_arn: (presence?)
- connect to ??? endpoint (checks creds and internet connectivity)
- properties to validate
- environment:
- location:
- subscription_id: (presence?)
- resource_group_name: (presence?)
- storage_account_name: (presence?)
- tenant_id: (presence?)
- client_id:
- client_secret:
- certificate:
- default_security_group: (presence?)
- azure_stack.domain:
- azure_stack.authentication:
- azure_stack.resource:
- azure_stack.endpoint_prefix:
- azure_stack.ca_cert:
- connect to ??? endpoint (checks creds and internet connectivity)
- properties to validate
- address:
- user:
- password:
- datacenters.clusters.resource_pool (presence?)
- nsx.address:
- nsx.user:
- nsx.password:
- nsx.ca_cert:
- nsxt.host:
- nsxt.username:
- nsxt.password:
- nsxt.ca_cert:
- connect to ??? endpoint (checks creds and internet connectivity)
- properties to validate
- auth_url:
- username:
- api_key:
- tenant: (presence?)
- project: (presence?)
- domain: (presence?)
- region: (presence?)
- endpoint_type:
- default_key_name: (presence?)
- default_security_groups: (presence?)
- default_volume_type: (presence?)
- connect to ??? endpoint (checks creds and internet connectivity)
- properties to validate
- project: (presence?)
- json_key:
Warden & Docker
- connect to ??? endpoint (internet connectivity)
This check could be automated to run by the monitoring software on a timer and be alerted on.
- adds time to the deploy
- should CPIs check for permissions?
- create-env integration?