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Samuel Dawson edited this page Feb 5, 2019 · 21 revisions


Here on the CF Dev team, we use telemetry to help us understand how our tool is being used. We value our users privacy, therefore all telemetry is completely anonymous. There is no way for anyone with the telemetry to identify who is using the CF Dev tool. In an effort to make our data as transparent as possible, we will be publishing aggregated anonymous usage data to this page periodically to help our user community understand how the tool is being used.

In addition to making this data completely anonymous, we require users to opt-in to allowing us to collect telemetry from their tool. Upon running $ cf dev start for the first time, we will prompt the user to opt-in to capturing analytics. Any time after that you can turn on/off telemetry by running $ cf dev telemetry --on/off

Telemetry Data

The intent of collecting anonymous usage telemetry is to better understand what features are most frequently used which will in turn help us improve those features (or provide new features) moving forward.

Every usage event that we capture will include these eight data points. When these events occur we will store this data locally until we push it to our servers for storage and analysis.

  • Event
  • Data
  • Timestamp
  • Anonymous ID
  • Operating System
  • Build


The event data point is collected to understand what and how cli commands are being used. We only capture events if they are entered by a user or when they encounter an error with the tool. The following user events are captured:

  • Start Begin - When a user runs $ cf dev start
  • Start End - When cf dev is finished starting
  • Error - When a user encounters an error while using the tool
  • Stop - When a user runs $ cf dev stop
  • Uninstall - When a user uninstalls the cf cli plugin by running $ cf uninstall-plugin cfdev
  • App Created - When a user pushes an app using $ cf push <app name>
  • Route Created - When a user creates a route using $ cf create-route <route name>
  • Deployed Service - When a user deploys a service after start using $ cf deploy-service <service name>
  • Service Created - When a user creates a service instance using $ cf create-service <service plan> <service instance name>
  • User Provided Service Created - When a user creates a user provided service using $ cf create-user-provided-service <service name>
  • App Bound To Service - When a user binds an app to a service using $ cf bind-service <app name> <service instance name>
  • App Restage - When a user restages an app using $ cf restage <app name>
  • Org Created - When a user creates an org using $ cf create-org <org name>
  • Space Created - When a user creates a space using $ cf create-space <space name>
  • User Created - When a user creates a user using $ cf create-user <username> <password>
  • Bosh - When a user accesses the BOSH director using $ cf dev bosh
  • Telemetry Off - When a user turns telemetry off using $ cf dev telemetry --off


Anonymous metadata associated with events


The UTC timestamp when the event occurred.


A cryptographically (SHA256) anonymous and unique ID for a machine. This metric will not be published.

Operating System

The operating system where the event occurred.


The build of the cli tool in which the event occurred.

Collection of Data

We will be collecting data locally and periodically sending it to a public data store. If telemetry is turned off, no attempt to capture or send data will be made.

Use of Data

Our goal is to use this data to better understand how our users use the product. We are not using it to track user behavior. We plan to release aggregate usage statistics to the developer community every quarter so users can get a better understanding of how the tool is being used in the community.

Storage of Data

This data is stored in a data store that is accessible to all Cloud Foundry Foundation members on Amazon S3 . Data will be stored for up to five years to allow us to run historical analysis on usage trends in the developer community.

To request access to this data please email

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