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HM9000 will only be updated in response to vulnerability discoveries and major bugs. No new features will be introduced during this period.

See EOL Timeline for Legacy DEA Backend

Health Manager 9000

HM 9000 is a rewrite of CloudFoundry's Health Manager. HM 9000 is written in Golang and has a more modular architecture compared to the original ruby implementation. HM 9000's dependencies are locked down in a separate repo, the hm-workspace.

There are several Go Packages in this repository, each with a comprehensive set of unit tests. In addition there is an integration test that exercises the interactions between the various components. What follows is a detailed breakdown.

HM9000's Architecture and High-Availability

HM9000 solves the high-availability problem by relying on etcd, a robust high-availability store distributed across multiple nodes. Individual HM9000 components are built to rely completely on the store for their knowledge of the world. This removes the need for maintaining in-memory information and allows clarifies the relationship between the various components (all data must flow through the store).

To avoid the singleton problem, we will turn on multiple instances of each HM9000 component across multiple nodes. These instances will vie for a lock in the high-availability store. The instance that grabs the lock gets to run and is responsible for maintaining the lock. Should that instance enter a bad state or die, the lock becomes available allowing another instance to pick up the slack. Since all state is stored in the store, the backup component should be able to function independently of the failed component.

For more information, see the HM9000 release announcement.


Recovering from Failure

If HM9000 enters a bad state, the simplest solution - typically - is to delete the contents of the data store. Follow the steps defined by the etcd-release for Disaster Recovery HM9000 should recover on its own.

Installing HM9000 locally

Assuming you have go v1.5+ installed:

  1. Clone dea-hm-workspace and its submodules:

     $ cd $HOME (or other appropriate base directory)
     $ git clone
     $ cd dea-hm-workspace
     $ git submodule update --init --recursive
     $ mkdir bin
     $ export GOPATH=$PWD
     $ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin
  2. Download and install gnatsd (the version downloaded here is for linux-x64 - if you have a different platform, be sure to download the correct tarball):

     $ wget
     $ tar xzf gnatsd-v0.7.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz
     $ mv ./gnatsd $GOPATH/bin
  3. Install etcd to $GOPATH/bin (the downloaded version here is for linux-x64 - if you have a different platform, be sure to download the correct tarball)

     $ wget
     $ tar xzf etcd-v2.2.4-linux-amd64.tar.gz
     $ mv etcd-v2.2.4-linux-amd64/etcd $GOPATH/bin
  4. Start etcd:

     $ mkdir $HOME/etcdstorage
     $ (cd $HOME/etcdstorage && etcd &)

    etcd generates a number of files in the current working directory when run locally, hence etcdstorage

  5. Run hm9000:

     $ go install
     $ hm9000 <args>

    and get usage information. Run hm9000 --help to see supported commands.

  6. Install consul (if you plan to run the integration test suite):

    The mcat integration test suite requires that the consul binary be in your PATH. Refer to the installation instructions for your specific platform to download an install consul.

  7. Running the tests

     $ go get
     $ cd src/
     $ ginkgo -r -p -skipMeasurements -race -failOnPending -randomizeAllSpecs

    These tests will spin up their own instances of etcd as needed. It shouldn't interfere with your long-running etcd server.

  8. Updating hm9000. You'll need to fetch the latest code and recompile the hm9000 binary:

     $ cd $GOPATH/src/
     $ git checkout master
     $ git pull
     $ go install .

Running HM9000

hm9000 requires a config file. To get started:

$ cd $GOPATH/src/
$ cp ./config/default_config.json ./local_config.json
$ vim ./local_config.json

You must specify a config file for all the hm9000 commands. You do this with (e.g.) --config=./local_config.json

Analyzing desired state

hm9000 analyze --config=./local_config.json

will connect to CC, fetch the desired state, put it in the store, compute the delta between desired and actual state, and then evaluate the pending starts and stops and publishes them over NATS. You can optionally pass -poll to manage desired state periodically.

Listening for actual state

hm9000 listen --config=./local_config.json

will come up, listen for heartbeat messages via NATS and HTTP, and put them in the store.

Serving API

hm9000 serve_api --config=./local_config.json

will come up and provide response to requests for /bulk_app_state over HTTP.


hm9000 evacuator --config=./local_config.json

will come up and listen for droplet.exited messages and queue start messages for any evacuating droplets. Start messages will be sent when the analyzer sends start and stop messages. The evacuator is not necessary for deterministic evacuation but is provided for backward compatibility with old DEAs. There is no harm in running the evacuator during deterministic evacuation.


hm9000 shred --config=./local_config.json

The shredder will periodically (once per hour, by default) compact the store - removing any orphaned (empty) directories. You can optionally pass -poll to send messages periodically.

Dumping the contents of the store

hm9000 dump --config=./local_config.json

will dump the entire contents of the store to stdout. The output is structured in terms of apps and provides insight into the state of a cloud foundry installation. If you want a raw dump of the store's contents pass the --raw flag.

etcd has a very simple curlable API, which you can use in lieu of dump.

How to dump the contents of the store on a bosh deployed health manager

watch -n 1 /var/vcap/packages/hm9000/hm9000 dump --config=/var/vcap/jobs/hm9000/config/hm9000.json

on a health manager instance should dump the store.

HM9000 Config

HM9000 is configured using a JSON file. Here are the available entries:

  • heartbeat_period_in_seconds: Almost all configurable time constants in HM9000's config are specified in terms of this one fundamental unit of time - the time interval between heartbeats in seconds. This should match the value specified in the DEAs and is typically set to 10 seconds.

  • heartbeat_ttl_in_heartbeats: Incoming heartbeats are stored in the store with a TTL. When this TTL expires the instane associated with the hearbeat is considered to have "gone missing". This TTL is set to 3 heartbeat periods.

  • actual_freshness_ttl_in_heartbeats: This constant serves two purposes. It is the TTL of the actual-state freshness key in the store. The store's representation of the actual state is only considered fresh if the actual-state freshness key is present. Moreover, the actual-state is fresh only if the actual-state freshness key has been present for at least actual_freshness_ttl_in_heartbeats. This avoids the problem of having the first detected heartbeat render the entire actual-state fresh -- we must wait a reasonable period of time to hear from all DEAs before calling the actual-state fresh. This TTL is set to 3 heartbeat periods

  • grace_period_in_heartbeats: A generic grace period used when scheduling messages. For example, we delay start messages by this grace period to give a missing instance a chance to start up before sending a start message. The grace period is set to 3 heartbeat periods.

  • desired_freshness_ttl_in_heartbeats: The TTL of the desired-state freshness. Set to 12 heartbeats. The desired-state is considered stale if it has not been updated in 12 heartbeats.

  • store_max_concurrent_requests: The maximum number of concurrent requests that each component may make to the store. Set to 30.

  • sender_message_limit: The maximum number of messages the sender should send per invocation. Set to 30.

  • sender_polling_interval_in_heartbeats: The time period in heartbeat units between sender invocations when using hm9000 send --poll. Set to 1.

  • sender_timeout_in_heartbeats: The timeout in heartbeat units for each sender invocation. If an invocation of the sender takes longer than this the hm9000 send --poll command will fail. Set to 10.

  • fetcher_polling_interval_in_heartbeats: The time period in heartbeat units between desired state fetcher invocations when using hm9000 fetch_desired --poll. Set to 6.

  • fetcher_timeout_in_heartbeats: The timeout in heartbeat units for each desired state fetcher invocation. If an invocation of the fetcher takes longer than this the hm9000 fetch_desired --poll command will fail. Set to 60.

  • analyzer_polling_interval_in_heartbeats: The time period in heartbeat units between analyzer invocations when using hm9000 analyze --poll. Set to 1.

  • analyzer_timeout_in_heartbeats: The timeout in heartbeat units for each analyzer invocation. If an invocation of the analyzer takes longer than this the hm9000 analyze --poll command will fail. Set to 10.

  • shredder_polling_interval_in_heartbeats: The time period in heartbeat units between shredder invocations when using hm9000 shred --poll. Set to 360.

  • shredder_timeout_in_heartbeats: The timeout in heartbeat units for each shredder invocation. If an invocation of the shredder takes longer than this the hm9000 analyze --poll command will fail. Set to 6.

  • number_of_crashes_before_backoff_begins: When an instance crashes HM9000 immediately restarts it. If, however, the number of crashes exceeds this number HM9000 will apply an increasing delay to the restart.

  • starting_backoff_delay_in_heartbeats: The initial delay (in heartbeat units) to apply to the restart message once an instance crashes more than number_of_crashes_before_backoff_begins times.

  • maximum_backoff_delay_in_heartbeats: The restart delay associated with crashes doubles with each crash but is not allowed to exceed this value (in heartbeat units).

  • listener_heartbeat_sync_interval_in_milliseconds: The listener aggregates heartbeats and flushes them to the store periodically with this interval.

  • store_heartbeat_cache_refresh_interval_in_milliseconds: To improve performance when writing heartbeats, the store maintains a write-through cache of the store contents. This cache is invalidated and refetched periodically with this interval.

  • cc_auth_user: The user to use when authenticating with the CC desired state API. Set by BOSH.

  • cc_auth_password: The password to use when authenticating with the CC desired state API. Set by BOSH.

  • cc_base_url: The base url for the CC API. Set by BOSH.

  • desired_state_batch_size: The batch size when fetching desired state information from the CC. Set to 500.

  • fetcher_network_timeout_in_seconds: Each API call to the CC must succeed within this timeout. Set to 10 seconds.

  • store_schema_version: The schema of the store. HM9000 does not migrate the store, instead, if the store data format/layout changes and is no longer backward compatible the schema version must be bumped.

  • store_urls: An array of etcd server URLs to connect to.

  • actual_freshness_key: The key for the actual freshness in the store. Set to "/actual-fresh".

  • desired_freshness_key: The key for the actual freshness in the store. Set to "/desired-fresh".

  • dropsonde_port: The port which metron is listening on to receive metrics.

  • api_server_address: The IP address of machine runnine HM9000.

  • api_server_port: The port in which to serve the HTTP API.

  • api_server_username: User name to be used for basic auth on the API server.

  • api_server_password: Password to be used for basic auth on the API server.

  • log_level: Must be one of "INFO" or "DEBUG"

  • sender_nats_start_subject: The NATS subject for HM9000's start messages. Set to "hm9000.start".

  • sender_nats_stop_subject: The NATS subject for HM9000's stop messages. Set to "hm9000.stop".

  • The NATS host. Set by BOSH.

  • nats.port: The NATS host. Set by BOSH.

  • nats.user: The user for NATS authentication. Set by BOSH.

  • nats.password: The password for NATS authentication. Set by BOSH.

HM9000 components

hm9000 (the top level) and hm

The top level is home to the hm9000 CLI. The hm package houses the CLI logic to keep the root directory cleaner. The hm package is where the other components are instantiated, fed their dependencies, and executed.


The actualstatelistener provides a simple listener daemon that monitors the NATS stream for app heartbeats. It generates an entry in the store for each heartbeating app under /actual/INSTANCE_GUID.

It also maintains a FreshnessTimestamp under /actual-fresh to allow other components to know whether or not they can trust the information under /actual


The desiredstatefetcher requests the desired state from the cloud controller. It transparently manages fetching the authentication information over NATS and making batched http requests to the bulk api endpoint.

Desired state is stored under `/desired/APP_GUID-APP_VERSION


The analyzer comes up, analyzes the actual and desired state, and puts pending start and stop messages in the store. If a start or stop message is already in the store, the analyzer will not override it.

These are the metrics emitted:

  • NumberOfAppsWithAllInstancesReporting: The number of desired applications for which all instances are reporting (the state of the instance is irrelevant: STARTING/RUNNING/CRASHED all count).
  • NumberOfAppsWithMissingInstances: The number of desired applications for which an instance is missing (i.e. the instance is simply not heartbeating at all).
  • NumberOfUndesiredRunningApps: The number of undesired applications with at least one instance reporting as STARTING or RUNNING.
  • NumberOfRunningInstances: The number of instances in the STARTING or RUNNING state.
  • NumberOfMissingIndices: The number of missing instances (these are instances that are desired but are simply not heartbeating at all).
  • NumberOfCrashedInstances: The number of instances reporting as crashed.
  • NumberOfCrashedIndices: The number of indices reporting as crashed. Because of the restart policy an individual index may have very many crashes associated with it.

If either the actual state or desired state are not fresh all of these metrics will have the value -1.


The sender runs periodically and pulls pending messages out of the store and sends them over NATS. The sender verifies that the messages should be sent before sending them (i.e. missing instances are still missing, extra instances are still extra, etc...) The sender is also responsible for throttling the rate at which messages are sent over NATS. ÂÂ


The apiserver responds to NATS app.state messages and allow other CloudFoundry components to obtain information about arbitrary applications.


The evacuator responds to NATS droplet.exited messages. If an app exists because it is EVACUATING the evacuator sends a start message over NATS. The evacuator is not necessary during deterministic evacuations but is provided to maintain backward compatibility with older DEAs.


The shredder prunes old/crufty/unnecessary data from the store. This includes pruning old schema versions of the store.

Support Packages


config parses the config.json configuration. Components are typically given an instance of config by the hm CLI.


helpers contains a number of support utilities.


A trivial wrapper around net/http that improves testability of http requests.


Provides a (sys)logger. Eventually this will use steno to perform logging.


Supports metrics tracking. Used by the metricsserver and components that post metrics.


models encapsulates the various JSON structs that are sent/received over NATS/HTTP. Simple serializing/deserializing behavior is attached to these structs.


store sits on top of the lower-level storeadapter and provides the various hm9000 components with high-level access to the store (components speak to the store about setting and fetching models instead of the lower-level StoreNode defined inthe storeadapter).

Test Support Packages (under testhelpers)

testhelpers contains a (large) number of test support packages. These range from simple fakes to comprehensive libraries used for faking out other CloudFoundry components (e.g. heartbeating DEAs) in integration tests.



Provides a fake implementation of the helpers/logger interface


Provides a fake implementation of the helpers/httpclient interface that allows tests to have fine-grained control over the http request/response lifecycle.


Provides a fake implementation of the helpers/metricsaccountant interface that allows test to make assertions on metrics tracking.

Fixtures & Misc.


app is a simple domain object that encapsulates a running CloudFoundry app.

The app package can be used to generate self-consistent data structures (heartbeats, desired state). These data structures are then passed into the other test helpers to simulate a CloudFoundry eco-system.

Think of app as your source of fixture test data. It's intended to be used in integration tests and unit tests.

Some brief documentation -- look at the code and tests for more:

//get a new fixture app, this will generate appropriate
//random APP and VERSION GUIDs
app := NewApp()

//Get the desired state for the app.  This can be passed into
//the desired state server to simulate the APP's presence in
//the CC's DB.  By default the app is staged and started, to change
//this, modify the return value.
desiredState := app.DesiredState(NUMBER_OF_DESIRED_INSTANCES)

//get an instance at index 0.  this getter will lazily create and memoize
//instances and populate them with an INSTANCE_GUID and the correct
instance0 := app.InstanceAtIndex(0)

//generate a heartbeat for the app.
//note that the INSTANCE_GUID associated with the instance at index 0 will
//match that provided by app.InstanceAtIndex(0)


Provides a collection of custom Gomega matchers.

Infrastructure Helpers


Listens on the NATS bus for health.start and health.stop messages. It parses these messages and makes them available via a simple interface. Useful for testing that messages are sent by the health manager appropriately.


Brings up an in-process http server that mimics the CC's bulk endpoints (including authentication via NATS and pagination).


Brings up and manages the lifecycle of a live NATS server. After bringing the server up it provides a fully configured cfmessagebus object that you can pass to your test subjects.


The MCAT is as HM9000's integration test suite. It tests HM9000 by providing it with inputs (desired state, actual state heartbeats, and time) and asserting on its outputs (start and stop messages and api/metrics endpoints).

In addition to the MCAT there is a performance-measuring test suite at


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