It is not uncommon that students have already taken another Python course before starting our course. The question then arises whether someone can be exempted from the Python course. This is very reasonable question.
The goal of the Python course is to learn the following learnings goals:
- Be able to create a string and make use of its methods.
- be able to create a list and make use of its methods
- be able to create a set and make use of its methods
- be able to create a dictionary and make use of its methods
- be able to create and understand boolean expressions and conditions
- be able to create a tuple and understand its uses and methods
- understand the difference between mutable and immutable objects
- be able to define and call functions as well as understand local and global scope of variables
- be able to import modules and call specific functions from those modules.
- be able to read a file from disk and write contents to a file
- be able to create Python files (.py) and call them using the command line
- a first impression of how to analyze text using NLTK and spaCy
- be able to read content from a CSV or TSV file and write contents to those formats
- be able to read information from JSON and write contents to JSON
- be able to extract information from XML files
To show that you've mastered these learnings goals, we ask you to do the following assignments. All of them are found in the same folder as this file.
- Assignment 3a (to show reading and writing files + analyzing text)
- Assignment 3b (to show analyzing multiple files and extracting simple statistics)
- Assignment 4a (to show analyzing csv/tsv and JSON)
- Resit assignment 4b (to show working with XML)
The teacher will evaluate your submission and discuss the next steps.