yarn workspace based AWS CDK and Lambda Function project template.
- Node.js (12.x)
- app-node: Lambda Function (TypeScript)
- infra-aws: AWS CDK infra (TypeScript)
- site-react: React SPA
First, you should to switch aws account on your terminal app.
and go deploy greeting server application:
yarn workspace infra-aws cdk bootstrap ###first use of aws cdk, in your aws account.
yarn deploy
You can invoke greeting function after deploy.
aws lambda invoke \
--payload '{"message": "Hi, how do you feel?"}' \
--function-name <greeting function arn> \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
aws lambda invoke \
--payload '{"message": "Hi, how do you feel?"}' \
--function-name 'arn:aws:lambda:ap-northeast-1:12345667890:function:getGreetingReply-function' \
--cli-binary-format raw-in-base64-out \
less out.txt
{"reply":"Fine, and you? > Hi, how do you feel?"}⏎
You can request greeting GraphQL API via AWS Console GraphiQL.
yarn test:unit@app
yarn test:unit@infra
Will testing local files.
yarn deploy
yarn test:e2e@app
Will testing deployed Lambda Function invoke.
Create React App and setup apollo client. We recommend set up your React application by yourself. Following are our examples.
# re-install packages for 'nohoist'
yarn create react-app packages/site-react --template typescript
rm -r node_modules/
rm -r packages/app-node/node_modules/
rm -r packages/infra-aws/node_modules/
rm -r yarn.lock
yarn install
Then, we can start react app.
yarn workspace site-react start
Finally, rename your application.
- package.json
- "name": "template-aws-cdk-typescript-serverless-app",
+ "name": "good-health",
"version": "0.1.0",
- tsas-cdk.json
This name uses generate aws resource name, for instance, when appName
is greeting-service
, its Lambda Function's name: ${env}-greeting-service-${FunctionName}-function
- "appName": "greeting-service",
+ "appName": "goot-health",
"region": "ap-northeast-1"
then, next deploy rename function to ${env}-greeting-service-${FunctionName}-function