MYSQL IF you don't have Microsoft SQL, Oracle or POSTGRES.
Find 1 topic from Reference/Further Readings, then spend ~ 30 minutes to summarise what you found useful/interesting from it, submit to github.
try 1 of the tools you just installed if you haven't used it, write a short comment and submit to github
search for Gartner Quadrant of Analytical Tools, try a new tool and submit comment to github. (You don't have to do all three things above)
Commit help
User Browser to fork this repo, then type the commands below:
git clone你的用户名/learner
(add your contribution, NOT a command!)
git remote add upstream
git fetch upstream
git checkout master
git merge upstream/master
git add --all
git commit
git push (如果upstream也是自己的目录?那么可能要先git pull才能push, otherwise stash)
No auto line break, has to have a new blank line,
or back
slash \ at the end of a lineto get a line break
URL is square brackets for [text] followed by(http://url) like git orchestrating semi-structured data