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Auxiliary scripts for historical text normalization

The scripts in this directory are mostly based on Python 3. The required packages are listed in requirements.txt and can be installed via pip install -r requirements.txt.

As a general rule, all scripts offer the -h/--help flag for detailed instructions on how to use them.

General-purpose scripts

  • Implements all preprocessing steps for historical datasets, such as lowercasing, punctuation removal, etc. To produce the same preprocessing as in Bollmann (2019), run the script with the --all flag:

    ./ --all train.txt

    If you want more fine-grained control, the script also offers plenty of command-line options (that you can list via -h/--help).

  • Performs evaluation of word accuracy and character error rate, optionally with stemming or restricted to incorrect/seen/unseen tokens. For example, to evaluate normalization quality based on word stems on out-of-vocabulary tokens only, you could use:

    ./ -i --stem english english.test.txt english.pred english.train.txt
  • Computes statistical significance of word accuracy between two predicted normalizations.

  • Splits an input file into n samples, either randomly or in continuous blocks. Can be used to recreate the training curves found in Bollmann (2019); e.g., the following command would produce the ten training sets used in the "100 tokens" setting:

    ./ -c -n 10 -s 100 english.train.txt english-split

    The last argument specifies a prefix for the output files; the training sets in this case would be named english-split_1, english-split_2, and so on.

  • A naive memorization normalizer, equivalent to Norma's Mapper component, but as a simple Python script.

Preprocessing for specific tools

  • Converts the two-column, tab-separated format found in this repo to separate source/target files with characters separated by whitespace. This is the required input format for XNMT and Marian.

  • Converts the two-column, tab-separated format found in this repo to separate source/target files ending in .orig and .norm. This is the required input format for the cSMTiser/Moses toolchain.

Contemporary data

The following scripts were used to extract data from the Europarl v7 corpus:

  • Finds and extracts lines in the Europarl corpus that exist in all of the specified languages.

  • europarl_convert_extracted.bash: Utility script to convert the extracted excerpts into a full-form wordlist.


All scripts are provided under the MIT License.