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  • Feature Name: Insights into Constraint Conformance
  • Status: completed
  • Start Date: 2019-06-19
  • Authors: Andrei Matei
  • RFC PR: #38309
  • Cockroach Issue: #14113 #19644 #31597 #26757 #31551


The set of features described here aim to provide admins with visibility into aspects of replication and replica placement. In particular admins will be able to access a report that details which replication constraints are violated.


As of this writing, CRDB administrators have poor insight into data placement in relation to the constraints they have set and in relation with other considerations - specifically replication factor and replica diversity. This can lead to real problems: it’s unclear when a whole locality can be turned down without losing quorum for any ranges.
As a result of this work, admins will also be able to script actions to be taken when partitioning, or another zone config change, has been “fully applied”.

Guide-level explanation


Reminder for a few CRDB concepts:

Replication zone configs and constraints: key spans can be grouped into *“replication zones” and properties can be set for each zone through a “zone *config”. Among others, a zone config specifies the replication factor for the *data in the zone (i.e. the replication factor of all the ranges in the zone), a *list of constraints, and a list of lease preference policies.
Replication Constraints: used to restrict the set of nodes/stores that can *hold a replica for the respective ranges. Constraints can say that only nodes *marked with certain localities or attributes are to be used or that certain *nodes/stores have to be avoided. Constraints can also be specified at the level *of a replica, not only a range; for example, constraints can be set to require *that some ranges have one replica in locality A, one in B and one in C.
Lease preferences: Lease preferences are expressed just like constraints, except they only affect the choice of a leaseholder. For example, one can say that the leaseholder needs to always be in a specific locality. Unlike constraints, not being able to satisfy a lease preference doesn’t stop a lease acquisition.
Replica diversity: Given a set of constraints (or no constraints), CRDB tries to split replicas evenly between localities/sublocalities that match the constraint. The implementation computes a "diversity score" between a pair of replicas as the inverse of the length of the common prefix of localities of the two respective stores. It then computes a range's diversity score as the average diversity score across all replica pairs. The allocator considers a range under-diversified if there is another store that could replace an existing replica and result in a higher range diversity score.

Constraint conformance

Currently the only insight an administrator has into the health of replication is via the Admin UI which displays a counter for under-replicated ranges and one for unavailable ranges, and timeseries for over-replicated/under-replicated/unavailable. There’s nothing about constraints, lease preferences or diversity. Also there’s no information on over-replicated ranges - although hopefully those will go away once we get atomic group membership changes. Also, the way in which these counters are computed is defective: the counters are incoherent and, for example, if all the nodes holding a partition go away, the ranges in that partition are not counted (see #19644).

Besides the general need for an administrator to know that everything is copacetic, there are some specific cases where the lack of information is particularly unfortunate:

  1. Testing fault tolerance: A scenario people ran into was testing CRDB’s resiliency to networking failures. A cluster is configured with 3 Availability Zones (AZs) and the data is constrained to require a replica in every AZ (or even without constraints, the implicit diversity requirement would drive towards the same effect). One would think that an AZ can go away at any time and the cluster should survive. But that’s only colloquially true. After an AZ goes away and subsequently recovers, another AZ cannot disappear right away without availability loss; the 2nd AZ has to stay up until constraint conformance is re-established. Otherwise, the 2nd AZ likely has 2 replicas for the ranges that were migrated away during the first outage. As things stand, it’s entirely unclear how one is supposed to know when it’s safe to bring down the 2nd AZ. (Of course, here we’re talking about disaster testing, not the use of node decomissioning.)
  2. Partitioning a table and running performance tests that assume the partioning is in place. For example, say I want to partition my data between Romania and Bulgaria and test that my Bulgarian clients indeed start getting local latencies. Well, partitioning is obviously not instantaneous and so it’s entirely unclear how long I’m supposed to wait until I can conduct my test. Same with lease preferences.


We’ll be introducing three ways for admins to observe different aspects of replication state: a cluster-wide constraint conformance report visible in the AdminUI, new jobs for tracking the progress of constraint changes, and two crdb_internal virtual tables that can be queried for similar information to the report - one table would list zone-level constraint violations, another would list the violations on a more granular per-object basis. For providing some insights into the diversity of ranges in different zone configs, there's also going to be a crdb_internal virtual table that lists the localities whose unavailability would result in range unavailability (e.g. "if locality US goes away, half of the ranges in the default zone would lose quorum").

crdb_internal.replication_report(cached bool (default true))

We'll introduce the crdb_internal.replication_report() function, which returns a report about constraint violations and critical localities as a (single) JSON record.

  // The time when this report was generated.
  generated_at timestamp,
  // All the cluster's zones are listed.
  zones [
      // zone_name and config_sql correspond to what `show zone configuration`
      // returns.
      zone_name string,
      config_sql string,

      // Each constraint that is violated is present here.
      violations [
          // enum: under replication, over replication, replica placement,
          // lease preference
          violation_type string,
          // spec is the part of the zone config that is violated.
          constraint string,
          // A human readable message describing the violation.
          // For example, for a violation_type="under replication", the message
          // might be "64MB/1TB of data only (1/20000 ranges) only have 2 replica(s).
          // 128MB/1TB of data only (2/20000 ranges) only have 1 replica(s)."
          message string,
          // the number of ranges for which this locality is critical.
          ranges int,
          // the sum of the size of all critical ranges (in MB/s).
          data_size_mb int,
          // the average rate (in ranges/s and MiB/s) by which this quantity
          // changed since some previous time the report was generated. A negative rate
          // means things are improving (i.e. amount of data in violation is going down).
          // NULL if no previous data is available to compute the velocity.
          change_rate_ranges_per_sec int,
          change_rate_mb_per_sec int,

      // The localities that are critical for the current zone.
      critical_localities [
          locality string,
          // the number of ranges for which this locality is critical.
          ranges int,
          // the sum of the size of all critical ranges (in MB/s).
          data_size_mb int,
          change_rate_ranges_per_sec int,
          change_rate_mb_per_sec int,

The report is generated periodically (every minute) by a process described below and stored in the database. Through the optional function argument, one can ask for the cached report to be returned, or for a fresh report to be generated.

Notes about violations:

  1. All zones are present in the zones array, but only violated constrains are present in the violations array.
  2. Per-replica replication constraints (i.e. the constraints of the form 2 replicas: region:us, 1 replica: region:eu) are split into their constituents for the purposes of this report. In this example, the report will list violations separately for the 2 us replicas vs the 1 eu replica. Also, the per-replica constraints are considered "minimums", not exact numbers. I.e. if a range has 2 replicas in eu, it is not in violation of the eu constraint. Of course, it might be in violation of other constraints.
  3. Per-replica constraint conformance doesn't care about dead nodes. For example, if a constraint specifies that 2 replicas must be placed in the US and, according to a range descriptor, the range has two replicas in the US but one of the nodes is unresponsive/dead/decomissioned, the constraint will be considered satisfied. Dead nodes will promptly trigger under-replication violations, though (see next bullet). The idea here is that, if a node dies, we'd rather not instantly generate a ton of violations for the purpose of this report.
  4. The notion of a node being alive or dead will be more nuanced in this reporting code than it is in the allocator. The allocator only concerns itself with nodes that have been dead for 5 minutes (cluster setting server.time_until_store_dead) - that’s when it starts moving replicas away. Nodes that died more recently are as good as live ones. But not so for this report; we can’t claim that everything is fine for 5 minutes after a node’s death. For the purposes of reporting under-replication, constraint conformance (and implicitly lease preference conformance), a node will be considered dead a few seconds after it failed to ping its liveness record. Replicas on dead nodes are discarded; expired leases by themselves don't trigger any violation (as specified elsewhere). The message describing the violation due to dead nodes will have information about what ranges are being rebalanced by the allocator and what ranges are not yet receiving that treatment.
  5. Violations of inherited constraints are reported only at the level of the zone hierarchy where the constraint is introduced; they are not reported at the lower levels.
  6. The message field will generally contain the info from the ranges and data_size_mb fields, but in an unstructured way. In the example message in the JSON ("64MB/1TB of data only (1/20000 ranges) only have 2 replica(s). 128MB/1TB of data only (2/20000 ranges) only have 1 replica(s)."), the message has more detailed information than the numerical fields; the numberical fields count all ranges in violation of the respective constraint without any further bucketing.
  7. Since this report is possibly stale, the zone information presented can differ from what show all zone configurations returns - it might not include newly-created zones or newly applied configurations. That's a feature as it allows the consumer to reason about whether a recent change to zone configs had been picked up or not.

Critical localities

The critical_localities field exposes information about what localities would cause data unavailability if the respective localities were to become unavailable - a measure related to replica diversity. For every zone, we'll count how many ranges would lose quorum by the dissapearance of any single locality. For the purposes of this report, we consider both more narrow and more wide localities. E.g. if a node has --locality=country=us,region=east, then we report for both localities c=us and c=us,r=east. For the purposes of this report, we also consider a node id as the last component of the node's locality. So, if, say, node 5 has --locality=country=us,region=east, then for its ranges we actually consider all of c=us, c=us/r=east and c=us,r=east,n=5 as localities to report for. If a locality is not critical for a range, it does not appear under that zone. If a locality is critical for some data, that data also counts for the criticality of any wider locality (e.g. if us/east is critical for 1MB of data, us will be critical for (at least) that 1MB).

This report strictly covers critical localities; it does not answer all questions one might have about the data's risk. For one, there's no way to answer questions about the risk stemming from combinations of localities (e.g. if I'd like my data to survive the loss of one region plus a node in another region, or of (any) two regions, this report does not help.

This report is not directly related to the notion of diversity considered by the allocator - which tries to maximize diversity. We don't report on whether the allocator is expected to take any action.

Data collection

A background process will compute the report once per minute or so (see the Detailed design section). The "velocity information" in the report is generated by looking at the raw numbers in the previous version of the report and computing the delta.

AdminUI conformance report

We’ll add a page in the AdminUI showing the contents of the report. I'm imagining that in the future we can allow one to drill down into the different zones by expanding a zone into the databases/tables/indexes/partitions contained in the zone. This is future work though.

The already existing range counters on the Cluster Overview page - under-replicated/over-replicated/unavailable ranges - will change to be backed by this implementation. This will be beneficial; the current implementation, based on different nodes reporting their counts at different time, is inconsistent and blind to failures of individual nodes to report. We'll also show an asterisk linking to the conformance report if there are any constraint violations. The timeseries for the under-replicated/over-replicated/unavailable ranges will also be backed by the process generating this report. The range 1 leaseholder node is the one computing these values and so it will be one writing them to the timeseries, but we need to do it in such a way as to not double count when the lease changes hands. I'm not sure how to assure that exactly. Maybe the node writing the counts will itself write 0 for all the other nodes.

New jobs

We’re also going to have some data-moving operations roughly represented as jobs: repartitioning and altering zone config properties. The idea here is to be able to track the progress of an operation that was explicitly triggered through a SQL command as opposed to observing the state of the cluster as a whole. For example, when a table is repartitioned, we’ll look at how much data of that table is now placed incorrectly (i.e. it violates a constraint) and we’ll consider the job complete once all the table’s data is conformant with all the constraints. Note that the initial partitioning of a table does not create any data movement (as all the partitions inherit the same zone config) and so we won’t create a job for it.

Altering a zone config (for a table, partition or index) will similarly cause a job to be created. The job will be considered completed once all the ranges corresponding to the table/index/partition are in conformance with all the constraints. That is, the first time when all ranges in the affected zone are found to be in compliance, we’ll declare success.

Note that the association of range movement with a job, and thus the computation of the job’s progress, is fairly loose. The exact replication effects being enacted by a particular partition or zone change will be immaterial to the progress status of the respective job; the only thing will be considered for computing the progress is the conformance of the ranges affected by the change with all the constraints (not just the constraints being modified) - including pre-existing constraints for the respective zone and constraints inherited from parent zones. Doing something more exact seems hard. However this can lead to funny effects like a progress going backwards if the conformance worsens (i.e. number of con-conformant ranges increases for whatever reason) while a job is “running”.

The updating of the progress report of these jobs will be done through the periodic background process that also updates the cluster conformance report. The completion %age is based on how many ranges were found to be non-conformant with the change the job is tracking when the job is created.

The jobs are not cancelable by users. However a job is considered completed if the particular partitioning or zone config alter it's tracking is superseded by another operation (i.e. if the partitioning is changed again in case of partitioning jobs or if the same zone config is changed again). Removing a table partitioning or a zone config similarly marks all ongoing jobs tracking the respective object as complete and creates a new job (tracking the table or the parent zone config, respectively).

Detailed design

The data powering the virtual tables and the jobs progress will be produced by a process running on the leaseholder for range 1. Every minute, this process will scan all of the meta2 range descriptors together with all the zone configs (using a consistent scan slightly in the past), as well as collect lease information (see below). For each descriptor, it’ll use logic factored out of the allocator for deciding what constraints the range is violating (if any). For each constraint, it’ll aggregate the (sum of sizes of) ranges violating that constraint. Same for lease preference and replication factor. Ranges with no active lease are considered to be conformant with any lease preference. There will also be a way to generate the data on demand.

Critical localities are determined as follows: for each range we consider every locality that contains a replica (so, every prefix of the --locality for all the stores involved plus the node id). If that locality contains half or more of the replicas, it is considered critical. A count of critical ranges / locality is maintained.

Since we're scanning meta2, the respective node has an opportunity to update its range descriptor cache. Which suggests that perhaps all nodes should do this.

The resulting report will be saved in storage under a regular (versioned) key. We'll store it in proto form (as opposed to the JSON in which it is returned by the SQL function). The velocity information is not stored; it is computed on demand by reading past versions of the report, finding the one more than a minute away (so, not necessarily the most recent if that one is very recent) and computing the delta.

Collecting lease and size information

The current leaseholder is not reflected in the range descriptor (i.e. in meta2). So, in order to report on leaseholder preference conformance, the node generating the report needs to collect this information in another way. Similarly for range size info. We'll add a new RPC - Internal.RangesInfo - asking a node to return all the leases for its replicas (including info on ranges with no lease). The node generating the report will ask all other nodes for information on the leases and sizes of all its replicas. The report generator will join that information with meta2. This will be a streaming RPC returning information in range key order, so that the aggregator node doesn't have to hold too much range information in memory at a time - instead the aggregator can do paginated (i.e. limit) scans over the meta2 index and stream info from a merger of all the RangeInfo responses.

Since lease information is gathered distinctly from range information, the two might not be consistent: ranges could have appeared and dissapeared in between. To keep it simple, we'll consider the meta2 the source of truth. Among the information we get for a range, the most recent lease is considered. For ranges for which the info we get from all the replicas disagrees with meta2, we'll consider the range to be without a lease and have size 0.

The implementation of the view crdb_internal.ranges will also change to take advantage of this new RPC. Currently, it's a view on top of the virtual table crdb_internal.ranges_no_leases executing an crdb_internal.lease_holder(start_key) (i.e. a LeaseInfo request) for every range. That's too expensive. Once we moved to the new mechanism, we can also deprecate crdb_internal.ranges_no_leases.

As an incidental benefit of collecting lease information this way, the node collecting all this information can update its leaseholder cache. Which suggests that perhaps all nodes should exchange this info with each other.

When generating the report, RPCs to all the nodes will be issued in parallel. Timeouts will be used. The fact that info on each range is reported by all its replicas makes us able to tolerate some RPC failures.

Service definition:

service Internal {
  rpc RangesInfo(empty) returns (RangesInfoResponse) {}

message RangesInfoResponse {
  repeated message ranges {
    float size_mb;


The notion of a node being alive or dead will be more nuanced in this reporting code than it is in the allocator. The allocator only concerns itself with nodes that have been dead for 5 minutes (cluster setting server.time_until_store_dead)

  • that’s when it starts moving replicas away. Nodes that died more recently are as good as live ones. But not so for this report; we can’t claim that everything is fine for 5 minutes after a node’s death. For the purposes of reporting under-replication, constraint conformance (and implicitly lease preference conformance), a node will be considered dead a few seconds after it failed to ping its liveness record. Replicas on dead nodes are discarded; expired leases by themselves don't trigger any violation (as specified elsewhere).

When sub-zones are involved and constraints are inherited from parent to child, violations of inherited constraints will be counted towards the parent zone, not the child zone.

Rationale and alternatives

For the presentation of the report, a natural alternative is to present it through system table(s) or virtual table(s). That would me a more usual way of presenting it to SQL clients than a function returning a JSON record, and it would probably allow easier filtering. There's also not much precedent in CRDB for returning JSON from system SQL interfaces. But unfortunately a tabular interface does not seem to be very convenient for this case: how do you expose the timestamp when the report is taken? How do you expose the versions of the zone configs used? Even if you find a way to expose them, how does one query across them consistently? There are obviously different options available, but none of them look very clean. So I think the time is ripe to create this JSON precedent. The computation of the "velocity" fields is also simpler with the report being one big struct. Otherwise it wasn't entirely clear how one would store and access the historical information required. Note that CRDB already has some JSON processing capabilities built-in, so it is feasible to retrieve only parts of the report (between the jsonb_array_elements and the JSON path operators).

Another way to get this report would be akin to what we do now for counting unavailable ranges: have each node report the counts for the ranges that it's resposible for (i.e. it is the leaseholder or, if there's no lease, it's the smallest node among the replicas). That would save the need to read meta2; each node can use the in-memory replicas structure. The downside is that dealing with failures of a node to report is tricky and also, since each node would report at a different time, the view across sub-reports would be inconsistent possibly leading to non-sensical counts.

An alternative for collecting the lease information through an RPC is to have nodes gossip their info. This would have the advantage that all nodes can keep their cache up to date. But the quantities of data involved might be too large. Or yet another option is to have the all the nodes periodically write all their lease info into the database, and have the report generator node read it from there instead of requesting it through RPCs. This sounds better for scalability (to higher number of nodes) but also sounds more difficult to implement. We'll start with the RPCs and keep this for later.

For reporting on diversity, instead of (or perhaps in addition to) the critical localities proposed above, another idea is to report, on a per-"locality-level" basis, the amount of data that would lose quorum if different numbers of instances of that level were to become unavailable. For example, in a two-level hierarchy of localities (say, country+region) plus an implicit third level which is the node, we'd report something like: if one country is lost, this much data is lost. If 2 countries are lost - this much. Similar for one region, two regions, ... n regions. Similar for up to n nodes. Comparing with the critical regions proposal as alternatives (although they don't necessarily need to be either or), the advantages would be:

  • you get some information on the criticality of combinations of localities. Namely, you get info an combinations of values on the same level in the hierarchy. You don't, however get info on combinations across levels: e.g. you still can't tell if you can survive the failure of any one dc + any other one node.

And the disadvantages:

  • no locality names are presented. You can see that there is at least one country that's critical, or perhaps (at least one) a pair of countries, but you can't tell which one.
  • with locality hierarchies, it's unclear if lower level should be counted across higher levels. For example, if there's region and zone, and in the us region there are no critical zones, but in the eu region there are some, should we just say "there are critical zones", or should we say "there are crtical zones in eu"?
  • it's also unclear how exactly to deal with jagged localities - where the keys of the levels don't match between nodes. And the even more pathological case where even the same locality key appears on different levels (one node has country=us, dc=dc1, another one has just dc=dc2). One proposal is to not report anything in such cases, but that has downsides - adding a node with no --locality would make the whole report disappear.

Out of scope

  1. More user actions could create the types of rebalancing-related jobs that we've discussed here: for example adding nodes in a new locality which would trigger rebalancing for the purposes of diversity. That's left for the future.
  2. More granular reporting at the level of a database/table/index/partition instead of simply at the zone level.
  3. Timeseries of rebalancing progress per constraint violation. This RFC proposes reporting one number per constraint violation - the average rate of improvement over the past minute, but no way to get historical information about these rates. Part of the difficulty in actually recording timeseries is that it's unclear how our timeseries platform would work for a dynamic set of timeseries (i.e. constraint violations come and go).

Unresolved questions

  1. Should the SQL statements that now create jobs also become synchronous (i.e. only return to the client once the corresponding job is done)? A la schema changes. If not, should they return the id of the job they've created?