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  • Feature Name: Non-Blocking Transactions
  • Status: in-progress
  • Start Date: 2020-08-11
  • Authors: Nathan VanBenschoten
  • RFC PR: #52745
  • Cockroach Issue: None


Non-blocking transactions are a variant of CockroachDB's standard read-write transaction protocol that permit low-latency, global reads of read-mostly and read-only (excluding maintenance events) data. The transaction protocol and the replication schema that it is paired with differ from standard read-write transactions in two important ways:

  • non-blocking transactions support a replication scheme over Ranges that they operate on which allows all followers in these Ranges to serve consistent (non-stale) follower reads.
  • non-blocking transactions are minimally disruptive to reads over the data that they modify, even in the presence of read/write contention.

The ability to serve reads from follower and/or learner replicas is beneficial both because it can reduce read latency in geo-distributed deployments and because it can serve as a form of load-balancing for concentrated read traffic in order to reduce tail latencies. The ability to serve consistent (non-stale) reads from any replica in a Range makes the functionality accessible to a larger class of read-only transactions and accessible for the first time to read-write transactions.

The ability to perform writes on read-heavy data without causing conflicting reads to block is beneficial for providing predictable read latency. Such predictability is doubly important in global deployments, where the cost of read/write contention can delay reads for 100's of ms as they are forced to navigate wide-area network latencies in order to resolve conflicts.

These properties combine to prioritize read latency over write latency for some configurable subset of data, recognizing that there exists a sizable class of data which is heavily skewed towards read traffic.

Non-blocking transactions are provided through extensions to existing concepts in the CockroachDB architecture (i.e. uncertainty intervals, read refreshes, closed timestamps, learner replicas) and compose with CockroachDB's standard transaction protocol intuitively and effectively.

This proposal serves as an alternative to the Consistent Read Replicas proposal. Whereas the Consistent Read Replicas proposal enforces consistency through communication, this proposal enforces consistency through semi-synchronized clocks with bounded uncertainty.

Motivation / Making Global Easy

Various efforts over the past two years have recognized the need for a simplified and more prescriptive approach towards global deployment of CockroachDB. These efforts have called out a lack of high-level abstractions, incomplete topology patterns, and missing architectural support for read-heavy global (non-localized) data as blockers towards this goal.

Working within the framework discussed in the CockroachDB Multi-Region Abstractions document, this proposal identifies non-blocking transactions as the answer to this missing architectural component and a foundation upon which we can build upon to define sensible topology patterns and provide much needed high-level abstractions.

The CockroachDB Multi-Region Abstractions doc suggested that SQL tables are split into two categories: "geo-partitioned" and "reference". It then discussed a "hub-and-spokes" replication topology, wherein each Range in the system is composed of a limited set of nearby voter replicas, whose diameter is based on the desired failure tolerance (e.g. zone or region failure tolerance), combined with one or more learner replicas in every other region. This topology minimizes consensus latency while establishing a covering of data across all regions to minimize read latency, subject to transaction constraints. Working within this model, this RFC considers non-blocking transactions to be the key architectural advancement needed to support "reference" tables.

With non-blocking transactions and a hub-and-spokes replication topology, the two categories of SQL tables have the following behavior:

geo-partitioned reference
data locality local global
data access read-often, write-often read-mostly, write-rarely
local read latency fast N/A
local write latency fast N/A
remote/global read latency slow, fast if stale fast
remote/global write latency slow slow
reads block on local writes yes, fast N/A
writes block on local writes yes, fast N/A
reads block on remote/global writes yes, slow no, fast
writes block on remote/global writes yes, slow yes, slow

where: fast < 5ms, slow > 100ms

We can see that data within geo-partitioned tables remains fast to read and write within its local region, but slow to access from remote regions. Remote reads in read-only transactions have the opportunity to downgrade to a lower consistency level (i.e. exact or bounded staleness reads) to improve latency, but read-write transactions that read from or write to remote data are slow. Meanwhile, data within reference tables is fast to read from any region, even within read-write transactions and even with read/write contention. However, data within reference tables is consistently slow to write to from any region.

This structure makes it easy to identify which category a given table falls into. If its data has geographic access locality then it should be set to "geo-partitioned". If not, then it should be set to "reference".

This effectively handles all forms of data except that which has no access locality and is also write-heavy. Such data is fundamentally incompatible with low-latency modifications under linearizability across large geographic distances. These access patterns require either synchronous coordination or weakened consistency levels and limited operational generality. Both of these compromises make global data harder to work with and appear antithetical to the goal of "making global easy", so we deem the communication latency necessary for linearizable writes to global data to be an acceptable cost.

To summarize, this proposal considers non-blocking transactions to be a key architectural advancement necessary to support low-latency reads of global data, which itself is a must-have for many, if not most, global deployments.

What's wrong with follower reads?

Closed timestamps and follower reads provide a mechanism to serve consistent stale reads from follower replicas of a Range without needing to interact with the leaseholder of that Range. There are two primary reasons why a user of CockroachDB may want to use follower reads:

  1. to avoid wide-area network hops: If a follower for a Range is in the same region as a gateway and the leaseholder for that Range is in a separate region as the gateway, follower reads provides the ability to avoid an expensive wide-area network jump on each read. This can dramatically reduce the latency of these reads.
  2. to distribute concentrated read traffic: Range splitting provides the ability to distribute heavy read and write traffic over multiple machines. However, Range splitting cannot be used to spread out concentrated load on individual keys. Follower reads provides a solution to the problem of concentrated read traffic by allowing the followers of a Range, in addition to its leaseholder, to serve reads for its data.

However, this capability comes with a large asterisk. Follower reads are only suitable for serving historical reads from followers. They have no ability to serve consistent reads at the current time from followers. Even with attempts to reduce the staleness of follower reads, their historical nature will always necessarily come with large UX hurdles that limit the situations in which they can be used.

The most damaging of these hurdles is that, for all intents and purposes, follower reads cannot be used in any read-write transaction - their use is limited to read-only transactions. This dramatically reduces their usefulness, which has caused us to look for other solutions to this problem, such as duplicated indexes to avoid WAN hops on foreign key checks.

Another hurdle is that the staleness they permit requires buy-in, so accessing them from SQL requires application-level changes. Users need to specify an AS OF SYSTEM TIME clause on either their statements or on their transaction declarations. This can be awkward to get right and imposes a large cost on the use of follower reads. Furthermore, because a statement is the smallest granularity that a user can buy-in to follower reads at, there is a strong desire to support mixed timestamp statements, which CockroachDB does not currently support.

Because of all of these reasons, follower reads in its current form remains a specialized feature that, while powerful, is also not usable in a lot of important cases. It's becoming increasingly clear that to continue improving upon our global offering, we need a solution that solves the same kinds of problems that follower reads solves, but for all forms of transaction and without extensive client buy-in. This RFC presents a proposal that fits within a spectrum of possible solutions to address these shortcomings.

What's wrong with the "duplicate index" pattern?

CRDB's current "solution" for people wanting local consistent reads is the duplicated index pattern. This RFC proposes replacing that pattern with capabilities built into the lower layers of the system, on the argument that it will result in a simpler, cheaper and more reliable system. This section discusses the current pattern (in particular, its problems).

The duplicate indexes idea is that you create a bunch of indexes on your table, one per region, with each index containing all the columns in the table (using the STORING <foo>,... syntax). Then you create a zone config per region, pinning the leaseholders of each respective index to a different region. Our query optimizer is locality-aware, and so, for each query trying to access the table in question, it selects an index collocated with the gateway in the same locality. We're thus taking advantage of our transactional update semantics to keep all the indexes in sync and get the desired read latencies without any help from the KV layer.

While neat, there's some major problems with this scheme which make it a tough proposition for many applications. Some of them are fixable with more work, at an engineering cost that seems greater than the alternative in this RFC, others seem more fundamental assuming no cooperation from KV.

Problem 1: Read Latency under Contention

Without contention, reads using the duplicate index pattern are served locally at local latencies. With an index + pinned leaseholder in each region, any read on a "duplicate index" table can be served in a few milliseconds without a WAN hop. Better yet, these reads are not stale, so they can be comfortably used in read-only and read-write transactions (often during foreign key checks).

But these local read latencies can provide a false sense of performance predictability. While the duplicate index pattern optimizes for read latency, it badly pessimizes write latency. On the surface, this seems to be the expected tradeoff. The problem is that when reads and writes contend, reads can get blocked on writes and have to wait for writing transactions to complete. If the writing transaction is implicit, this results in at least 1 WAN RTT of blocking. If the writing transaction is explicit, this results in at least 2 WAN RTTs of blocking.

Reads that users expect to be fast (1ms-3ms) can quickly get two orders of magnitude slower (120ms-240ms or more) due to any read/write contention. As we've seen, this can be a shocking violation of expectations for users.

Over the past few months, we've seen users recognize this issue, both with the duplicate index pattern and with standard CockroachDB transactions. The corresponding ask has often been to support a READ COMMITTED isolation level. Our response is to perform stale reads using AS OF SYSTEM TIME to avoid contention, but this pushes the burden onto the readers to accept stale data in exchange for more predictable read latency. This seems backwards, as avoiding blocking should really be the responsibility of the infrequent writers. It also only works if the readers are read-only transactions, as read-write transactions cannot use AS OF SYSTEM TIME, which removes a large class of use cases like foreign key checks in read-write transactions.

Problem 2: Ergonomics

So you’ve got 15 regions and 20 of these global tables. You’ve created 15x20=300 indexes on them. And now you want to take a region away, or add a new one. You have to remember to delete or add 20 indexes. Tall order. And it gets better: say you want to add a column to one of the tables. If, naively, you just do your ALTER TABLE and add that column to the primary key, then, if you had any SELECT * queries (or queries autogenerated by an ORM) which used to be served locally from all regions, now all of a sudden all those indexes we’ve created are useless. Your application falls off a cliff because, until you fix all the indexes, all your queries travel to one central location. The scheme proves to be very fragile, breaking surprisingly and spectacularly.

What would it take to improve this? Focusing just on making the column components of each index eventually consistent, I guess we'd need a system that automatically performs individual schema changes on all the indexes to bring them up to date, responding to table schema changes and regions coming and going. Tracking these schema changes, which essentially can't be allowed to fail, seems like a big burden; we have enough trouble with sporadic user-generated schema changes without a colossal amplification of their number by the system. We'd also presumably need to hide these schema changes from the user (in fact, we need to hide all these indexes too), and so a lot of parts of the system would need to understand about regular vs hidden indexes/schema changes. That alone seems like major unwanted pollution. And then there's the issue of wanting stronger consistency between the indexes, not just eventual consistency; I'm not sure how achievable that is.

Problem 3: Fault tolerance

You’ve got 15 regions - so 15 indexes for each reference table - and you’ve used replication settings to “place each index in a region”. How exactly do you do that? You've got two options:

  1. Set a constraint on each index saying +region=<foo>. The problems with this is that when one region goes down (you’ve got 15 of them, they can’t all be good) you lose write-availability for the table (because any writes needs to update all the indexes). So that's no good.

  2. Instead of setting a constraint which keeps all of an index’s replicas in one region, one can let the system diversify the replicas but set a “leaseholder preference” such that reads of the index from that region are fast, but the replicas of the index are more diverse. You got to be careful to also constrain one replica to the desired leaseholder region, otherwise the leaseholder preference by itself doesn't do anything. Of course, as things currently stand, you have to do this 15 times. This configuration is resilient to region failure, but there's still a problem: any leaseholder going away means the lease goes out of region - thus making reads in the now lease-less region non-local (because we only set up one replica per region).

So, all replicas in one region is no good, a single replica in one region is not good, and, if the replication factor is 3, having 2 replicas in one region is also not good because it’s equivalent to having all of them in one region. What you have to do, I guess, is set a replication factor of at least 5 for each index and then configure two replicas in the reader region (that’s 3x5=15 replicas for every index for a 3-region configuration; 10x5=50 replicas in a 10-region configuration). In contrast, with this RFC's proposal, you'd have 2 replicas per region (so 2 per region vs 5 per region). Our documentation doesn't talk about replication factors and fault tolerance. Probably for the better, because these issues are hard to reason about if you don't spend your days counting quorums. This point shows the problem with doing such replication schemes at the SQL level: we hide from the system the redundancy between the indexes (and between the replicas of different indexes), and so then we need to pay a lot to duplicate storage and replication work just to maintain the independent availability of each index.

Working Assumptions

The bulk of this proposal is founded on the idea that at some time in the future, we will be able to dramatically reduce the clock uncertainty that we feel comfortable running with, either across the board or at least within CockroachCloud.

Wide area network (WAN) round-trip time (RTT) latencies can be as large as 200ms in the global deployment scenarios that we are interested in (ref: AWS, Azure, GCP). The current default clock uncertainty offset is 500ms. This proposal explores the half of the design space in which clock uncertainty bounds drop below WAN RTT time. Within this regime, it becomes cheaper to establish causality between events using clocks and waiting than by communicating with distant nodes.

As such, the uncertainty bounds necessary for this proposal to make sense are much lower than what we currently use, but are also well within the realm of possibility for software-only solutions. Clouds are continuing to invest into the software-level time synchronization services that they provide. For instance, Amazon released a Time Sync Service in 2017 that strives to provide reliable time references for EC2 instances. Similarly, software-level time synchronization has seen interest from the academic community in recent years [4], with research even leading to productionized service offerings in some cases. Lastly, users are already running CockroachDB with battle-tested time synchronization services like Kronos which we may eventually explore using or extending.

All of this means that dramatically reducing the clock uncertainty bounds that we run with seems realistic over the next few years. Combined with that fact that this proposal makes sense even for fairly large clock uncertainty values (up to 200ms), it is safe to say that atomic clocks and TrueTime are not prerequisites for this proposal!

For the rest of this proposal, we will assume that the clock uncertainty offset is configured to 30ms. We will also assume that the global cluster topologies that we are interested in have diameters of 120ms RTTs. The proposal will still work with uncertainty offsets larger than this value, but with a larger offset, writers and contended readers (those that observe values in their uncertainty interval) will be forced to wait longer in some situations. So while a low clock uncertainty offset is not a prerequisite for this proposal, one does more effectively demonstrate the benefits that the proposal provides.

Guide-level explanation

Non-Blocking Transactions

The RFC introduces the term "non-blocking transaction", which is a variant of the standard read-write transaction that performs locking in a manner such that contending reads by other transactions can avoid waiting on its locks.

The RFC then introduces the term "non-blocking Range", which is a Range in which any transaction that writes to it is turned into a non-blocking transaction, if it is not one already. In doing so, these non-blocking Ranges are able to propagate closed timestamps in the future of present time. The effect of this is that all replicas in a non-blocking Range are expected to be able to serve transactionally-consistent reads at the present time. In this sense, all followers and all learners (non-voting followers) in a non-blocking Range implicitly behave as "consistent read replicas".

In the reference-level explanation, we will explore how non-blocking transactions are implemented, how their implementation combines with non-blocking Ranges to provide consistent read replicas, how they interact with other standard read-only and read-write transactions, and how they interact with each other.

For now, it is sufficient to say that "non-blocking transactions" are hidden from DML statements. Instead, users interact with "non-blocking Ranges" by choosing which key ranges should consist of non-blocking Ranges. These Ranges are configured using zone configurations, though we'll likely end up adding a nicer abstraction on top of this (e.g. CREATE REFERENCE TABLE ...).

In the future, we could explore running non-blocking transactions on standard Ranges, which would still provide the "non-blocking property" (i.e. less disruptive to conflicting reads) without providing the "consistent reads from any follower" property. However, doing so is not explored in this RFC.

Example Use Cases

Reference Tables

It is often the case that a schema contains one or more tables composed of immutable or rarely modified data. These tables fall into the category of "read always". In a geo-distributed cluster where these tables are read across geographical regions, it is highly desirable for reads of the tables to be servable locally in all regions, not just in the single region that the tables' leaseholders happens to land. A common example of this arises with foreign keys on static tables.

Until now, our best solution to this problem has been duplicated indexes. This solution requires users to create a collection of secondary SQL indexes that each contain every single column in the table. Users then use zone configurations to place a leaseholder for each of these indexes in every geographical locality. With buy-in from the SQL optimizer, foreign key checks on these tables are able to use the local index to avoid wide-area network hops.

A better solution to this problem would be to use non-blocking Ranges for these tables. This would reduce operational burden, reduce write amplification, avoid blocking on contention, and increase availability.

Read-Heavy Tables

In addition to tables that are immutable, it is common for schemas to have some tables that are mutable but only rarely mutated. An example of this is a user profile table in an application for a global user base. This table may be read frequently across the world and yet it is expected to be updated infrequently.

Transaction Latency Comparison

To get a feel for the interactions between standard and non-blocking transactions, we estimate the latency that different transaction types would see with and without contention. Here, we continue to make the clock synchronization and geographic latency assumptions we made earlier (30ms uncertainty, 120ms WAN RTT).

We compare under two different cluster topologies. The first is a "hub and spokes" cluster topology that places long-lived learners for every Range in each region but keeps a Range's write quorum within a region (~5ms replication). The second is a "global replication" topology that places a voter for every Range in each region, which increases replication latency to 120ms. We also add a fixed 3ms latency for the evaluation of each transaction.

We assume the remote reads are able to read from follower replicas, except where otherwise specified.

Hubs and Spokes

without contention contending with standard txn read contending with non-blocking txn write contending with non-blocking txn
local read-only txn 3ms 21ms (3+8+10) 33ms (3+30) N/A
remote read-only txn 3ms 141ms (3+8+10+120) 33ms (3+30) N/A
remote read-only txn (no follower reads) 123ms (3+120) 141ms (3+8+10+120) N/A N/A
read-write txn with local reads 8ms (3+5) 26ms (8+8+10) 38ms (8+30) 138ms (8+130)
read-write txn with remote reads 8ms (3+5) 146ms (8+8+10+120) 38ms (8+30) 138ms (8+130)
read-write txn with remote reads (no follower reads) 128ms (3+5+120) 146ms (8+8+10+120) N/A N/A
non-blocking read-write txn 138ms (3+5+130) 156ms (138+8+10) 156ms (138+8+10) 156ms (138+8+10)

NOTE: 8+10 in various places is read-write txn's sync contention footprint plus its async contention footprint.

NOTE: assume non_blocking_duration is equal to RTT/2 + uncertainty + some padding = 130ms.

Global Replication

without contention contending with standard txn read contending with non-blocking txn write contending with non-blocking txn
local read-only txn 3ms 366ms (3+123+240) 33ms (3+30) N/A
remote read-only txn 3ms 486ms (3+123+240+120) 33ms (3+30) N/A
remote read-only txn (no follower reads) 123ms (3+120) 486ms (3+123+240+120) N/A N/A
read-write txn with local reads 123ms (3+120) 486ms (123+123+240) 153ms (123+30) 253ms (123+130)
read-write txn with remote reads 128ms (3+120) 606ms (123+123+240+120) 153ms (123+30) 253ms (123+130)
read-write txn with remote reads (no follower reads) 243ms (3+120+120) 606ms (123+123+240+120) N/A N/A
non-blocking read-write txn 253ms (3+120+130) 501ms (138+123+240) 501ms (138+123+240) 501ms (138+123+240)

NOTE: 123+240 in various places is read-write txn's sync contention footprint plus its async contention footprint.

Reference-level explanation

Detailed design

High-level overview:

  • Non-blocking transactions read and write at non_blocking_duration in the future of present time.
  • After committing, they wait out the non_blocking_duration before acknowledging the commit to the client.
  • Conflicting non-stale readers ignore future writes until they enter their uncertainty interval, after which they wait until the write's timestamp is above the reader's clock before reading the value (maximum wait of max clock offset = 30ms).
  • non-blocking Range leaseholders close out timestamps in the future of present time.
  • non-blocking Range followers receive these future-time closed timestamps and can serve present time follower reads.
  • KV clients are aware that they can route read requests to any replica in a non-blocking Range.

Aside: "Present Time" and Uncertainty

Today, all transactions in CockroachDB pick a provisional commit timestamp from their gateway's local HLC when starting. This provisional commit timestamp is where the transaction performs its reads and where it initially performs its writes. For various reasons, a transaction may move its timestamp forward, which eventually dictates its final commit timestamp. However, a standard transaction maintains the invariant that its commit timestamp is always lagging "present" time.

The meaning of present time is somewhat ambiguous in a system with semi-synchronized clocks. For the purpose of this document, we can define it as the time observed on the node in the system with the fastest clock. In a well behaved cluster that respects its configured maximum clock offset bounds, present time must be no more than max_offset in the future of the time observed on any other node in the system. This guarantee is the foundation upon which uncertainty intervals enforce single key linearizability within CockroachDB. If a write were to commit from the fastest node in the cluster at "present time", a causally dependent read from the slowest node would be guaranteed to see the write either at a lower timestamp than its provisional timestamp or at least in its uncertainty interval. Therefore, if reading transactions makes sure to observe all values in their uncertainty interval, stale reads are not possible and linearizability is preserved.

Writing in the Future

As defined above, "non-blocking transactions" perform locking in such a way that contending reads do not need to wait on their locks. In practice, this means that non-blocking transactions perform their writes at a timestamp in advance of present time. In a sense, we can view this as scheduling a change to happen at some time in the future.

The result of this is that the values written by a non-blocking transaction are committed and their locks removed (i.e. intents resolved) by the time that a read of conflicting keys needs to observe the effect of a non-blocking transaction. If the locks protecting a non-blocking transaction are removed by the time that its effects drop below the read timestamp of a conflicting read then the read can avoid the questions: "Did this conflicting transaction commit? Should I trust its effects?". Instead, it can simply go ahead and read the value (*) because it knows that the transaction committed, no coordination required.

This need for coordination to determine whether a read should observe the effects of a conflicting write is the fundamental reason why writes can be so disruptive to conflicting reads. We saw that in Problem 1: Read Latency under Contention. A read that conflicts with the lock and the provisional value of a write cannot determine locally whether that lock and value are pending, committed, or aborted. Instead, it needs to reach out to that transaction's record. Transaction priorities dictate whether the read waits or whether it can force a pending writer out of its way. Either way, coordination is required, and as a result, the read may need to perform a remote network hop (or several). Depending on the location of the conflicting write's transaction record, this network hop may be over the WAN and may cost 100's of ms.

By scheduling the writes sufficiently far in the future, we ensure that reads never observe locks or provisional values, only committed values that have been scheduled to go into effect at a specific point in time. Coordination on the part of the read is no longer required. As a result, non-blocking writes are no longer disruptive to conflicting reads.

* Things are never quite this easy. See Uncertainty Intervals: To Wait or Not to Wait.

Aside: Communication vs. Conflict Boundaries

It is interesting to note that this approach of moving "communication outside of conflict boundaries" is present in other attempts to provide serializable, low-latency, geo-replication transactions. Specifically, it is found in deterministic database architectures like SLOG, which establish an ordering of transactions before evaluating their result [5]. In doing so, transactions avoid wide-area network latencies while holding locks or blocking other transactions, minimizing their contention footprint and maximizing throughput under contention.

Interactive transactions are largely incompatible with deterministic execution, as they submit transactions to the database in pieces. However, we can still recover some of the benefits of deterministic execution by writing in the future. Specifically, writing in the future moves WAN communication outside of read/write conflict boundaries. However, it does not move the WAN communication outside of write/write conflict boundaries.

Synthetic Timestamps

Writing in the future is new for CockroachDB. In fact, talking about time in the future in any capacity has been traditionally frowned upon. Instead, we try to only ever pass around HLC timestamps that were pulled from a real HLC clock. This ensures that if the timestamp is ever used to Update an HLC clock, the resulting clock is guaranteed to still be within the max_offset of all other nodes.

So we need to be careful with deriving future timestamps from timestamps pulled from an HLC. To that end, this RFC proposes the introduction of "synthetic timestamps". Synthetic timestamps are identical to standard timestamps (64 bit physical, 32 bit logical), except that they make no claim about the value of the clock that they came from, or even that they came from a clock at all. As such, they are allowed to be arbitrarily disconnected from the clocks in the system.


To distinguish between "synthetic" and "real" timestamps, this RFC proposes that we reserve a high-order bit in either the physical or the logical component of the existing timestamp structure to denote this fact.


Merging a "synthetic" and "real" timestamp, typically done using a Forward operation obeys the following rule: the synthetic bit from the larger of the two timestamps is carried over to the result. In the case of a tie between a "synthetic" and "real" timestamp, the synthetic bit is not carried over to the result. This is because a timestamp with a "real" bit is a firmer guarantee and carries more information than a timestamp with a "synthetic" – such a timestamp not only describes a time, but also guarantees that the time is less than or equal to "present time".


Forward({synth, 5}, {synth, 6}) = {synth, 6}
Forward({real,  5}, {synth, 6}) = {synth, 6}
Forward({synth, 5}, {real,  6}) = {real,  6}
Forward({real,   5}, {real, 6}) = {real,  6}

Forward({synth, 6}, {synth, 6}) = {synth, 6}
Forward({real,  6}, {synth, 6}) = {real,  6}
Forward({synth, 6}, {real,  6}) = {real,  6}
Forward({real,  6}, {real,  6}) = {real,  6}

Outside of identifying synthetic vs. real timestamps, we must make one more change. The hybrid-logical clock structure exposes a method called Update that forwards its value to that of a real timestamp received from another member of the cluster. The best way to understand this method and its usage is that Update guarantees that after it returns, the local HLC clock will have a value equal to or greater than the provided timestamp and that no other node's HLC clock can have a value less that timestamp - max_offset.

For "real" timestamps, it is cheap to implement this operation by ratcheting a few integers within the HLC because we know that the timestamp must have come from another node, which itself must have been ahead of the slowest node by less that max_offset, so the ratcheting operation will not push our HLC further than the max_offset away from the slowest node.

For "synthetic" timestamps, we have to be more careful. Since the timestamp says nothing about the "present time", we can't just ratchet our clock's state. Instead, hlc.Update with a synthetic timestamp needs to wait until the HLC advances past the synthetic timestamp either on its own or due to updates from real timestamps. By waiting, we once again ensure that by the time the method call returns, no other node's HLC clock can have a value less that timestamp-max_offset.

Commit Wait: Not Just for the Cool Kid With the Fancy Hardware

The original Spanner paper discussed how the system added a delay to all read-write transactions before returning to the client to ensure that all nodes in the system had clocks in excess of the commit timestamp of a transaction before that transaction was acknowledged. This was discussed in section 4.1.2 and section 4.2.1 of the paper:

Before allowing any coordinator replica to apply the commit record, the coordinator leader waits until TT.after(s), so as to obey the commit-wait rule described in Section 4.1.2. Because the coordinator leader chose s based on, and now waits until that timestamp is guaranteed to be in the past, the expected wait is at least 2 ∗ . This wait is typically overlapped with Paxos communication. After commit wait, the coordinator sends the commit timestamp to the client and all other participant leaders.

Up to this point, CockroachDB has avoided this concern because of its use of uncertainty intervals. Instead of transactions ensuring that all nodes in the system have clocks in excess of the commit timestamp of a transaction before acknowledging it to the client, CockroachDB ensures that all nodes in the system have clocks in excess of the commit timestamp of a transaction minus the max_offset (a weaker guarantee) before acknowledging it to the client. This is satisfied trivially because, to this point, transactions have always written at or below "present time", which is by definition no further than max_offset ahead of the slowest node in the cluster. CockroachDB then implements uncertainty intervals on subsequent transactions to make up for this weakened guarantee and ensure linearizability just like Spanner.

If we start committing transactions in the future, this guarantee is no longer trivially satisfied. If we want to ensure linearizability for the writes of these non-blocking transactions, we need to do a little extra work to ensure that the clocks on all nodes are sufficiently close to the commit timestamp of the transactions before acknowledging their success to clients.

Conveniently, we already have a formalism for this – hlc.Update. Commit Wait would naturally fall out of calling hlc.Update(txn.CommitTimestamp) before acknowledging any transaction commit to a client. This would reduce to a no-op for standard transactions, and would result in a wait of up to non_blocking_duration for non-blocking transactions. This wait artificially increases the latency of non-blocking transactions, but critically, it ensures that we continue to preserve linearizability.

It is worth noting that, like Spanner, this CommitTimestamp is chosen before the final round of consensus replication. This means that the wait will overlap with consensus communication and will therefore be less disruptive to non-blocking transactions than it may initially seem. So instead of the non_blocking_duration adding latency to the end of a non-blocking transaction, it will simply hide the rest of the transaction's latency. This means that given our estimate for the non_blocking_duration of 130ms in a global cluster, we would expect non-blocking transaction's to have a latency of roughly 130ms.

Uncertainty Intervals: To Wait or Not to Wait

Non-blocking transactions also force us to rethink uncertainty intervals and question both how and why they work. Uncertainty intervals are timestamp ranges within which a transaction is unable to make claims of causality. Given a bounded clock offset of max_offset between nodes, a transaction cannot definitively claim that a write that it observes within a max_offset window on either side of its original timestamp if causally ordered before it. But of course, it would be impossible for the write to be causally ordered after it. So to ensure that all possible causal dependencies are captured and linearizability is enforced, a transaction will bump its timestamp to ensure that it observes all values in its uncertainty interval. This either incurs a transaction refresh or a full transaction restart.

The writes performed by non-blocking transactions are no exception. When a read observes a write performed by a non-blocking transaction in its uncertainty interval, it will need to bump its timestamp so that it observes the write.

The complication here is that if a reading transaction bumped its timestamp above a value written by a non-blocking transaction in its uncertainty interval, it could end up with a timestamp in the future of "present time". This could risk resulting in a stale read if this read immediately committed and then triggered a causally dependent read that hit a slower gateway where the written value was not considered in the second read's uncertainty interval. The following example demonstrates this hazard:

  clock_offset = 10
  non_blocking_duration = 50

  node A's clock = 100
  node B's clock = 95

- txn 1 begins on node A
- txn 1 writes in future @ time 150
- txn 1 commits
- txn 1 begins waiting out non_blocking_duration before returning to client

- time advances by 40
  node A's clock = 140
  node B's clock = 135

- txn 2 begins on node A
- txn 2 reads at 140 and observes write in uncertainty interval
- txn 2 returns write to client
- txn 2 commits and acks client

- txn 3 is triggered by commit of txn 2 (causal dependency)
- txn 3 begins on node B
- txn 3 reads at 135 and observed no write in uncertainty interval
- txn 3 returns nothing to client
- txn 3 commits and acks client

- time advances by 10
  node A's clock = 150
  node B's clock = 145

- txn1 acks client

HAZARD! txn3 just saw stale read. It was triggered by txn2, which had observed
        the value written by txn1, but it did not observe the value. This is a
        violation of the monotonic reads property, and therefore a violation of
        single-key linearizability.

Careful readers may notice that the first read-only transaction (txn2) would have had to bump its timestamp to 150 upon observing a value in its uncertainty interval. So if it had respected the Commit Wait rule then it would have been delayed before committing, after which point the stale read would not be possible because node B's clock would have advanced far enough that the value would have been in the second read-only transaction's (txn3) uncertainty interval.

But relying on Commit Wait here violates a desirable property of our transaction model – that committing a read-only transaction is a no-op. To recover this property, we'll want to wait out the uncertainty before the refresh/retry. Again, the easiest way to do this is to hlc.Update(txn.ReadTimestamp) before allowing a refreshed/retried transaction to read at its new timestamp. This again becomes a no-op when the new ReadTimestamp is "real" and not "synthetic".

So while reading transactions which conflict with writes from non-blocking transactions never block on locks, because those locks have already been released by the time the read conflicts with the write, these reading transactions do occasionally need to wait to resolve uncertainty and ensure that linearizability is maintained. We present the full picture of how non-blocking transactions interact with standard transactions later on.

Future-Time Closed Timestamps

To this point, we've talked about writing in the future as a means to reduce contention, but doing so has a second major benefit – it enables non-stale follower reads if coupled with a closed timestamp mechanism that closes off timestamps in the future.

This RFC proposes that "non-blocking Ranges" use a separate closed timestamp tracker that is configured to close time out at least WAN_RTT / 2 + max_offset in the future. This ensures that all followers in these ranges will hear about and active closed timestamps above "present time" so that they can serve all "present time" reads locally.

The details of this change are TBD, but all complications here appear to be engineering related and not foundational. For instance, there currently exists only a single closed timestamp tracker per store. Future-Time Closed Timestamps would mandate the existence of at least two closed timestamp trackers.

Aside: Writing in Future vs. Closing Time in Future

It may be evident to readers that there is some inherent but fuzzy connection between the idea of writing in the future and closing time in the future. It is interesting to point out that in systems like Spanner and YB which assign monotonically increasing timestamps to all writes within a replication group and therefore "instantaneously" close out time, these two operations are one and the same.

CockroachDB's transaction and replication model are not quite set up to support this. Transactions in CockroachDB are optimized for committing at their original read timestamp, so they don't like when their writes get bumped to higher timestamps. This allows for optimistic, lockless reads. It also avoids a layer of write amplification, wherein provisional values must be moved to a higher timestamp during intent resolution. This write amplification is concerning enough that systems like Google's Percolator introduce a specialized storage component (see the "write metadata" column) to perform the translation without needing to rewrite the data [6].

Additionally, replication in CockroachDB is below the level of evaluation (see proposer evaluated kv), so the timestamp of a replicated value need to be determined before replication-level sequencing. This allows for evaluation-level parallelism and less need for determinism during evaluation. This evaluation-level parallelism helps avoid the problem of the "parallelism gap" seen between compute and/or storage intensive processing before replication and after replication [7].

For these reasons, the closed timestamp of a Range lags the timestamps of writes in a Range and the closed timestamp is more of a Range-level concern and less of a Request-level concern in CockroachDB (i.e. a single request cannot dictate the closed timestamp for a Range). This is why the closed timestamp dictates the time at which requests perform writes (as we'll see in the next section) instead of the other way around.

Becoming a Non-Blocking Transaction

As stated earlier, this proposal does not expose "non-blocking transactions" to users directly. Instead, it exposes "non-blocking Ranges" to users. It was also mentioned earlier that a "non-blocking Range" will have a closed timestamp tracker that is leading "present time" by some duration. As it turns out, configuring this closed timestamp tracker to lead "present time" by non_blocking_duration is enough to implement "non-blocking transactions" without any other server-side changes.

Any standard transaction that writes to a "non-blocking Range" will naturally get pushed into the future. If it had performed writes in the past, these will eventually get moved up to the new commit timestamp. If it had performed reads in the past, these will eventually get refreshed up to the new (synthetic) commit timestamp before committing. The new Commit Wait logic in the txnCommitter will ensure that these transactions naturally wait before retuning to the client.

So in a very real sense, "non-blocking transactions" will not exist in the code, although it is still useful to classify any transaction that commits with a commit timestamp in the future of "present time" as non-blocking (i.e. those with synthetic commit timestamps).

Non-blocking and Standard Transaction Interactions

There are a number of interesting interactions that can happen if we allow non-blocking transactions to touch (read from and/or write to) standard ranges and interact with standard transactions. These interactions can increase the latency of conflicting writes made by standard transactions. However, they will not meaningfully increase the latency of conflicting reads made by standard transactions.

first \ second standard read standard write non-blocking txn's read non-blocking txn's write
standard read both bump ts cache, no interaction bump ts cache, may bump write ts, but still below present time both bump ts cache, no interaction bump ts cache, no interaction
standard write read ignores write if below, read waits on write if above 2nd write waits on 1st write, bumps write ts above 1st write read waits on write non-blocking write waits on standard write
non-blocking txn's read both bump ts cache, no interaction bump ts cache, bump write ts, standard write becomes non-blocking write, must wait on commit both bump ts cache, no interaction bump ts cache, may bump write ts
non-blocking txn's write no interaction if write above uncertainty, read waits up to max_offset if write within uncertainty standard write waits on non-blocking write, bumps write ts, standard write becomes non-blocking write, must wait on commit read ignores write if below, read waits on write if above 2nd write waits on 1st write, bumps write ts above 1st write

Interesting interactions in bold.

Most of these interactions go away if we don't allow non-blocking transactions to touch standard ranges, but such a restriction would be a serious limitation to their utility.

It should be noted that the contention footprint of a non-blocking transaction is only the duration that it holds its locks and does not include its Commit Wait latency. This means that while conflicting non-blocking transactions will each need to perform a Commit Wait, they need only wait out their own non_blocking_duration, so this latency is not additive.

It should also be noted that while this "infection" of non-blocking transactions to other conflicting read-write transactions is undesirable, it is no more undesirable in practice than read-write transactions that touch global data and hold locks for long periods of time. This is what we would expect to see with alternative proposals such as the Consistent Read Replicas proposal. Under the same workloads that would cause an "infection" of synthetic timestamps due to a non-blocking transaction that also touches contended data on standard Ranges, we would expect any proposal that uses locks to exhibit buildups of dependent transaction chains waiting on the global transaction's locks to be released. This would be similarly disruptive, so in many ways, such workloads would be an anti-pattern under either proposal.

Implementation Touch Points

  • Implement synthetic timestamps
    • add bit on hlc.Timestamp
    • wait on hlc.Update with synthetic timestamps
  • Implement CommitWait
    • wait in txnCommitter after transaction commit
      • hlc.Update(txn.CommitTimestamp)
    • reduces to no-op for standard transactions
  • Introduce non-blocking Range concept
    • Closed timestamp non_blocking_duration in future
      • To do this, need to split up per-Store closed timestamp tracker
      • Tune, maybe based on a Range's replication latency
        • Hook up to cluster setting
    • Add to zone configs
  • Route present-time reads to followers in non-blocking Ranges
    • Similar to existing follower read logic, but Range specific
      • Add bit on RangeDescriptor? Or to Lease? Both are cached in client
  • Introduce long-lived learner replicas
    • Biggest work item, but...
    • Already being worked on and generally useful outside of this proposal
    • Also, not a hard requirement for the rest of this proposal

Tuning non_blocking_duration

The non_blocking_duration is the distance in the future at which non-blocking transactions acquire locks and write provisional values. The non-blocking property of these transactions is provided when this is far enough in the future such that a non-blocking transaction is able to navigate its entire operation set, commit, and resolve intents before its commit timestamp its passed by "present time + max clock offset". Further, the non-blocking property of these transaction is provided on followers when all of these effects are replicated and applied on followers by the time that the non-blocking transaction's commit timestamp is passed by "present time + max clock offset".

As such, some tuning of this value will need to be performed, likely taking into account transaction latency and replication latency.

This tuning will also need to take into account the "effective" clock skew between nodes to account for a follower that is leading a leaseholder by some duration. In this case, the follower's view of "present time" will lead that of the leaseholder by this skew. To avoid needing to wait for a sufficiently recent closed timestamp on the follower, the leaseholder will need to close time a little further in the future. In practice, we'll likely add some small buffer to the non_blocking_duration to account for effective clock skew.

Non-Blocking Transaction Pushing

A difficulty we face with tuning the non_blocking_duration is that we don't know how long a non-blocking transaction is going to take between the time that it writes its first intent until the time that it commits and resolves all of its intents. This means that if we tune too low, the transaction's intents may not be resolved by the time they drop below "present time" + uncertainty (i.e. become visible to readers) and this could cause unintentional blocking of readers. A potential mitigation to this is to actively push these intents forward using a mechanism similar to the rangefeedTxnPusher. This mechanism would monitor active intents on non-blocking Ranges and push them and their transaction forward if they ever got too close to present time without being resolved.

Such a mechanism would also help ensure that even if the coordinator for a non-blocking transaction died, it would be cleaned up before a read on one of the followers conflicted with it and was forced to perform a WAN RTT.

An alternative approach that would have a similar effect is to buffer a non-blocking transactions writes in its coordinator until it is ready to commit. This would mean that we would only need to tune non_blocking_duration to the expected commit latency of a transaction, instead of its expected evaluation and commit latency combined.

We'll probably want to do one or both of these approaches.


Complexity. But not overly so, especially compared to Consistent Read Replicas.

Only effective if we can reduce the clock uncertainty interval dramatically.


Consistent Read Replicas

See the Consistent Read Replicas proposal.

Consistent Read Replicas provide non-stale reads from followers, which is one of the two major wins of this proposal. However, they do not provide the non-blocking property of this proposal. Consistent Read Replicas are still disruptive to reads when reads and writes contend.

Read and Write Availability

Another area where the two proposals diverge is in fault tolerance and availability in the presence of node failure.

The use of closed timestamps in this proposal means that if a closed timestamp is delayed, present-time follower reads may not be servable for a period of time. This means that leaseholder failures can delay follower reads. However, the failure of a follower will never disrupt the ability of another follower to server follower reads. Similarly, it will never disrupt the ability of the leaseholder to serve writes (assuming a quorum of replicas is alive). Put simply, this proposal is only susceptible to leaseholder unavailability, which is part of why it needs to make no distinction between "consistent read replicas" and normal "followers/learners". In that sense, the proposals relationship to unavailability is identical to that of follower reads.

The Consistent Read Replica proposal reacts differently to various forms of unavailability. The failure of a leaseholder will delay writes, as usual. Unlike this proposal, the failure of a consistent read replica will also delay writes, as the consistent read replica's lease needs to be revoked. However, it seems possible (but challenging) for consistent read replicas to continue serving reads in the presence of a follower or leaseholder failure if we ensured that new leaseholders properly adopted the same set of existing read replicas. So this write-everywhere, read-anywhere approach appears to reduce write availability but increase read availability. Yet, it's worth noting that the increased susceptibility to write unavailability can also cause an increased susceptibility to read unavailability for any reads that contend with blocked writes.

Load Balancing Applications OR Applicability to Single Region Deployment

Most of the discussion in both of these proposals was centered around follower reads to reduce latency. However, follower reads as a means of load balancing is another valid use case. This is true even if the followers are in the same data center or region. In these cases, communication once again becomes cheaper than waiting out clock uncertainty, which changes the comparison.

For writes, consistent read replicas are now faster because they don't have a Commit Wait stage. For uncontended reads, the two proposals are still the same – there is no blocking. For contended reads, reads will still need to wait out the uncertainty interval under this proposal. Under consistent read replicas, they will still need to wait out the contention footprint of the contending transaction, but this is expected to be lower because replication is faster.

Optimistic Global Transactions


Optimistic Global Transactions was a second proposal that grew organically out of the Consistent Read Replicas proposal. The ideas were complex but powerful. As it turns out, there are a large number of parallels that can be drawn to this proposal if we imagine that all Ranges are placed in this "non-blocking mode". The most important of these parallels is that reads in transactions begin local and only need to go global to perform verification at the end. However, the big improvement we've made here is that we've solved the initially stale reads problem by adding the Commit Wait at the end of other writing transactions!

In fact, with just two small extensions to this non-blocking transactions proposal, we arrive at exactly the same place as the Optimistic Global Transactions proposal:

  • defer writes until commit time, only "upgrade" to a non-blocking transaction at commit time so that all reads can be local during transaction evaluation.
  • adapt commit protocol to acquire read locks after read validation, perform GlobalParallelCommit to parallelize read validation with writes.

The "hubs and spokes" architecture proposed in the Optimistic Global Transactions is just as applicable to this proposal as it was to that one.

Non-Monotonic Reads

The goal of this proposal is to avoid cases where reads need to block on writes. However, as written, reads still do have to wait out an uncertainty interval (up to the maximum clock offset) when they conflict with writes. This is necessary in order to preserve single-key linearizability across all reads and writes to non-blocking ranges. This is explored in Uncertainty Intervals: To Wait or Not to Wait.

If we look at this closely, we see that the waiting that reads perform is not strictly necessary to coordinate with the corresponding writes. Put differently, by making the writes wait a little longer before acknowledging the client, we could still ensure "read your writes".

Instead, the waiting that reads perform is necessary to coordinate with other reads. If this waiting was not performed, we could see cases where a read observes a state after a change and then a causally dependent read observes the state before the change. This would be a violation of "monotonic reads". To this point, we've considered such an anomaly to be disqualifying.

Maybe that's not the case. If we were ok with violations of monotonic reads on non-blocking transactions then we could avoid cases where reads need to block on writes entirely by ignoring writes with synthetic timestamps in a read's uncertainty interval.

This doesn't seem like a realistic default, but may be a very useful opt-in option.

With Effective Uncertainty

A slight variation of this idea is to split the notion of "max clock skew" (O(10-100ms)) from "effective clock skew" (O(1ms)) and allow non-monotonic reads only when clock skew exceeds this "effective clock skew". The benefit of this is that we would still be able to place some bound on the cases where non-monotonic read anomalies are possible (i.e. only if the effective clock skew is exceeded), but would be able to drop the maximum uncertainty interval delay down an about an order of magnitude.

Again, it's difficult to think that this would be a realistic default because it complicates our consistency story, but may make a very useful option.


[1] Spanner:

  • Specifically, see Section 4.2.3. Schema-Change Transactions, which briefly mentions a scheme that sounds similar to this, although for the purpose of running large schema changes.

[2] Logical Physical Clocks and Consistent Snapshots in Globally Distributed Databases:

[3] Beyond TrueTime: Using AugmentedTime for Improving Spanner:

[4] Exploiting a Natural Network Effect for Scalable, Fine-grained Clock Synchronization:

[5] SLOG: Serializable, Low-latency, Geo-replicated Transactions:

[6] Large-scale Incremental Processing Using Distributed Transactions and Notifications:

[7] KuaFu: Closing the Parallelism Gap in Database Replication: