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1197 lines (1042 loc) · 69 KB
  • Feature Name: Index Lookups Memory Limits and Parallelism
  • Status: accepted
  • Start Date: 2021-06-17
  • Authors: Andrei Matei
  • RFC PR: #67040
  • Cockroach Issue: #54680


This RFC discusses the needs of index joiners and lookup joiners with respect to KV execution. More broadly, it discusses the desire to evaluate KV reads within a transaction in parallel, while at the same time putting memory limits on the amount of data that's in-flight throughout the cluster (and in particular on the coordinator node) due to these requests. At the moment, the DistSender forces clients to choose, at the level of each BatchRequest, whether to get parallelism or memory limits when evaluating the requests in a batch; this RFC wants to make joins not have to make that decision and, instead, get both memory budgets and a fairly-parallel execution.

The RFC then proposes implementing a library that sits on top of the existing KV API and offers clients a different-looking API: instead of a batch-oriented API, this library would offer a streaming-oriented one. This API would provide fewer ordering guarantees than the batch-oriented API but, on the flip side, it would offer control over memory usage, deliver partial results faster, eliminate a type of "head-of-line blocking", and allow for more pipelining.


Currently, Scans and Gets that are part of batches configured with either a key or memory limits cannot be parallelized by the DistSender. This presents a major problem for SQL, which would like to set memory limits on all the requests it sends in order to protect the sending node from OOMs caused by receiving many responses which, when taken together, are too large to fit in memory. SQL also wants to get a high degree of internal parallelism for some of its requests -- in particular for lookup requests sent by the index and lookup joiners. The index and lookup joiners actually share an implementation, so we'll just talk about the "lookup joiner"/joinReader from now on. This joiner is configured with an input (a RowSource for, say, its left side) and a target table or index on which to perform lookups for keys coming from the input-side. The joiner works by repeatedly consuming/accumulating rows from the input according to a memory budget between 10KB and 4MB depending on the type of join; let's call these accumulated rows an input chunk. To join this input chunk, the joiner (through the row.Fetcher stack) builds one big BatchRequest with all the lookups and executes it. We'll call this a lookup batch. The lookup batch might be executed with limits (see below), in which case it can repeatedly return paginated, partial results and need re-execution for the remainder.

For each input row, the respective lookup takes the form of a Get or a Scan. It's a Scan when either the lookup key is not known to be unique across rows (so the lookup might return multiple rows), or when the looked-up rows are made up of multiple column families. In the case of an index join, the key is known to correspond to exactly one row (since the key includes the row's PK), though not necessarily one key if the lookup table has multiple column families.

These lookup batches of Scans or Gets tend to divide randomly across many ranges in the cluster. Evaluating them with a high degree of parallelism (for example, parallelizing across ranges as the DistSender does), is crucial for joining performance.

As things stand today, the joiner is forced to choose between setting memory limits on the lookup batches (thus protecting the joiner node from OOMs) and getting DistSender-level parallelism for the evaluation of these batches. If memory limits are used, the inter-range parallelism is lost because of current implementation limits. The joiner sometimes chooses limits, sometimes chooses parallelism: if each lookup is guaranteed to return at most one row, then it chooses parallelism. Otherwise, it chooses memory limits (code). As a consequence, we've been known to OOM whenever the non-limited BatchResponse proves to be too big to hold in memory at once. Or, more commonly, when sufficiently many large-ish queries run concurrently - for example, with 1k concurrent queries, each reading 10k rows at a time, and each row taking 1KB, that's a 10GB memory footprint that these rows can take at any point in time. We've also been known to execute the memory-limited lookups too slowly (e.g. in our TPC-E implementation).

In the case when the joinReader chooses limits over parallelism, the limits are 10k keys as well as a 10MB size limit per lookup batch. And, of course, there's always some indirect limit coming from the fact that the keys included in a lookup batch are coming from an input chunk that was size-limited as described above.

Besides forcing the joiner into an impossible choice between size limits and parallelism, the KV API doesn't seem to suit the joiner well (and perhaps other processors) from another perspective: by forcing the joiner into this one-BatchRequest-at-a-time execution model, the progress of a joiner gets needlessly blocked by slow requests. When the lookup batch is split by the DistSender, any sub-batch being slow blocks the whole lookup batch. Only after all sub-batches finish can the joiner get some results, do processing, consume more results from the input side, and send the next BatchRequest.

To understand whether this execution model is right or not, we should analyze two cases:

  1. The joiner wants to produce results in order (i.e. in the order of the rows on the input-side of the join). In this case, it seems that the fact that each batch of lookups acts as a barrier (and, moreover, that the slowest sub-batch of lookups within the batch acts as a barrier) is OK, since all those lookups need to finish before results for rows that were not part of the lookup can be produced. Still, the fact that further results cannot be produced doesn't mean that work can't still be pipelined - in particular, more lookups can be performed and results buffered, within a memory/disk budget.
  2. The joiner can produce results in any order - perhaps because the results need to be re-sorted anyway, or because there's no particular ordering requirement in the query. In this case, ideally, we don't want any barriers; if the lookup of a particular row is slow, we want to go forth with lookups of other rows. The impact of a slow lookup should be limited to holding a memory reservation for the rows that might be returned by that lookup. Going further with exploiting the lack of ordering requirements, we could imagine that even holding the respective memory reservation for long could sometimes be avoided: if it looks like a particular lookup is blocked on a lock, we could cancel it and retry later when, hopefully, the latency will be better.
  3. A sub-case of 2) that wants barriers even less is when there's no ordering requirement on the joiner and also there's a row limit. In this case, we could cancel slow lookups when that limit is satisfied by other, faster lookups. We can even imagine speculatively cancelling slow lookups before the limit is satisfied by betting that the limit will eventually be satisfied by faster requests.

A better execution model would be the following:

  • A joiner should request as many rows at once as its memory budget allows for. In other words, absent LIMIT clauses, all limits should be expressed in bytes, not number of keys or rows; we should only ever set TargetBytes on the underlying KV requests, not MaxSpanRequestKeys.
  • Since the joiner is in charge of not requesting too many rows at once, all the requests that it does make should be executed in parallel.
  • As results come back, they make room in the budget for more rows to be requested. The joiner should take advantage of this budget opening up and request more rows. These new requests should be executed in parallel with the previous requests that are still in-flight. The exact time when the memory budget reserved for a particular request/response opens up again depends on the joiners ordering requirements:
    • If the joiner needs to buffer up a response because it needs to produce results in order and that result was received out of order, then the budget needs to stay allocated during this buffering period.
    • If the joiner produces results out of order, then the budget taken by any response can be released quickly.

This RFC focuses on the lookup joiner, but the streaming/parallel KV API it proposes can also be used for other cases where parallel KV reads are useful. For example, imagine a query like SELECT ... WHERE id IN (...list of 1000 ids...). At the moment, we'd run this by planning a single TableReader on the gateway. This TableReader has a similar choice to make to the joinReader - parallelize the lookups or not (or, rather, the optimizer makes that choice for the TableReader). Currently, we choose parallelism if the TableReader is known to not return more than 10,000 rows. Ideally, it would always try to get parallelism, subject to memory limits. By the way, currently, even when the TableReader wants parallelism, it never actually gets it within a range.

Also imagine a scan of a large table with a selective filter applied on top of it. At the moment, this query is split across nodes according to table range leases. At the level of each node, there are alternating phases of waiting for the results of a limited Scan and applying the filter on all those results (in a vectorized manner). It seems we'd benefit from a) the ability to pipeline the Scanning with the filtering and b) to Scan multiple (local) ranges in parallel in order to saturate the filtering capacity. The streaming API proposed in this RFC does not fit this use case perfectly, but we can imagine that it'd be extended to support it.

The proposal focuses mostly on eliminating the need to choose between memory limits and parallelism. The component proposed is supposed to also support pipelining of requests. My hope is that this support will come pretty much "for free" but, in case it doesn't, the implementation might choose to defer it.

The BatchRequest API

This section is a description of the existing BatchRequest API and, in particular, its facilities for response limits and parallelism.

KV's client/server API consists of BatchRequests, with a batch consisting of multiple requests. Each request operates on a key (e.g. Get, Put) or a key span (Scan, DeleteRange). The result of a BatchRequest is a BatchResponse; the response either contains results for all the requests in the batch or only for some of them, identifying the ones with missing responses. Some responses can be "partial responses"; see below. If some responses are missing all-together, or if some are partial, and if the client wants the rest of the results, it needs to send another BatchRequest. An important fact is that the protocol is request/response; there's no streaming of responses from the "server" to the "client". A streaming KV RPC has been long desired for a) being able to return an evaluation result and a separate replication result for the same write request and b) for streaming the results of large Scans in order to save on memory buffering. A streaming RPC is orthogonal to this RFC.

The BatchRequest has two types of limits: a key limit (MaxSpanRequestKeys) and a byte limit (TargetBytes). It is because of these limits that a response might have missing or partial results; in the absence of limits, responses are complete. A partial response identifies a "resume key", which the client is supposed to use in the next request.

Responses for limited batches

  1. If the requests in a limited batch are non-overlapping and ordered by their keys (ascendingly for Scans and descendingly for ReverseScans; mixing the two types of requests in a batch is not permitted), then the response will consist of a sequence of complete results, a partial result, and a sequence of empty results.
  2. If the requests in a batch are overlapping (but otherwise ordered), then the response might have multiple partial results, but it still has a prefix of complete results and a suffix of empty results. A key that's returned within two different results counts as two keys for the purposes of the limits.
  3. If the requests in a batch are not ordered, then the response can have empty results interspersed with non-empty ones. If the requests are non-overlapping, there will be at most one partial result.
  4. If the requests in a batch are both overlapping and unordered, there can be both empty and complete results interspersed, as well as multiple partial results interspersed.

We've talked about empty results and partial results distinctly. Technically, they're represented in the same way in the BatchResponse: they both have ResumeSpans, and an empty result has the ResumeSpan equal to the request's span (i.e. "resume from the start").

DistSender execution model

The fairly complex contract above flows from the way in which the DistSender executes batches: it iterates in key order over all the ranges touched by at least a request in the batch. For each range, it will send one RPC with a sub-batch containing the "intersection" between the range and the full batch - i.e. containing all the requests that overlap the range, where each request is truncated to the range boundary. Results are then re-ordered and re-assembled to produce the BatchResponse. Note that the sub-batches are sent in range order, which is different from the request order if the requests are... unordered.

The execution differs greatly between limited batches and unlimited ones. For unlimited ones, the execution of sub-batches is parallel (up to the limit of a node-wide semaphore). The BatchResponse is returned once all the sub-batches have returned.

Limited batches don't permit parallel execution (and therein lies the tragedy this RFC is trying to address). Sub-batches are executed one after another, in range order. After executing each sub-batch, the limits for the remaining ones are adjusted downwards in accordance to the size of the last response. When a limit is exhausted, the DistSender iteration stops, and all the requests that haven't run are filled with empty responses.

At the level of a sub-batch, the limits are enforced on the server side. Requests within a sub-batch are evaluated in the sub-batch order (which is the same as the order of the original, unsplit BatchRequest). When a sub-batch's limit is exhausted, the request that was evaluating gets a partial response, and all the subsequent ones get empty responses. So, at the level of a sub-batch, there can be at most one partial response.

When the limit is exceeded, at the level of the whole batch there are 4 categories of requests:

  1. Requests that were completely satisfied.
  2. Requests that were not evaluated at all.
  3. At most one request for which a sub-batch returned a partial response.
  4. Requests for which some sub-batches were completely satisfied, but other sub-batches didn't get to run at all.

Category 4 is the insidious reason why we can have multiple requests with partial results when the requests are overlapping: for these requests, the DistSender fills in the ResumeSpan to point to the sub-batches that haven't run yet. An example:

Ranges: [a, b), [b, c), [c, d)
Keys: a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, c1, c2, c3
Batch: {Scan([a,d)), Scan([b,g), Scan([c,d)))} key limit 7
Results: Scan([a,d)) -> a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3; ResumeSpan: [c,d)
         Scan([b,g)) -> b1                 ResumeSpan: [next(b1), g)
         Scan([c,d)) -> empty              ResumeSpan: [c,d)

In this example we see two partial responses and an empty one.

It's interesting to discuss a particular difficulty of the current API: it doesn't permit multiple ResumeSpans per ScanResponse, and it doesn't permit a ResumeSpan in the middle of the results of a Scan (in other words, the ResumeSpan.EndKey must always be equal to the scan's EndKey; we cannot return results that look like a1, ResumeSpan [next(a1), b), b1, b2, b3, ResumeSpan [next(b3), d)). So, if a Scan were to be split into two sub-scans (for two ranges), and the first one would return a ResumeSpan, then the results of the second one would probably need to be thrown away (or, at least, it's not clear what to do with them). Of course, at the moment we don't have this problem since a limited Scan is never split into concurrently-executing sub-scans, but we'll return to this issue.

A stream-oriented API

This RFC is proposing the introduction of a new library/API for the benefit of the lookup joiner (and possibly others) - the Streamer.


  1. Submit requests and receive results in a streaming fashion.
  2. Integrate with a memory budget tracker and don't allow in-flight results to exceed the budget.
  3. Dynamically tune the parallelism of the requests such that throughput is maximized while staying under the memory budget.
  4. Achieve parity with or exceed the optimizations currently present in the combination of joinReader + joinReaderIndexJoinStrategy/jrNoOrderingStrategy/jrOrderingStrategy.

For 2), we'll build on the existing memory limit in the BatchRequest API.

For 3), we'll parallelize above the DistSender by sending multiple read BatchRequests in parallel. To overcome the general limitations of the TxnCoordSender which generally doesn't like concurrent requests, we'll use LeafTxns.

For 4), we'll teach the Streamer to sometimes buffer responses received out of order, to sometimes sort requests in key order to take advantage of low-level Pebble locality optimizations, and perhaps to sometimes cache responses to short-circuit repeated lookups.

A basic decision that needs to be made is about the degree to which the library integrates its memory management with its environment. To frame the discussion, let's consider what is the hardest case to support for the library: the case when the joiner needs to produce its joined rows in order (i.e. in input-side order). For high throughput, we want the Streamer to parallelize its lookups, which opens the door to results being delivered out of order. Somebody needs to buffer these results, and so the question is who should do that? Should they be buffered inside the Streamer or outside of it, in the Streamer's client? While buffered, the heap footprint of these results needs to be tracked somewhere. If it's the Streamer that's doing the buffering, then it seems that their accounting can lay solely within the Streamer. If, on the other hand, it's the client that's doing the buffering, then it seems that the footprint of each of these results needs to be tracked continuously from the moment when the Streamer requests it (at which point, the tracking is really a "reservation"), and up to the point when the client makes that result available to GC.
It seems attractive to do the buffering in the client and devise a scheme by which the Streamer's budget is integrated with the client's budget: once a client is done with a result (i.e. after that result is no longer out-of-order and it has processed all prior results too), then it can release some bytes, which would notify the Streamer that there's new budget available to play with (i.e. to start new requests). This kind of integrated tracking would match the lifetime of results in earnest. However, one requirement that pops up here is to maintain the ability to discard out-of-order results when times are tough. Imagine that the Streamer has requested keys 1..10, and it has received results for 6..10. Maybe the values for 1..5 are really big, and so their requests need to be re-executed with a bigger budget. As long as 6..10 (the out-of-order results) are buffered, this higher budget is not available. What the Streamer should do, it seems, is to throw away 6..10, and make as much room as possible for 1..5. If 6..10 are buffered by the client, it seems difficult for the Streamer to coordinate their discarding - we'd need to introduce some sort of claw-back mechanism.

The Streamer also seems to be a better candidate for buffering because it knows about the outstanding partial scans and their relative ordering. This allows it to easily keep track of what scan is going to deliver the head-of-line response, and when the head-of-line results can be flushed to the client. If a client were to track this itself, it'd be burdened with a lot of state.

The proposal is to do the buffering in the Streamer, but only buffer if the client cannot consume out-of-order rows. So, the Streamer gets configured with an InOrder/OurOfOrder execution mode, and buffering only happens in InOrder mode. Even with buffering done in the Streamer, the memory tracking for results doesn't end when results are delivered to the client. Instead, the client needs to explicitly Release() the respective memory once the client is either done with the result or, if the client wants to hold on to the result, once the client has accounted for the memory in its own account. Note, however, that the client is expected to Release() results quickly after it gets them; the client is not allowed to block indefinitely in between receiving a result and releasing its memory - thus preventing deadlocks.

Library prototype

type Streamer interface {
	// SetMemoryBudget controls how much memory the Streamer is allowed to use.
	// The more memory it has, the higher its internal concurrency and throughput.
	// Hint can be used to hint the aggressiveness of the caching
	// policy. In particular, it can be used to disable caching when the client
	// knows that all looked-up keys are unique (e.g. in the case of an
	// index-join).
	// SetOperationMode controls the order in which results are delivered to the
	//   client.
	// InOrder: results are delivered in the order in which the requests were
	//   handed off to the Streamer. This mode forces the Streamer
	//   to buffer the results it produces through its internal out-of-order
	//   execution. Out-of-order results might have to be dropped (resulting in
	//   wasted/duplicate work) when the budget limit is reached and the size
	//   estimates that lead to too much OoO execution were wrong.
	// OutOfOrder: results are delivered in the order in which they're produced.
	//   The caller can use the baggage field to associate a result with its
	//   corresponding request. This mode of operation lets the Streamer reuse the
	//   memory budget as quickly as possible; when possible, prefer OutOfOrder
	//   execution.
	// Enqueue dispatches multiple requests for execution. Results are delivered
	// through the GetResults call. If keys is not nil, it needs to contain one ID
	// for each request; responses will reference that ID so that the client can
	// associate them to the requests. In OutOrOrder mode it's mandatory to
	// specify keys.
	// Multiple requests can specify the same key. In this case, their respective
	// responses will also reference the same key. This is useful, for example,
	// for "range-based lookup joins" where multiple spans are read in the context
	// of the same input-side row (see multiSpanGenerator implementation of
	// rowexec.joinReaderSpanGenerator interface for more details).
	// In InOrder mode, responses will be delivered in reqs order.
	// Initially, enqueuing new requests while there are still requests in
	// progress from the previous invocation might be prohibited. But ultimately
	// this kind of pipelining should be permitted; see the Pipelining section.
	Enqueue(reqs []RequestUnion, keys []int)
	// GetResults blocks until at least one result is available. If the operation
	// mode is OutOfOrder, any result will do. For InOrder, only head-of-line
	// results will do.
	GetResults(context.Context) []Result
	// Cancel all in-flight operations; discard all buffered results if operating
	// in InOrder mode.
	// TODO: some method for collecting transaction metadata to be sent along
	// on the DistSQL flow

type Result struct {
	// GetResp and ScanResp represent the result to a request. Only one of the two
	// will be populated.
	// The responses are to be considered immutable; the Streamer might hold on to
	// the respective memory.
	GetResp roachpb.GetResponse
	// ScanResp can have a ResumeSpan in it. In that case, there will be a further
	// result with the continuation; that result will use the same Key.
	ScanResp roachpb.ScanResponse
	// If the Result represents a scan result, ScanComplete indicates whether this
	// is the last response for the respective scan, or if there are more
	// responses to come. In any case, ScanResp never contains partial rows (i.e.
	// a single row is never split into different Results).
	// When running in InOrder mode, Results for a single scan will be delivered
	// in key order (in addition to results for different scans being delivered in
	// request order). When running in OutOfOrder mode, Results for a single scan
	// can be delivered out of key order (in addition to results for different
	// scans being delivered out of request order).
	ScanComplete bool
	// Keys identifies the requests that this Result satisfies. In OutOfOrder
	// mode, a single Result can satisfy multiple identical requests. In InOrder
	// mode a Result can only satisfy multiple consecutive requests.
	Keys []int
	// MemoryTok.Release() needs to be called by the recipient once it's not
	// referencing this Result any more. If this was the last (or only) reference
	// to this Result, the memory used by this Result is made available in the
	// Streamer's budget.
	// Internally, Results are refcounted. Multiple Results referencing the same
	// GetResp/ScanResp can be returned from separate `GetResults()` calls, and
	// the Streamer internally does buffering and caching of Results - which also
	// contributes to the refcounts.
	MemoryTok ResultMemoryToken

type RequestUnion struct {
	// Only one of the two is populated.
	Get *roachpb.GetRequest
	Scan *roachpb.ScanRequest

// ResultMemoryToken represents a handle to a Result's memory tracking. The
// recipient of a Result is required to call Release() when the Result is not in
// use any more so that its memory is returned to the Streamer's Budget.
// ResultMemoryToken is thread-safe.
type ResultMemoryToken interface {
	// Release decrements the refcount.

// Budget abstracts the memory budget that is provided to a Streamer by its
// client.
type Budget interface {
	// Available returns how many bytes are currently available in the budget. The
	// answer can be negative, in case the Streamer has used un-budgeted memory
	// (e.g. one result was very large).
	Available() int64
	// Consume draws bytes from the available budget.
	Consume(bytes int64)
	// Release returns bytes to the available budget.
	Release(bytes in64)
	// WaitForBudget blocks until the next Release() call.
	// Shrink lowers the memory reservation represented by this Budget, giving
	// memory back to the parent pool.
	// giveBackBytes has to be below Available().
	Shrink(giveBackBytes int64)

type StreamerHints struct {
	// UniqueRequests tells the Streamer that the requests will be unique. As
	// such, there's no point in de-duping them or caching results.
	UniqueRequests bool

The Streamer will dynamically maintain an estimate for how many requests can be in flight at a time such that their responses fit below the memory budget. This estimate will start with a constant (say, assume that each response take 1KB), and go up and down as responses are actually received. We can also imagine starting from an estimate provided by the query optimizer. Under-estimating the sizes of responses generally will not lead to exceeding the budget, but will lead to wasted work. There is one case where the budget can be exceeded - in order to always assure progress, the Streamer will always have a request in-flight guaranteed to return at least one row, corresponding to the oldest request. This one row is exempt from budget checks. See the Avoiding wasted work section for details.

Streamer implementation

On the inside, the Streamer has a couple of concerns:

  1. Send BatchRequests to fulfill the requests. There is a fixed overhead per-batch, both on the client and on the server. As such, we don't want to naively create one BatchRequest per GetRequest if we can avoid it.
  2. Don't send too many BatchRequests at once. The Streamer will maintain an estimate of how large each row is (or, in the case of joins that are not 1-1, the estimate will be per lookup-side Scan). This estimate will dictate how many BatchRequests can be in-flight at any point; each BatchRequests weights differently depending on how many requests are inside it.
  3. Make sure that under-estimates in step 2 don't cause the budget to be exceeded. So, even if we end up sending BatchRequests that we should not have sent at the same time, we don't want to blow up. Each BatchRequest will be assigned a TargetBytes equal to the Streamer's estimate for that batch's responses. If any given batch exceeds its budget, then it will only return results for some (possibly zero) of its Gets. The Streamer will keep track of which Gets have been satisfied and which haven't, and the ones that have gotten no response will be part of the future batches.
  4. Don't waste too much work. Work gets wasted in two situations:
    1. When a batch ends up returning zero rows because its TargetBytes are exceeded by the very first row.
    2. In InOrder execution mode, when there's insufficient budget to efficiently gather results around the start of the queue because too many results from the end of the queue are buffered.

We've mostly discussed the Streamer performing Gets in this text, but a note about it performing Scans in OutOfOrder mode is important: when operating in OutOfOrder mode, the Streamer's ability to process multiple partial ScanResponses for a single ScanRequest is a big improvement over the BatchRequest's model. Even if the DistSender would allow parallel execution of sub-batches in limited BatchRequests, we'd probably be forced to throw away results whenever a Scan is split into two sub-batches (two ranges), and the first one returns a ResumeSpan. Imagine that the first sub-scan returns a ResumeSpan and the 2nd is fully fulfilled. There's no way to return the results from the 2nd sub-scan; the current BatchRequest api doesn't support multiple resume spans per ScanResponse, or even a single ResumeSpan with further results after it. Extending the BatchRequest API to support this seems hard.

Note that, even in InOrder mode, we can get significant pipelining benefits (compared to a BatchRequest execution model) because, even if the head of the line lookup is slow, the joiner's input loop will still push requests for as long as the input budget and the Streamer budgets allow. You can imagine that, if rows in some tables are small, millions of out-of-order results can be buffered while the head-of-line request is blocked.

Result delivery modes: OutOfOrder vs InOrder (result buffering)

As hinted to before, the Streamer can be configured in one of two modes: InOrder and OutOfOrder. OutOfOrder is the simpler one: results are returned by the Streamer to the client in the order in which they're produced (which order might not correspond to the request order). Results are buffered by the Streamer only until the client calls GetResults() to read them. Results might, however, be cached by the Streamer even after that; see the Result caching section.

The OutOfOrder mode would be used by the joinReader with the joinReaderNoOrderingPolicy. It's also be used by the joinReaderIndexJoinStrategy when ordering is not needed; currently, joinReaderIndexJoinStrategy is ordering-agnostic and the joinReader above it controls whether results will be delivered in input order or not by sorting (or not) the lookup key spans.
OutOfOrder would also be used by, say, a TableReader configured with 1000 spans but with no ordering requirement.

In InOrder mode, the Streamer internally buffers results so that they're returned to the client in the order of requests. While buffered, results hold up memory budget that could otherwise be used to increase the concurrency. Under budget pressure, the buffer will be partially spilled to disk to free up memory.

InOrder mode would be used by the joinReader with the joinReaderOrderingPolicy. Currently, this policy looks-up rows out of order, then buffers looked-up rows to restore the desired order. This buffering inside the joinReader would be replaced with buffering inside the Streamer. In addition, joinReaderOrderingPolicy de-dupes lookup rows and fans out the response for identical requests. In the joinReader, this de-duping only happens at the level of an input chunk. We propose to keep a similar de-duping mechanism in the Streamer. However, the Streamer will also have a result cache with a scope beyond that of the de-duping mechanism. See the Request de-duping and Result caching section sections for details.

One thing to note is that, currently, the joinReader's buffering is rather inflexible: it needs to buffer all the lookup responses (for an input chunk) and, only once everything has been buffered, it starts emitting rows and eventually clears the buffer. No rows are joined and emitted until after all the lookups are done. In contrast, the Streamer's InOrder mode streams results out of it, but only in the specified order.

The buffering would be implemented in such a way that multiple entries in the buffer can share a Result - in case the requests are identical. To support this, the buffered results will be refcounted (the same refcount incremented also when a Result is returned to a client and also when a result is cached).

See the Scan requests section for a discussion about how partial scan results interact with the ordering modes.

Request batching

To address point 1) above (amortize the fixed cost of a BatchRequest) we should try to batch individual requests. This is why the Streamer offers a batch-oriented Enqueue() interface (in fact, it's the only interface). One Enqueue() call represents the window over which requests going to the same range are grouped into a single BatchRequest using a best-effort RangeIterator. We'll call one of these batches of requests that go to a single range a "single-range batch". At the level of a single-range batch, we have the opportunity to sort the requests in order to take advantage of locality optimizations in Pebble.

There's a discussion to be had here about whether the DistSender's transparent splitting of batches into per-range sub-batches is desirable by the Streamer. Given that the Streamer tries to do its own splitting, should we still allow the DistSender to do its own splitting? In other words, should we treat the Streamer's splitting as best-effort, and accept that the DistSender might hide our mistakes, at a performance cost? The performance cost consists of un-necessary blocking: when the DistSender splits a batch into 100, it'll then wait for all 100 sub-batches to return before returning any results, and it will execute them one by one (because of the TargetBytes limit). More discussion about this in the Unresolved issues section.

It's worth noting that the batching described here and the budgets assigned to different batches are two separate axes. As we'll describe in the Memory budget policy section, a single-range request containing 10 lookups might be issued with a budget that we expect to only cover one lookup.

Memory budget policy

Point 2) says that the Streamer should manage its budget B such that it maximizes throughput and minimizes wasted work. To do that, the Streamer will maintain an estimate P for the size of responses to individual requests. This estimate can start from the assumption that each Get/Scan request returns, say, 1KB worth of rows. Perhaps we'll evolve to be smarter and start with Optimizer-provided estimates - size of rows, number of rows per response (this is 1 in case of an index-join).

The Streamer will constantly maintain around B/P lookups in-flight. This makes it very clear that there's a direct relationship between B and Streamer throughput. Whenever there's budget available, the Streamer sends out new requests (subject to Nagle, see below). In InOrder mode, we want to prioritize lookup towards the head of the line, and so this B/P essentially determines a sort of "reorder window": for example, if we have 1000 queued lookups, and B/P is 100, then we'll issue lookups for the 100 requests at the head of line. Thus, as P grows, the Streamer's execution becomes more and more "in order", as the "out of order execution window" shrinks.

The requests are batched (into single-range batches), so the actual number of in-flight RPCs will be smaller than B/P; a batch weighs according to the number of requests in it (n). Each batch consumes some budget - n * P. This budget constitutes its TargetBytes. When a response is received for a batch, we can see if the TargetBytes estimate was over or under. Generally, responses will use less than TargetBytes, and so we can immediately release TargetBytes - actual size back to the Streamer's budget. The bulk of the response's bytes cannot be released immediately; they're only released once the respective results have been delivered to the client (which can be delayed, according to the ordering setting) or even later (see section Accounting for results memory). The estimate P is updated as responses come in - after the initial responses, P will be tracking the average response size. In fact, the average will be a moving average to account for dynamics where larger rows are gotten last because of TargetBytes limits.

In InOrder mode, the decision about what budget to give each single-range batch is not easy, given that the batches can contain lookups that are not within the current reorder window. For example, assume that the client has queued up lookups for 1000 requests. With each request identified by its position within the results needed for InOrder execution, assume that requests {1, 2, 1000} fall on the same range - so they can be part of the same single-range batch. Say that B/P = 100 (i.e. the reorder window is a hundred lookups wide). Request 1000 is thus out of this window - meaning that, if everything else was equal, we'd like to perform other lookups before it. But everything else is not equal and, so, under this scenario, it's unclear whether we should send the single-range batch as {1,2} or as {1,2,1000}. Furthermore, if we send the batch as {1,2,1000}, it's unclear if the batch's budget should be 2P or 3P. There are two choices:

  1. Give a batch with n lookups a budget of n * P (subject to the currently available budget, though). In other words, give it a budget that's expected to be sufficient for all the lookups in the batch. Since we expect all the lookups in the batch to be within budget, we can sort the lookups in key order such that we exploit Pebble's locality optimizations.
  2. Give a batch a budget reflecting only the number of lookups that are within the reorder window (e.g. two in our example). So, we don't expect responses for all of the lookups. We still send all the lookups as a form of opportunism: if the results end up being small, we might as well satisfy lookups that we didn't expect to satisfy. Since we don't expect responses for all the lookups, it becomes important to not sort them in key order, and leave them ordered according to their ordinals.

The upside of 1) is that we can do the sorting, which should improve throughput. The downside is that we expect to buffer results outside the reorder window. The upside of 2) is that we'd expect less head-of-line blocking: lookups are performed more in-order, so the (constantly-advancing) head of the line can generally be delivered quicker to the client.

I don't know how to make a principled choice here, so I propose we pick whatever is easier to implement - which I think is option 1). So, the algorithm for issuing batches is to iteratively (as long as there's budget) pick the next request in line lookup and issue its whole batch with a budget enough for all of its contents. We would always sort lookups within batches in key order, with one exception: for the special case of the batch containing the current head-of-line lookup, I would keep the head-of-line as the first request in the batch such that, in the degenerate case where there's not enough budget for even a single row (and thus we only get exactly one row back from this head-of-line batch), that one row is the head-of-line row.

Because of TargetBytes, batch responses can be incomplete. The Streamer will keep track of which requests have not gotten responses yet and these requests go back into the request pool, waiting for budget to open up.

There's a tension between the desire to effectively batch requests into single-range batches, and the desire to send requests as soon as there's some budget available. Simply sending a BatchRequest with all the requests targeting a range is not enough; that BatchRequest also needs to have a decent budget. Otherwise, we might as well have sent the requests one by one. If there's very little budget available, we're better off waiting for more budget to become available. We could define a minimum budget required in order to send a single-batch request, similarly to Nagle's algorithm for TCP. In particular, we generally don't want to send out requests with a budget less than P (and maybe actually much more than that).

Accounting for results memory

This section talks about the lifecycle of the memory taken by Results. Each request performed by the Streamer starts up with a memory reservation of P (except in the degenerate case when the request is made for a single row because there's no budget). Once a response is received, the reservation is adjusted to the actual size of the results. Generally, the adjustment will be in the direction a bigger reservation giving back unused memory. Results can only exceed their reservation in the context of the head-of-the-line request, which is configured to return a single row no matter the size (see the Avoiding wasted work section for details).

Once a particular result is received, the ownership of its memory might be shared:

  • when the Result is returned to the client (through GetResults()), the client takes a reference
  • if we're buffering results (InOrder execution), the buffer takes a reference (or possibly multiple references if the Result satisfies multiple duplicate requests)
  • if the result is cached, the cache takes a reference

For its part, the client is responsable for destroying its reference when it's done with the Result. It does this through the MemoryToken incorporated in the Result. This is generally expected to happen very soon after the GetResults() call - the caller will generally take over the results under its own accounting/budget quickly. The caller is, however, allowed to delay - but not indefinitely, as the Streamer will starve. We've considered an interface by which the Streamer could call into the client and ask the client to return memory to the budget, but dropped that as it didn't seem necessary if we give the Streamer the ability to cache results internally.

Avoiding wasted work

Work gets wasted in two cases:

  1. When a batch ends up returning zero rows because its TargetBytes are exceeded by the very first row.
  2. In InOrder execution mode, when there's insufficient budget to efficiently gather results around the start of the queue because too many results from the end of the queue are buffered.

Number 1) assumes that a request with TargetBytes can return zero rows. That's not currently the case - a request with TargetBytes returns at least one row even if that row overshoots the budget. We're going to expand the API to give the caller control over this behavior. We're going to make it such that, when a TargetBytes-batch returns no results, it still returns an estimate of the size of a row. More generally, whenever TargetBytes caused the request to be truncated, the response is going to include the size of the next row so that the Streamer can use it for subsequent requests.

In order to minimize 1), we're going to still keep the ability to ask for at least one row to be returned. This option is going to be used for the batch containing the head-of-line request. Doing so ensures that the Streamer is constantly making progress: the head-of-line request (which, in OutOfOrder mode, is an arbitrarily-chosen request) is guaranteed to always return at least one row. In addition, as an exception to the Nagle clause from the Memory budget policy section, the oldest request that the client has submitted is sent out even if the current P estimate says that we don't expect to have room for even one row. However, we'll only do this when the Streamer has its full budget at its disposal - i.e. after the client has released the budget for all responses that were handed to it, and after we've spilled the buffer to disk (see below). The idea is that, if the Streamer's whole budget is 10MB, and a single row is 20MB large, we want to read that row.

Let's discuss 2): the "focusing on the front of the line" is hampered by the buffering in the InOrder case. Since the buffer takes up budget, the more results are buffered, the lower the throughput for the request towards the front of the queue. At the limit, if there's no budget left, the Streamer is forced to either throw buffered results away (and redo the work of retrieving them later), or to spill the buffer to disk. We could consider the disk to not be infinite, so there's also a possible hybrid answer where we spill to disk up to some disk budget, after which we start throwing results away.

The proposal is to start by spilling to disk with no disk-budget limit. Assume that there's no budget left, there's a front of the line of n unsatisfied requests, and there's a buffer of m responses. We'll spill to disk as many of these m results as necessary to free up n * P bytes. Responses will be spilled in the order presented in the Buffer management details section. In other words, buffered results will start spilling as soon as it appears that there's not enough budget for all the requests in front of them. This is not the only possible option; at the extreme, as long as there's budget for one row, we could read one row at a time (the first one), deliver it to the client, read the next row, etc., without spilling the buffer.

When some buffered results need to be spilled, they should be spilled in the order of frequency of access (lowest spill first). In other words, if the de-duping process (see the Request de-duping section) established that entry a satisfies 10 lookups and entry b only satisfies 1, then b should spill first.

Request de-duping

The joinReader, when combined with the OrderingStrategy or NoOrderingStrategy, has an interesting optimization: at the level of an input chunk, the lookup keys are de-duplicated. For example, consider a joiner that needs to perform lookups for input rows (1, red), (2, blue), (3, red) (the lookups are to be performed on the 2nd column) Notice that the 1st and the 3rd input rows share the lookup key "red". The joiner will perform the red lookup only once. Depending on Ordering vs NoOrdering, this de-duplication has major implications: in NoOrdering mode, things are easy - a result is fanned-out to the duplicate requests, and joined rows for rows 1 and 3 are emitted immediately. In Ordering mode, however, the joiner cannot emit row 3 immediately. Instead, the joiner takes advantage of the buffering of looked-up rows that it does anyway (to handle re-ordered results); the red lookup result is thus buffered (like all the other results) in a disk-backed container and used after the result for row 2 was emitted. We propose to keep this de-duping behavior in the Streamer.

In the joinReader, currently, the de-duping is limited to requests within the same input chunk: if the 1st chunk has 1000 lookups for key "a", they'll all get coalesced, but then if the 2nd chunk wants key "a" again, that'll be a 2nd lookup. The Streamer's deduplication, by itself, has the same issue: it operates at the level of Enqueue() batches. As an extension, the proposal is for the Streamer to also get a response cache that's not tied to these batches. This would be in addition to the de-duping, and in addition to the buffering that the Streamer does for a different purpose. A cached response short-circuits a new request for it. Details in the Result caching section.

Scan requests

When the Streamer is performing Scans (as opposed to Gets), the Streamer will split the Scan into per-range sub-scans. This is useful when these scans are individually large - for example imagine FedEx running the query

SELECT * FROM shipments INNER JOIN shippers ON shipment.shipperID = shippers.ID
WHERE = 'Amazon'

P will represent the estimate about the size of the complete results of every sub-scan.

When the Streamer is performing Scans (as opposed to Gets), we need to discuss the order of delivering partial results for a single Scan. For simplicity, we make this order match the order in which results for different Scans are delivered: in InOrder mode, results for a single scan are delivered in key order (i.e. the sub-scans are re-assembled). In OutOfOrder mode, results for a single Scan can be delivered out of order (i.e. result from different sub-scans can be inter-mixed). In any case, individual rows are never split between partial results (TODO: is this already the behavior of TargetBytes or does that need tweaking?). In other words, it's not possible to ask the Streamer to produce results in-order for different requests but out-of-order at the level of a single Scan, or vice-versa.

As explained in a prior section, the fact that, in OutOfOrder mode, the Streamer can return out-of-order partial results for different Scans is an improvement over what one might hope to get out of the DistSender. The key here is that, for the Streamer, the client can ask for this OutOfOrder execution.

The Streamer will interpret the ResumeSpans of its sub-scans and keep track of when each sub-scan, and when each Scan, is complete.

Integration between the Streamers' budgets and the broader environment

So far we've discussed how a Streamer is configured with a budget, how it uses its budget internally, and how the budget can be shared with its caller. We haven't touched on how this budget fits into the broader server - how a Streamer affects the general memory usage of the server and how different Streamers affect each other. This is what this section is about.

It seems there are two things we want from the Streamer's integration into the broader memory management story:

  1. Memory used by a Streamer should act as push-back on traffic in general (think admission control).
  2. Streamers start out with budgets which represent memory reservations. The point of this budget being generous is to allow the Streamer to provide good throughput to its client. If an individual Streamer figures out that it can sustain good throughput with a lesser budget, it should give part of the reservation back to the broader server.

Point 1) is generally how our memory monitors work - they form hierarchies that have a common root pool corresponding to the machine's RAM. As one monitor pulls more memory from this root, there's less memory for the others and allocations fail when there's not enough memory in the pool. The Streamer's budget are no exception - they come from some pool. One peculiarity of the Streamers is, though, that we said that they're allowed to go "into memory debt" - they're allowed to use memory that they don't have a reservation for because they're allowed to always read one more row. The amount of debt a Streamer can go in is limited by the throughput that it sustains when operating in one-row-at-a-time mode. We accept a Streamer going into debt because the alternative is deadlock. One thing we can do, though, is make sure that this debt acts as pushback on the server, by accounting the debt in the memory pool from which the Streamer's original budget came. So, if a Streamer accumulates a great debt, as some point the respective node will stop accepting new queries in order to prevent OOMs. Of course, if many Streamers go into debt at the same time, we will OOM - so debt's not great.

Point 2) is about improving on the budget reservation tradeoff. When the budget for a Streamer is created, the creator reserves a quantity of memory. The more it reserves, the more likely that the Streamer will provide good throughput. So, you don't want to reserve too little. But you also don't want to reserve too much, particularly if the reservation is going to be long-lived. The Streamer might not need all the memory in order to "provide good throughput". So, we propose that the Streamer is able to give back some of this reservation. This is what the Budget.Shrink() method is about. The Streamer will do so if it detects that it can provide good throughput with less memory. What is "good throughput" / how good is good enough? I don't really know. I guess that Streamer can detect the client's consuming pace after a warmup period and, if it finds itself buffering results that are ready to be delivered, it can decide to lower its concurrency/throughput by shrinking its budget by some factor. In theory, the consumer's consumption rate is limited by its own consumers downstream - sometimes there might be CPU limits for (single-threaded) CPU-heavy computation, sometimes some results need to make it over the network in a DistSQL stream, sometimes results need to be joined with another slow flow, and ultimately the client application controls the pace for result-heavy queries through its pgwire reading rate.

Hiding ReadWithinUncertaintyInterval errors

The Streamer will use LeafTxns in order to support sending concurrent read requests. LeafTxns disable the automatic refreshing of read spans and the BatchRequest-level retries done on retriable errors because, usually, LeafTxns don't have a complete view of the read spans and also because refreshing cannot be performed during concurrent requests. This is generally a problem for DistSQL (#24798).

Since both in the general DistSQL case and in the Streamer case we're dealing only with reads, the only possible retriable error is ReadWithinUncertaintyInterval. It's a frequent condition, though.

In the general case of a distributed DistSQL flow, figuring out how to refresh transparently is a hard problem. But it should be tractable when the query is not actually distributed (i.e. when there's a single Streamer, on a single node - on the gateway, most likely). We shouldn't allow for a regression here; instead, we'll make it possible for the Streamer to coordinate refreshes.

Depending on the topology of the overall DistSQL flow using a Streamer (or many of them), the Streamer will be configured with either a root or leaf txn. Similarly to the DistSQL processors, the Streamer will be configured with a root if nobody else uses the client.Txn concurrently with the Streamer - neither on other nodes (through DistSQL distribution) nor within one node (through concurrency between DistSQL processors that haven't been fused, or through concurrency between the Streamer and the Streamer's client - i.e. pipelining. It is this root txn case that we want to optimize; the leaf case is harder.

Regardless of whether the Streamer is handed a root or a leaf txn, it will perform its operations in a leaf in order to support concurrency. Given that the Streamer has full visibility across all the requests being performed, it can overcome the limitations of a LeafTxn and get back the ability to refresh. In order to do so, it needs to implement synchronization between requests being sent out and ReadWithinUncertaintyErrors being returned. Whenever an error is returned, the Streamer will make that error act as a request barrier: in-flight requests will be drained out and future requests will only be sent out if and when the error has been dealt with. Dealing with the error means collecting all the read spans from all the leaves (after in-flight requests have been drained), importing them into the root, and asking the root to refresh the txn to the timestamp indicated by the error. This "ask to refresh" will be done through a new client.Txn interface. If the refresh is successful, the Streamer can retry the request that generated the error, and resume normal operation. If the refresh is not successful, the retriable error needs to be bubbled to the client.

If multiple concurrent requests encounter retriable errors, the refresh needs to be done up to the high-water timestamp of the errors and, on success, all such requests need to be retried. As soon as an error is received, the Streamer also has the option of canceling any in-flight request and retrying them all after the refresh.

The Streamer and the joinReader

This section enumerates the modes in which the Streamer will be used by the joinReader, as a reference.

  1. IndexJoinStrategy -> InOrder or OutOfOrder, depending on the index-join's ordering requirements. Caching will be inhibited, since lookup keys are unique, being PK values. Similarly, de-duping is inhibited.

  2. NoOrderingStrategy -> OutOfOrder. The Streamer in OutOfOrder mode internally de-dupes lookup spans for concurrent lookups and caches results. Being OutOfOrder, there's no buffering of results (but there might be caching). Being OutOfOrder, the Streamer returns results in whatever order its concurrent lookups finish.

  3. OrderingStrategy -> InOrder. Results cannot be coalesced (except in the special case of consecutive identical requests). The Streamer does buffering, de-duping, and caching.

Optional features


Pipelining refers to the ability to call Streamer.Enqueue() repeatedly without waiting for all results pertaining to the previous invocation to be delivered. As hinted before, allowing this in OutOfOrder mode could be very beneficial in hiding the latency of a couple of slow single-range batches (think lock contention). Even in InOrder mode, pipelining lookups can be beneficial, even if a slow request does block the delivery of results (but it doesn't need to immediately block performing and buffering new lookups).

I think the Streamer should offer pipelining, although not necessarily from the start. My hope is that, depending on the details of the implementation, pipelining would come pretty much for free: given that the Streamer by nature needs to keep track of requests that are in different phases of completion, does adding new requests at arbitrary times cause extra complexity? Sumeer brought up the case of the inverted-index joiner, which wants to send overlapping (but not necessarily identical) scans. In that case, having a complete view of all the requests to perform can be useful because the Streamer could intersect all the requests in order to decide the granularity of shared spans for buffering reasons. Of course, if "complete view" only means "complete within one Enqueue() call", is that useful / would we really be worse off if we allow pipelining but some buffering opportunities are missed? See the Overlapping scans section for more.

There's an interesting question about how exactly would a component like the joiner take advantage of the Streamer's pipelining capability. The joinReader is not a vectorized processor; it uses the RowSource interface for reading its input-side. RowSource returns one row at a time and is a blocking interface. So, how is the joiner supposed to build a batch of input rows in order to use Streamer.BatchGet()? The way in which it currently does it is not great - the joinReader decided how big of a batch it wants to accumulate and then blocks until it fills up that batch. What we'd want instead is for the joinReader to read its input until it blocks and, once blocked, perform lookups on the accumulated batch. Should we add a non-blocking version of RowSource.Next()?

Result caching

A feature that could prove quite useful in some cases: attaching a result cache to the Streamer in order to avoid repeated identical lookups across Enqueue() calls (at the level of a single call, duplicates are handled through the de-duping + buffering mechanism).

Frequently accessed (or perhaps frequently and recently accessed) results would be kept in this cache, memory permitting. In case the number of distinct lookups is small, this cache could completely eliminate any lookups for whole Enqueue() calls. One heuristic for populating this cache could be to keep around the top k most popular lookups from the last Enqueue() batch.

In case the Streamer is buffering (i.e. in InOrder mode), there's some overlap between the cache and the buffer that we'll discuss below.

A fair question would be what makes the Streamer a reasonable level to place a cache at. There are other options with their own merits - for example we could imagine a cache sitting at the client.Txn level. I'll give a few answers, but I don't know if they're very convincing:

  1. Currently, the joinReader does request de-duping across relatively big batches (between 10KB and 4MB worth of input rows, depending on the type of join). The Streamer is imagined to frequently operate over smaller windows of input rows, and so there's the possibility that we'd be regressing (in terms of work performed) if we don't have a way to avoid repeating lookups over longer windows.

  2. In addition, one thing that makes caching at this level seem like a reasonable choice is the fact that, when the Streamer is used with a joiner, all the lookups will be performed on the same table/index - so it seems reasonable to expect that there'll be collisions.

  3. The Streamer aims to have relatively sophisticated management of its memory budget, so putting the cache under its purview lets this management extend to the cache too.

  4. Since the Streamer performs request de-duping, it has a view into what keys were de-duped that lower levels wouldn't have. This can serve as input in its choice of what result seems more valuable to cache.

When the Streamer is under memory pressure, the cache (or parts of it) can be dropped or spilled to disk, similarly to buffered rows.

Results caching become even more important if we implement support for pipelining in the Streamer (see the Pipelining section). More generally, the smaller the batches handed to Enqueue() (and thus the smaller the opportunity to de-dup requests within a batch), the more important it becomes to share results across batches through caching.

Buffer vs cache

In case the Streamer is buffering (i.e. in InOrder mode), there's some overlap between the buffer and the cache. Both structures hold results in order to avoid doing work in the future. In the case of the buffer, the future work is "guaranteed" - we know that there's a request that will need that result. In the case of the cache, the future work is speculated.

A newly-arriving request will be checked against both the buffer and the cache. If the result is found in the buffer, a new buffered entry is created referencing the existing Result. If the result is found in the cache, it is moved into the buffer (or shared between the cache and the buffer? I'm not sure about the mechanics here; whose budget should this shared result count towards now?).

When it comes to clearing the buffer and cache because of memory pressure, it stands to reason that we'd clear the cache first.

TODO: figure out the actual caching policy and the cache's memory budget

Overlapping scans

The geospatial inverted-index joiner does lookups on overlapping (and not necessarily identical) spans. This raises interesting complications for the buffering logic:

  1. Buffering becomes useful even in the OutOfOrder mode. Consider, for example, the following scans: {[a,b), [a,c)}. If the Streamer gets a result for [a,b), the full result for [a,c) is not yet ready, but the [a,b) part is useful; we don't need to redo that scan.

  2. "De-duping" needs to be extended: instead of two requests being identical or disjoint, now they can be overlapping.

The Streamer would handle these cases by intersecting all queued requests, and splitting out the common parts. By giving the common parts their own identity, the Streamer would be able to buffer and/or cache them.

Unresolved issues

  1. Even with the Streamer learning how to cache results internally for reuse, there seem to be cases where the client wants to emit Streamer results in order, but there's still possibly benefits to delivering the results out-of-order from the Streamer and buffering in the client. If, say, a TableReader has a selective filter which discard most of the rows, we'd benefit from running this filter on each result as quickly as possible to quickly discard most results so that they don't hold up memory while buffered. What is this TableReader supposed to do? It could put the Streamer in OutOfOrder mode, but then the TableReader would need its own budget for buffer, separate from the Streamer's. It seems tempting to have the TableReader not release memory back to the Streamer, but that's going to starve the Streamer. To avoid that, we'd need to bring back the claw-back mechanism from the Streamer to the client that an earlier version of the RFC had. Better still, perhaps we should leave the Streamer in InOrder mode and push the filter into the Streamer in the form of a per-result callback?

  2. Should the Streamer disable the DistSender's transparent splitting of BatchRequests into per-range sub-batches? Given that the Streamer tries to do its own splitting, should we still allow the DistSender to do its own splitting? In other words, should we treat the Streamer's splitting as best-effort, and accept that the DistSender might hide our mistakes, at a performance cost? The performance cost consists of un-necessary blocking: when the DistSender splits a batch into 100, it'll then wait for all 100 sub-batches to return before returning any results, and it will execute them one by one (because of the TargetBytes limit).
    An alternative is to have the Streamer disable the DistSender transparent splitting (through a new mechanism) and instead opt-into getting errors for BatchRequests that need splitting. When receiving such an error, the Streamer could rely on the range cache used by its range iterator to have been updated with the split range, and thus the Streamer could split the batch again with better results.

  3. What's there to be done for cases where we have a hard or a soft limit on the total number of rows to be returned by the Streamer. Can the Streamer set some MaxSpanRequestKeys on the requests? This is tracked in #67885.

Alternatives considered

When #54680 was filed, it seemed to be implied for a while that whatever we'll do, we'll do it at the DistSender level. Doing something at that level seems attractive because, in principle, it'd benefit all the BatchRequest users. But when you dig into the details, exactly what the DistSender should do becomes overwhelming. By introducing the Streamer, we force clients to explicitly be able to deal with partial results, we allow clients more control over their ordering needs (and the associated costs), and we eliminate the barrier behavior of big BatchRequests.