Fireball is the game engine for the future.
* A map of the default tag processors, keyed by the
* tag name. Multiple tags can use the same digester
* by supplying the string name that points to the
* implementation rather than a function.
* @module digesters
* @main digesters
const _ = require('underscore');
const fs = require('graceful-fs');
const utils = require('../utils');
const REGEX_TYPE = /(.*?)\{(.*?)\}(.*)/;
const REGEX_GLOBAL_LINES = /\r\n|\n/g;
const REGEX_FIRSTWORD = /^\s*?(\[([^\[\]]+)\]\*?|[^\s]+)\s*\-?\s*(.*)/;
const REGEX_OPTIONAL = /^\[(.*)\]$/;
* Flatten a string, remove all line breaks and replace them with a token
* @method implodeString
* @private
* @param {String} str The string to operate on
* @return {String} The modified string
function implodeString (str) {
return (str || '').replace(REGEX_GLOBAL_LINES, '!~FIREDOC_LINE~!');
* Un-flatten a string, replace tokens injected with `implodeString`
* @method implodeString
* @private
* @param {String} str The string to operate on
* @return {String} The modified string
function explodeString (str) {
return (str || '').replace(/!~FIREDOC_LINE~!/g, '\n');
module.exports = {
* Handle with params
* @method params
'param': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
target.params = target.params || [];
if (!value) {
message: 'param name/type/descript missing',
line: utils.stringlog(block)
console.warn('param name/type/descript missing: ' + utils.stringlog(block));
var type, name, parts, optional, optdefault, parent, multiple, len, result,
desc = implodeString(utils.safetrim(value)),
match = REGEX_TYPE.exec(desc),
host = target.params,
// Extract {type}
if (match) {
type_ = utils.safetrim(match[2]);
type = utils.safetrim(match[2]);
desc = utils.safetrim(match[1] + match[3]);
// extract the first word, this is the param name
match = REGEX_FIRSTWORD.exec(desc);
if (match) {
name = utils.safetrim(explodeString(match[1]));
desc = utils.safetrim(match[3]);
if (!name) {
if (value && value.match(/callback/i)) {
message: 'Fixing missing name for callback',
line: utils.stringlog(block)
console.warn('Fixing missing name for callback:' + utils.stringlog(block));
name = 'callback';
type = 'Callback';
} else {
message: 'param name missing: ' + value,
line: utils.stringlog(block)
console.warn('param name missing: ' + value + ':' + utils.stringlog(block));
name = 'UNKNOWN';
len = name.length - 1;
if (name.charAt(len) === '*') {
multiple = true;
name = name.substr(0, len);
// extract [name], optional param
if (name.indexOf('[') > -1) {
match = REGEX_OPTIONAL.exec(name);
if (match) {
optional = true;
name = utils.safetrim(match[1]);
// extract optional=defaultvalue
parts = name.split('=');
if (parts.length > 1) {
name = parts[0];
optdefault = parts[1];
//Add some shortcuts for object/array defaults
if (optdefault.toLowerCase() === 'object') {
optdefault = '{}';
if (optdefault.toLowerCase() === 'array') {
optdefault = '[]';
// This should run after the check for optional parameters
// and before the check for child parameters
// because the signature for 0..n params is [...args]
if (name.substr(0, 3) === '...') {
multiple = true;
name = name.substr(3);
// parse object.prop, indicating a child property for object
if (name.indexOf('.') > -1) {
match = name.split('.');
parent = utils.safetrim(match[0]);
_.each(target.params, function (param) {
if ( === parent) {
param.props = param.props || [];
host = param.props;
name = utils.safetrim(match.join('.'));
if (match.length > 1) {
var pname = name.split('.')[0], par;
_.each(param.props, function (o) {
if ( === pname) {
par = o;
if (par) {
match = name.split('.');
name = match.join('.');
par.props = par.props || [];
host = par.props;
result = {
name: name,
description: explodeString(desc)
if (type) {
// find types from classitems
var item = _.findWhere(this.members, {'name': type});
if (!item && this.context.clazz) {
item = this.classes[this.context.clazz].types[type];
if (!item && this.context.module) {
item = this.modules[this.context.module].types[type];
// finded the type
if (item && item.params) {
// Dont remove the clone, because the item.params will be
// used by multiple results, so that we need to clone a new
// one for its own usage.
result.description = result.description || item.description;
result.props = _.clone(item.params);
result.type = type_;
} else {
result.type = type;
if (optional) {
result.optional = true;
if (optdefault) {
result.optdefault = optdefault;
if (multiple) {
result.multiple = true;
// localize the description
result.description = utils.localize(result.description);
// push localized result to host
* Handle with return
* @method return
'return': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
var desc = implodeString(utils.safetrim(value)),
match = REGEX_TYPE.exec(desc),
result = {};
if (match) {
type = utils.safetrim(match[2]);
desc = utils.safetrim(match[1] + match[3]);
result = {
description: utils.unindent(explodeString(desc))
if (type) {
result.type = type;
// remove the fist char '-' for @return tag
result.description = result.description.replace(/^\s?-\s?/, '');
// localize the description
result.description = utils.localize(result.description);
target[tagname] = result;
* Handle with throws
* @property throws
'throws': 'return',
'injects': 'return',
// trying to overwrite the constructor value is a bad idea
'constructor': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
target.isConstructor = true;
// A key bock type for declaring modules and submodules
// subsequent class and member blocks will be assigned
// to this module.
'module': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
this.context.module = value;
if (target._raw.process) {
target.process = utils.fmtProcess(target._raw.process);
if (target._raw && target._raw.main === value) {
this.context.mainModule = {
tag: tagname,
name: value,
file: target.file,
line: target.line,
type: 'modules',
description: utils.localize(target.description)
var mainModule = this.context.mainModule;
var currModule = this.modules[value];
if (!currModule._main && target._raw.main === {
utils.defineReadonly(currModule, 'file', mainModule.file);
utils.defineReadonly(currModule, 'line', mainModule.line);
return currModule;
//Setting the description for the module..
'main': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
var o = target;
o.mainName = value;
o.tag = 'main';
o.itemtype = 'main';
o.description = utils.localize(o.description);
o._main = true;
this.context.mainModule = o;
// accepts a single project definition for the source tree
'project': function (tagname, value, target, block) { = value;
this.project.description = this.project.description || value;
// accepts a single project logo definition
'logo': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
this.project.logo = value;
// A key bock type for declaring submodules. subsequent class and
// member blocks will be assigned to this submodule.
'submodule': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
this.context.submodule = value;
var host = this.modules[value];
var clazz = this.context.clazz;
var parent = this.context.module;
if (parent) {
host.module = parent;
var parentModule = this.context.ast.modules[parent];
if (parentModule) {
this.context.ast.modules[parent].submodules[] = host;
if (clazz && this.classes[clazz]) {
this.classes[clazz].submodule = value;
return host;
// this is a way to abstract the definitions of callback arguments
'callback': function (tagname, value, target, block) { = value;
target.isTypeDef = true;
// A key bock type for declaring classes, subsequent
// member blocks will be assigned to this class
'class': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
var self = this;
var fullname, host, parent;
// set the process and attach the process on `target`
if (target._raw.process) {
target.process = utils.fmtProcess(target._raw.process);
} else {
var mod = this.modules[this.context.module];
if (mod) {
target.process = mod.process;
if (target._raw.extends) {
var extended = target._raw.extends;
if (!extended) {
console.warn('usage: `@extends <class>`, but only found `@extends`');
} else if (!this.inheritedMembers.length) {
this.inheritedMembers.push([extended, value]);
} else {
var needNewItem = true;
var item, at;
_.some(this.inheritedMembers, function (member) {
item = member;
at = member.indexOf(extended);
if (member.length - 1 === at) {
return true; // break
if (member[at + 1] === value) {
needNewItem = false;
return true;
if (at !== -1) {
return true;
}, this);
if (needNewItem) {
if (extended !== item[item.length - 1]) {
var newItem = item.slice(0, at + 1);
} else {
this.context.clazz = value;
fullname = this.context.clazz;
host = this.classes[fullname] || {};
parent = this.context.module;
if (parent && host) {
host.module = parent;
// set `is_enum` when the tagname is "enum"
if (tagname === 'enum') {
host.isEnum = true;
host.type = 'enums';
} else {
host.isEnum = false;
host.type = 'classes';
//Merge host and target in case the class was defined in a "for" tag
//before it was defined in a "class" tag
host = _.extend(host, target);
this.classes[fullname] = host;
parent = this.context.submodule;
if (parent) {
host.submodule = parent;
// localize
host.description = utils.localize(host.description);
target.description = host.description;
return host;
// just defer from class in their names
'enum': 'class',
// change 'const' to final property
'const': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
target.itemtype = 'property'; = value;
/*jshint sub:true */
target['final'] = '';
// supported classitems
'property': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
var match, name, desc, type;
target.itemtype = tagname; = value;
if (target._raw.process) {
target.process = utils.fmtProcess(target._raw.process);
if (tagname === 'property') {
var propM = value.match(/^\{(.+)\} ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*\-?\s*(.+)?$/);
if (propM && propM.length === 4) {
value = propM[2];
target.type = propM[1]; = propM[2];
target.description = propM[3];
if (!target.type) {
desc = implodeString(utils.safetrim(value));
match = REGEX_TYPE.exec(desc);
// Extract {type}
if (match) {
type = utils.safetrim(match[2]);
name = utils.safetrim(match[1] + match[3]);
target.type = type; = name;
// localize the description
target.description = utils.localize(target.description);
'method': 'property',
'attribute': 'property',
'config': 'property',
'event': 'property',
// access fields
'public': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
target.access = tagname;
target.tagname = value;
'private': 'public',
'protected': 'public',
'inner': 'public',
// tags that can have multiple occurances in a single block
'todo': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
if (!_.isArray(target[tagname])) {
target[tagname] = [];
//If the item is @tag one,two
if (value.indexOf(',') > -1) {
value = value.split(',');
} else {
value = [value];
value.forEach(function (v) {
v = utils.safetrim(v);
'extension_for': 'extensionfor',
'extensionfor': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
var clazz = this.context.clazz;
if (this.classes[clazz]) {
'example': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
if (value) {
var linkMatch = value.match(/\{@link (.+)\}/);
if (linkMatch && linkMatch.length === 2) {
var relative = utils.safetrim(linkMatch[1]);
var examplePath = process.cwd() + '/' + relative;
if (fs.existsSync(examplePath)) {
value = fs.readFileSync(examplePath, 'utf8');
value = '```' + value;
} else {
value = '```Not found for the example path: ' + relative;
if (!_.isArray(target[tagname])) {
target[tagname] = [];
var e = value;
block.forEach(function (v) {
if (v.tag === 'example') {
if (v.value.indexOf(value) > -1) {
e = v.value;
'url': 'todo',
'icon': 'todo',
'see': 'todo',
'requires': 'todo',
'knownissue': 'todo',
'uses': 'todo',
'category': 'todo',
'unimplemented': 'todo',
genericValueTag: function (tagname, value, target, block) {
target[tagname] = value;
'author': 'genericValueTag',
'contributor': 'genericValueTag',
'since': 'genericValueTag',
'deprecated': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
target.deprecated = true;
if (typeof value === 'string' && value.length) {
target.deprecationMessage = value;
// updates the current class only (doesn't create
// a new class definition)
'for': function (tagname, value, target, block) {
var ns, file, mod;
this.context.clazz = value;
ns = ((this.classes[value]) ? this.classes[value].namespace : '');
this.context.namespace = ns;
file = this.context.file;
if (file) {
this.files[file].fors[value] = 1;
mod = this.context.module;
if (mod) {
this.modules[mod].fors[value] = 1;
mod = this.context.submodule;
if (mod) {
this.modules[mod].fors[value] = 1;