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Ivan Reutenko edited this page Jun 19, 2024 · 20 revisions

Playground repository where you can run tests in different helpers on a basic single-page website.

Tests repository demonstrate usage of

  • Playwright helper
  • Puppeteer helper
  • WebDriver helper
  • TestCafe plugin
  • Toggle headless mode with env variables
  • PageObjects
  • Cucumber syntax

CodeceptJS repo contains basic tests (both failing and passing) just to show how it works. Our team uses it to test new features and run simple scenarios.

This repository contains complete E2E framework for CodeceptJS with Cucumber and SauceLabs Integration

  • CodecepJS-Cucumber E2E Framework
  • Saucelabs Integration
  • Run Cross Browser tests in Parallel on SauceLabs with a simple command
  • Run tests on chrome:headless
  • Page Objects
  • Should.js Assertion Library
  • Uses wdio service (selenium-standalone, sauce)
  • Allure HTML Reports
  • Uses shared Master configuration
  • Sample example and feature files of GitHub Features

Complex testing solution by Gen3


  • classical CodeceptJS tests
  • BDD tests
  • Jenkins integration
  • Complex Before/BeforeSuite scripts and more

End 2 end tests for Task management app (currently offline).

Tests repository demonstrate usage of

  • Puppeteer helper
  • ApiDataFactory helper
  • autoLogin plugin
  • Dynamic config with profiles

Examples from the book Practical End 2 End Testing with CodeceptJS by Paul Vincent Beigang.

This repository demonstrates usage of:

  • dynamic config with profiles
  • testing WYSIWYG editor
  • GitLab CI

Testing Amazon website using Selenium WebDriver.

This repository demonstrates usage of:

  • WebDriver helper
  • Page Objects
  • wdio services (selenium-standalone)
  • Parallel execution
  • GitLab CI setup

Running CodeceptJS tests with Docker Compose

This repository demonstrates usage of:

  • CodeceptJS Docker image
  • WebDriver helper
  • Allure plugin

Based on Setting up End-to-End Testing in Angular Project with CodeceptJS post by Armno Prommarak.

This repository demonstrates usage of

  • Puppeteer helper
  • Working with Angular CLI
  • Reports with Mochawesome helper

This repository demonstrates usage of

  • REST helper

The purpose of this application is for learning the basics and how to use good practices and useful tools in automation.

  • Puppeteer helper
  • Working with gherkin, also it has type definitions and to be able to use them inside when, given and then make sure you add declare function inject(): { I: CodeceptJS.I, [key: string]: any; };in the steps.d.tsfile
  • Linting airbnb-base, codeceptjs/codeceptjs and full ES6 support

This is a ready to use example that shows how to integrate CodeceptJS with Puppeteer and Allure as reporting tool.

  • detailed ReadMe
  • tests written in cucumber alongside tests written in the codeceptJS DSL
  • puppeteer helper example
  • test steps, pages, fragments
  • examples for sequential and parallel execution
  • generation of allure test results

One button example with built-in mocked backend.

If you already have a UI testing solution based on the CodeceptJS and you need to implement advanced REST API testing you can just extend your existing framework. Use this implementation as an example. This is necessary if all integrations with TMS and CI/CD are already configured, and you do not want to reconnect and configure the plugins and libraries used for the new test runner. Use CodeceptJS!

  • Easy run
  • Detailed README
  • Well documented mocked backend's REST API endpoints
  • HTTP request client with session support and unit tests
  • Exemplary code control
  • Ready to launch in a CI/CD system as is
  • OOP, Test data models and builders, endpoint decorators
  • Tests are written in TS
  • CI/CD with Github Actions
  • Page Object Model is applied
  • ReportPortal Integration

How to

  • Create a plugin with TS link