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This is the app for the MD Pilot. This is a standard Spring Boot application that uses the form-flow Java package as a library.

To see an example of an application built on form flow, check out the form-flow-starter-app repo.

Setup Instructions

System dependencies

  • java
  • java development kit
  • gradle
  • postgres
  • intelliJ and EnvFile
  • Database Setup
  • form-flow library

Note: these instructions are specific to macOS, but the same dependencies do need to be installed on Windows as well.

Java Development Kit

If you do not already have Java 17 installed, we recommend doing this:

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install --cask temurin17

Set up jenv to manage your jdk versions

First run brew install jenv.

Add the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc:

export PATH="$HOME/.jenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(jenv init -)"

For m1 macs, if the above snippet doesn't work, try:

export PATH="$HOME/.jenv/bin:$PATH"
export JENV_ROOT="/opt/homebrew/Cellar/jenv/"
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
eval "$(jenv init -)"

Reload your terminal, then finally run this from the repo's root directory:

jenv add /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-17.jdk/Contents/Home


brew install gradle

Start the local databases

  • Install PostgreSQL 14 via an official download
    • Or on macOS, through homebrew: brew install postgresql@14

Database Setup

Create a new database for the mdbenefits app and test app:

$ createdb mdbenefits

$ createdb mdbenefits_test

Create new users for the mdbenefits and mdbenefits_test dbs:

$ createuser -s mdbenefits

$ createuser -s mdbenefits_test

IntelliJ should prompt you to add configurations for the two databases. If not, you can add them manually by going to the Database tab and adding a new data source. Select localhost as the host for both, and the default port for PostgreSQL is 5432. Choose no authentication for both.

Setup IntelliJ and EnvFile

Note that you'll need to provide some environment variables specified in sample.env to your IDE/shell to run the application. We use IntelliJ and have provided setup instructions for convenience.

  • cp sample.env .env (.env is marked as ignored by git)
  • Download the EnvFile plugin and follow the setup instructions here to set up Run Configurations with EnvFile.

You'll find the actual values you should use for the keys in the sample.env file in the shared LastPass.

Setup Live Templates

Using a local version of the Form-Flow Library (For Form-Flow Library Developers)

To use a local version of the form-flow library you can do the following:

  1. Clone the form-flow repo in the same directory as the mdbenefits app.
  2. Build the form-flow library jar: ./gradlew clean test build
  3. In this starter app, set the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE to dev in the .env file
  4. Start the mdbenefits-app: ./gradlew clean test build

Changing the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE to dev will cause the starter app's build.gradle to pull in the local library, via this line:

implementation fileTree(dir: "$rootDir/../form-flow/lib/build/libs", include: '*.jar')


inputData is the data entered by clients saved as a json blob in the DB


  "lastName": "Spears", 
  "birthDate": ["12", "2", "1981"],
  "firstName": "Britney",
  "caseNumber": "0000",
  "phoneNumber": "(123) 456-7890",
  "emailAddress": "",
  "ssn": "some-encrypted-ssn",
  "uploadDocuments": "[\"some-file-path\"]",
  "uploadDocumentsFeedback": "easy",
  "uploadDocumentsFeedbackDetail": "this was super easy"

url_params are the params that are included in the requests


  "lang": "en",
  "ref_id": "1234"