For development, you need up-to-date versions of the following gems (sudo gem install <gemname>
- rake
- activerecord
- mysql (if you use MySQL)
- pg (if you use PostgreSQL)
- newgem
Fork the invoicing gem on GitHub, then clone it to your machine:
$ git clone
You need to set up a test database. You can modify the settings for the test database in
, but if you stick with the defaults, you can set up the database like this:
$ echo "create database ept_invoicing_test" | mysql -uroot
$ echo "grant all on ept_invoicing_test.* to 'build'@'localhost'" | mysql -uroot
Then run the tests by typing rake
To set up the test database, run something like the following as root:
# su -c 'createuser -SDRP invoicing' postgres # (enter "password" as password)
# su -c 'createdb -O invoicing invoicing_test' postgres
Then run the tests by typing:
$ DATABASE=postgresql rake