Pull requests are welcomed along with the following:
- PR documenting what is changed, why it is changed / needed
- Pre-commit formatting, otherwise LINT will fail
- New / Update to tests for new functionality
- tests should pass all trio db - sqlite, mysql, postgres
Known Linux Requirements
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev & libpq-dev
virtualenv -p python3 py-env
source py-env/bin/activate
(py-env) $ pip install -r requirements-test.txt
(py-env) $ pre-commit install
Tests can be started via vscode debugger, or using make
Start DB container, for MySql or Postgres
docker-compose up mysql -d
docker-compose up postgres -d
Set ENV for tests being run
export ENV='sqlite|mysql|postgres'
(py-env) $ make test
(py-env) $ make test-migrations