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Feature: Multi ORM Planning

gregbell edited this page Feb 10, 2012 · 1 revision

Here are some of the ideas that need to be fleshed out for Active Admin to support multiple ORMs.

Resource Registration

When a resource is registered, it should instantiate the correct adapter for the given backend. So if an ActiveRecord subclass is registered, it should instantiate an ActiveAdmin::ResourceAdapter::ActiveRecord. (Note class naming is up for discussion still)

The type could also be explicitly passed in.

For example:

ActiveAdmin.register User, :type => :mongoid

Abstract Adapter

Adapters will have to suppor the following:

  • Retrieving a collection for the index page. Most of the features required for this are in ActiveAdmin::ResourceController::Collection
    • Sorting
    • Scoping (support for the scope AA dsl method)
    • Scope to (support for the scope_to AA DSL method)
    • Pagination
    • Search / Filtering
  • Instantiate and return a new resource
  • Create a new resource from params
  • Find a specific resource
    • This could include a scope_to or belongs_to AA relationship
  • Edit a resource

Libraries can register a new AbstractAdapter subclass and should also be able to specify some logic for when it get's used.

For example:

class MyCustomAdapter < ActiveAdmin::ResourceAdpater::Abstract; end

ActiveAdmin::ResourceAdpater.register :my_custom, MyCustomAdapater do |resource_class|
  # This block get's run if the user does not explicitly pass
  # in the :type option. Return true from it if your adapter should be used

Abstract Adapter Feature Support

Active Admin supports many features which may not be supported by all ORMs. Initially, the sidebar filtering comes to mind. ORMs should have a way of letting the system know if certain features are enabled on them.

For example:

class SimpleAdapter < ActiveAdmin::ResourceAdapater::Abstract
  def supports_filters?

ActiveAdmin.register SomeObj, :type => :simple_adapter do
  filter :name #=> raises an exception since this feature is not support
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