Single header-only INI parser written in Modern C++20.
Same sections will be merge with a warning written into a stderr.
Same keys inside same sections will be skipped with warning written into stderr (only the first occurence will be chosen, others skipped).
However same keys in different sections are allowed.
You can find this example file in example/
. This is the whole API.
// Copyright (c) 2022 CODESOLE
// test file
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
#include "ini-parser.hh"
int main([[maybe_unused]] int argc, [[maybe_unused]] char *argv[]) {
// create ini::parser object with specified file location and with selected
// comment-char which can be either ';' or '#'. It will ignore contents
// after that symbol.
// ini::comment_char::hash_tag => '#'
// ini::comment_char::semi_col => ';'
ini::parser<ini::comment_char::semi_col> ini_file("test/sample_semi.ini");
//ini::parser<ini::comment_char::hash_tag> ini_file("test/sample_hash.ini");
// print raw string that read from file
// print directly into stdout with std::cout overload
std::cout << ini_file;
// get raw string that read from file
const auto &raw_str = ini_file.get_raw_string();
std::cout << raw_str << std::endl;
// get const reference of parsed data structure which is
// std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string,
// std::string>>
const ini::parsed_data &const_ref = ini_file.get_parsed_data();
// get non-const reference of parsed data structure which is
// std::unordered_map<std::string, std::unordered_map<std::string,
// std::string>>
ini::parsed_data &non_const_ref = ini_file.get_parsed_data();
// accessing at specific section and specific property (e.g http -> port)
std::cout <<"http").at("port") << std::endl;
// modifying parsed element"http").at("port") = "3443";
std::cout <<"http").at("port") << std::endl;
// write parsed/modified data structure into a new .ini file
// dump parsed data into stringstream
std::stringstream ss{};
// const reference
if (ini_file.get_properties_of_section("http").has_value()) {
const auto &const_http_section =
for (const auto &[key, val] : const_http_section)
std::cout << key << " = " << val << std::endl;
// non-const reference
if (ini_file.get_properties_of_section("http").has_value()) {
auto &non_const_http_section =
for (auto &[key, val] : non_const_http_section)
std::cout << key << " = " << val << std::endl;
return 0;