What's Changed
- Added Arrays in Linear Data Structures by @czgdp1807 in #1
- Workflow Setup by @czgdp1807 in #2
- Added authors by @czgdp1807 in #3
- Array has been completed by @czgdp1807 in #4
- Added Binary Tree by @czgdp1807 in #5
- [WIP] Added Segment Trees by @czgdp1807 in #10
- Moved test file to correct place by @czgdp1807 in #12
- Added Stack by @czgdp1807 in #14
- [WIP] Added codecov by @czgdp1807 in #16
- [DO NOT MERGE] Testing code cov by @czgdp1807 in #18
- Increased coverage by @czgdp1807 in #20
- [WIP] Added binary tree traversals by @czgdp1807 in #21
- Added AVL Tree by @czgdp1807 in #23
- Added Dynamic Arrays by @czgdp1807 in #28
- Added 'slots' in classes #29 by @udhayacommits in #30
- Added order statistics to BST by @czgdp1807 in #31
- Updated README.md by @czgdp1807 in #33
- Renamed class
by @raajtilaksarma in #35 - Added reason for using Python by @Saptashrungi in #45
- Added Binary Heap by @czgdp1807 in #46
- Convert _heapify method to an iterative one by @vpuru98 in #53
- Added DoublyLinkedList by @czgdp1807 in #55
- Test Using 'Raises' are now asserted! by @TarunTomar122 in #54
- Removed import from future by @TarunTomar122 in #58
- Added link for google groups by @czgdp1807 in #60
- Corrected email id of group by @czgdp1807 in #61
- #64 Use comparision by reference for bool type objects by @Saptashrungi in #66
- Updated object to class name #57 by @TarunTomar122 in #63
- Added '.vs' files to '.gitignore' by @NeelavaChatterjee in #73
- Added tests for code quality by @czgdp1807 in #72
- Added setup file by @czgdp1807 in #75
- [WIP] Added Binomial Heap by @czgdp1807 in #68
- Using DynamicOneDimensionalArray in Arraystack by @Saptashrungi in #69
- Added some fixes and quality tests by @czgdp1807 in #78
- Added Graphs by @czgdp1807 in #80
- Add AdjacencyMatrix implementation for graphs by @czgdp1807 in #81
- Removed incorrect spacing with punctuation by @iamrajiv in #84
- Fixed Incorrectness in Documentation by @iamrajiv in #83
- Added Queue data structure by @iamrajiv in #85
- Improved README.md by @Jprillaman in #93
- Update README.md by @manaswinidas in #98
- Added Testing information for Devs in README.md by @iamrajiv in #97
- Increased code coverage by @iamrajiv in #95
- DoublyLinkedList Fixed and SinglyLinkedList Added by @prshnt19 in #99
- Update AUTHORS by @prshnt19 in #117
- Improved README.md by @iamrajiv in #122
- Issue #49 circular linked list by @prshnt19 in #115
- Improved examples by @iamrajiv in #123
- Added LCA and tests by @nethish in #88
- pop_left and pop_right returns value by @prshnt19 in #125
- Added Serial BFS by @czgdp1807 in #126
- LinkedListQueue Added by @prshnt19 in #127
- Added parallel BFS by @czgdp1807 in #130
- Added Fenwick Trees by @aravind-karthikeyan in #92
- DHeap added by @prshnt19 in #118
- TreeNode check added for heap.py by @HarsheetKakar in #135
- Removed TODO from 3 files by @Riyagoel2 in #141
- Removed redundancy in Graph API by @czgdp1807 in #144
- Restructured queue.py and stack.py by @HarsheetKakar in #152
- Tests for queue and stack updated by @HarsheetKakar in #163
- Added Disjoint set data structure by @czgdp1807 in #143
- Added sequential Kurskal Algorithm by @czgdp1807 in #168
- Removed unnecessary aliasing of OneDimensionalArray #161 by @ShebinJoseph in #165
- Made quality tests more verbose by @czgdp1807 in #169
- Added implementation for M-ary tree by @vibhu18116 in #140
- LinkedListNode doc updated by @HarsheetKakar in #172
- Added parallel merge sort by @czgdp1807 in #177
- [WIP] Added base class SelfBalancingTree for Red Black Tree by @HarsheetKakar in #176
- Rename file
by @czgdp1807 in #178 - Added parallel kruskal algorithm by @czgdp1807 in #184
- SelfBalancingTree updated by @HarsheetKakar in #189
- Modified LinkedList API by @czgdp1807 in #191
- Added naive implementation of priority queue by @czgdp1807 in #196
- Changing all type() to _check_type() by @din1881 in #197
- Added note of caution in
by @sar99 in #199 - Added more implementations of priority queue by @czgdp1807 in #205
- Added sequential Prim's algorithm by @czgdp1807 in #210
- reversed method applied in DODA by @HarsheetKakar in #211
- Updated gitignore for gh-pages by @czgdp1807 in #214
- Enhancement in sorting algorithms by @czgdp1807 in #216
- brick_sort implemented by @HarsheetKakar in #207
- Added str methods for ODA and DODA by @HarsheetKakar in #208
- Added parallel Prim's algorithm by @czgdp1807 in #219
- Docs for Prim's algorithm updated by @czgdp1807 in #220
- Added tests by @HarsheetKakar in #222
- Added abstract methods for LinkedList base class by @HarsheetKakar in #223
- Refactored graphs by @czgdp1807 in #225
- Update README.md by @czgdp1807 in #227
- Removed print statement by @czgdp1807 in #228
- Added Kosaraju's algorithm for SCC by @czgdp1807 in #233
- Bricksort parallel implemented by @HarsheetKakar in #221
- Update readme.md to include links to data structure visualisation websites by @arathyrose in #237
- heaps.py supports list, tuple and pydatastructs.Array by @HarsheetKakar in #218
- Parallel matrix multiplication algorithm added by @HarsheetKakar in #241
made optional in public API by @HarsheetKakar in #249- Fixed _left_rotate and _right_rotate by @Aimaanhasan in #238
- Added implementation for Splay Trees. by @Vanshika266 in #157
- Heapsort by @HarsheetKakar in #243
- DFS implemented (using the BFS API) by @HarsheetKakar in #253
- Fixed issue with
by @Aimaanhasan in #259 - Quality tests for public API by @czgdp1807 in #255
- Add links to wiki in README by @abhishektandon in #262
- Implemeted
by @Aimaanhasan in #235 - Update AUTHORS by @HarsheetKakar in #265
- Update README.md by @Souvikns in #266
- Parameter order changed in docstrings by @Ryand1234 in #275
- Multi-dimensional array added by @JeanPierreMR in #256
- Added counting sort by @czgdp1807 in #280
- Implemented Bellman-Ford algorithm by @czgdp1807 in #283
- Kahn's algorithm for topological sort by @czgdp1807 in #286
- Fixed kahn's topological sort and added parallel topological sort by @czgdp1807 in #288
- Adding RedBlackTree by @MuskanPaliwal in #293
- editorconfig file by @HarsheetKakar in #297
- Added Trie Data Structure by @czgdp1807 in #299
- Added Bucket Sort by @seshasaisuhashdesu in #300
- adding dijsktra algorithm by @Kiran-Venkatesh in #301
- #289 add floyd warshall algorithm by @Kiran-Venkatesh in #302
- Replaced the tests of Binary Trees that need manual string matching by @ravisrc in #304
- Added cocktail shaker sort by @Arvind-raj06 in #312
- Minor fix in cocktail_shaker_sort by @czgdp1807 in #313
- Adding Quicksort by @Arvind-raj06 in #314
- Adding Longest Common Subsequence by @Arvind-raj06 in #315
- potential code refactor, optimize code performance by @tusharnankani in #316
- Fixed AdjacencyList.add_vertex by @czgdp1807 in #320
- Added Deque - Array by @Arvind-raj06 in #321
- Adding skiplist by @Arvind-raj06 in #328
- Grammatical errors corrected. by @anirudhsai20 in #334
- Syntax Warning Fixed by @malay5 in #349
- Update guidelines in readme by @Smit-create in #350
- Added
in DSU by @Smit-create in #342 - Add line number in errors for easy debugging by @Smit-create in #358
- Added a function to check ordering in ODA and DODA by @Nora2412 in #344
- Added returns in is_ordered docs by @czgdp1807 in #359
- upper_bound and lower_bound functions added by @sHiVaNgI821 in #351
- Update README.md by @KajalSinghBAGHEL in #380
- Longest increasing subsequence added by @sHiVaNgI821 in #364
- Added next_permutation algorithm by @pratikgl in #405
- Fixed build status badge in
by @czgdp1807 in #408 - Implementation of the Knuth-Morris-Pratt (KMP) string matching algorithm by @sjathin in #403
- Corrected API in longest_increasing_subsequence by @pratikgl in #410
- Modified Error messages by @pratikgl in #411
- Fixed typo in error message by @czgdp1807 in #412
- Added Rabin–Karp algorithm by @pratikgl in #413
- Adding
for timing out Travis CI jobs by @czgdp1807 in #416 - Documentation generation using Sphinx by @czgdp1807 in #415
- Added readthedocs condig file by @czgdp1807 in #417
- Do not invoke setupy.py directly. by @Carreau in #418
- Added Sparse table data structure for RMQ by @pratikgl in #414
- Added contents to documentation website by @czgdp1807 in #419
- Added version attributes by @czgdp1807 in #420
Full Changelog: https://github.com/codezonediitj/pydatastructs/commits/v0.0.1-alpha
- Docs modification for better clarification by @pratikgl in #424
- Made the API of
consistent by @czgdp1807 in #425 - Added notebook for California road network by @czgdp1807 in #426
- Added salient features of PyDataStructs by @czgdp1807 in #428
Full Changelog: v0.0.1-alpha...v0.0.1-beta
New Contributors
- @udhayacommits made their first contribution in #30
- @raajtilaksarma made their first contribution in #35
- @Saptashrungi made their first contribution in #45
- @vpuru98 made their first contribution in #53
- @TarunTomar122 made their first contribution in #54
- @NeelavaChatterjee made their first contribution in #73
- @iamrajiv made their first contribution in #84
- @Jprillaman made their first contribution in #93
- @manaswinidas made their first contribution in #98
- @prshnt19 made their first contribution in #99
- @nethish made their first contribution in #88
- @aravind-karthikeyan made their first contribution in #92
- @HarsheetKakar made their first contribution in #135
- @Riyagoel2 made their first contribution in #141
- @ShebinJoseph made their first contribution in #165
- @vibhu18116 made their first contribution in #140
- @din1881 made their first contribution in #197
- @sar99 made their first contribution in #199
- @arathyrose made their first contribution in #237
- @Aimaanhasan made their first contribution in #238
- @Vanshika266 made their first contribution in #157
- @abhishektandon made their first contribution in #262
- @Souvikns made their first contribution in #266
- @Ryand1234 made their first contribution in #275
- @JeanPierreMR made their first contribution in #256
- @MuskanPaliwal made their first contribution in #293
- @seshasaisuhashdesu made their first contribution in #300
- @Kiran-Venkatesh made their first contribution in #301
- @ravisrc made their first contribution in #304
- @Arvind-raj06 made their first contribution in #312
- @tusharnankani made their first contribution in #316
- @anirudhsai20 made their first contribution in #334
- @malay5 made their first contribution in #349
- @Smit-create made their first contribution in #350
- @Nora2412 made their first contribution in #344
- @sHiVaNgI821 made their first contribution in #351
- @KajalSinghBAGHEL made their first contribution in #380
- @pratikgl made their first contribution in #405
- @sjathin made their first contribution in #403
- @Carreau made their first contribution in #418