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File metadata and controls

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build and test workflow

Development documentation

This documentation provides a high level view on the technical components of the extension project.

Table of contents

  1. General
  2. Releasing
  3. Project structure
  4. Feature overview
    1. Shortcut snippets
    2. Inline completion
    3. Snippet search
    4. Rosie code analysis
    5. Settings
  5. Frameworks/Packages
  6. Testing
  7. Links/Help


As Visual Studio has a long history, the SDK also has different APIs. The older one is referred to as Legacy API and the current one uses the MEF and async API. Not all APIs were migrated to the new style yet, so we have a mix of both in the extension. For example, the API for inserting snippets is a Legacy API.


The Managed Extensibility Framework is working like a dependency injection framework for Visual Studio components. Registering implementations of a type or interface is done via the [Export] attribute and receiving already registered components and services is done via [Import]. Depending on the context most exported components are instantiated as singletons.


The build and release process is automated via GitHub Actions. The release workflow is defined in release.yml.


The version of the extension is stored in the manifest file src/source.extension.vsixmanifest. The vsix manifest editor in Visual Studio generates the C#-Class src/Extension/source.extension.cs that is used to version the assemblies. To update the Version of the Extension I recommend doing it in the VSIX-editor.

Releasing a new version to the marketplace

To trigger a new release build follow these steps:

  1. Update the manifest file with the new version number in Visual Studio
  2. Draft a new release on GitHub with a new tag matching the version of the manifest file
  3. Create the release. This will trigger the release pipeline that will take care of updating the marketplace.

To further automate this process, we would need to update the manifest file AND the C#-File with the just generated version tag before the extension is compiled in the build step.

Project structure

The project is divided into three projects:

Visual Studio Extensions still need to target full .NET 4.8 Framework as Visual Studio itself is not migrated to .NET 6 or 7. That means for all libraries and packages we reference in our Extension.csproj we can only use .NET Standard 2.0.

Folder structure

  • AssistantCompletion - support for shortcut completion
  • Caching - everything related to Snippet caching
  • InlineCompletion - support for inline snippet completion
  • Logging - Helper classes for Rollbar logging
  • Rosie - Static code analysis and its lightbulb actions
  • Settings - Handling current VS setting including the Codiga settings dialog
  • SnippetFormats - The different snippet models and the parsing
  • SnippetSearch - The menu entry and the tool window for the snippet search
  • ExtensionPackage.cs - registrations for settings dialog and search window
  • .vsixmanifest - metadata for the extension that will show up in the marketplace

Feature overview

GraphQL client, queries and mutations

The extension uses a GraphQL client to send queries and mutations to Codiga.

The queries are used to fetch timestamp-, snippet- and ruleset related data from Codiga, while mutations are used to send metrics to Codiga of the usage of certain functionality, for example when a Rosie fix is applied.

The query files are available under the GraphQLClient/Queries folder, and are loaded and provided via QueryProvider.cs.


The User-Agent header is sent in order to identify the client application the GraphQL requests are sent from.

The RosieClient uses a value in the form " , e.g. Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 17 4, while CodigaClient uses a simpler one in the form "VisualStudio/, e.g. "VisualStudio/17.4.33103.184 D17.4".

User fingerprint

In general, the fingerprint is a unique string generated when the plugin is installed.

Codiga API Token

Having a Codiga account registered, using this token, users can access and use to their private rulesets and rules in the IDE.

The configuration is provided in the Visual Studio settings via ExtensionOptions.cs and the Extension.Settings namespace.

Shortcut snippets

The shortcut snippets feature is triggered by typing . in the editor. This is the general workflow: The key part here is that we prevent the normal code completion session from completing the keyword and start an Expansion session instead.


For the completion menu and triggering we use the standard API based on this example.


Snippet insertion sessions are called Expansion on the Visual Studio API. The insertion process is the same for all three features and is done in AssistantCompletion/ExpansionClient.cs. We bypass the regular .snippet files by calling:

public int IVsExpansion.InsertSpecificExpansion (
    MSXML.IXMLDOMNode pSnippet, 
    Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.TextSpan tsInsertPos,
    Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsExpansionClient pExpansionClient, 
    Guid guidLang, 
    string pszRelativePath, 
    out Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop.IVsExpansionSession pSession);

See the documentation.

This API allows us to insert snippets from in-memory XML using the Visual Studio snippet XML schema. We just need to serialize the incoming Codiga Recipes into the required XML format:

During the expansion session, we use IOleCommandTarget to handle incoming keystrokes and commands to pass Tab keys to the expansion and enable navigation between the user variables. The snippet usage reporting is also done in this module.

For more details look at the answer on this thread.

For a detailed explanation on the async completion API, there is a great GitHub issue at microsoft/vs-editor-api#Async Completion API discussion.

Inline completion

The inline completion is triggered by starting a line comment on a new line.


To be able to trigger the inline completion we make use of another IOleCommandTarget in InlineCompletion/InlineCompletionClient.cs. Where we check if a session should be started based on the typed text of the current line.


The preview is done by drawing on the editor Canvas by using TextAdornments which allows adding WPF controls in relation to editor text lines. The drawing of the instructions and the preview is done in InlineCompletionView.cs.

An approach inserting styled code directly to the editor was dismissed as scrolling through suggestions would add all of those to the undo/redo stack which resulted in a bad UX.


Inserting is handled the same way as with the shortcut snippets using ExpansionClient.StartExpansion().

Snippet search

The snippet search is implemented using a ToolWindow. Tool windows are written using WPF and the search window UI is defined in SnippetSearch/View/SnippetSearchControl.xaml. We try to follow MVVM as much as possible, therefore the UI is mostly driven by the Binding on SnippetSearchViewModel.cs.


The preview for snippets from the Snippet Search is done by inserting the code in the editor and using a Classifier to style the span in a way that makes it obvious to users that this is a preview. The classifier is polling the text spans to be classified on changes to the editor. While the preview is active we provide a static span to be used. When the preview ends, it is set to null. The whole preview and classification logic is grouped under SnippetSearch/Preview.


When inserting the snippet the preview span is replaced by the new Expansion via the ExpansionClient.

Menu item

To be able to bring up the tool window via the menu, two parts are needed:

  1. Define the menu item command in a VS command table (SnippetSearchPackage.vsct)
  2. Implement the command that gets fired when clicking the menu item (done in SearchWindowMenuCommand.cs)

Rosie code analysis

Rosie is the static code analysis tool and service of Codiga. Its implementation requirements are available at Implementing an IDE plugin for analyzing custom rules.

Rules cache

In order to perform code analysis, users must have a codiga.yml file in their Solution's root directory, with at least one valid ruleset name. If there is no ruleset name, or no valid ruleset name defined, then code analysis will not be performed. If what is opened is simply a folder, and not an actual solution, the codiga.yml file is still recognized in there.

CodigaConfigFileUtil is responsible for finding this config file in the Solution root, and for parsing this config file into a CodigaCodeAnalysisConfig containing the list of ruleset names.

Here comes in RosieRulesCache which provides a periodic background thread for polling the contents of this config file, and looking for rule changes on Codiga Hub, as well as the caches the received rules per language.

The cache is initialized when the tagging is first invoked in an editor. (See Tagging section below)

The periodic update is executed in every 10 seconds, and updates the cache if either the codiga.yml file has changed, or the configured rulesets (or underlying rules) have changed on Codiga Hub.

Rosie client

The rules are retrieved via RosieClient, and this is where RosieRulesCache is initialized before sending the first request to the Rosie server. This way, it is initialized only when code analysis is actually needed.

For response/request (de)serialization, you can find the model classes in the Extension.Rosie.Model namespace.

Adding new rule AST types

Adding support for new Rosie languages

First, you need to add the new language(s) in RosieLanguageSupport.SupportedLanguages and RosieLanguageSupport.GetRosieLanguage.

If a language needs special treatment on the caching part, make sure to update at least RosieRulesCache.GetCachedLanguageTypeOf.

If default ruleset suggestions are also needed for the language, then:

  • create a new Default*RulesetConfig constant in CodigaRulesetConfigs and hook it into CreateCodigaConfigFile(LanguageEnumeration, SVsServiceProvider) in CodigaConfigFileUtil.


Tagging in general in Visual Studio extensions

Tagging and lightbulb related classes are in the Extension.Rosie.Annotation namespace.

Tagging text in Visual Studio extensions means that you can associate information and data to specified spans/ranges of text in an editor. This information can be user-visible or not, can hold arbitrary information or can provide error highlighting.

To get a proper understanding of tagging, it is necessary to know a bit about the following editor related classes:

Class Functionality
ITextView It is a higher level view of a document being edited. This view may be associated with the editor itself, small code peek windows, or color highlighting on the scrollbar.
ITextBuffer A lower level view of a document via which you can also perform certain types of edits on the document. An ITextView instance holds a reference to an ITextBuffer.

The tagging functionality is provided by the VS platform via the following set of classes:

Class Functionality
ITag A type of marker to provide arbitrary information for a span of text.
IErrorTag An implementation of ITag that provides so-called squiggles for a span of text.
You can configure the type of the squiggle, which can be a custom type defined by the extension developer, and the tooltip to show on mouse-hover of the associated span of text.
ITagger Provides the logic based on which ITag markers are created and associated with a span of text.
IViewTaggerProvider Provides ITagger instances for an ITextView-ITextBuffer pair.
ITagAggregator Aggregates the list of tags of the specified ITag type from an editor.

External resources:

Tagging in the Codiga extension

The tagging logic is separated into two branches of classes to properly be able to provide Rosie violation and error squiggles related information. Their functionality is detailed in their code documentation.

Classification Rosie violations Squiggles
Stores information about the violation returned from Rosie. Stores the color definition and tooltip of the violation to render it to users.
ITag/IErrorTag RosieViolationTag RosieViolationSquiggleTag
ITagger RosieViolationTagger RosieViolationSquiggleTagger
IViewTaggerProvider RosieViolationTaggerProvider RosieViolationSquiggleTaggerProvider

Tagging flow on file open

When a user opens a file, or a file is already open when a Solution is being opened, the following flow of actions are performed to have tagging in the editor, including the extension initialization steps:

Tagging flow initials

Tagging flow during document editing

When a user makes a modification in a file (regardless of the file also being saved), the following event handling chain is performed, so that every affected component is notified that they should call an update on tagging and suggested actions:

Tagging flow during editing

The last step will trigger a call on RosieViolationSquiggleTagger.GetTags() and will perform the same tag generation and collection steps as on the flow diagram above.

Lightbulb actions

Lightbulb actions are actions that are provided in a context of texts or language elements. They are available and created when there is at least one violation (a RosieViolationTag) available for a span of text in the editor. Lightbulb actions are provided by RosieHighlightActionsSourceProvider and RosieHighlightActionsSource.

MSDN documentation: Displaying lightbulb suggestions

There are three lightbulb actions (quick fixes) available for each violation:

Action Behaviour Implementation classes Availability
Apply fix It applies the fix, a series of code edits. ApplyRosieFixSuggestedAction Available only when the violation returned from Rosie contains a fix.
Disable analysis It adds the codiga-disable comment above the violation's line, thus tells Rosie to disable analysis for that line. DisableRosieAnalysisSuggestedAction Always available.
Open on Codiga Hub It opens the rule's page on Codiga Hub in a web browser. OpenOnCodigaHubSuggestedAction Always available.


The settings dialog is also divided into the settings model and the options dialog that shows up in the VS settings. The definition and registration of the Codiga settings are done in Settings/ExtensionOptions.cs.

These settings are stored in the Windows registry and can be accessed via a singleton instance CodigaOptions.Instance.

The UI for the settings is defined in OptionsPage.xaml. For the simple settings dialog, the minimal logic is done in the code-behind file OptionsPage.xaml.cs.


List of used third-party frameworks and packages:

Library Purpose
NUnit Unit test framework
Moq For mocking in unit tests
GraphQL .NET For consuming the Codiga API
Visual Studio Community Toolkit For easier development against the VS SDK


In case testing on different environments is necessary, you can use the following endpoints:

Environment Codiga Rosie



Rosie related features are test via unit testing, with some mock types when it comes to tagging.

Due to UI and threading related limitations, the TextBuffer is replaced with a mock implementation that uses simple string manipulation under the hood. This makes is possible to test the tagging in a simpler way, and test the lightbulb actions in a "visual" way, being able to compare the before and after states of the document easily.


Some general overview of features and edge cases beyond the defined extension main features that should be tested with Visual Studio:

Scenario Expected
Drag a file tab out of the main VS window and create a new one All extension features should work in both windows
Changing the color theme under Tools -> Theme The search window should adapt to the new theme.
Changing the font settings under Tools -> Options -> Environment -> Fonts and Colors Should also affect the inline completion and snippet search preview.


Some helpful links: