This program will allow a user to create any number of sentences constructed from n-grams of any order from the any given corpus of text.
An n-gram is a sequence of N words.
The idea is to look at text as though examining
it through a window that can display only N words at a time, ... and while sliding
the window over the corpus of text, try to predict what the next word will be.
actual examples of program input and output, along with usage instructions
User wishes to generate 12 sentences from n-grams of length 4 occurring in texts found in files called one.txt, two.txt, and three.txt
USER at command line:
{(User will enter text after ~$ in command line as shown) Assumes terminal
is open in same directory as, one.txt, two.txt, and three.txt}
user@usersComputer:~$ python3 4 12 one.txt two.txt three.txt
This is a test of the emergency broadcast system. This is only a test. Had this been an actual emergency, you would have heard a siren! There is no actual emergency, so no siren was sounded. Please go about your business smartly! Also, Don't ignore these tests, ... That would be dangerous!
python3 4 5 test.txt
Had this been an actual emergency you would have heard a siren!
This is only a test.
Please go about your business smartly!
Please go about your business smartly!
Had this been an actual emergency you would have heard a siren!
python3 2 5 test.txt
Had this is no actual emergency broadcast system.
This is only a test of the emergency you would be dangerous!
This is a test.
This been an actual emergency you would have heard a siren!
Also don't ignore these tests that would be dangerous!