This document provides an extensive technical deep dive into how to create, manipulate and use YDLIDAR SDK's API.
The first part of demonstrating YDLIDAR SDK API is to understand the ydlidar_test/tof_test/etlidar_Test example. Following are one optinal concepts: ydlidar::os_init()
(basic unit) of the example.
In the YDLIDAR SDK, the ydlidar::os_init()
is optinal unit, If you need to accept Ctrl + C
or other system abnormal signals. you can use it to create a system state, and check whether the system is normal by ydlidar::os_isOk()
The system signal creation interface is as follows:
- when
has called, the system is in an initialized state, able to acceptCtrl + C
#include "CYdLidar.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
using namespace ydlidar;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma comment(lib, "ydlidar_sdk.lib")
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// init system signal
CYdLidar laser;
//////////////////////string property/////////////////
/// lidar port
std::string port = "/dev/ydlidar
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort, port.c_str(), port.size());
/// ignore array
std::string ignore_array;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropIgnoreArray, ignore_array.c_str(),
//////////////////////int property/////////////////
/// lidar baudrate
int optval = 230400;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialBaudrate, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// tof lidar
int optval = TYPE_TRIANGLE;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropLidarType, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// device type
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropDeviceType, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// sample rate
optval = 9;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSampleRate, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// abnormal count
optval = 4;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropAbnormalCheckCount, &optval, sizeof(int));
//////////////////////bool property/////////////////
/// fixed angle resolution
bool b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropFixedResolution, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// rotate 180
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropReversion, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// Counterclockwise
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropInverted, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
b_optvalue = true;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropAutoReconnect, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// one-way communication
b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSingleChannel, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// intensity
b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropIntenstiy, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// Motor DTR
b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSupportMotorDtrCtrl, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
//////////////////////float property/////////////////
/// unit: °
float f_optvalue = 180.0f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMaxAngle, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
f_optvalue = -180.0f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMinAngle, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
/// unit: m
f_optvalue = 16.f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMaxRange, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
f_optvalue = 0.1f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMinRange, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
/// unit: Hz
f_optvalue = 10.f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropScanFrequency, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
// initialize SDK and LiDAR
bool ret = laser.initialize();
if (ret) {//success
//Start the device scanning routine which runs on a separate thread and enable motor.
ret = laser.turnOn();
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", laser.DescribeError());
// Turn On success and loop
while (ret && ydlidar::os_isOk()) {
LaserScan scan;
if (laser.doProcessSimple(scan)) {
fprintf(stdout, "Scan received[%llu]: %u ranges is [%f]Hz\n",
(unsigned int)scan.points.size(), 1.0 / scan.config.scan_time);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get Lidar Data\n");
// Stop the device scanning thread and disable motor.
// Uninitialize the SDK and Disconnect the LiDAR.
return 0;
#include "CYdLidar.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
using namespace std;
using namespace ydlidar;
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma comment(lib, "ydlidar_sdk.lib")
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// init system signal
CYdLidar laser;
//////////////////////string property/////////////////
/// lidar port
std::string port = "/dev/ydlidar
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort, port.c_str(), port.size());
/// ignore array
std::string ignore_array;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropIgnoreArray, ignore_array.c_str(),
//////////////////////int property/////////////////
/// lidar baudrate
int optval = 512000;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialBaudrate, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// tof lidar
int optval = TYPE_TOF;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropLidarType, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// device type
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropDeviceType, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// sample rate
optval = 20;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSampleRate, &optval, sizeof(int));
/// abnormal count
optval = 4;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropAbnormalCheckCount, &optval, sizeof(int));
//////////////////////bool property/////////////////
/// fixed angle resolution
bool b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropFixedResolution, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// rotate 180
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropReversion, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// Counterclockwise
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropInverted, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
b_optvalue = true;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropAutoReconnect, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// one-way communication
b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSingleChannel, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// intensity
b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropIntenstiy, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
/// Motor DTR
b_optvalue = false;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSupportMotorDtrCtrl, &b_optvalue, sizeof(bool));
//////////////////////float property/////////////////
/// unit: °
float f_optvalue = 180.0f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMaxAngle, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
f_optvalue = -180.0f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMinAngle, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
/// unit: m
f_optvalue = 64.f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMaxRange, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
f_optvalue = 0.05f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropMinRange, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
/// unit: Hz
f_optvalue = 10.f;
laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropScanFrequency, &f_optvalue, sizeof(float));
// initialize SDK and LiDAR
bool ret = laser.initialize();
if (ret) {//success
//Start the device scanning routine which runs on a separate thread and enable motor.
ret = laser.turnOn();
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", laser.DescribeError());
// Turn On success and loop
while (ret && ydlidar::os_isOk()) {
LaserScan scan;
if (laser.doProcessSimple(scan)) {
fprintf(stdout, "Scan received[%llu]: %u ranges is [%f]Hz\n",
(unsigned int)scan.points.size(), 1.0 / scan.config.scan_time);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to get Lidar Data\n");
// Stop the device scanning thread and disable motor.
// Uninitialize the SDK and Disconnect the LiDAR.
return 0;
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -std=c++11")
add_definitions(-std=c++11) # Use C++11
#Include directories
FILE(GLOB APP_LIST "${curdir}/*.cpp")
foreach(child ${APP_LIST})
string(REPLACE "${curdir}/" "" app_main ${child})
string(REPLACE ".cpp" "" APP_NAME ${app_main})
- Build: cd build & cmake ../ & make
- Run ydlidar_test or tof_test in terminals:
- ./ydlidar_test
- ./tof_test
- Examine the results: you should see message printing out in terminals.
import os
import ydlidar
import time
if __name__ == "__main__":
laser = ydlidar.CYdLidar();
laser.setlidaropt(ydlidar.LidarPropSerialPort, "/dev/ydlidar");
laser.setlidaropt(ydlidar.LidarPropSerialBaudrate, 230400);
laser.setlidaropt(ydlidar.LidarPropLidarType, ydlidar.TYPE_TRIANGLE);
laser.setlidaropt(ydlidar.LidarPropDeviceType, ydlidar.YDLIDAR_TYPE_SERIAL);
laser.setlidaropt(ydlidar.LidarPropScanFrequency, 10.0);
laser.setlidaropt(ydlidar.LidarPropSampleRate, 9);
laser.setlidaropt(ydlidar.LidarPropSingleChannel, False);
ret = laser.initialize();
if ret:
ret = laser.turnOn();
scan = ydlidar.LaserScan();
while ret and ydlidar.os_isOk() :
r = laser.doProcessSimple(scan);
if r:
print("Scan received[",scan.stamp,"]:",scan.points.size(),"ranges is [",1.0/scan.config.scan_time,"]Hz");
else :
print("Failed to get Lidar Data")
There are two ways to integrate YDLIDAR SDK into your project.
The implementation of the demo mainly includes the following steps.
$git clone
$cd YDLidar-SDK/build
$cmake ../
$sudo make install
- Default generate static library.
- If you want to generate YDLidar-SDK dynamic library, Add the following options when compiling:
$cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ../ && make
############## YDLIDAR SDK START#####################################
#find ydlidar_sdk package
#Include directories
#link library directories
#Link your project to ydlidar_sdk library.
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ${YDLIDAR_SDK_LIBRARIES})
############## YDLIDAR SDK END#####################################
Detailed call Demo, see here
The implementation of the demo mainly includes the following steps.
$cd 'your project'
$git clone
Note: The same can be downloaded and placed in your project directory.
############## YDLIDAR SDK START#####################################
#Include directories
#Add YDLIDAR SDK sub project
#Link your project to ydlidar_sdk library.
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} ydlidar_sdk)
############## YDLIDAR SDK END#####################################
- If you do not want to generate samples in YDLidar-SDK, Add the following options when compiling:
$cmake -DBUILD_EXAMPLES=OFF ../ && make
- If you want to generate YDLidar-SDK dynamic library, Add the following options when compiling:
$cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON ../ && make
- If you want to meet both of the above conditions, the operation is as follows:
Detailed call Demo, see here
For additional information and examples, refer to CYDLidar
* @brief set lidar properties
* @param optname option name
* @todo string properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialPort
* - @ref LidarPropIgnoreArray
* @note set string property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* std::string lidar_port = "/dev/ydlidar";
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,lidar_port.c_str(), lidar_port.size());
* @endcode
* @todo int properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialBaudrate
* - @ref LidarPropLidarType
* - @ref LidarPropDeviceType
* - @ref LidarPropSampleRate
* @note set int property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* int lidar_baudrate = 230400;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_baudrate, sizeof(int));
* @endcode
* @todo bool properties
* - @ref LidarPropFixedResolution
* - @ref LidarPropReversion
* - @ref LidarPropInverted
* - @ref LidarPropAutoReconnect
* - @ref LidarPropSingleChannel
* - @ref LidarPropIntenstiy
* - @ref LidarPropSupportMotorDtrCtrl
* - @ref LidarPropSupportHeartBeat
* @note set bool property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* bool lidar_fixedresolution = true;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_fixedresolution, sizeof(bool));
* @endcode
* @todo float properties
* - @ref LidarPropMaxRange
* - @ref LidarPropMinRange
* - @ref LidarPropMaxAngle
* - @ref LidarPropMinAngle
* - @ref LidarPropScanFrequency
* @note set float property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* float lidar_maxrange = 16.0f;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_maxrange, sizeof(float));
* @endcode
* @param optval option value
* - std::string(or char*)
* - int
* - bool
* - float
* @param optlen option length
* - data type size
* @return true if the Property is set successfully, otherwise false.
* @see LidarProperty
bool setlidaropt(int optname, const void *optval, int optlen);
* @brief get lidar property
* @param optname option name
* @todo string properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialPort
* - @ref LidarPropIgnoreArray
* @note get string property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* char lidar_port[30];
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,lidar_port, sizeof(lidar_port));
* @endcode
* @todo int properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialBaudrate
* - @ref LidarPropLidarType
* - @ref LidarPropDeviceType
* - @ref LidarPropSampleRate
* @note get int property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* int lidar_baudrate;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_baudrate, sizeof(int));
* @endcode
* @todo bool properties
* - @ref LidarPropFixedResolution
* - @ref LidarPropReversion
* - @ref LidarPropInverted
* - @ref LidarPropAutoReconnect
* - @ref LidarPropSingleChannel
* - @ref LidarPropIntenstiy
* - @ref LidarPropSupportMotorDtrCtrl
* - @ref LidarPropSupportHeartBeat
* @note get bool property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* bool lidar_fixedresolution;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_fixedresolution, sizeof(bool));
* @endcode
* @todo float properties
* - @ref LidarPropMaxRange
* - @ref LidarPropMinRange
* - @ref LidarPropMaxAngle
* - @ref LidarPropMinAngle
* - @ref LidarPropScanFrequency
* @note set float property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* float lidar_maxrange;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_maxrange, sizeof(float));
* @endcode
* @param optval option value
* - std::string(or char*)
* - int
* - bool
* - float
* @param optlen option length
* - data type size
* @return true if the Property is get successfully, otherwise false.
* @see LidarProperty
bool getlidaropt(int optname, void *optval, int optlen);
* @brief Initialize the SDK and LiDAR.
* @return true if successfully initialized, otherwise false.
bool initialize();
* @brief Return LiDAR's version information in a numeric form.
* @param version Pointer to a version structure for returning the version information.
void GetLidarVersion(LidarVersion &version);
* @brief Start the device scanning routine which runs on a separate thread and enable motor.
* @return true if successfully started, otherwise false.
bool turnOn();
* @brief Get the LiDAR Scan Data. turnOn is successful before doProcessSimple scan data.
* @param[out] outscan LiDAR Scan Data
* @param[out] hardwareError hardware error status
* @return true if successfully started, otherwise false.
bool doProcessSimple(LaserScan &outscan, bool &hardwareError);
* @brief Stop the device scanning thread and disable motor.
* @return true if successfully Stoped, otherwise false.
bool turnOff();
* @brief Uninitialize the SDK and Disconnect the LiDAR.
void disconnecting();
* @brief Get the last error information of a (socket or serial)
* @return a human-readable description of the given error information
* or the last error information of a (socket or serial)
const char *DescribeError() const;
* @brief create a Lidar instance
* @note call ::lidarDestroy destroy
* @return created instance
YDLidar *lidarCreate(void);
* @brief Destroy Lidar instance by ::lidarCreate create
* @param lidar CYdLidar instance
void lidarDestroy(YDLidar **lidar);
* @brief set lidar properties
* @param lidar a lidar instance
* @param optname option name
* @todo string properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialPort
* - @ref LidarPropIgnoreArray
* @note set string property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* std::string lidar_port = "/dev/ydlidar";
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,lidar_port.c_str(), lidar_port.size());
* @endcode
* @todo int properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialBaudrate
* - @ref LidarPropLidarType
* - @ref LidarPropDeviceType
* - @ref LidarPropSampleRate
* @note set int property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* int lidar_baudrate = 230400;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_baudrate, sizeof(int));
* @endcode
* @todo bool properties
* - @ref LidarPropFixedResolution
* - @ref LidarPropReversion
* - @ref LidarPropInverted
* - @ref LidarPropAutoReconnect
* - @ref LidarPropSingleChannel
* - @ref LidarPropIntenstiy
* - @ref LidarPropSupportMotorDtrCtrl
* - @ref LidarPropSupportHeartBeat
* @note set bool property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* bool lidar_fixedresolution = true;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_fixedresolution, sizeof(bool));
* @endcode
* @todo float properties
* - @ref LidarPropMaxRange
* - @ref LidarPropMinRange
* - @ref LidarPropMaxAngle
* - @ref LidarPropMinAngle
* - @ref LidarPropScanFrequency
* @note set float property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* float lidar_maxrange = 16.0f;
* laser.setlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_maxrange, sizeof(float));
* @endcode
* @param optval option value
* - std::string(or char*)
* - int
* - bool
* - float
* @param optlen option length
* - data type size
* @return true if the Property is set successfully, otherwise false.
* @see LidarProperty
bool setlidaropt(YDLidar *lidar, int optname, const void *optval, int optlen);
* @brief get lidar property
* @param lidar a lidar instance
* @param optname option name
* @todo string properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialPort
* - @ref LidarPropIgnoreArray
* @note get string property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* char lidar_port[30];
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,lidar_port, sizeof(lidar_port));
* @endcode
* @todo int properties
* - @ref LidarPropSerialBaudrate
* - @ref LidarPropLidarType
* - @ref LidarPropDeviceType
* - @ref LidarPropSampleRate
* @note get int property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* int lidar_baudrate;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_baudrate, sizeof(int));
* @endcode
* @todo bool properties
* - @ref LidarPropFixedResolution
* - @ref LidarPropReversion
* - @ref LidarPropInverted
* - @ref LidarPropAutoReconnect
* - @ref LidarPropSingleChannel
* - @ref LidarPropIntenstiy
* - @ref LidarPropSupportMotorDtrCtrl
* - @ref LidarPropSupportHeartBeat
* @note get bool property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* bool lidar_fixedresolution;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_fixedresolution, sizeof(bool));
* @endcode
* @todo float properties
* - @ref LidarPropMaxRange
* - @ref LidarPropMinRange
* - @ref LidarPropMaxAngle
* - @ref LidarPropMinAngle
* - @ref LidarPropScanFrequency
* @note set float property example
* @code
* CYdLidar laser;
* float lidar_maxrange;
* laser.getlidaropt(LidarPropSerialPort,&lidar_maxrange, sizeof(float));
* @endcode
* @param optval option value
* - std::string(or char*)
* - int
* - bool
* - float
* @param optlen option length
* - data type size
* @return true if the Property is get successfully, otherwise false.
* @see LidarProperty
bool getlidaropt(YDLidar *lidar, int optname, void *optval, int optlen);
* Return SDK's version information in a numeric form.
* @param version Pointer to a version for returning the version information.
void GetSdkVersion(char *version);
* Initialize the SDK.
* @return true if successfully initialized, otherwise false.
bool initialize(YDLidar *lidar);
* @brief Return LiDAR's version information in a numeric form.
* @param version Pointer to a version structure for returning the version information.
void GetLidarVersion(YDLidar *lidar, LidarVersion *version);
* Start the device scanning routine which runs on a separate thread.
* @return true if successfully started, otherwise false.
bool turnOn(YDLidar *lidar);
* @brief Get the LiDAR Scan Data. turnOn is successful before doProcessSimple scan data.
* @param[in] lidar LiDAR instance
* @param[out] outscan LiDAR Scan Data
* @return true if successfully started, otherwise false.
bool doProcessSimple(YDLidar *lidar, LaserFan *outscan);
* @brief Stop the device scanning thread and disable motor.
* @return true if successfully Stoped, otherwise false.
bool turnOff(YDLidar *lidar);
* @brief Uninitialize the SDK and Disconnect the LiDAR.
void disconnecting(YDLidar *lidar);
* @brief Get the last error information of a (socket or serial)
* @return a human-readable description of the given error information
* or the last error information of a (socket or serial)
const char *DescribeError(YDLidar *lidar);
* @brief initialize system signals
void os_init();
* @brief isOk
* @return true if successfully initialize, otherwise false.
bool os_isOk();
* @brief os_shutdown
void os_shutdown();
* @brief get lidar serial port
* @param ports serial port lists
* @return valid port number
int lidarPortList(LidarPort *ports);
For additional information and examples, refer to YDlidarDriver
* @brief Connecting Lidar \n
* After the connection if successful, you must use ::disconnect to close
* @param[in] port_path serial port
* @param[in] baudrate serial baudrate,YDLIDAR-SS:
* 230400 G2-SS-1 R2-SS-1
* @return connection status
* @retval 0 success
* @retval < 0 failed
* @note After the connection if successful, you must use ::disconnect to close
* @see function ::YDlidarDriver::disconnect ()
virtual result_t connect(const char *port_path, uint32_t baudrate);
* @brief Returns a human-readable description of the given error code
* or the last error code of a socket or serial port
* @param isTCP TCP or UDP
* @return error information
virtual const char *DescribeError(bool isTCP = true);
* @brief Disconnect the LiDAR.
virtual void disconnect();
* @brief Get SDK Version \n
* static function
* @return Version
virtual std::string getSDKVersion();
* @brief lidarPortList Get Lidar Port lists
* @return online lidars
static std::map<std::string, std::string> lidarPortList();
* @brief Is the Lidar in the scan \n
* @return scanning status
* @retval true scanning
* @retval false non-scanning
virtual bool isscanning() const;
* @brief Is it connected to the lidar \n
* @return connection status
* @retval true connected
* @retval false Non-connected
virtual bool isconnected() const;
* @brief Is there intensity \n
* @param[in] isintensities intentsity
* true intensity
* false no intensity
virtual void setIntensities(const bool &isintensities);
* @brief whether to support hot plug \n
* @param[in] enable hot plug :
* true support
* false no support
virtual void setAutoReconnect(const bool &enable);
* @brief get Health status \n
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
virtual result_t getHealth(device_health &health,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief get Device information \n
* @param[in] info Device information
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
virtual result_t getDeviceInfo(device_info &info,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Turn on scanning \n
* @param[in] force Scan mode
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Just turn it on once
virtual result_t startScan(bool force = false,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ;
* @brief turn off scanning \n
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
virtual result_t stop();
* @brief Get a circle of laser data \n
* @param[in] nodebuffer Laser data
* @param[in] count one circle of laser points
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Before starting, you must start the start the scan successfully with the ::startScan function
virtual result_t grabScanData(node_info *nodebuffer, size_t &count,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ;
* @brief Normalized angle \n
* Normalize the angel between 0 and 360
* @param[in] nodebuffer Laser data
* @param[in] count one circle of laser points
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Before the normalization, you must use the ::grabScanData function to get the laser data successfully.
result_t ascendScanData(node_info *nodebuffer, size_t count);
* @brief reset lidar \n
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
result_t reset(uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief start motor \n
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
result_t startMotor();
* @brief stop motor \n
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
result_t stopMotor();
* @brief Get lidar scan frequency \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t getScanFrequency(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Increase the scanning frequency by 1.0 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setScanFrequencyAdd(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Reduce the scanning frequency by 1.0 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setScanFrequencyDis(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Increase the scanning frequency by 0.1 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setScanFrequencyAddMic(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Reduce the scanning frequency by 0.1 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setScanFrequencyDisMic(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Get lidar sampling frequency \n
* @param[in] frequency sampling frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t getSamplingRate(sampling_rate &rate,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Set the lidar sampling frequency \n
* @param[in] rate sampling frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setSamplingRate(sampling_rate &rate,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief get lidar zero offset angle \n
* @param[in] angle zero offset angle
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t getZeroOffsetAngle(offset_angle &angle,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
For additional information and examples, refer to ETLidarDriver
* @brief Connecting Lidar \n
* After the connection if successful, you must use ::disconnect to close
* @param[in] port_path Ip Address
* @param[in] baudrate network port
* @return connection status
* @retval 0 success
* @retval < 0 failed
* @note After the connection if successful, you must use ::disconnect to close
* @see function ::YDlidarDriver::disconnect ()
virtual result_t connect(const char *port_path, uint32_t baudrate = 8000);
* @brief Returns a human-readable description of the given error code
* or the last error code of a socket
* @param isTCP TCP or UDP
* @return error information
virtual const char *DescribeError(bool isTCP = true);
* @brief Disconnect from ETLidar device.
virtual void disconnect();
* @brief Get SDK Version
* @return version
virtual std::string getSDKVersion();
* @brief Is the Lidar in the scan \n
* @return scanning status
* @retval true scanning
* @retval false non-scanning
virtual bool isscanning() const;
* @brief Is it connected to the lidar \n
* @return connection status
* @retval true connected
* @retval false Non-connected
virtual bool isconnected() const;
* @brief Is there intensity \n
* @param[in] isintensities intentsity
* true intensity
* false no intensity
virtual void setIntensities(const bool &isintensities);
* @brief whether to support hot plug \n
* @param[in] enable hot plug :
* true support
* false no support
virtual void setAutoReconnect(const bool &enable);
* @brief get Health status \n
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
virtual result_t getHealth(device_health &health,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief get Device information \n
* @param[in] info Device information
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
virtual result_t getDeviceInfo(device_info &info,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Turn on scanning \n
* @param[in] force Scan mode
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Just turn it on once
virtual result_t startScan(bool force = false,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ;
* @brief turn off scanning \n
* @return result status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
virtual result_t stop();
* @brief Get a circle of laser data \n
* @param[in] nodebuffer Laser data
* @param[in] count one circle of laser points
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Before starting, you must start the start the scan successfully with the ::startScan function
virtual result_t grabScanData(node_info *nodebuffer, size_t &count,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT) ;
* @brief Get lidar scan frequency \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t getScanFrequency(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Increase the scanning frequency by 1.0 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setScanFrequencyAdd(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Reduce the scanning frequency by 1.0 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setScanFrequencyDis(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Increase the scanning frequency by 0.1 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setScanFrequencyAddMic(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Reduce the scanning frequency by 0.1 HZ \n
* @param[in] frequency scanning frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setScanFrequencyDisMic(scan_frequency &frequency,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Get lidar sampling frequency \n
* @param[in] frequency sampling frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t getSamplingRate(sampling_rate &rate,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Set the lidar sampling frequency \n
* @param[in] rate sampling frequency
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t setSamplingRate(sampling_rate &rate,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief get lidar zero offset angle \n
* @param[in] angle zero offset angle
* @param[in] timeout timeout
* @return return status
* @retval RESULT_OK success
* @retval RESULT_FAILE failed
* @note Non-scan state, perform currect operation.
virtual result_t getZeroOffsetAngle(offset_angle &angle,
uint32_t timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
* @brief Get current scan configuration.
* @returns scanCfg structure.
bool getScanCfg(lidarConfig &config, const std::string &ip_address = "");
* @brief Get current scan update configuration.
* @returns scanCfg structure.
lidarConfig getFinishedScanCfg();
* @brief updateScanCfg
* @param config
void updateScanCfg(const lidarConfig &config);
The Table that the user uses to perform parameter related operations:
- Set the parameter related API by table.
For additional information and examples, refer to Parameter
LIDAR | Model | Baudrate | SampleRate(K) | Range(m) | Frequency(HZ) | Intenstiy(bit) | SingleChannel | voltage(V) |
F4 | 1 | 115200 | 4 | 0.12~12 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
S4 | 4 | 115200 | 4 | 0.10~8.0 | 5~12 (PWM) | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
S4B | 4/11 | 153600 | 4 | 0.10~8.0 | 5~12(PWM) | true(8) | false | 4.8~5.2 |
S2 | 4/12 | 115200 | 3 | 0.10~8.0 | 4~8(PWM) | false | true | 4.8~5.2 |
G4 | 5 | 230400 | 9/8/4 | 0.28/0.26/0.1~16 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
X4 | 6 | 128000 | 5 | 0.12~10 | 5~12(PWM) | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
X2/X2L | 6 | 115200 | 3 | 0.10~8.0 | 4~8(PWM) | false | true | 4.8~5.2 |
G4PRO | 7 | 230400 | 9/8/4 | 0.28/0.26/0.1~16 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
F4PRO | 8 | 230400 | 4/6 | 0.12~12 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
R2 | 9 | 230400 | 5 | 0.12~16 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
G6 | 13 | 512000 | 18/16/8 | 0.28/0.26/0.1~25 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
G2A | 14 | 230400 | 5 | 0.12~12 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
G2 | 15 | 230400 | 5 | 0.28~16 | 5~12 | true(8) | false | 4.8~5.2 |
G2C | 16 | 115200 | 4 | 0.1~12 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
G4B | 17 | 512000 | 10 | 0.12~16 | 5~12 | true(10) | false | 4.8~5.2 |
G4C | 18 | 115200 | 4 | 0.1~12 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
G1 | 19 | 230400 | 9 | 0.28~16 | 5~12 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
TX8 | 100 | 115200 | 4 | 0.1~8 | 4~8(PWM) | false | true | 4.8~5.2 |
TX20 | 100 | 115200 | 4 | 0.1~20 | 4~8(PWM) | false | true | 4.8~5.2 |
TG15 | 100 | 512000 | 20/18/10 | 0.05~30 | 3~16 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
TG30 | 101 | 512000 | 20/18/10 | 0.05~30 | 3~16 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
TG50 | 102 | 512000 | 20/18/10 | 0.05~50 | 3~16 | false | false | 4.8~5.2 |
T15 | 200 | 8000 | 20 | 0.05~15 | 10-35 | true | false | 4.8~5.2 |
T30 | 200 | 8000 | 20 | 0.05~30 | 10-35 | true | false | 4.8~5.2 |
LiDAR | SerialBaudrate |
F4/S2/X2/X2L/S4/TX8/TX20/G4C | 115200 |
X4 | 128000 |
S4B | 153600 |
G1/G2/R2/G4/G4PRO/F4PRO | 230400 |
G2A/G2C | 230400 |
G6/G4B/TG15/TG30/TG50 | 512000 |
T5/T15(network) | 8000 |
LiDAR | SampleRate |
G4/F4 | 4,8,9 |
F4PRO | 4,6 |
G6 | 8,16,18 |
G4B | 10 |
G1 | 9 |
G2A/G2/R2/X4 | 5 |
S4/S4B/G4C/TX8/TX20 | 4 |
G2C | 4 |
S2 | 3 |
TG15/TG30/TG50 | 10,18,20 |
T5/T15 | 20 |
LiDAR | ScanFrequency |
S2/X2/X2L/TX8/TX20 | 4~8(PWM) |
F4/F4PRO/G4/G4PRO/R2 | 5~12 |
G6/G2A/G2/G2C/G4B/G4C/G1 | 5~12 |
S4/S4B/X4 | 5~12(PWM) |
TG15/TG30/TG50 | 3~16 |
T5/T15 | 5~40 |
LiDAR | SingleChannel |
G1/G2/G2A/G2C | false |
G4/G4B/G4PRO/G6/F4/F4PRO | false |
S4/S4B/X4/R2/G4C | false |
S2/X2/X2L | true |
TG15/TG30/TG50 | false |
TX8/TX20 | true |
T5/T15 | false |
true |
LiDAR | LidarType |
TG15/TG30/TG50/TX8/TX20 | TYPE_TOF |
LiDAR | Intensity |
S4B/G2/G4B | true |
G4/G4C/G4PRO/F4/F4PRO/G6 | false |
G1/G2A/G2C/R2 | false |
S2/X2/X2L/X4 | false |
TG15/TG30/TG50 | false |
TX8/TX20 | false |
T5/T15 | true |
false |
S4/S4B/S2/X2/X2L/X4 | SupportMotorDtrCtrl |
S4/S4B/S2/X2/X2L/X4 | true |
TX8/TX20 | true |
G4/G4C/G4PRO/F4/F4PRO/G6 | false |
G1/G2A/G2C/R2/G2/G4B | false |
TG15/TG30/TG50 | false |
T5/T15 | false |