Unified Framework to Classify Business Activities into International Standard Industrial Classification through Large Language Models for Circular Economy
by Xiang Li , Lan Zhao, Junhao Ren, Yajuan Sun, Chuan Fu Tan, Zhiquan Yeo, Gaoxi Xiao https://arxiv.org/pdf/2409.18988
- Abstract
- Effective information gathering essential for circular economy recommendation systems
- Lack of standardized framework to represent diverse economic activities hinders construction of centralized knowledge repository
- Create a centralized knowledge repository cataloguing waste-to-resource transactions
- Use LLMs to classify textual data describing economic activities into ISIC system (globally recognized economic activity classification)
- Categorize any global business activity descriptions into unified ISIC standard
- Significant barrier to constructing a centralized knowledge repository due to absence of standardized framework for representing disparate geographical regions' economic activities
Proposed Solution:
- Utilize LLMs, such as GPT-2, for multi-class classification task
- Train the model on large datasets of textual data describing various economic activities and their corresponding ISIC codes
- Standardized foundation for knowledge codification and recommendation systems
- Facilitates creation of a centralized knowledge repository
- Enables cross-regional implementation of circular economy practices
- Achieves high accuracy rate (95% on test dataset with 182 labels)
- Contributes to global efforts in fostering sustainable circular economy practices.
- Waste recycling and reusing: promising practices for Circular Economy (CE)
- Industrial Symbiosis (IS): reusing waste or by-products between companies
- Engages industries in collective approach, reducing waste and need for virgin materials
- Potential solution to resource scarcity and environmental degradation
- Existing IS parks showcase benefits and adaptability to different contexts
- Lack of a universally standardized framework for economic activity classification
- Countries use different industrial classification systems (e.g., SSIC, NACE)
- Hinders broader adoption of IS and limits opportunities for cross-border collaboration
- Leverage Large Language Models (LLMs) to classify textual data into the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) framework
Rationale for ISIC:
- Globally recognized, transparent, and inclusive categorization for economic activities
- Facilitates collection and presentation of statistics for economic scrutiny, decision-making, and policy formulation
- Adopted by a significant number of nations and used in various statistical domains (e.g., national accounts, enterprise demographics, employment)
- Incorporated in functional areas like fiscal assessments and business accreditation processes
- Extensive adoption facilitates comparison of economic activity data on a global scale
- Use LLMs for ISIC classification: two-stage framework
- Identify most suitable model from various candidates by comparing their performance in a simpler task (pre-trained states)
- Adapt and fine-tune the selected model with an additional trainable classification layer for ISIC code prediction
- Studying a novel problem of predicting ISIC codes to enable waste-to-resource matching across regions
- Fine-tuning an LLM with an additional classification layer to predict ISIC codes
- Demonstrating the effectiveness of fine-tuned model through extensive experiments on real-world datasets.
Benefits of Creating a Centralized Knowledge Repository for Universal Waste-to-Resource Matching
Waste-to-Resource Matching:
- Industrial symbiosis is a promising approach to achieve circular economy by reusing wastes or by-products from one company as a resource for another
- Through waste-to-resource exchange, the need for virgin resources and the production of waste could be reduced, leading to both economic and environmental benefits
Importance of a Database:
- A database comprising successful historical waste-to-resource matches is beneficial
- These databases, such as MAESTRI and ISDATA, contain information about:
- Industrial sectors (ISIC / SSIC / NACE) of waste providing and receiving companies
- Details of the wastes exchanged
- Unifying these historical cases helps analyze various aspects of industrial symbiosis, including influences, emerging mechanisms, and driving factors
- Provides valuable insights for identifying new potential waste-to-resource matches
- Regional differences in industrial classification standards (e.g., SSIC vs. NACE) require manual conversion among different codes
- Integrating data into a unified database structure is labor-intensive and time-consuming
- Companies must classify their economic activities into the same standard as used in the database
ISIC Classification Framework:
- The ISIC framework is methodically arranged in a hierarchical manner spanning four levels: Sections, Divisions, Groups, and Classes
- The goal is to classify any activity description into the finest ISIC code, i.e., the 4-digit ISIC code
Use of LLMs for Domain-Specific Text Processing:
- Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT and BERT, represent a significant advancement in Natural Language Processing (NLP)
- Directly exploiting or fine-tuning pre-trained models have become a new paradigm for various domain-specific applications
- Examples include customizing LLMs' tokenizer with equipment data and technical documents to recognize domain-specific terminologies, using BERT as a classification module, and fine-tuning DistiIlBERT model with domain-specified data
- In this paper, the authors propose to fine-tune an LLM with domain-specific data to enable it to capture subtle differences in various activity descriptions and adapt it to ISIC classification
Methodology Framework for LLMs Deployment in ISIC Code Classification
- Data Collection:
- Utilizes information from EcoInvent database on activity names and their corresponding ISIC classifications
- Reduces number of categories from 182 to 48 by using only the first two digits of ISIC codes for model selection phase
- LLMs Deployment:
- Two-phase framework:
- Phase 1 (Model Selection):
- Utilizes a spectrum of advanced language models and performs cosine similarity-based classification of 48 ISIC categories
- Selects the best performing model for further fine-tuning in Phase 2
- Phase 2 (Model Fine-Tuning):
- Freezes the selected pre-trained model and adds a new trainable classification layer on top
- Fine-tunes the model using the original dataset with all 182 categories to improve performance
- Phase 1 (Model Selection):
- Two-phase framework:
- Evaluation Method:
- Calculates standard metrics like True Positive, True Negative, False Positive, and False Negative for each class
- Computes overall accuracy by dividing total number of correct predictions by all predictions
- Applies weighted macro-averaging to account for label imbalance in the context of ISIC classification's 182 categories.
Experiment and Discussion
Model Selection:
- Table 2 shows performance of various candidate models: multi-qa-mpnet-base-cos-v1 (18.20% accuracy), all-mpnet-base-v2 (7.58%), paraphrase-MiniLM-L6-v2 (21.23%), paraphrase-albert-small-v2 (17.79%), RoBERTa (11.35%), and GPT-2 (27.60%)
- Suboptimal performance can be attributed to:
- Models not being fine-tuned on the ISIC dataset or nuances of economic activity descriptions
- Relying solely on semantic similarities in a nuanced domain like economic activities
- GPT-2 identified as the most promising model for fine-tuning
Model Fine-tuning:
- Focus shifts towards fine-tuning the GPT-2 model using a new classification layer
- Implemented Cross Entropy Loss and used the Adam optimizer with a learning rate of 0.001, trained for 30 epochs
- Model converged at the end of training as shown in Figure 2
- Post-refinement, model showed remarkable improvement:
- Notable accuracy (95.28%) on test set
- High precision (95.37%), recall (95.28%), and F1-score (95.27%)
- Fine-tuned GPT-2 model can classify economic activity descriptions into the ISIC framework with high accuracy, enabling automatic classification and waste-to-resource matching globally
- Research explored novel problem: predicting ISIC (International Standard Industrial Classification) codes for economic activities
- Fine-tuned LLMs used to solve unique task through additional classification layer
- Extensive experiments conducted using real-world datasets, revealing practical applicability and effectiveness in predicting ISIC codes with high accuracy and reliability
- Outcomes indicate significant advancement in field, contributing to improved economic data analysis and classification practices.