- Growing availability of bilingual, machine-readable texts has stimulated interest in extracting linguistically valuable information from such texts.
- Recent papers deal with the problem of automatically obtaining aligned sentence pairs from parallel corpora (e.g., Warwick and Russell 1990; Brown, Lai, and Mercer 1991; Gale and Church 1991b; Kay 1991).
- Simple statistical methods can be surprisingly successful in achieving linguistically interesting goals.
Word Alignment of Sentence Pairs:
- The authors propose a statistical approach to machine translation from French to English (Brown et al., 1988, 1990).
- They sketch an algorithm for estimating the probability that an English word will be translated into any particular French word.
- These probabilities can then be used together with a statistical model of the translation process to align words in an English sentence with those in its French translation.
- Pairs of sentences with aligned words offer a valuable resource for work in bilingual lexicography and machine translation.
Approach Outline:
- Section 2: A synopsis of the statistical approach to machine translation, following word alignment of pairs of sentences.
- Section 4: Description of a series of models of the translation process, along with algorithms for estimating their parameters from data.
- Section 5: Presentation of results obtained by estimating the parameters for these models from a large collection of aligned sentence pairs from the Canadian Hansard data (Brown, Lai, and Mercer 1991).
- Section 6: Discussion of shortcomings of the models and proposals to address them.
- Final Section: Discussion of the significance of the work and possibilities for extending it to other language pairs.
Statistical Translation Approach
- In 1949, Warren Weaver proposed using statistical methods for machine translation (Weaver 1955)
- Early efforts abandoned due to philosophical and theoretical reasons
- With modern computing power, statistical approach is viable
Fundamental Equation of Machine Translation
- Assign probability Pr(f|e) to every pair of strings: English (e), French (f)
- Probability represents translator's likelihood of producing a specific translation
- Objective: Find English string e with highest probability Pr(e|f) = argmax Pr(e) Pr(f|e)
Challenges in Statistical Translation
- Language Modeling Problem: Estimating Pr(e)
- Translation Modeling Problem: Estimating Pr(f|e)
- Search Problem: Finding optimal English string
Importance of Well-Formed Strings
- Distinguish well-formed from ill-formed strings
- Important for translation model to focus probability on well-formed English strings
- Reversing models would not achieve this as they are prodigal with probability, especially on ill-formed strings.
- Translation vs Alignment: translation - strings that are translations of one another (enclosed in parentheses), alignment shows connection between words in different languages
- Graphic representation using lines or connections between related words
- One English word can connect to multiple French words, forming more complex alignments
- Each alignment is correct with some probability, less probable than the most straightforward one
- Set of English words connected to a French word called "cept" generating that French word in an alignment.
- Empty cept may be included if no English words are connected to certain French ones (e.g., articles or conjunctions)
- Formal definition: subset of positions in the English string and their corresponding words
- Denoted as A(e,f), where e is an English passage and f is its French translation
- Number of alignments depends on length of both strings, with 2lm possible connections between them.
Translation Models: Overview and Likelihood Computation
Model Development:
- Series of five translation models with algorithms for computing conditional probability Pr(f|e), or likelihood of a translation (f,e)
- Prescription for computing Pr(f|e) as a function of free parameters to be estimated through training process called EM algorithm
- Models progressively more complex: Models 3, 4, and 5 include connections between words based on their identities and positions in strings
- Estimate parameters by iteratively approaching local maximum of likelihood of a set of translations (training data) using EM algorithm
- Initial guess for parameters can influence the approach to the maximum if there are multiple local maxima
- Models 1 and 2 have unique local maximums, allowing explicit computation of sums over alignments and derivation of parameter estimates without dependence on initial estimates.
Mathematical Object:
- Joint probability distribution Pr(F = f, A = a, E = e) where F and E are French and English strings respectively, and A is an alignment between them.
- Likelihood of (f | e) = Σ_a Pr(f, a | e)
- No more than one connection per word in the English string or it is empty
- If the word in position j of the French string is connected to the word in position i of the English string: aj = i; otherwise aj = 0.
Alignment Representation:
- Represented by a series, a = a1 a2 ... am, of m values, each between 0 and 1 where ai represents the position in the French string connected to the word at position i in the English string.
Probability Distribution:
- Pr(f,ale) = Pr(m|e) ∏j=1m Pr(aj|a1,...,aj-1,fj-1,m,e)
- Equation (4) is not an approximation; it can always be analyzed into a product of terms representing choices made when generating a French string and its alignment from an English one.
Model 1 Assumptions:
- Conditional probabilities not all independent: Pr(m|e) assumed to be constant and unnormalized (minor issue)
- Translation probabilities depend only on fj, aj, and m
- Assume small, fixed number for € = Pr(m|e)
- t(fj|aj) is the translation probability of fj given aj
Joint Likelihood:
- Given a French string and an alignment: Pr(f, ale) = (1 + 1)m ∏j=1m t(f|ej)
- Alignment determined by specifying values for aj
Maximizing Translation Probabilities:
- Introduce Lagrange multipliers λe to find unconstrained extremum of h(t, λ)
- Extremum occurs when partial derivatives with respect to t and λ are zero
- Equation (10) suggests an iterative process called the EM algorithm for finding a solution
Expected Number of Connections:
- c(f|e; f, e) = expected number of times e connects to f in translation
- Replace Ae by Ae Pr(fle) and use Equation (13) instead of Equation (11) for practical implementation
- In practice, calculate counts efficiently using Equation (15) instead of Equation (12)
Model 1 vs Model 2
Model 1:
- No consideration of word order within strings
- First word in French string equally likely connected to any English word
Model 2:
- Same assumptions as Model 1, but with additional assumptions:
- Alignment probabilities: a(a_j | j, m, I) = Pr(a_j | a_{j-1}, f_{i-1}, m, I)
- Constrained to sum up to 1 for each triple (j, m, l)
- Equation (6) becomes: Pr(f | e) = ∑ t(f | e) a(a_j | j, m, I)
- Alignment probabilities: a(a_j | j, m, I) = Pr(a_j | a_{j-1}, f_{i-1}, m, I)
New Terms:
- Alignment probabilities: a(a_j | j, m, I) = Pr(a_j | a_{j-1}, f_{i-1}, m, I)
- c(ilj, m, l; f, e): expected number of connections between words in positions i and j of strings f and e
- Equations (12), (13), and (14) carry over from Model 1 to Model 2 unchanged
- New equation: Pr(f | e) = ∑j=1l ∑i=0t(f|e) a(ilj, m, 4)
- Equation (27): c(f|e; f, e) = ∑m t(f|e) a(ilj, m, 1) + ∑l t(f|e) a(ilj, m, 4)
Transitioning from Model 1 to Model 2:
- Equivalent to computing probabilities of all alignments as if dealing with Model 1
- Then collecting counts in a way appropriate to Model 2
Intermodel Interlude
- Equation (4) is one way to write joint likelihood of f and a as product of conditional probabilities
- Each such product corresponds to a generative process for developing f and a from e
- In Model 1:
- Decide length of f, then connect position in e to each part of f
- Determines distribution Pr(d0) for random variable Ce (fertility of e)
- In Models 3, 4, and 5:
- Write joint likelihood as product of conditional probabilities differently
- Choose fertility and list of French words to connect to each English word (tablet)
- Permute tablets to produce f
- Random variables: T (tableau), π (permutation), lik (position in f)
- Joint likelihood for tableau, permutation:
|Pr(v, π | e)|Pr(oi | oi-1, e)|Pr(po | oi, e)| |---|---|---| |∏ Pr(¢i | ¢i-1, e)|∏ Pr(Tik | vi-1, πi-1, T0, e)|∏ Pr(T0 | v0, π0, T0, e)|∏ Pr(Tk | v0, π0, T0, e)|
- Pr(f, a | e) = ∑(T, π) Pr(v, T | e)
- Viterbi alignment for (f,a):
- Most probable alignment among those leading to pair f,a
- Not necessarily unique; denote set by (f,a)
- For Model 2, finding Vi(fe) is straightforward through choosing Qj to maximize product of t and a
- Viterbi alignment depends on model, denoted as Vi(fe; i), where i is the model number.
Model 3
- Pr(oiloi-1,e) depends only on Di and e/
- Pr(Tixtvlf-1, Tixlvf -1, m, e) depends only on Ti, ei
- Pr(¢i[¢~-1, e) depends only on ¢i and ei
- Pr(Tixlvf-1, 7i-1, 0.8,e) depends only on Ti, i, m, and /
- Fertility probabilities: n(ole) = Pr(¢[ e/)
- Translation probabilities: t(fle) = Pr(Tik = fjvik-1 7i-1, percent,1~e)
- Distortion probabilities: d(jli, m,4) = Pr(Ilik = j[w/k-l, Tij -1, TOij 66,46,e)
Distortion Probability for the Empty Cept:
- Contribution is 1/(40 - k), where k is the number of words in the string
- Expects words to be spread uniformly throughout the French string
Length Dependence:
- Pr(p0lo5,e) depends on the length of the French string
- Longer strings should have more extraneous words
Likelihood Calculation:
- h(t,d,n,p,A,/,V, €) = Pr(fle) - Pr(fle) EA(gI(le) - 1) - rin(Edlli,, m,l)- 1)Ae(
/t(fle - 1)-.d(/li,) m,4) - 1) ve(En(ole) - 1) - E(po + pl - 1).i-#im,( - The function h is used to find the constrained minimum likelihood of a translation with Model 3
- c(fle; f,e) = E Pr(ale,f) C 6(f,f)6(e, e),m
- c(fle;f,e) =
a Pr(ale,f)y. 6(S,:)6(e, percent),j=1 j=l - c(jli,m,1;f,e) = E Pr(ale,f)6(i,0;) ,
- cqli,m, I;f,e) = y~ Pr(ale,f)6(i,aj),
- c(ole; f,e) = C Pr(ale,f) i=1 6(0,01)6(e, e),l
- c(¢ Ie; f, e) = E Pr(ale,f) ~ 6(¢, ¢i)6(e, ei),
- c(0;f,e) = c(O; f, e) =
[Pr(ale , f)(m - 2¢0)EPr(ale,f)(m 200) - c(1;f,e) = E Pr(ale,f)po,
- c(1; f, e) = ~a Pr(ale, f)¢0.
Reestimation Formulae:
- t(fle) = Ael t(fle) = A2 a ~_,
- d(jli, m,1) = Kinl ~ S dO[i, m, l) ~- # i m l--1 s=]
- n(ole) = vel s=1 c(¢1 e; f(s), e(S)),S c(ole; f() , e6)
- n(¢ Ie) = u [ I ~ 5=1 andand pk = &-1 S=1 c(k; f(s)e(511. Pk = ~-1 ~ (42)(42)
Model 3 Deficiency
- Problem with parameterization of distortion probabilities: sum over all pairs does not equal unity due to assumption that Pr(I|k z ][T|Fi1 ~ 7o , 06,e) depends only on j,i, m, and l for i > 0
- Model wastes probability on generalized strings with some positions having several words and others having none (deficiency)
- Alleviates problem of phrases moving around as units in Model 3
- Modifies treatment of Pr(Ilik) to account for the tendency of phrases to move around as units
- Resolves English string into set of possibly overlapping cepts
- Each cept accounts for one or more French words
- One-word cepts have natural order corresponding to position in English string
- CENTER @i: ceiling of average value of positions of words from its tablet
- HEAD: word in its tablet with smallest position in the French string
- DISPLACEMENT FOR HEAD OF CEPT i: either positive or negative
- Expect d1(-1|A(e), B(f)) to be larger than d1(+1|A(e), B(f)) when e is an adjective and f is a noun
- Subsequent Words of CEPT i: require that they be placed in order, not necessarily consecutively
- Only one arrangement of T[i] is possible due to the requirement for subsequent words to lie to the right of previous ones
Evaluating Adjusted Likelihood with Model 4
- Complicated by changing centers and contributions of several words when moving a French word between cepts
- Define b(a) and bi analogously to Pr(a|e,f;n) for n=3 and n=4 using Model 3 and Model 4 respectively
- Evaluate adjusted likelihood incrementally
Model 5+
Deficiencies of Models 3 and 4:
- In Model 4: Words can lie on top of one another, and words can be placed before the first or beyond the last position in the French string.
- In Model 5: We remove these deficiencies for one-word cepts by placing words correctly after T[i]-1 and T[i]k-1 are placed.
Model 5 Parameters:
- Retains two sets of distortion parameters, as in Model 4, referred to as d1 and d>1.
- Enforces the constraint that T[i]k be placed in one of the remaining vacancies after T[i]-1 and T[i]k-1 are placed.
Distortion Parameters:
- For [i] > 0, the probability:
- Pr(T[i]j = *1"1|lnji-1,78,08,e) -- d1 (v;1B(f), voi-1' Vm ;1~[i]-1 ~1 ¢/, e).
- v is the number of vacancies up to and including position j before T[i]k is placed.
- The remaining probability depends on Vm, the number of vacancies remaining in the French string, as well as P1, f, and e.
- Pr(T[i]j = *1"1|lnji-1,78,08,e) -- d1 (v;1B(f), voi-1' Vm ;1~[i]-1 ~1 ¢/, e).
- For [i] > 0 and k > 1, the probability:
- Pr(Tlplk = jltiijlTr[i]
-i ' Tjl-1,78,08,e)k-1 71"1[i]-1'7"6,zb~,e) = d21(;j - vt,lk_ll3(fj),vm - vt,lk_, - ~b[i]+k)(1 - 8(vj, vj_l)).- The remaining probability depends on the final factor enforcing that TiiJk lands in a vacant position.
- Pr(Tlplk = jltiijlTr[i]
Model 5 Evaluation:
- No incremental evaluation of likelihood is possible due to recomputation requirements.
- Alignments for Model 5 are included in expectation computation, with some trims based on probability thresholds.
Role of Models 2, 3, and 4:
- They serve as "weaker but more agile brethren" led by Model 5 in the alignment battle.
- Their parameters are adjusted during EM algorithm iterations using Model 5 probabilities.
Model Training Results
Training Data:
- Large collection of training data used to estimate model parameters
- Extracted from parallel corpora of French and English sentences
- Selected only those sentences with less than 30 words in length
Vocabulary Selection:
- Chose vocabulary by selecting words that appear at least twice in their respective languages
- Replaced rare or unknown words with "unknown" placeholders
EM Algorithm Iterations:
- Performed 12 iterations of the EM algorithm to refine the model
- Initially set all translation probabilities to 1/58,016 (equal probability for each word in the other language)
- Retained only probabilities that surpassed a threshold after each iteration
Model Comparison:
- Models with unspecified Pr(mle) assumed Poisson distribution for French string length
- Model 3 had significantly different alignment patterns compared to Models 1 and 2
Viterbi Alignments:
- Changed as iterations progressed, becoming more dominant and accurate
- Example sentences showed improvements in connecting words between languages with each iteration
Progress of Alignments with Iteration
Pseudographic Improprieties:
- Analyzed des into its constituents: de and les
- Committed orthographic French improprieties to regularize the text
Translation Probabilities and Fertilities
- Shown for a selection of English words
- Only probabilities greater than 0.01 are shown
- Some words have multiple translations, leading to large fertility and spread of translation probabilities over various words
French Language Complexity:
- French allows saying the same thing in many ways
- Examples: should rarely has a fertility greater than one but still produces many different words, including devrait, devraient, devrions, doit, doivent, devons, and devrais
Adjectives Behave Better:
- national almost never produces more than one word and confines itself to nationale, national, nationaux, and nationales (feminine, masculine, masculine plural, feminine plural) of the corresponding French adjective
Articles in Translation:
- The indefinite article "the" has a fertility of 1 but sometimes generates different translations depending on which language prefers an article
- Examples: farmers have about 14% of their translation probabilities with no article, while English tends to prefer articles where French does not; conversely, some French words (e.g., "farmers") may require the inclusion of an article in the English translation
Alignment Analysis
- Figures 16, 17, and 18 show automatically derived alignments for three translations, demonstrating that they are inherent in the Canadian Hansard data itself
- The algorithms used discovered these alignments from 1,778,620 translations without any explicit linguistic knowledge
- These alignments show the intricacies of translation and how even common words can have multiple translations with varying fertilities.
- Models 1-5 effective for word-by-word translation alignments
- Goal is to achieve better overall translation
- Figures 16, 17, 18 show best alignments from large sets
- Examples of English-French translations provided
- Discusses secretary of state and minister translations
- Mentions starred questions in parliamentary context
- References "Mathematics of Statistical Machine Translation"
- Includes dialogue between Speaker/Orateur
- Alignment examples range from 10^25 to 10^31 possibilities
- Text contains mixed languages and formatting issues
The Truth about Deficiency
Problems with Ignoring Morphological Structure:
- Dilutes strength of statistical model
- Explains each form of French verb independently
Problems with Ignoring Multi-word Concepts:
- Forces false or unsatisfactory account in translations
- Leads to deficient models, either in fact (Models 3 and 4) or in spirit (Models 1, 2, and 5)
Consequences of Deficiency:
- Probability of failure is not zero: Pr(failure|e) > 0
- Remainder of probability is concentrated on the event "failure"
- w(e) + i(e) < 1, where w(e) = sum of Pr(f|e) over well-formed French strings and i(e) = sum over ill-formed French strings
- This can lead to improperly favoring short English strings when finding e given f
Potential Solutions:
- Replace Pr(f|e) with c' Pr(f|e) for some empirically chosen constant c, but this is only a temporary relief
- Better modeling is the true cure
- Evaluating expectations becomes increasingly difficult as models progress from 1 to 5
- Converges when reestimating parameters to make current Viterbi alignments as probable as possible
- Reinterpreted to find most probable alignment among those found, rather than actual one
- In Models 1-5, restricted to single-word concepts
- Extending generative process to encompass multi-word concepts
- Need to be discriminating in choosing potential multi-word cepts
- Inspection of Viterbi alignments can reveal translations for given multi-word sequences that differ substantially from compositional ones.
French Verb Forms and Morphology:
- Each distinct sequence of letters is treated as a word in English, with no kinship between forms of irregular verbs (e.g., to eat vs. manger)
- French verbs have many forms: 41 for irregular verb "devoir" and only 39 for regular verb "manger"
- Only a fraction of these forms appear in the training data (13 out of 39 for manger, 28 out of 39 for parler)
- Rare forms can lead to confusion due to lack of relationship with common forms
Intended Solution:
- Use inflectional analysis to make relationships between different forms of a word more evident
- Analyze verbs (e.g., je mange la pêche) into root and suffixes indicating tense or person
- This should reduce the French vocabulary by about 50% and English vocabulary by about 20%, improving model statistics.
Bilingual Corpus and Model Analysis:
- Large bilingual corpus discussed by Brown et al. (1988) for extracting lexical correlations
- Automatic extraction of correlations using EM algorithm's first iteration (Model 1)
- Unsatisfactory results, suggested removing established correlations and reprocessing
- Proper way to proceed: carry out more iterations of the EM algorithm for Model 1
- Brown et al. (1990): similar model as Model 3 but unaware of logarithm's unique local maximum or summing over alignments
- Gale and Church (1991a) describe an algorithm like Brown et al. (1988), focusing on simultaneous appearance of words in pairs of sentences
- Correlations between English and French words are pronounced, some speak loudly while others whisper
- Models provide accounts of word-by-word alignment for French and English strings
- Intended to translate French into English but believe the same applies to other languages with sufficient translation rate.